Executive summary

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Annex ‘B’



  1. ACP-EU Partnership Agreement signed in Cotonou on 23 June 2000. Published by the Directorate General for Development, EC

  2. Nadi Declaration 3ème Sommet, Fidji 18 & 19 juillet 2002. Ref ACP/28/029/02

  3. Resolution of the UN General Assembly 55/2 United Nations Millennium Declaration.

  4. ACP-EC Conventions of Lomé; Office for Official Publications of the European Communities L-2985 Luxembourg Compilation of Texts XXV (1 Jan. 2000 – 29 Feb. 2000)

  5. ACP Secretariat: The Santo Domingo Declaration adopted by the Second Summit of ACP Heads of State and Government Ref: ACP/28/015/99 Final (26 November 1999)

  6. Georgetown Agreement signed at Georgetown, Guyana, 6 June 1975

  7. Georgetown Agreement as revised 2003 Ref: ACP/27/005/00, Brussels November 2003

  8. Declaration of the meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Non-Aligned Movement at the 58th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. New York, 26 September 2003

  9. Doha: 4th Ministerial Declaration adopted at Doha, Quatar on 20 November 2001 Ref: WT/MIN/(01)DEC/1 www.wto.org

  10. EBA Regulations: Council Regulation (EC) No 416/2001 and 2501/2001 sourced from http://europa.eu.int

  11. Treaty of Rome : www.eurotreaties.com


  1. ACP Secretariat : Guidelines on working methods of the Committee of Ambassadors agreed on by the ACP Committee of Ambassadors at its meeting held on Tuesday, 27th January 1981. Ref: ACP/078/81(Secr) (Brussels, 6 February 1981)

  2. ACP Secrétariat : Migration et Mobilité des ressortissants des pays ACP sur le territoire européen 2004 à l’intention du Secrétariat du Groupe des états d’Afrique, des Caraïbes et du Pacifique.

  3. ACP Secretariat: Administrative Chart of the ACP General Secretariat (Organigram) (Ref: ACP/41/064/00 Rev 1)

  4. ACP Secretariat: Cotonou Agreement: Revision of Annex IV (10 February 2005)

  5. ACP Secretariat: Draft Decisions and resolutions of the 77th Session of the ACP Council of Ministers Ref: ACP/25/005/03 Rev 1 (Brussels 15 May 2003)

  6. ACP Secrétariat: Tableau Comparatif des Positions UE et ACP sur les Règles et Procèdures dans le Cadre de la Révision de l’Accord de Cotonou; Ref ACP/81/00/05 Rev.2 (16 February 2005)

  7. ACP Secretariat: Outcome of ACP-EU negotiations on rules and procedures of the Cotonou Agreement (Annex IV); Ref ACP/81/00/05 Rev.3 (Brussels 1 March 2005)

  8. ACP Secretariat: Note on budgetisation of the EDF; Ref ACP/075/03 Rev.2 (Brussels 20 May 2005)

  9. ACP Secretariat: Amendments to the Cotonou Agreement under the Investment Facility Ref : ACP/85/028/04 Rev 4. (Brussels 9 December 2004)

  10. ACP Secretariat: List of Countries under Sanctions; Ref ACP/45/016/05 (21 February 2005)

  11. ACP Secrétariat: Liste de Participants – 80ème Session du Conseil des Ministères ACP; Ref: ACP/43/020/04 (3 Décembre 2004)

  12. ACP Secretariat: Comments on the operational guidelines for the Investment Facility ACP/85/036/02 SEDD (Brussels, 25 November, 2002)

  13. ACP Secretariat: Operational Guidelines for the Investment Committee

  14. ACP Secrétariat: Rapport oral du président du comité ministériel ACP de coopération pour le financement du développement au conseil des ministres ACP [79Eme session du Conseil des Ministres ACP du 3 au 7 mai 2004 à Gaborone, Botswana] Ref : ACP/81/046/04 (Gaborone, 4 Mai 2004)

  15. ACP Secrétariat : Rapport de synthèse sur les séminaires régionaux à l’intention des ordonnateurs nationaux et régionaux tenus en Ethiopie, au Gabon, au Sénégal, au Suriname, au Samoa et au Botswana; Ref : ACP/81/072/04 (Brussels 20 September 2004)

  16. ACP Secrétariat : Ordonnateurs Nationaux (Liste avec noms, titre et addresse dans chaque pays) Ref: Dépt.PDH/enm (Bruxelles, 17 Novembre 2004)

  17. ACP Secretariat : Decisions Resolutions and Declarations of the 80th session of the ACP Council of Ministers. Ref : ACP/25/018/04 Brussels, 2 December 2004

  18. ACP Secretariat: ACP Directory (List of ACP Group States Diplomatic Missions)

  19. ACP Secretariat: Proposed Guidelines for ACP-EU Political Dialogue (Article 8) Ref. 29/013/02 Rev. 3.

  20. ACP Secretariat: Draft Joint Report on the Revision of the Cotonou Agreement Ministerial Negotiating Session, Ref: ACP/00/002/05 Rev.1 ACP-EC 2104/05 (23 Feb 2005)

  21. ACP Secretariat: Summary Report of Regional Workshops of National and Regional Authorising Officers held in Ethiopia, Gabon, Senegal, Suriname, Samoa & Botswana February-May 2004. Ref ACP/81/072/04, PAHD Dept (Brussels, 20 September 2004)

  22. ACP Secretariat: Draft ACP Guidelines for the negotiations of Economic Partnership Agreements (Brussels, 21 June 2002)

  23. ACP Secretariat: Joint Report on the all ACP-EU phase of the EPA negotiations Ref: ACP/00/118/03 Rev1 (Brussels, 2 October 2003)

  24. ACP Secretariat: Joint Report on the state of play of regional EPA negotiations Ref: ACP/00/018/04 Rev1 (Brussels, 25 October 2004)

  25. ACP Secretariat: The UN Millennium Development Goals – Commission for Africa’s Recommendations. Ref: ACP/81/032/05, Brussels, 31 May 2005

  26. ACP Secretariat: Draft Resolution of the 81st Council of Ministers (to be) held in Brussels, Belgium from 21 to 22 June 2005 on the recommendations of the Commission for Africa.

  27. ADEA-Réseau AfricPartners : Marchés Tropicaux : Stratégies & Investissements en Afrique No 3090 (11 février 2005)

  28. Business Report: Subsidies no answer, says IMF (Cape Town, 20 March 2005)

  29. Business Report: Add value to survive, says Lamy (Cape Town, 12 March 2005)

  30. Business Report: Lamy to know WTO decision be the weekend (Cape Town, 12 May 2005)

  31. Business Report: Add value to survive, says Lamy Cape Town, 12 May 2005)

  32. Business Report: Open skies are a priority (Cape Town, 18 May 2005)

  33. Business Report: Africa seeks ways to liberate its skies (Cape Town, 19 May 2005)

  34. Business Report: Frost reduces Rwandan tea output (Cape Town, 19 May 2005)

  35. Business Report: Open skies to Ethiopia (Cape Town, 20 May 2005)

  36. Cape Times: Brazil Beats US in WTO Cotton Fight ­ (Cape Town, 4 March 2005)

  37. Business Report: Blair’s Africa forum to report on unique way forward for continent (Cape Town, 11 March 2005)

  38. CDE: (Centre for Development of Enterprise) Partnership: Information Bulletin N° 77 (March/April 2005)

  39. Commission of the European Communities: Action Plan on accompanying measures for Sugar Protocol countries affected by the reform of the EU sugar regime. Commission Staff Working Paper SEC(2005) (Brussels, 17 January 2005)

  40. Commission of the European Communities: European Commission Annual Report 2001 on the EC Development Policy and the Implementation of the external assistance. L-2985 Luxembourg 2001

  41. Commission of the European Communities: Rapport Annuel 2004 sur la politique et l’aide extérieur de la Communauté européenne.

  42. Commission of the European Communities: Human Development Report 2004 – Economic Performance. Source: http://trade-info.cec.eu.int

  43. Commission of the European Communities Directorate General VIII Study Group: Green Paper On Relations between the European Union and the ACP Countries on the eve of the 21st Century. Challenges and options for a new partnership. (Brussels, November 1996)

  44. Commission of the European Communities: Working Document of the Commission Services Subject: Financial Impact of ‘budgetisation’ of (sic) the cooperation under the ACP-EU Partnership Agreement. (25 February 2005)

  45. Commission of the European Communities: Delegation of European Commission in Nigeria: Nigeria – European Community (EC) Cooperation, 2003 Annual Report

  46. Commission of the European Communities: Delegation of European Commission in Nigeria: Addendum to the Country Strategy Paper and the National Indicative Programme (Abuja, 11 March 2005)

  47. Commission of the European Communities: EDF performance review and proposal for the release of the remaining conditional balances of the 9th EDF, Brussels 17 February 2005 Ref: COM (2005) 51 Final

  48. Commission of the European Communities: Towards the full integration of co-operation with ACP countries in the EU Budget, Brussels 8 October 2003 Ref: COM (2003) 590 Final

  49. Commission of the European Communities: Rules & Procedures: for service, supply and works contracts financed from the general budget of the European Communities in the context of co-operation with third countries

  50. Commission of the European Communities: The 2004 MTR of CSPs – main aspects and global results Brussels Ref: A1*3(05)D/1747 (DG Development)

  51. CTA (Technical Centre for Agricultural & Rural Co-operation) 20th Anniversary booklet

  52. CTA Spore No 115

  53. CTA: ICT Update Issue 23 (January 2005)

  54. CTA: ICT Update Issue 18 (June 2004)

  55. Daily Telegraph: Thousands of nurses join exodus from the health service (London, 25 April 2005)

  56. East African Community Secretariat: Protocol on the Establishment of the East African Community Customs Union EAC Publication IV, (Arusha, 2004)

  57. Ethiopian Herald, The Vol LXI No. 166 (Addis Ababa, Wednesday 23 March 2005)

  58. European Commission DE 110: Compendium of Co-Operation Strategies (November 2001)

  59. ECDPM: The Cotonou Agreement – A Users Guide for Non-State Actors (November 2003)

  60. ECDPM: Info Cotonou No 4 (March 2004 )

  61. ECDPM: Info Cotonou No 5 (June 2004)

  62. ECDPM: In Brief No 6A (July 2004)

  63. ECDPM: Info Cotonou No 6 (September 2004)

  64. ECDPM: In Brief No. 9 (October 2004)

  65. ECDPM: Info Cotonou No 7 (December 2004)

  66. ECDPM: Cotonou Infokit

  67. ECDPM: Trade Negotiations and Insights. From Doha to Cotonou. Vol 3 No 5 (September 2004)

  68. ECDPM: Facilitating ACP-EU cooperation. Introducing the European Centre for Development Policy Management.

  69. ECOWAS: (Economic Community of Western African States): ECOWAS 2004 Annual Report of the Executive Secretary (Abuja, December 2004)

  70. EUROPA: List of Directorates General & Services (of the European Commission)

  71. IDC Development Strategies: Final Report: Consequences of Enlargement for Development Policy Vol. 1, (31 August 2003) Source: http://europa.eu.int

  72. Mail & Guardian: African poverty has doubled in 20 years (South Africa, 13 May 2005)

  73. Mercosur-EU Business Forum: MEBF Luxembourg Declaration, Luxembourg 31 January 2005

  74. Mercosur-EU Business Forum: MEBF Luxembourg Plenary Conference, Luxembourg 31 January 2005

  75. New Land Foundation (The): Migration & Mobility of ACP Nationals Within Europe ©2004

  76. OXFAM International: Spotlight on subsidies: Cereal injustice under the CAP in Britain Oxfam Briefing paper 55, (January 2004)

  77. OXFAM International: Dumping on the world Oxfam Briefing Paper No 61 (April 2004)

  78. OXFAM International: Six reasons to oppose the EPAs in their current form (November 2004) www.oxfam.org.uk

  79. OXFAM International: How Upcoming WTO talks threaten farmers in poor countries Briefing paper no 72 (April 2005)

  80. OXFAM International: Who will be left to cheer the end of illegal US Cotton subsidies? Oxfam Briefing Note (3 March 2005)

  81. OXFAM International: An end to EU sugar dumping? Implications of the WTO Panel ruling on the dispute against EU sugar policies brought by Brazil, Thailand and Australia (28 April 2005)

  82. PMU (Programme Management Unit) of the EDF: Guidelines for Applicants to the Capacity Building Programme to Support the Integration of ACP States into the Multilateral Trading System of the WTO (2003)

  83. PMU: Operational Guidelines of the PMU Ref: REG/70024/00 (2000) Source: www.euacpepa.org

  84. PMU: Formulating a request to the PMU ©2002-2004 IBF (23 March 2005) Source: www.euacpepa.org

  85. PMU: Requests currently being processed PMU ©2002-2004 IBF (23 March 2005)

  86. PRO€INVEST: PRO€INVEST News 2 – (January / February 2005)

  87. South African Parliament: Report of Delegation to 9th session of African, Caribbean, Pacific-European Union Joint Parliamentary Assembly, Bamako, Mali, 16-21 April 2005

  88. Sunday Times: Blair’s Africa Commission takes a stand on unfair trade practices (South Africa, 6 March 2005)

  89. Sectoral Breakdown of the 9th EDF programme in CSPs for ACP countries (following DAC nomenclature)

  90. United Nations General Assembly: Thirty-sixth session – General Assembly provisional verbatim record of the thirty fifth meeting Ref: A/36/PV.35 (15 October 1981)

  91. University of Cape Town Development Policy Research Unit: Poverty, Inequality and Labour Markets in Africa: A Descriptive Overview May 2005

  92. Wall Street Journal: Latin American countries plan to take EU banana rift to WTO (New York, 6 April 2005)

  93. WIPO: (World Intellectual Property Organisation): Technical Study on Disclosure Requirements in Patent Systems Related to Genetic Resources & Traditional Knowledge. Study No 3.

  94. WIPO: Communication of the African Group on CBD’s (Conference on Biodiversity) invitation to WIPO 5 December 2004 www.wipo.int/tk/en/genetic/proposals

  95. WIPO: Response of Ghana to the Conference on Biodiversity (16 December 2004)

  96. WIPO: Proposal of the European Community and its Member States to WIPO (16 December 2004)

  97. WIPO: Examination of Issues Relating to the Interrelation of Access to Genetic Resources and Disclosure Requirements in Intellectual Property Rights Applications (First Draft). Ref WIPO/IP/GR/05/01 31 January 2005)

  98. WIPO: Proposal by Brazil & Argentina for the establishment of a development agenda for WIPO Ref: WO/GA/31/11 (27 August 2004)

  99. WTO: Committee on Subsidies: Procedures for extensions under Art. 27.4 for certain developing country members Ref: G/SCM/39 (20 November 2001)

  100. WTO: Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures: Procedures for Extensions under article 27.4 for certain developing country members. Ref: G/SCM/39 (20 November 2001)

  101. Xylon International Panorama: Certification in Africa (January-February 2005)


  1. Bradley, Andrew: The Role and Relevance of Traditional Organisations/Groups in the International Environment are being challenged by the emergence of new groupings and alliances – A Study of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States Dissertation M.A. in International Politics, University of Brussels (ULB), 2003-4

  2. Carrington, Edwin, The ACP Group and its future in the wider international context, The Courier (September-October 1985)

  3. Frisch, Dr Dieter, The European Union’s Development Strategy Nomos Verlagsgessellschaft (Baden Baden, May 1996)

  4. Frisch, Dr Dieter, The Political Dimension of Lomé, The Courier (November-December 1997)

  5. Frisch, Dr Dieter, Genesis and Reality of the ACP Group. A European Eyewitness, The Courier No 93 (September – October 1985)

  6. Frisch, Dr Dieter, The Future of the Lomé Convention: Initial reflections on Europe’s Africa Policy after the year 2000. ECDPM Working Paper No 11

  7. Hinkle, Lawrence E. & Newfarmer, Richard S. Risks & Rewards of Regional Trading Arrangements in Africa: Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) Between the EU & SSA (7 January 2005)

  8. Leon, Anthony: Extract of speech to Parliament of South Africa, discussion with representatives of Africa Initiatives (Berlin 10 May 2005)

  9. Luteru, Dr P’ao: The ACP Group on the Move (Brussels 2004)

  10. Mackie, James; Frederickson, Jonas & Rossini Céline: Improving ACP-EU Cooperation. Is “budgetising” the EDF the answer? Discussion Paper No 51, ECDPM, (January 2004)

  11. Maxwell, Simon, Working Paper 243 The Washington Consensus is Dead! Long live the meta-narrative! (January 2005)

  12. Montes, Carlo & Migliorisi, Stefano: EU Donor Atlas 2004 (May 2004)

  13. O’Brian, Peter; Mamaty, Isabelle & Grimberg, Andreas: Study into Trade & Investment-Related Implications of EU Enlargement for African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries Draft Final Report (September 2004) for European Consultants Organisation (ECO)

  14. Sacks, Prof J. : The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time, Baron & Noble, March 2005

  15. Sy, Seydina Oumar, The birth of the ACP Group, The Courier No 93 (September – October 1985)

  16. van Moltke, Konrad, Implications of the Cotonou Agreement for Sustainable Development in the ACP Countries and Beyond, International Institute for Sustainable Development (November 2004)


  1. ACP: http://www.acp.int

  2. ACP-EU Trade information http://trade-info.cec.eu.int

  3. Activities of the FAO – LOBR http://www.fao.org

  4. Activities of the FAO Liaison Office with Brussels and the European Union http://www.fao.org/world/lobr/activities

  5. African Union list of member countries. Source: http://agoaafrica.com

  6. COMESA Member States. Source www.comesa.int

  7. Commonwealth Secretariat Structure (Organigram) Source :


  1. Economic Partnership Agreements: Putting a rigorous priority on development. Speech by Peter Mandelson to the Civil Society Dialogue Group Brussels 20 January 2004. Source : http://trade-info.cec.eu.int

  2. EPAs : the impact on African Government revenues and public services from Fighting Poverty Together www.actionaid.org

  3. EUROPA: http://europa.eu.int

  4. GDPs of 258 countries comparative list. Source : www.phrasebase.com/countries/index

  5. Generalised System of Preferences – Legislation Reports and Texts: Source http://europa.eu.int/comm/trade/issues

  6. IOTC Structure. Source www.iotc.org

  7. League of Arab States. Source www.arableagueonline.org

  8. Lomé Convention – Five generations of ACP-EU Agreements. Source: http://delguy.cec.eu

  9. MEBF: www.mebf.org

  10. Millennium Development Goals: Source: www.dti.gov.uk

  11. NAM Member list.

Source http://kjs.nagaokaut.ac.jp/mikami/NAM/member_list

  1. ODI European Development Cooperation to 2010: What Scenario the Future? January 2004. Source www.odi.org.uk

  2. Development: Negotiations Over Future ACP-EU Relations Start, Suns #4293 dd 02 October 1998. Source www.sunsonline.org

  3. OXFAM: www.oxfam.org.uk

  4. PMA Cotonou : Conférence Ministerielle des pays moins avancés – Liste de 49 pays les moins avancés www.pma.gouv.bj

  5. PMU: http://www.mtsacpeu.org

  6. Report: Caribbean Trade Ministers Hold Talks with EU Trade Commissioner, Jan 5, 2005. Source: www.jis.gov.jm/special_sections/CARICOMNew

  7. SADC Member States. Source www.economist.com

  8. SADC Corporate Profile. Source www.sadcreview.com

  9. With Friends like these ….. making the Cotonou Trade negotiations deliver a just partnership between Southern Africa and Europe, October 2002 www.actsa.org

  10. WTO member countries: http://www.members.tripod.com

  11. WTO: http://www.wto.org

Annex 'C’

  1. Eradication of extreme poverty and hunger

    • Reduce by half the number of people living on less than a dollar a day

    • Reduce by half the proportion of people who suffer from hunger

  1. Achieve Universal Primary education

    • Ensure that all boys and girls complete a full course of primary education

  1. Promote gender equality and empower women

  • Eliminate all gender disparity in primary and secondary education preferably by 2005, and at all levels by 2015

  1. Reduce child mortality

  • Reduce by two thirds the mortality rate among children under five

  1. Improve maternal health

  • Reduce by three quarters the maternal mortality ratio

  1. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases

  • Halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS

  • Halt and begin to reverse the incidence of malaria and other major diseases

  1. Ensure environmental sustainability

  • Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programmes; reverse loss of environmental resources

  • Reduce by half the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water

  • Achieve significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers by 2020

  1. Develop a global partnership for development

  • Develop further an open trading and financial system that is rule based, predictable and non-discriminatory. This includes a commitment to good governance, development and poverty reduction, nationally and internationally

    • address the least developed countries special needs. This includes tariff and quota free access for their exports; enhanced debt relief for heavily indebted poor countries; cancellation of official bilateral debt; and more generous official assistance for countries committed to poverty reduction

    • Address the special needs of landlocked and small island developing states

    • Deal comprehensively with developing countries’ debt problems through national and international measures to make debt sustainable in the long term

    • In co-operation with the developing countries’ develop decent and productive work for youth

    • In co-operation with pharmaceutical companies, provide access to affordable essential drugs in developing countries

    • In co-operation with the private sector, make available the benefits of new technologies – especially information and communications technologies

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