Choose the correct variant.
1. Jane doesn't work hard at her English. That is ... worries me.
A) that B) which C)
the thing what
D) how E) what
2. I'm sure the teacher will praise the children for
everything ... they have done.
A) what B) that C) who D) whose E) whom
3. The book is ... in the bookcase ... on the shelf.
A) neither ... or B) - ... and
C) both ... and D) either ... or
E) not only ... but also
4. Ann was very happy ... she passed the interview.
A) so B) since C) after D) if E) though
5. At last Michael could find a job ... made him feel happy again.
A) whose B) what C) whom D) that E) who
6. A palace is a place ... a king or a queen lives.
A) what B) which C) when
D) where E) who
7. Have you seen the house ... W. Shakespeare lived?
A) which B) where C) when
D) what E) that
8. Have you seen the house ... W. Shakespeare lived in?
A) which B) where C) when
D) what E) who
9. Susan knows ... his name ... his address.
does she?
A) both ... and B) neither ... nor
C) either ... or D) neither ... or
E) neither ... no
10. Bessie wanted ... to watch TV ... to read a book. She wanted to sleep.
A) -... and B) both ... and
C) either ... or D) neither ... or
E) neither ... nor
11. Nobody knows the reason ... David missed
the party again.
A) whom B) who C) why
D) what E) when
12. Choose the correct conjunction or conjunctive word.
Jane asked ... they would know the reason ... she had been absent so long.
A) if, which B) how, when C) if, why
D) whether, when E) when, that
13. We need ... your address and phone number.
A) if B) either C) neither
D) whether E) both
14. They settled ... in the village ... in the forest, did they?
A) neither ... or B) either ... or
C) both ... and D) neither ... nor
E) neither ... no
15. Neither Mary nor her friends ... to the conference.
A) is going B) are able to go
C) don't wish to go D) has gone
E) won't go
16. They expect the delegation to arrive ..., today ... tomorrow, do they?
A) neither ... or B) either ... or
C) both ... and D) neither ... nor
E) neither ... no
17. I turned the heating on ... it was very cold.
1. because 2. as 3. though 4. Although
A)12 B)13 C)23 D)14 E)34
18. I have never met the man ... is talking to my father now.
A) whom B) who C) - D) which E) whose
19. Mr. James, ... team has won the game, looks very happy.
A) which B) who C) whose
D) what E) whom
20. Do you remember the town through ... we drove last night?
A) that B) whom C) which D) whose E) who
21. I wonder ... that message was from.
A) how often B) when C) how D) why E) who
22. ... is the boy ... you are speaking about?
A) Where, which B) Where, what
C) Who, which D) Who, who
E) Whose, what
23. The poem is large in size ... poor in quality.
A) because B) if C) but D) as E) till
24. No one was sure ... the delegates would come in time or not.
A) what time B) when C) whether
D) why E) where
25. The book about ... you are talking, belongs to
my father.
A) who B) what C) whose
D) that E) which
26. ... the weather was very hot, we did not suffer
from the heat ... we lived quite near the sea.
A) As, why B) As, though
C) Although, as D) When, though
E) Although, what
27. Mr. Smith is the producer of the film studio ... has become famous for its wonderful films.
A) which B) why C) whose
D) whom E) what
28. Sam was a man ... all his friends admired and ... was respected even by his enemies.
A) who, which B) who, whom
C) which, who D) which, which
E) whom, who
29. Do you want to know ... he asked me and the
news ... he told me?
A) what, that B) what, what C) why, what
D) that, how E) that, which
30. He asks ... I have ever lived in a country ... I couldn't speak the language.
A) that, that B) when, what C) if, where
D) that, where E) where, what