Golden era productions

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games condition: a state in which a person has a game. A game consists of freedom, barriers and purposes, and there is a necessity in a game to have an opponent or an enemy. Also, there is a necessity to have problems, and enough individuality to cope with a situation. For more information, see the book Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought by L. Ron Hubbard. You trace this back, you'll find out he or she has been a member of armies or cat clubs, and they've gotten into this Q and A with the games condition of destroy. The Key Processes of Clearing (11 Feb. 58)

GE: abbreviation for genetic entity, that beingness not dissimilar to the thetan that has carried forward and developed the body from its earliest moments along the evolutionary line on Earth and which, through experience, necessity and natural selection, has employed the counter-efforts of the environment to fashion an organism of the type best fitted for survival, limited only by the abilities of the GE. The goal of the GE is survival on a much grosser plane of materiality (concerning the material or physical). And two, would you get needle reactions, theta bops, on GE pictures on a Clear? Conduct of Clear: Question and Answer Period (10 Feb. 58)

General Electric: short for General Electric Company, a large US manufacturer. General Electric and its associated companies design, manufacture and sell




almost every form of apparatus and device for the generation, transmission, distribution, control, measurement and consumption of electric energy, and maintain numerous research laboratories. ". . . Maybe I'll get myself twenty-five thousand shares of General Electric." He does. The Key Processes of Clearing (11 Feb. 58)

General Motors: a major American automobile manufacturer. The best way to take up diplomatic usages is to win forward to the top of General Electric or to get to the top of General Motors or something of this sort. Responsibility for Mock-Ups (14 Feb. 58)

gor, gorblimey: (British slang) an interjection used to express surprise or excitement. Gorblimey is derived from "God blind me." And midflight he says, "Gor, gorblimey!" He was in the Royal Navy, way back when, Battle of Jutland. Responsibility for Mock-Ups (14 Feb. 58)

Group Processing: Scientology auditing techniques administered to groups of children or adults. Male voice: Question regarding Group Processing: What rationale would one use on Group Processing today and what general process would one do? How to Get Started: Question and Answer Period (7 Feb. 58)

HAA: abbreviation for Hubbard Advanced Auditor, at the time of these lectures, an auditor who had received advanced training and certification. Now, if he was to go if he were to go to HAA, or something like that, he would be taught how to clear people. Other Processes, the Help Button: Question and Answer Period (13 Feb. 58)

harmonic: one of two or more manifestations or actions which are themselves different yet are related in terms of some quality or qualities. For example, laughing because one was embarrassed would be a lower harmonic of laughing because something was funny. And they're liable to go by harmonics. You're liable to get propitiation, destruction, help. The Key Processes of Clearing (11 Feb. 58)

hat, pull (one) out of the: (informal) come up with (something) as if by magic. The term comes from the magician's trick of pulling a live rabbit out of his seemingly empty hat. And I would be thoroughly ashamed of you if you didn't suddenly pull one out of the hat that you already knew. The Key Processes of Clearing: Question and Answer Period (11 Feb. 58)

Havingness: any of a number of Scientology auditing processes designed to increase the preclear's affinity, reality and communication with the environment, and to increase his ability to reach and get him stabilized in his environment. And the process that came up in the train of research that proved it was "Havingness." Havingness was the little tag that was left out. The Key Processes of Clearing (11 Feb. 58)

havingness: the concept of being able to reach. By havingness we mean owning, possessing, being capable of commanding, taking charge of objects, energies and spaces. Wrecks havingness if run too long, but awfully effective right where it is. —Help—How to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

HCA/HPA Course: abbreviation for Hubbard Certified Auditor/Hubbard Professional Auditor Course: an intermediate auditor training course at the time of these lectures which gave the auditor a firm grounding in Scientology basics and certified him to audit certain processes. Also used to refer to a person who had completed this course or the certificate he received. (This course was called the Hubbard Certified Auditor Course in the United States and the Hubbard Professional Auditor Course in the Commonwealth.) So much so that an HCA/HPA Course today does not teach people clearing. Other Processes, the Help Button (13 Feb. 58)

HCO Board of Review: at the time of these lectures, a board in the Hubbard Communications Office that reviewed qualifications of auditors before certification and reviewed all data on those who had been audited to Clear to ensure they had actually achieved this state. In this case, by the way, it'd be the


HCO Secretarythe HCO Board of Review or the HCO Secretary. Responsibility for Mock-ups: Question and Answer Period (14 Feb. 58)

HCO Secretary: former name for the post that is now called HCO Area Secretary, the head of the Hubbard Communications Office in a Church of Scientology organization. In this case, by the way, it'd be the HCO Secretary the HCO Board of Review or the HCO Secretary. Responsibility for Mock-ups: Question and Answer Period (14 Feb. 58)

HGC: abbreviation for Hubbard Guidance Center, that part of a Scientology church which delivers auditing to preclears. By the way, we had to run this for ten hours on a preclear in the HGC not very long ago, right in midflight, because the pc was so nervous and scratching and jumping around that he couldn't hold the E-Meter cans. —Help—How to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

HGC Procedure of February 6, 1958: the procedure for auditing the subject of help as given in HCOB 6 Feb. 58, CCH Ob—HELP IN FULL, STARTING SESSION. And the procedure on which we are doing our best work is HGC Procedure of February 6, 1958. The Key Processes of Clearing: Question and Answer Period (11 Feb. 58)

hill, over the: out of (one's) sight. And a technician, I don't think, could be trusted over the hill. The Key Processes of Clearing: Question and Answer Period (11 Feb. 58)

Hold It Still: a process in which an auditor has a preclear select two objects in the room which appear real to the preclear and have him pick them up alternately and hold each one still. For more information, see HCO Training Bulletin 6 Feb. 57 in Technical Bulletins Volume IV. And you get a preclear drilling on this Hold It Still, and you get the resultant outbursts of energy and electrical phenomena and so forth which make up communications systems which permit somebody to be in communication. Conduct of Clear (10 Feb. 58)

in-session: in the condition necessary for successful auditing, defined as " interested in own case and willing to talk to the auditor." What does a preclear look like and act like if he is in-session? HelpHow to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

intensive: a series of sessions delivered every day for a certain period of time, such as a week. Successful intensive as far as that goes. Help How to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

invalidating: nullifying; refuting, degrading, discrediting or denying something someone else considers to be a fact. Invalidation is a statement, action or inference that makes another appear wrong. Now, I'mgive this lecture at the risk of invalidating the living daylights out of you. HelpHow to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

isness: an apparency of existence brought about by the continuous alteration of an as-isness (the condition of immediate creation without persistence). This is called, when agreed upon, reality. There's isness of mestit is. HelpHow to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

I Will Arise Political Society: a made-up name for a group a person could belong to. When Bum Business Bureaus, the I Will Arise Political Society, when the Afghan Psychiatric Association andthese organizations come around and start cuffing an activity such as has been conducted here for eight years, you're looking at a sick society. Other Processes, the Help Button (13 Feb. 58)

Jutland, Battle of: the largest naval engagement of World War I, fought between the British and German main fleets about seventy-five miles off the Danish coast of Jutland (peninsula in northern Europe, forming the mainland of Denmark) on 31 May and 1 June 1916. The result was a decisive victory for the British. The next thing you know, he mocked up a destroyerdestroyer, Battle of Jutland. Responsibility for Mock-Ups (14 Feb. 58)

Keep It from Going Away: a process in which an auditor has a preclear select two objects in the room which appear real to the preclear and have him pick them up alternately and keep them from going away. For more information, see




HCO Training Bulletin 6 Feb. 57 in Technical Bulletins Volume IV. But because this hasn't worked out in every case, and Keep It from Going Away has worked out in every case, see, we have to decide in favor of the "Keep it from going away" as the constant denominator, and the other one as inconstant in its results. The Key Processes of Clearing: Question and Answer Period (11 Feb. 58)

kiddie car: a small, three-wheeled vehicle that a child can ride while pushing it with his feet. You look at the speed of an impulse and how long it would take an execution acknowledgment to get back to you if you were using totally a neuron system, and we find out that you certainly had better stick to kiddie cars if you're doing that. Conduct of Clear (10 Feb. 58)

living daylights, the: (informal) a variation of the living daylights out of, meaning "completely or thoroughly." From the common phrase beat the living daylights out of, meaning "to defeat or thrash thoroughly," this portion of the phrase is often used in similar constructions when referring to handling or doing something completely. Now, I'mgive this lecture at the risk of invalidating the living daylights out of you. HelpHow to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

Lock Scanning: a process in which the auditor has the preclear scan, slowly or rapidly, similar types of incidents, from the earliest to the latest, either with regard to one person or with regard to all persons or with regard to a period of time. Anything that we've been over here, except maybe engram running or Lock Scanning or somethingmaybe even Lock Scanning could be done by a group, but I don't think any of these later clearing processes are adaptable at this time. How to Get Started: Question and Answer Period (7 Feb. 58)

mad-dog: fanatic or unreasonably zealous in beliefs, opinions or pursuits; literally, like a mad dog (a dog with rabies). But one of the members of the board, evidently, driving to work, heard this description of me and promptly wrote me a mad-dog letterthe fact that it was a five-hundred-dollar fine and a year in jail to represent yourself as a registered engineer. Other Processes, the Help Button (13 Feb. 58)

maritalosis: a combination of marital and the suffix -osis, -osis, meaning "an abnormal or diseased condition." I think we've got "maritalosis" whipped. That's one of our more serious diseases. Other Processes, the Help Button: Question and Answer Period (13 Feb. 58)

mest: a word coined from the initial letters of matter, energy, space and time, which are the component parts (elements) of the physical universe. Also used as an adjective to mean physical—as in "mest universe," meaning the "physical universe." There's isness of mestit is. HelpHow to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

mest Clear: an individual who no longer retains engrams, these having been erased by Dianetics processing. Male voice: What processes above Rising Scale do you have and recommend for above mest Clear? The Key Processes of Clearing: Question and Answer Period (11 Feb. 58)

middle, eight ways from the: (slang) a variation of forty ways to Sunday, meaning "in every possible manner, direction, etc." It's really gotten turned around eight ways from the middle. HelpHow to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

MIT: abbreviation for Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a leading technical university with schools of architecture, engineering and science. It is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Cybernetics, by the way, of many, many lost years ago, by a fellow by the name of Norbert Wiener up at MIT who is almost psychotically violent on the subject of DianeticsWiener traced the fact that there were energy flows up and down the neurons of the nervous system; that there was current running there. Conduct of Clear (10 Feb. 58)

mock (something) up: create a mock-up (of), a mock-up being a full-perceptic energy picture in three dimensions, created by the thetan and having location in space and time. A mock-up is more than a mental picture; it is a self-created object which exists as itself or symbolizes some object in the physical universe.


The term was derived from the World War II phrase for miniature models that were constructed to symbolize weapons (airplanes, ships, artillery, etc.) or areas of attack (hills, rivers, buildings, etc.) for use in planning a battle. The term is also used in Scientology to refer to one's body or one's presentation of it. If when you get upstairs to making him mock things up and keep them from going away, and you find this guy has a field, I'm afraid you can assume only one thing, that the train never left Omaha. HelpHow to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

Mock-up Processing: another name for Creative Processing. See also Creative Processing in this glossary. Because Help undoubtedly had triggered this, and the Mock-up Processing he was doing then brought it into view. Havingness, Anaten, Flows in Relation to Clearing: Question and Answer Period (12 Feb. 58)

Moonshine Sonata: humorous reference to "Moonlight Sonata," a classical composition for the piano written by Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827). Its performance requires the expertise of a skilled pianist. Next lifetime: Walks into a living room, somebody's playing the Moonshine Sonata. Havingness, Anaten, Flows in Relation to Clearing (12 Feb. 58)

National Academy of American Psychology: an association formed in 1957, under the auspices of the Founding Church of Scientology Washington, DC, which had the purpose of bringing about high ethical standards in the mental health field of America. It had a program to disseminate an eighteen-point code of ethics (Loyalty Oath of Mental Practice) and get psychiatrists, psychologists, etc., signed and sworn to it. Male voice: Well, I haven't got much more. He's writing to you on the NAAPNational Academy of American Psychology . . . The Key Processes of Clearing: Question and Answer Period (11 Feb. 58)

National Casualty Company: an insurance company in the United States with headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri. Casualty insurance is a type of insurance which protects a person from lawsuits filed by persons he has injured or whose property he has injured. It also will provide payments to the insured person for accidents which happen to himself or to his property. Just looking over accident figures from the National Casualty Company, it's quite interesting. Help How to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

neck, off the back of (one's): a combination of two informal phrases off of (one's) back, meaning "stopped from bothering (one); removed as an annoyance or pest" and on (someone's) neck, "making insistent demands of (someone); being an annoyance or bother." We're told down here in an investigationinvestigation and the public relations activity are the same thing in the Senateand the railroad boys down there were saying that unless the government did something and took things off the back of their neck, why, they'd have to give up their railroads. The Key Processes of Clearing (11 Feb. 58)

nickels on the drum: a contribution to a church or other organization which is soliciting donations. The phrase may have originated in an irreverent song from the 1940s, which included the chorus: "Hallelujah, hallelujah, throw a nickel on the drum and you'll be saved." But after a while, somebody jumps up and finds out he can pass a collection plate and get a couple of quick nickels on the drumjust as crude as thatand by saying all thetans are bad, and spirits and demons are all very, very bad, and you're being haunted. Help How to Get Started (7 Feb. 58)

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