CEMENT: Cement shall be stored in bags or containers in an enclosed, ventilated space that would protect it from deterioration. Cement shall always be stored off the ground. The off the ground formation method shall be subject to approval by the Engineer. Different types and consignments of cement shall be stored distinctly separated and with markings showing the type and date of consignment.
AGGREGATES: Aggregates shall be stockpiled on clear hard surface to prevent contamination by other material and to avoid segregation. Different grades of aggregate shall be stocked independently, sufficient distance being maintained, to avoid mixing during unloading and use.
Tests for compliance with the requirements of grading & cleanliness may be carried out if required by the Engineer, on samples taken from the points of stockpiling or batching.
Stockpiles of aggregate shall be allowed to drain to ensure relatively uniform moisture content thorough out the stockpile. Suitable means shall be provided in hot weather to shield the aggregate stockpiles from the direct rays of the sun.
WATER: Water for concrete mixing and curing shall comply with the requirements of ASTM C94. Water shall be piped or otherwise stored in an enclosed container free from contamination.
ADMIXTURES: Admixtures shall be stored in such a manner as to avoid contamination, evaporation or damage.
Agitation equipment shall be used to ensure thorough distribution of the ingredients of non-stable or suspension solutions of admixtures. Liquid admixtures shall be protected from temperature changes that would adversely affect their characteristics.