Eu centers proposal submission guidelines

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Library Holdings. With a total of 9,990,941 volumes, the University of Texas Libraries (UTL) remains one of the top 10 research libraries in North America (ARL Statistics, 2009/10). Through its American approval and selection plans for European countries, UTL acquires significant works published on individual European countries and comparative research for its collection in all the major European Studies languages. Over the past decade, UTL has increased acquisition of non-print materials such as music CDs, DVDs, videos, and e-books to support the teaching and research of Europe across campus, within the UT system, and in distance education courses. Materials from or about Europe and its constituent countries are distributed throughout UTL to support teaching and research in academic programs from BA through post-graduate degrees. The Tarlton Law Library, one of the nation’s largest academic law libraries with over one million volumes, maintains significant collections for the major common-law and Western European jurisdictions, and is an official depository for EU publications. The Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum holds primary documents for US-European foreign relations from the president’s collection. Of the 100,213 serials to which UTL subscribes, an estimated 9,042 have content related to European Studies. World-renowned collections on Europe are housed in the Harry Ransom Center, with holdings that include manuscripts, correspondence, music scores, books, drawings, paintings, prints, and photographs.

The Blanton Museum of Art -–
The Suida-Manning and Leo Steinberg Collections provide astounding exhibitions of European paintings and prints. Highlights include works by canonical masters from Sebastiano del Piombo, Parmigianino and Veronese, to Rubens, Claude Lorrain, and Guercino and many other works equally as impressive, illuminating the history of European art.

  1. University staff/logistical support

Staff/Logistical Support + Programmatic Visibility:
The Executive Board would include the following UT faculty, with additionally one Austin-based representative, who is an expert on the EU and European foreign policy and security:

  • Dr. Gary Freeman (Director of the Center of the EU Center for Excellence) – Chair and Professor of the Government Department

  • Dr. Douglas Biow (Chair of the Executive Board and Principal Investigator of the EU Center for Excellence Grant) – Superior Oil Company-Linward Shivers Centennial Professor and Director of the Center for European Studies

  • Ambassador Robert Hutchings – Dean of the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs

  • Dr. Mary Neuburger (Associate Director of the EU Center for Excellence) – Director of the Center for Russian, Eastern European and Eurasian Studies

  • Dr. Michael Webber – Associate Director of the Center for International Energy and Environmental Policy in the Jackson School of Geosciences

  • Dr. Sabine Hake – Texas Chair of German Literature and Culture

  • Dr. Karen Engle – Cecil D. Redford Professor in Law and Director of the Bernard and Audre Rapoport Center for Human Rights and Justice

  • Dr. Philippa Levine – Mary Helen Thompson Centennial Professor in the Humanities and Associate Director of British Studies

  • Marko Papic – STRATFOR (Analyst – Europe)

The University will organize all the activities of the EU Center of Excellence through CES, which is currently one of thirteen National Resource Centers for European Studies in the US, as well as the recipient through the US Department of Education of a Foreign Language and Area Studies award for graduate and undergraduate fellowships in the area of European Studies. CES has a Director, Associate Director, and two permanent staff members, as well as allied staff in other academic and college units who assist the Center (see staffing below). Additionally, CES will coordinate all it of its activities with LBJ, Law, the Rapoport Center for Human Rights, the Robert Strauss Center for International Security and Law, the Government Department, and the Center for Russian, Eastern European and Eurasian Studies (CREEES). In this way, the Center will have a wide network of administrative and logistical support.

We have also established close links with the Austin’s International Hospitality Council, the Texas Governor Office, The Texas Senate Committee on International Relations and Trade, the Texas House Committee on Border and International Affairs, and the Austin High School Academy for Global Studies. We will work with these partners to advertise our events to a wide public as well as to choose speakers and conference invitees that would benefit their needs. We will consult our partners in the strategic planning of activities.

EU CENTERS 2011-14

Proposal Narrative Form

2. Cooperation within a US network and with EU partner institutions: Applicants should discuss their existing capacity, and capacity to develop further, links with other academic and research institutions in the US and the EU, including collaboration with universities in at least two EU Member States. Applicants should include discussion of their participation in any other EU or EU-US grant programs, for example those programs within the context of the EU-US Higher Education and Vocational Training Agreement, and the Jean Monnet Action Programs. Attach additional page(s) if necessary.

    1. Links within the United States (as well as Canada and Mexico)

UT is one of the largest universities in the US with an enrollment of just under fifty thousand students. UT is the flagship of a university system that incorporates nine universities, six health schools, a total enrollment of over 210,000, and a University endowment of 15.6 billion dollars (fifth largest in the world).

The capacity to expand existing links with other academic and research institutions within the US are therefore vast. UT has close links with its sister institutions within the University of Texas System and is continuously developing close links with other institutions of higher learning. Especially important to the activities of the proposed Center of EU Excellence would be links with our regional partners in Central Texas specifically and the Southwest Region of the US as a whole.
For the purposes of the Center of EU Excellence, we would establish a three-part strategy through which to expand the links with Universities on the North American Continent:

  1. Collaborate with the established network of EU Centers of Excellence.

  2. Disseminate contacts, conference calls, and research with regional partners in Central Texas, wider Southwest United States and the other units of the University of Texas System.

  3. Use UT’s strong links with the institutions of higher learning in Mexico and Canada to further push the collaborative efforts started by the network of EU Centers of Excellence.

    1. Creating new and nurturing existing links with the EU Centers of Excellence in Canada (Carleton University, Dalhousie University, Université de Montréal—McGill University, York University, and University of Toronto/University of Victoria) as well as the University of British Columbia’s Institute for European Studies.

    2. Further UT’s strong links with Mexican Universities to include research on the EU (such as close collaboration with El Colegio Mexiquense Interdisciplinary Program for European Studies).

Partner Institutions
For the purposes of the Center we have established links with a number of regional educational institutions. These universities and colleges will form the EU Center’s Partner Institutions Network. We will advertise all of our events to the students and faculty at these institutions and we will open a number of our programs and funding opportunities to their students.

  • Texas State University (San Marcos)

  • Texas Lutheran University (Seguin)

  • Houston-Tillotson University (Austin)

  • Concordia University (Cedar Park)

  • St. Edwards University (Austin)

  • Austin Community College

  • University of Texas – Arlington

  • University of Texas – Brownsville

  • University of Texas – Dallas

  • University of Texas – Pan American

  • University of Texas – Permian Basin

  • University of Texas - Tyler

  • University of Texas – San Antonio

  • University of Texas – El Paso

    1. Links with EU partner institutions

UT has a vast number of links with the academic and research institutions in the EU and select non-EU European countries. Overall, UT has 125 established programs of exchange and cooperation with universities across the globe. UT also has the ninth largest foreign student population and the seventh largest “study abroad” program in the US (with 2,322 students studying abroad in the 2008-09 academic year). There are approximately 5,200 international students representing approximately 120 countries enrolled at UT. The university also hosted over 361 “Visiting Scholars” from Europe alone by 2011.

UT has current partnership agreements with the following universities in the EU (and select non-EU European countries):

  • Austria:

  • Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien: Partner University of the McCombs School of Business (BBA)

  • Belgium:

  • Université Catholique de Louvain: Partner University of the McCombs School of Business (BBA)

  • Czech Republic:

  • Charles University in Prague: General exchange program

  • University of Economics, Prague: Partner University of the McCombs School of Business (BBA)

  • Denmark:

  • Copenhagen Business School: Partner University of the McCombs School of Business (BBA, MBA)

  • University of Copenhagen: General exchange program

  • Finland:

  • University of Tampere: General exchange program

  • Aalto University School of Economics: Partner University of the McCombs School of Business (MBA)

  • University of Aarhus: Partner University of the School of Communications

  • Sibelius Academy: Partner University of the College of Fine Arts

  • France:

  • ESCP-EAP European School of Management: International Accounting Program in Paris + Partner University of the McCombs School of Business (BBA)

  • Hautes Etudes Commerciales School of Management, HEC: Partner University of the McCombs School of Business (BBA and MBA)

  • Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po): General exchange program

  • MICEFA, Association des Universités de Paris: General exchange program

  • Université Jean Moulin Lyon III: General exchange program

  • INSA L’Institute National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse: Partner University with the School of Engineering

  • Germany:

  • Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg: General exchange program

  • European University Viadrina, Frankfurt on Oder: General exchange program

  • University of Würzburg Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universität: General exchange program

  • WHU, Otto Beisheim School of Management: Partner University of the McCombs School of Business (MBA)

  • Universität Erfurt: Partner University of the School of Communications

  • Bucerius Law School: Partner University of Law School

  • Greece:

  • ALBA Graduate Business School: Partner University of the McCombs School of Business (MBA)

  • Italy:

  • Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Milan: Partner University of the McCombs School of Business (BBA)

  • European University Institute (EUI): Partner University of Law School

  • The Netherlands:

  • Rotterdam School of Management: Partner University of the McCombs School of Business (BBA, MBA)

  • University of Leiden: General exchange program

  • Delft University of Technology: General exchange program

  • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam: Partner University of Law School

  • Norway:

  • BI, Norwegian School of Management: Partner University of the McCombs School of Business (BBA)

  • Portugal:

  • Universidade de Lisboa: Partner University with the School of Pharmacy

  • Spain:

  • ESADE, Barcelona: Partner University of the McCombs School of Business (BBA)

  • Universidad de Valencia: General exchange program

  • Universidad de Cantabria: General exchange program

  • Universidad de Jaén: General exchange program

  • Universidad de Politécnica de Valéncia: General exchange program

  • Universidad Pontificia Comillas Madrid: General exchange program and Partner University of the McCombs School of Business (BBA)

  • Universidad de Navarra: Partner University with the School of Communications

  • Universidad de Barcelona: Partner University with the School of Pharmacy

  • Universidad de Deusto, Bibao: Partner University of the McCombs School of Business (BBA)

  • Sweden:

  • University of Uppsala: General exchange program

  • Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm: General exchange program

  • Stockholm School of Economics: Partner University of the McCombs School of Business (BBA)

  • Kungliga Teniska Högeskolan (KTH): General exchange program and Partner University with the School of Engineering

  • Switzerland:

  • Universitat St. Gallen: Partner University of the McCombs School of Business (BBA)

  • TASSEP-University of Geneva: Partner University with the College of Natural Sciences

  • UK:

  • Imperial College London: General exchange program

  • University of Bristol: General exchange program

  • University of Sheffield: General exchange program

  • University of College London: General exchange program

  • University of Sussex: General exchange program

  • University of Edinburgh: Partner University of the McCombs School of Business (BBA) and School of Engineering

  • University of Nottingham: Full year exchange program with UT School of Law

  • University of Bath: Partner University of the McCombs School of Business (BBA)

  • University of Warwick, Warwick Business School: Partner University of the McCombs School of Business (MBA)

  • Oxford Brookes University: Partner University of College of Education

Schools and Colleges of UT also maintain regular faculty exchanges with European universities. In the College of Natural Sciences, for instance, Dr. Ulrich Mueller, Professor in Integrative Biology, has an established exchange with Professor Boomsma of the University of Copenhagen, and Dr. Matthew Leibold, Professor in Integrative Biology, has established regular exchanges with Professor Nicolas Loeuille (University of Paris); Professor Luc DeMeester (Katholic University of Leuven - Belgium); and Professor Wolf Mooij (Netherlands Institute for Ecology).

In the College of Liberal Arts, there are official, institutionalized yearly faculty exchanges with the following:

  • École Normale Supérieure, France

  • Paris III – Sorbonne, France

  • University of Toulouse, France

  • Paris X – Nanterre, France

  • Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin, France

  • Université Paul Valery, France

  • University of Munich, Germany

  • Stuttgart, Germany

  • University of Wurzburg, Germany

  • Viadrina University, Germany

  • University of Galway, Ireland

  • University of Oslo, Norway

  • Queens University, UK

  • University of Lancaster, UK

  • University of London, UK

The International Study Abroad Office, headed by Heather Barclay-Hamir, has continuous plans to extend collaborations with European Universities, and CES is integral to those plans. Additionally, the EU Center of Excellence through CES will coordinate closely with other academic units (especially with the McCombs School of Business Center for International Business and Education Research and with the UT School of Law International and Comparative Law Program) to create new exchange programs and to provide funding for students and researchers to take advantage of those programs. CES is currently assisting LBJ in exploring the possibility of developing faculty exchanges in Paris and Berlin.
To further the links with European institutions, the Center, in cooperation with CREEES, will look to develop four new formal institutional links with European institutions within the first two years of its existence (along with numerous informal links):

  • Sofia University

  • Central European University

  • Charles University

  • University College Dublin

EU CENTERS 2011-14

Proposal Narrative Form

3. Detailed Timetable. Please specify the planned dates for starting and completing the project (for most EU Center applicants this will be 1 September 2011 to 31 August 2014). Please also provide a timetable for carrying out EACH ACTIVITY of the project, including any dissemination of results. Attach additional page(s) if necessary.
Start of the Project: September 1, 2011

Year 1: September 1, 2011 – August 31st, 2012

*All events in Year 1 will be assessed for impact based on number of applicants/participants and immediate feedback from applicants/participants (to be ascertained through a short email/written survey that all participants will be able to complete on a voluntary basis). We will be coordinating with the UT Center for Learning and Teaching (CTL) throughout the year to implement an objective, outside measurement evaluation report for the three-year grant cycle.

  • September 1, 2011 Web Site Development Project: Create a website for the Center under the leadership of the Director and hire appropriate communications staff (see next item) to update the website and upload video material from events.

  • September 1, 2011 – Call for a 12 hour-a-week contracted position for a communication specialist who has background in European and EU studies and whose work would be devoted exclusively to publicity, website, and newsletter development related to the EU Center of Excellence.

  • September 1, 2011 Course Development I: Call for curriculum development and instructional grant for a business course (to be taught in the Spring of 2012) that would focus its empirical case studies on the EU.

  • September 1, 2011 Course Development II: Call for a competitive curriculum development grant for a “Signature Course” on issues related to leadership in the EU. The grant will consist of funding to facilitate course development by the faculty member chosen to develop the course.

  • September 1, 2011 – January 2012 European Scholar I: Adjunct position for a scholar from Europe (to teach a course on the EU in the context of European Studies).

  • September 1, 2011 – Summer 2012 Graduate Travel Stipend: Competition for one stipend of $2,500 for UT School of Law students to take part in European Court of Justice in Luxemburg.

  • September 1, 2011 – Summer 2012PhD Research Grant: Competition for two grants of $2,000 each related to research on EU Public Policy or EU-US Relations.

  • September 1, 2011 – Summer 2012Faculty Research Grant: Competition for two grants of $3,000 each related to research on EU Public Policy or EU-US Relations.

  • September 1, 2011 – Call for one 10 hour-a-week research assistantship positions to facilitate conference, outreach, lecture series, and data collection activities (student worker).

  • September 1, 2011 – Call for two faculty research grants of $4,000 each with a focus on Business in the EU and Business relations between the EU and US.

  • September 1, 2011 – Begin working with the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) at UT for objective outside evaluation of the EU Center of Excellence: defining goals, building databases, articulating data collection strategies, and formulating according to a logic model the input, output, and outcome related to the grant’s goals.

  • Sept 1, 2011 – December 15, 2011 – Implement course for fall 2011 at Huston-Tillotson [HT] on “International Politics in Europe and the EU” and co-ordinate guest lectures of UT faculty with HT.

  • September 1, 2011 – Organize course for spring 2012 at Huston-Tillotson [HT] on “The European Union” and co-ordinate guest lectures of UT faculty with HT.

  • September 1, 2011 Euro Challenge: Beginning planning stages.

  • September 1, 2011 Texas EU Summit 1: Beginning planning stages.

  • October 2011 Collaborative lecture and seminar exchange with École des hautes études en sciences sociales on the EU, Europe, and Muslim identity politics. Topic to be determined.

  • October 2011 Workshop 1: “Grants and fellowships for studying in and researching on Europe” – One day workshop for students, faculty, and researchers on obtaining grants and fellowships for research on/in Europe.

  • October 2011 EU-US Distinguished Business and Politics Lecture Series 1: The Future of the Nuclear Energy Business in Europe and the US, Rex Tillerson Chairman and CEO, Exxon Mobil Corp.

  • October 2011 – Information Session for Euro Challenge (2 days)

  • November 2011 Conference 1: “Alternatives to Austerity in the EU and US: Monetary Policies,” led by Public Policy and economics Professor James Galbraith and organized by CES in consultation with LBJ.

  • November 2011 EU Center of Excellence Anthropology Lecture Series. Speaker: Vincent Crapanzano, the Distinguished Professor of Anthropology and Comparative Literature at the City University of New York, Graduate Center.

  • January 2012 – May 2012 European Scholar II: Visiting Scholar position from Sweden (to teach a course on Sweden and the EU).

  • January 2012 Texas EU Summit 1: “Connecting Central Texas Businesses to the European Markets.”

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