Name of the Co-ordinator: Géza Haidegger
Activity progress report
MTA SZTAKI was fulfilling its tasks basically as much as possible according to the submitted plans and to the accepted contract version. We invited, selected and hosted foreign research experts to work with our colleagues on various themes related to our activities. We had the chance to visit other institutions and deepen our co-operation with international scientific partners.
Five visiting professors started their work during the first 6 months, out of whom, two professors had already concluded their stay before the end of August, 2001, and three professors continued to work overlapping the reporting periods.
We have planned, organised, prepared and conducted a large number of workshops and conferences. They were successful both for us, organisers, and also for the participants. Our Institute’s national and international appreciation has been risen by these actions.
According to the plans, our laboratories purchased durable equipment hardware and software in order to meet the requirements of research co-operation envisaged.
Valuable research results, joint publications and promising research plans together with joint research project proposals are the direct outcome of the first six-month-period.
Though there was a slow start at the beginning of the project, now we are operating at the speed desired. The reason of the slow start-up is as follows:
The project-contract was signed after a rather long period, and we were told not to spend and not to invite visitors before the signed contract was received. Our invited scientists had to be rejected for later dates, and it became a major problem both for us, inviting Institute, and also for the guests who had to reorganise their schedules. As active university professors, those, who finally could accept our invitation and could afford spending months with us, had a great difficulty to re-arrange educational semester teaching schedules.
The second reason was due to the unsettled national and international regulations regarding EU and other European citizens to complete research tasks at Hungarian institutions.
Our project proposal had initially been submitted according to our interpretation of the call, and the reviewers found it worth for funding. During the long contract negotiation phase, many new requirements were introduced, and our workpackages had to be reshaped, reorganised, integrated and combined. Naturally, all those planned action dates for events, such as conferences and workshops, and visiting dates were already outdated and passed when we received the signature on the contract. Thus the achieved results are based on new actions and events.
Naturally, we, i.e. our staff had also to experience all the new features of managing this special project with special characteristics.
Now, we are confident that from now on, we will not encounter any more serious obstacles or problems, and even if a new problem showed up, our Project Management would be able to handle it smoothly.
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