Articles in non-refereed journals
[8] A. Paajanen, T. Korhonen, M. Sippola, S. Hostikka, Rakenteiden käyttäytyminen tulipalossa CFD-FEM mallinnuksella, Pelastustieto 64, 94–97 (2013)
Conference and workshop presentations
Work carried out in FIRE-RESIST WP5 has been presented in the following conferences and workshops.
3rd FM Global Open Source CFD Fire Modelling Workshop, Norwood MA, 2011
7th US National Technical Meeting of the Combustion Institute, Atlanta, 2011
ABSE Workshop Helsinki 2013: Safety, Failures and Robustness of Large Structures, Helsinki, 2013
20th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics 2013, Poznan, 2013
16th European Conference on Composite Materials, Seville, 2014
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