5.4.1.- Pares en/de Universidad(es) Extranjeras -2013 (24 de Marzo): Informa sobre cráteres meteóricos descubiertos en el N de Chile al Earth Impact Data Base del Planetary and Space Science Centre/ University of New Brunswick para su inclusión. (www.unb.ca/passc/ImpactDatabase/)
-2007: Conferencia “Expansión Urbana en Áreas de Riesgo por Movimientos en Masa y Manejo de Cuencas“. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia.
-2004: Conferencia “Análisis de Procesos Erosivos y Efectos de los Tratamientos en microcuencas, Secano costero interior RM, Chile”. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.
-2001: Conference ““Mass Movement Genetic Conditions at the Temperate Andes (Santiago -Mendoza) and at the Appalachian Mounts (Georgia and North Carolina)”. Exposed to Professors and Students of the Dept. of Geography, University of Georgia, U.S.A.. Invited professor.
- 2001: Conference “Physical Geography of Chile: geologic, geomorphologic, vegetacional and climatic characteristics”. Exposed at the Academic Staff of the Department of Geography. Invited professor at the University of Georgia, U.S.A..
- 2001: Conference “Comparative research of debris flows genetic conditions at the Andean Mountains between eastern and western slopes: Case of Santiago (Chile) and Mendoza (Argentina) piedmont risk contexts”. Congress of Applied Montology: Comparative Geographies of the Andes and the Appalachians. University of Georgia-U.S.A..
- 1999: Conference “Hazardous Natural Conditioning in West Slope of Temperate Andes of Chile and Extreme Risk Situations”. En: Mountain Area Development – Seminar III – The Americas. Abisko, Sweden.