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Put Off the Urge to Lie

The apostle begins with what is probably the most universal temptation in human experience: the temptation to lie. Or, as we sometimes say, the temptation to “shade the truth.” Or “exaggerate.” Or “fib.” Or “mis-speak.” We have all kinds of euphemisms for this most common of human activities, don’t we? But even a euphemism is ultimately a lie, an attempt to mask an ugly truth we do not wish to face. Paul writes in Ephesians 4:25, “Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body.”

Now why does Paul start with the issue of lying? Because this is the most far-reaching and widespread characteristic of the old life. He has already told us that the old life is characterized by deceitful urges. These urges within us deceive us, and that in turn makes it easy for us to turn right around and deceive others. Lying is the most basic characteristic of the old self, because it traces directly back to the devil. Jesus said, “…the devil…was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44).

Did you go to school to learn how to lie? Of course not. You came by it quite naturally. We learned even as little children that while a lie is an abomination to the Lord, it is a very present help in time of trouble! At least that was our philosophy.

But now as Christians we are to put off the old self, with its basic urge to lie. We are to put off lies and put on truth. I am not suggesting that every worldling invariably lies and all Christians invariably tell the truth. It is quite possible for worldlings to tell the truth. But the motivation for telling the truth is different between Christians and non-Christians. The old self generally tells the truth to avoid getting caught or tripped up—in other words, to avoid trouble and consequences.

But Christians are on a different basis. We are to stop lying, not to avoid trouble, but because lies are part of the old life which has been totally judged and crucified upon the cross. We have made a decision to speak the truth because the life of lying and cover-ups must be completely put off in order for our lives to be flooded by the Spirit of Truth.

So Paul says, “each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor” (Ephesians 4:25). That is how we put on Christ. You see how practical that is? If you reject lying, and make a conscious, deliberate commitment to speak the truth—even if it hurts you—then you are living the new life and walking in the Spirit. This is not a mystical concept, but practical truth for living.

Paul goes on to explain the reason for putting away lies and putting on the truth: because “we are all members of one body” (Ephesians 4:25). In the body of Christ, as members of Christ’s life, we do not live only to ourselves. When we lie to one another, we hurt each other, and we wound the body of Christ. This is true even if we lie to someone outside the body of Christ, since we are all injured when any one of us lies.

But what about “little white lies”? Aren’t some lies harmless? The fact is, so-called “little white lies” can be the cruelest of all! Sometimes we lie to spare a person’s feelings (which actually means that we are too cowardly to speak the truth).

And there are situations where the stakes are much higher. We don’t wish to offend a friend, so we fail to speak the truth that needs to be spoken: “It’s wrong for you and your girlfriend to live together unmarried.” Or, “That joke you told was immoral and unpleasing to the Lord.” Or, “No, I don’t think it was smart to cheat on your taxes. You need to ask God’s forgiveness and make amends to the government for what you did.” Or, “No, I don’t think there are many paths to God. Jesus said, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me’ [John 14:6], so I am praying that you will turn your life over to Him.”

We are to speak the truth with each other in the church, and with those who are outside the faith. Truth is the sign of the new life, the new self. We must put off falsehood. We must put on truth.

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