ORDINANCE NO. SP-1682, S-2005 - The Sustainable Groundwater Utilization Ordinance of Quezon City regulates the use of groundwater (tubig-poso) in Quezon City and would effectively safeguard the environment from land subsidence and protect our precious groundwater resources from contamination and salt water intrusion.
ORDINANCE NO. SP-1942, S-2009 - An ordinance strengthening the system of partnership in local governance between the QC government and the people of Quezon City. After undergoing a series of public consultations for almost a year, this landmark legislation was passed on third and final reading on July 20, 2009. Also known as PAT Ordinance of Q.C., this law intends to uphold the tenets of people power in curbing corruption and promoting efficient governance.
ORDINANCE NO. SP-1512, S-2005 - Creating the Quezon City Solid Waste Management Board which shall develop a plan to ensure the long-term management of solid waste, as well as integrate related strategies drawn up by the barangays. This Ordinance also promotes and encourages the creation of multi-purpose environment cooperatives in all barangays.
RESOLUTION NO. SP-4707, S-2009 -A resolution declaring every 27th day of November as ARAW NG PAGbASA in Quezon City. Simultaneous ilove2read story-telling sessions are held throughout the City, coinciding with the birth anniversary of the late Senator Ninoy Aquino. The QC Division of City Schools enjoins principals and teachers to include facts about the life of our hero in Araling Panlipunan, English and Filipino.
Partnership via tripartite agreement between the QC government, Schools of Medicine and QC based government hospitals
Funds for updated equipment and facilities, including modern computer systems and other technological resources that will enable students to be at par with global advancements
Focus on early education (Yakap daycare to level with Montessori
Propagate QC B.E.S.T. Parents program with Ateneo Pathways
Training of personnel such as police and BPSOs, both for proper implementation of laws and reinforcing values formation to discourage corruption
PAT (Participation, Accountability, Transparency)
Enhance the participation of community members and various organizations thru regular consultations
Enlist Kaya Natin and Institutional Network for Social Accountability (INSA, Miriam) as partners in crafting and implementing a viable legislative and governance agenda
Encourage transparency through linkages with the Peoples Council of Quezon City (PCQC)