7.4.2. Monitoring and Reporting Responsibilities The environmental performance, of the project shall be regularly monitored, documented and reported. In the case of instrumental monitoring data, the original records of the results of the required instrumental environmental monitoring (air, water and soil quality) shall also be presented in a separate file for records.
For those sub-projects which required the preparation of ESMPs, it is recommended that sub-borrowers, with the assistance of the environmental and social specialists of SES Regional Offices (RO), develop a checklist for site inspections bothe before and during the implementation of subprojects. The checklist shall contain a list of mitigation measures to be implemented at construction sites, the status of their implementation and some explanations on the status of implementation, as required. On monthly basis the the beneficiaries will present short reports on ESMPs implementation to the SES ROs, and ROs report to the PIU one quarterly basis. The list of measures that are checked by the RO environmental and social specialists when visiting the site shall correspond to the measures specified in respective subproject-specific ESMPs. Based on the reports received from ROs, the PIU will prepare semi-annual report on ESMF and ESMPs implementation which shall be an integral part of the progress reports to be submitted to the WB. Such semi-annual reports shall
Provide information on key environmental and social aspects 51of the project activities, especially regarding environmental impacts and the effectiveness of mitigation measures.
Monitoring sections of subproject-specific ESMP will reflect:
details of monitoring methodology, including parameters to be measured, methods used, sampling locations, frequency of measurements; and
monitoring and reporting procedures: to (i) ensure early identification of conditions requiring mitigation measures; and (ii) provide information on the progress and results of mitigation.
If social monitoring identifies any impact on land, productive assets, illegal users, people's livelihood, assess to the assets etc. the subproject physical works should be suspended and the PIU needs to be informed immediately.
If any issues identified by the environmental and social monitoring, the CAP shall be developed. The CAP should contain information on a subproject, status of physical works, impact types, and the assessment of environmental and social impacts observed, and, proposed mitigation measures (if needed in addition to those specified by respective ESMPs). CAP should be prepared by the subproject beneficiary and approved by the PIU.