(7) Dissemination of Information The Center will maintain a website on which it will publicize all its events and funding opportunities. The website will also seek to collect all European-related funding opportunities and events put on by all the professional schools, departments, and outside collaborators. We will therefore maintain a thorough calendar of events for European-related events and activities in Central Texas. We will place all of our major events on the website in a downloadable video format.
To disseminate our educational and informative publications, the Center first will create an extensive email list compiled from event participants, interested students, and partners in professional schools and academic departments. Subsequently, a monthly newsletter will be distributed to this email list. The newsletter will:
list all of the upcoming EU Center Events, as well as European-related events put on by other schools and departments, both at UT and at our partner educational institutions in the region;
provide the upcoming deadlines for funding and grants from the EU Center, as well as appropriate funding opportunities from other schools and departments within the UT;
gize upcoming deadlines for funding and grants from non-University of Texas entities (the EU, US State Department, Council for European Studies, etc.); and
furnish links to the news sources about issues in the EU (such as EU’s Press Room: http://europa.eu/press_room/index_en.htm).