Hatfield marine science center station bibliography

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Rowe, Shawn and Needham, M.D. Value Orientations, Awareness of Consequences, and Participation in a Whale Watching Education Program in Oregon. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. 2007. v.12 (4):289-293. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10871200701442999

Christie, D.M.; Duncan, R.A.; McBirney, A.R.; Richards, M.A.; White, W.M.; Harpp, K.S. and Fox, Christopher G. Drowned islands downstream from the Galapagos hotspot imply extended speciation times. Nature. 1992. v.355 (6357):246-248.

Chu, Caroline Li-yuan**. Temperature requirement for the efficient application of condensed phosphate to Pacific shrimp (Pandalus jordani). Master's Thesis. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Food Science and Technology). 1981. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/27282

Chu, Tien-ju**. Frozen shelf-life characteristics of condensed phosphate treated Pacific shrimp meat (Pandalus jordani). Master's Thesis. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Food Science). 1981. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/27285

Chung, Yun-Chin**. Effect of salt and pH on surimi gels made from Pacific whiting (Merluccius productus). Master's Thesis. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Food Science and Technology). 1993. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/27181

Chung, Yun-Chin** ; Gebrehiwot, A. ; Farkas, D. F. and Morrissey, Michael T. Gelation of surimi by high hydrostatic pressure. Journal of Food Science. 1994. v.59 (3):523-524.

Chung, Yun-Chin**; Richardson, L. and Morrissey, Michael T. Effects of pH and NaCl on gel strength of Pacific whiting surimi. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology. 1993. v.2 (3):19-34.

Churnside, J.; Brodeur, Richard D.; Horne, J.; Adam, P.; Benoit-Bird, K.; Reese, Douglas C.; Kaltenberg, A. and Brown, E. Combining techniques for remotely assessing pelagic nekton: getting the whole picture. In: R. J. Beamish and B. J. Rothschild, eds. The Future of Fisheries Science in North America. Dordrecht: Springer. (Fish & Fisheries series)v.31. 2009. Ch.19 p.345-356.

Churnside, J.H.; Griffith, D.; Demer, D.A.; Emmett, Robert L. and Brodeur, Richard D. Fish lidar surveys on two scales in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. In: California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports. 50. California Department of Fish and Game et al. Pacific Grove, CA: 2009. 118-122. http://calcofi.org/publications/calcofireports/vol50/Calcofi_vol.50_finals.pdf

Ciannelli, L; Brodeur, Richard D. and Napp, J.M. Foraging impact on zooplankton by age-0 walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) around a front in the southeast Bering Sea. Marine Biology. 2004. v.144 (3):515-526.

Ciannelli, L.; Brodeur, Richard D.; Swartzman, G.L. and Salo, S. Physical and biological factors influencing the spatial distribution of age-0 walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) around the Pribilof Islands, Bering Sea. Deep Sea Research part II:Topical Studies in Oceanography. 2002. v.49 (26):6109-6126.

Ciannelli, L.; Chong, C.T.; Larned, Scott T.; Covich, A.P. and Kinzie, R.A. Species interactions between estuarine detritivores: inhibition or facilitation? Hydrobiologia. 2000. v.434 (1):11-16.

Ciannelli, L.; Paul, A.J. and Brodeur, Richard D. Regional, interannual and size-related variation of age 0 year walleye pollock whole body energy content around the Pribilof Islands, Bering Sea. Journal of Fish Biology. 2002. v.60 (5):1267-1279.

Ciannelli, L. ; Robson, B. W. ; Francis, R. C. ; Aydin, K. and Brodeur, Richard D. Boundaries of open marine ecosystems: An application to the Pribilof Archipelago, Southeast Bering Sea. Ecological Applications. 2004. v.14 (3):942-953.

Cifuentes, L. A. and Eldridge, Peter M. A mass- and isotope-balance model of DOC mixing in estuaries. Limnology and Oceanography. 1998. v.43 (8):1872-1882.

Cifuentes, L.A.; Eldridge, Peter M.; Kaldy, James E. III and Maffione, R. Water column data and spectral irradiance model. In: K. H. Dunton; A. Burd; L. Cifuentes; P. M. Eldridge and J. W. Morse, eds. Concluding Report. Effects of Dredge Deposits on Seagrasses: an Integrative Model for Laguna Madre. Galveston, Texas: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 2003. p.1-54. http://www.swg.usace.army.mil/items/Laguna/special_studies/SeagrassReport.pdf

Clack, Brendan W.*. Development of methods to improve acceptability of artificial diets by Asteropteryx semipunctata (Blue Spotted Goby). Masters Thesis. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Fisheries and Wildlife). 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/1682

Clapham, P.; Mikhalev, Y.; Franklin, W.; Paton, D.; Baker, C. Scott ; Ivashchenko, Y.V. and Brownell Jr., R.L. Catches of humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, by the Soviet Union and other nations in the southern ocean, 1947-1973. Marine Fishereis Review. 2009. v.71 (1):39-43. http://spo.nmfs.noaa.gov/mfr711/mfr7113.pdf

Clapham, P.J. and Baker, C.Scott Modern Whaling. In: W. F. Perrin; B. Wursig and J. Thewissen, G.M., eds. Encyclopedia of marine mammals. New York: Academic Press. 2009. p.1239-1242.

Clark, A.E.. ; Watanabe, W.O. ; Ernst, D. H. ; Wicklund, R. I. and Olla, Bori L. Effect of feeding rate on growth and feed conversion of Florida red tilapia reared in floating marine cages. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 1990. v.21 (1):16-24.

Clark, A. E. ; Watanabe, W.O. ; Olla, Bori L. and Wicklund, R. I. Growth, feed conversion and protein utilization of Florida red tilapia fed isocaloric diets with different protein levels in seawater pools. Aquaculture. 1990. v.88 (1):75-85.

Clemons, Ethan R.; Arkoosh, Mary R.* and Casillas, E. Enhanced superoxide anion production in activated peritoneal macrophages from English sole (Pleurinectes vetulus) exposed to polycyclic aromatic compounds. Marine Environmental Research. 1999. v.47 (1):71-87.

Clinton, Patrick J.; Young, David R.; Robbins, Bradley D. and Specht, David T. Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, eds. 2000. Issues in digital image processing of aerial photography for mapping submersed aquatic vegetation. Held May 1-3, 2000. Charleston, SC. Veridian ERIM International. v 2. 285-291.

Clinton, Patrick J.; Young, David R.; Specht, David T. and Lee, Henry II 4 A guide to mapping intertidal eelgrass and nonvegetated habitats in estuaries of the Pacific Northwest USA. In: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, DC: 2007. EPA 600/R-07/062 http://www.epa.gov/wed/pages/publications/authored/EPA600R-07062AGuideToMappingIntertidalEelgrass.pdf

Cloern, J.E.; Hieb, K.A.; Jacobson, T.; Sanso, Bruno; ; Di Lorenzo, E.; Stacey, M.T.; Largier, J.L.; Meiring, W.; Peterson, William T.; Powell, T.M.; Winder, M. and Jassby, A.D. Biological communities in San Francisco Bay track large-scale climate forcing over the North Pacific. Geophysical Research Letters. 2010. v.37:L21602, doi:10.1029/2010GL044774.

Cohen, A. N. ; Harris, L. H. ; Bingham, B.; Carlton, J.; Chapman, John W.; Lambert, C.; Lambert, G./Ljubenkov, J.C.; Murray, S.N. and Rao, L.C. Rapid assessment survey for exotic organisms in southern California bays and harbors, and abundance in port and non-prot areas. Biological Invasions. 2005. v.7 (6):995-1002. DO: 10.1007/s10530-004-3121-1

Colbert, Jimmie J.; Schuckers, M.; Fekedulegn, D.; Rentch, J.; Macsiurtain, M. and Gottschalk, K. Individual tree basal-area growth parameter estimates for four models. Ecological Modelling. 2004. v.174 (1-2):115-126.

Cole, Faith A.; Swartz, Richard C.; Lamberson, Janet O.; Boese, Bruce L.; Dewitt, Theodore H.; Schults, Donald W. and Ditsworth, George R. Effects of storage on the toxicity of sediments spiked with fluoranthene to the amphipod Rhepoxynius abronius. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 2000. v.19 (3):744-748.

Colebrook, E.; Lukowiak, K. and Mpitsos, George J. In vitro classical conditioning of the Aplysia gill withdrawal reflex involves multiple mechanisms. Society for Neuroscience. 1986. v.12:860.

Colton, Amanda R. and Hurst, Thomas P. Behavioral responses to light gradients, olfactory cues, and prey in larvae of two North Pacific gadids (Gadus macrocephalus and Theragra chalcogramma). Environmental Biology of Fishes. 2010. v.88 (1):39-49. 10.1007/s10641-010-9616-y.

Committee on Cooperative Research in the National Marine Fisheries Service. 2004. Cooperative research in the National Marine Fisheries Service / , Ocean Studies Board, Division on Earth and Life Studies ; National Research Council of the National Academies. The National Academies Press; Washington, D.C. 93 pp. http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=10836&page=1

Condon, E.J. and Kolbe, Edward R. Radar reflectors for boats. In: OR SG. Oregon Sea Grant. Corvallis, OR: 1978. p. 6. http://nsgl.gso.uri.edu/oresu/oresug178002.pdf

Conser, Ramon J. ; Gabriel, W. ; Goodyear, P. ; Porch, C. ; Powers, J. ; Restrepo, V. and Scott, G. Application of ADAPT to the NRC simulated data sets. eds. Analyses of Simulated Data Sets in Support of the NRC Study on Stock Assessment Methods. (NOAA technical memorandum NMFS-F/SPO)30. 1998. p.31-41.

Constantine, R.; Russell, K.; Gibbs, N.; Childerhouse, S. and Baker, C. Scott. Photo-identification of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in New Zealand waters and their migratory connections to breeding grounds of Oceana. Marine Mammal Science. 2007. v.23 (3):715-720.

Copeman, Louise A. and Laurel, Benjamin J. . Experimental evidence of fatty acid limited growth and survival in Pacific cod larvae. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2010. v.412:259-272. doi:10.3354/meps08661.

Copenheaver, C. A.; Black, Bryan A.; Stine, M. B.; McManamay, R. H. and Bartens, J. Identifying dendroecological growth releases in American beech, jack pine, and white oak: within-tree sampling strategy. Forest Ecology and Management. 2009 v.257 (11):2235-2240. 10.1016/j.foreco.2009.02.031.

Copps, S.; Yoklavich, M.M.; Parkes, G.; Wakefield, W.Waldo; Bailey, A.; Greene, H.G.; Goldfinger, Chris* and Burn, R.W. Applying marine habitat data to fishery management on the US West coast: initiating a policy-science feedback loop. Mapping the Seafloor for Habitat Characterization. 2007. (no. 47):451-462.

Corey, Philip D.*. Optimization of feeding schedules for coho salmon in the hatchery environment. Ph.D. Dissertation. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Civil Engineering). 1982.

Cornwell, T.J.; Bottom, Daniel L. and Jones, K.K. Rearing of juvenile salmon in recovering wetlands of the Salmon River estuary. In: Information reports / Fish Division, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Portland, OR: 2001. 2001-05

Cotte, C.; d'Ovidio, F.; Chaigneau, A.; Levy, M.; Taupier-Letage, I. and Mate, Bruce R. Scale-dependent interactions of Mediterranean whales with marine dynamics. Limnology and Oceanography. 2011. v.56 (1):219-232. doi:10.4319/lo.2011.56.1.0219.

Cotte, C.; Guinet, C.; Taupier-Letage, I.; Mate, Bruce R. and Petiau, E. Scale-dependent habitat use by a large free-ranging predator, the Mediterranean fin whale. Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers. 2009. v.56 (5):801-811. 10.1016/j.dsr.2008.12.008.

Courtright, Robert C.*. Formulation of a synthetic seawater for bioassays with Mytilus edulis embryos. Master's Thesis. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Fisheries and Wildlife). 1967.

Cowen, J.P.; Baker, E.T. and Embley, Robert W. W. S. D. Wilcock; E. F. DeLong; D. S. Kelley; J. A. Baross and S. C. Cary, eds. 2004. Detection of and response to mid-ocean ridge magmatic events: Implications for the subsurface biosphere. Held Summer, 2000

Big Sky, Montana. American Geophysical Union. (Geophysical monograph). 227-243.

Crapo, Chuck**. Effect of condensed phosphate, cooking time and cooking medium on the yield and quality of Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) meat. Master's Thesis. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Food Science and Technology). 1983. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/27208

Craven, Cormac**; Hilderbrand, Kenneth S. , Jr.*; Kolbe, Edward R.; Sylvia, Gilbert ; Daeschel, M.; Gloria, B. and An, Haejung Understanding and controlling histamine formation in troll-caught albacore tuna: a review and update of preliminary findings from the 1994 season. In: ORESU-T. Oregon State University. Corvallis, OR: 1995. 4. http://seagrant.oregonstate.edu/sgpubs/onlinepubs/t01001.pdf

Crone, Paul R.*. Effects of sampling design, estimators, and variability on groundfish management in Oregon. Ph.D. Dissertation. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Fisheries Science). 1995.

Crone, Paul R. and B., Sampson David. F. Funk; T. J. Quinn II; J. Heifetz; J. N. Lanelli; J. E. Powers; J. F. Schweeigert; P. J. Sullivan and C. I. Zang, eds. 1998. Evaluation of assumed error structure in stock assessment models that use sample estimates of age composition. Held Oct. 8-11, 1997. Anchorage, AK. University of Alaska. (AK-SG). (AK-SG 98-01). 355-370. http://nsgl.gso.uri.edu/aku/akuw97002/akuw97002_part4.pdf

Crone, Paul R.; Piner, Kevin R.; Methot, R.D.; Conser, Ramon J. and Builder, Tonya L.*. Status of the canary rockfish resource off Oregon and Washington in 1999. In: Pacific Fishery Management Council, eds. Appendix to the Status of the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery through 1999 and Recommended Acceptable Biological Catches for 2000, Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation. Portland, OR: Pacific Fishery Management Council. 1999. p.1-111.

Crosby, M.P.; Langdon, Christopher J. and Newell, R.I.E. Importance of refaractory plant material to the carbon budget of the oyster Crassostrea virginicas. Marine Biology. 1989. v.100:343-352.

Crosby, M.P.; Newell, R.I.E. and Langdon, Christopher J. Bacterial mediation in the utilization of carbon and nitrogen from detrital complexes by the American oyster, Crassostea virginica. Limnology and Oceanography. 1990. v.35:625-639.

Crozier, L.G.; Hendry, A.P.; Lawson, Peter W.; Quinn, T.P.; Mantua, N.J.; Battin, J.; Shaw, R.G. and Huey, R.B. Potential responses to climate change in organisms with complex life histories: evolution and plasticity in Pacific salmon. Evolutionary Applications. 2008. v.1 (2):252-270. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1752-4571.2008.00033.x/pdf

Culbertson, Jeffry Dean**. Acid stabilization of autolyzed fish: storage and nutritional characteristics. Master's thesis. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Food Science and Technology). 1978. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/26179

Curtis, L.R.; Garzon, C.B.; Arkoosh, Mary R.; Collier, T.K.; Myers, M.S.; Buzitis, J. and Hahn, M.E. Reduced cytochrome P4501A activity and recovery from oxidative stress during subchronic benzo[a]pyrene and benzo[e]pyrene treatment of rainbow trout. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 2011. v.254 (1):1-7. doi:10.1016/j.taap.2011.04.015.

Curtis, L.R.; Seim, W.K.; Siddens, L.K.; Meager, D.A.; Charchman, R.A.; Carter, W.H. and Chapman, Gary A. Role of exposure duration in hydrogen ion toxicity to brook (Salvelinus fontinalis) and rainbow trout. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 1989. v.46:33-40.

Cusimano, R.F.; Brakke, D.F. and Chapman, Gary A. Effects of pH on the toxicities of cadmium, copper, and zinc to steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 1986. v.43 (8):1497-1503.

Dalebout, M.L ; Baker, C. Scott. ; Steel, D.; Robertson, K.M.; Chivers, S.J.; Perrin, W.F.; Mead, J.G.; Grace, R.V. and Schofield, T.D. A divergent mtDNA lineage among Mesoplodon beaked whales: Molecular evidence for a new species in the tropical Pacific? Marine Mammal Science. 2007. v.23 (4):954-966. http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/fulltext/118534346/PDFSTART

Dalebout, M.L.; Steel, D. and Baker, C. Scott. Phylogeny of the beaked whale genus Mesoplodon (Ziphiidae: Cetacea) revealed by nuclear introns: implications for the evolution of male tusks. Systematic Biology. 2008 v.57 (6):857-875. 10.1080/10635150802559257.

Daly, Elizabeth A.; Benkwitt, C.E. ; Brodeur, Richard D.; Litz, Marisa N. C. and Copeman, Louise A. Fatty acid profiles of juvenile salmon indicate prey selection strategies in coastal marine waters. Marine Biology. 2010. v.157 (9):1975-1987. doi:10.1007/s00227-010-1466-9.

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