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On the basis of the analysis of the information that has been gathered, answers are given to the four questions posed in the Introduction to this report.

Did SIMRAC address the most important issues?

SIMRAC has succeeded in identifying the most important rock-related risks for each type of mine. However, SIMRAC research has tended to be reactive rather than proactive. This is probably due to the funding formula, which is heavily weighted by past accident rates. No cognisance is taken of future trends such as increased coal pillar extraction and open pit mining. SIMRAC has tended to be technologically focused, with little effort devoted to human behavioural issues.

Did the researchers succeed in filling the identified knowledge and technology gaps?

The answer is both YES and NO. A great volume of work has been done, although it has tended to be generic in scope, with the result that very few actual problems have been solved. The quality of research work covered the whole spectrum from “outstanding” to “poor”.

Were the research findings effectively transferred to practitioners and implemented on the mining operations?

The answer is again both YES and NO. SIMRAC has contributed to the implementation of new technologies such as preconditioning, pre-stressed elongates, backfill, dip-pillar layouts, and codes of practice that have supported mining at deep-levels. SIMRAC has also helped the South African mining industry catch up with international best practice.

South African efforts to transfer and implement research outputs are comparable to those of Australia, Europe, and North America, yet stakeholders are generally not satisfied with the rate of implementation and impact of research. An improvement in the rock-related safety statistics has only become evident in the last few years. The innovation chasm (i.e. the gap between creating new knowledge or technology and its widespread implementation) is not unique to South Africa. This is probably due to many factors, implicating all participants in the mining industry: researchers, practitioners, educators, workers, managers, inspectors, and even shareholders. Improvements in knowledge and technology, together with diminishing reserves and pressure to maintain production and employment, may have emboldened miners to tackle more difficult ground.

How should SIMRAC direct the rock-related research effort in the next decade?

SIMRAC should clarify its mandate, taking the changing economic, social, and political context into account. It is recommended that SIMRAC actively seek to develop the capacity of people and institutions, particularly universities and research institutions.

A long-term research strategy should be developed. The SIMRAC portfolio should be split roughly 2:2:1 between basic research, applied research, and knowledge and technology transfer. Basic research should continue to address topics such as mining-induced seismicity and rockbursting, rock mass behaviour, computational simulation, and the in situ characterization of the rock mass. A far better description of rock properties is required that takes geological structures and mining direction into account. Applied research should continue to investigate mining methods, layouts and support, and the limits of applicability of design criteria. A greater emphasis should be placed on the human factors, information analysis and decision-making processes, and risk management. While there is value in analysing rockburst and rockfall incidents to gain insight into the root causes of accidents, research needs, and shortcomings in knowledge and technology transfer and implementation, it is important to identify leading indicators so that actions are proactive rather than reactive. Other topics to be addressed include small-scale mining, the mining of remnants, and issues arising from the increasing depth of platinum mines, extraction of coal pillars and multi-seams. Knowledge and technology transfer should be pursued with greater vigour and imagination.

The research and development programme should be complemented by an implementation strategy. Mining companies, equipment manufacturers, consultants, and enforcement agencies should be involved. It should be recognised that researchers often lack the skills required for this phase. Significant resources, perhaps on a par with those required for basic and applied research, are required to achieve a meaningful impact.

SIMRAC should seek to improve the effectiveness with which it manages the research process. Closer interaction between researchers and workers and practitioners on the mines should be encouraged.


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