Reel: 202
Entschleierte Geheimnisse der Prostitution in Hamburg.
Leipzig, Julius Koffka. 1847
Item identification number 1343.
Reel: 202
Eros; oder, Wörterbuch über die physiologie und über die natur- und cultur-geschichte des menschen in hinsicht auf seine sexualität.
Stuttgart, J. Scheible. 1849
Item identification number 1344; Neue auflage.
Reel: 202
The Woman's Journal (new style).
Reel: 202
Esquiros, Alphonse, 1812-1876.
Les vierges martyres.
Paris, P. Delavigne. 1842
Item identification number 1346.
Reel: 203
Evans, Robert Wilson, 1789-1866.
The rectory of Valehead.
New York, D. Appleton & Co.; Philadelphia, Geo. S. Appleton. 1844
Item identification number 1347; From the twelfth English edition.
Reel: 203
Evelyn, John, 1620-1706.
The life of Mrs. Godolphin.
London, W. Pickering. 1848
Item identification number 1348; Now first pub. and ed. by Samuel Lord Bishop of Oxford.
Reel: 203
[Farguen, P.A.].
Théatres, acteurs et actrices de Paris; biographie des artistes dramatiques.
Paris, Au depot central des pièces de théatre. 1842
Item identification number 1348.1.
Reel: 203
Farley, Harriet, 1817-1907.
Shells from the strand of the sea of genius.
Boston, James Munroe and company. 1847
Item identification number 1349; First series.
Reel: 203
Farnham, Eliza Woodson (Burhans) "Mrs. T. J. Farnham," 1815-1864.
Life in prairie land.
New York, Harper & bros. 1846
Item identification number 1350.
Reel: 203
Farquhar, Barbara H.
The pearl of days; or, The advantages of the Sabbath to the working classes.
New York, S. Hueston. 1849
Item identification number 1351; by a labourer's daughter. with a sketch of the author's life, by herself, and a preface by an American clergyman.
Reel: 203
Felton (Mrs.).
American life. A narrative of two years' city and country residence in the United States.
London, Simpkin, Marshall and co. 1842
Item identification number 1352.
Reel: 203
The Woman's Journal (new style).
Reel: 203
La Femme telle qu'elle est, et un aperçu sur les eaux thermales de Plombières, de Vichi et de Bade; par un baigneur.
Paris, Chez les principaux libraires de nouveautés. [1847]
Item identification number 1353; 2e édition, revue et augmentée.
Reel: 204
Fergurson, Anna.
The young lady; or, Guide to knowledge, virtue, and happiness.
Boston, G. W. Cottrell & co.; New York, T. W. Strong. [c1848]
Item identification number 1354.
Reel: 204
Ferri, Pietro Leopoldo, conte, 1786-1847.
Biblioteca femminile italiana; reccolta posseduta e descritta dal conte Pietro Leopoldo Ferri, Padovano.
Padova, Tipografia Crescini. 1842
Item identification number 1355.
Reel: 204
Feuerbach, Ludwig Andreas, 1804-1872.
Das wesen des Christenthums.
Leipzig, O. Wigand. 1841
Item identification number 1356.
Reel: 204
Fickler, Carl Borromaeus Aloys.
Einiges über die griechischen frauen im historischen zeitalter.
Heidelberg, G. Mohr. 1848
Item identification number 1357; Nach P. van Limburg Brower.
Reel: 204
Finden, Edward Francis, 1791-1857.
The beauties of Moore.
London, Published by Chapman and Hall. 1846
Item identification number 1357.1; a series of portraits of his principal female characters, from paintings by eminent artists, executed expressly for the work.
Reel: 204
Fowler, Lorenzo Niles, 1811-1896.
Marriage: its history and ceremonies; with a phrenological and physiological exposition of the functions and qualifications for happy marriages.
New York, Fowler & Wells. 1847
Item identification number 1358.
Reel: 204
Fowler, Orson Squire, 1809-1887.
Fowler on matrimony: or, Phrenology and physiology applied to the selection of congenial companions for life.
New York, O. S. and L. N. Fowler. 1842
Item identification number 1359.
Reel: 204
The Woman's Journal (new style).
Reel: 204
Fox, Maria (Middleton) 1793-1884.
Memoirs of Maria Fox.
Philadelphia, H. Longstreth. 1847
Item identification number 1360.
Reel: 205
Friedlaender, H.H.
Jahres-bericht über die hëhere töchterschule, womit zu der am 21., 22. und 23. December im Schullokale stattfindenden prüfung und schlussfeier ergebenst eingeladen wird.
Elberfeld, S. Lucas. 1846
Item identification number 1360.1; Nebst einer abhandlung: Was fordert unsere zeit hinsichtlich der intellektuellen bildung des weiblichen geschlechts?.
Reel: 205
Friends, Society of. London yearly meeting.
Testimonies concerning deceased ministers.
London, E. Marsh. 1844
Item identification number 1362.
Reel: 205
Friendship's offering of sentiment of mirth.
London, Smith, Elder. 1844
Item identification number 1363.
Reel: 205
Fry, Elizabeth (Gurney) 1780-1845.
Memoir of the life.
Philadelphia, H. Longstreth. 1847
Item identification number 1364; with extracts from her journal and letters. edited by two of her daughters.
Reel: 205
Furbor, professor.
The lady's equestrian companion; or, Golden key to equitation.
London, Saunders and Otley. 1847
Item identification number 1365.
Reel: 205
Gardner, James.
Memoirs of eminent Christian females; with an essay on the influences of female piety.
Philadelphia, Lindsay and Blakiston. 1844
Item identification number 1366.
Reel: 205
Woman's Leader and the Common Cause.
April 1909-1912
Reel: 205
[Gasparin, Catherine Valérie (Boissier) comtesse de], 1813-1894.
Le mariage au point de vue chrétien.
Paris, L.-R. Delay. 1843
Item identification number 1367; Ouvrage spécialement adressé aux jeunes femmes du monde.
Reel: 206
Gaspey, William.
The physiology of "muffs".
London, Willoughby and co. [184-?]
Item identification number 1368.
Reel: 206
Gautier, A.F.
Notice sur Christine de Pisan.
Bordeaux, Henry Faye. 1844
Item identification number 1368.1.
Reel: 206
Giles, John Allen, 1808-1884.
Mulierum latinarum.
Windlesham, anno Christi. 1840
Item identification number 1369.
Reel: 206
[Goodrich, Samuel Griswold], 1793-1860.
Lives of celebrated women.
Philadelphia, Thomas, Cowperthwait & co. [1846]
Item identification number 1370; by the author of Peter Parley's tales.
Reel: 206
Gosson, Stephen, 1554-1624.
Pleasant quippes for upstart newfangled gentlewomen.
London, Reprinted by C. Richards. 1841
Item identification number 1371; A treatise on the pride and abuse of women. by Charles Bansley. The first from a copy with the author's autograph; the last from an unique impression by Thomas Raynalde.
Reel: 206
Woman's Leader and the Common Cause.
Reel: 206
Govion, Broglio Solari, Catherine (Hyde) marquise de, 1755 or 6-1844.
Letters of the Marchioness Broglio Solari.
London, W. Pickering. 1845
Item identification number 1372; containing a sketch of her life.
Reel: 207
Grant, Anne (MacVicar) 1755-1838.
Memoir and correspondence of Mrs. Grant of Laggan.
London, Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans. 1844
Item identification number 1375; Ed. by her son, J. P. Grant.
Reel: 207
Grant, Anne (MacVicar) 1755-1838.
Memoirs of an American lady, with sketches of manners and scenery in America as they existed previous to the revolution.
New York, Appleton; Philadelphia, G. Appleton. 1846
Item identification number 1374.
Reel: 207
Graves, A.J. (Mrs.).
Girlhood and womanhood.
Boston, T. H. Carter & Co. [etc.]. 1844
Item identification number 1376; sketches of my schoolmates.
Reel: 207
Graves, Hiram Atwill, 1813-1850, comp.
The family circle: its affections and pleasures.
Boston, Gould, Kendall & Lincoln. 1844
Item identification number 1378.
Reel: 207
Graves, Mrs. A.J.
Woman in America; being an examination into the moral and intellectual condition of American female society.
New York, Harper and brothers. 1843
Item identification number 1377.
Reel: 207
Great Britain. Poor Law Commissioners.
Reports of special assistant poor law commissioners, on the employment of women and children in agriculture.
London, Printed by W. Clowes and sons. 1843
Item identification number 1379.
Reel: 207
Woman's Leader and the Common Cause.
Reel: 207
Green, Mary Anne Everett (Wood) 1818-1895.
Letters of royal and illustrious ladies of Great Britain, from the commencement of the twelfth century to the close of the reign of Queen Mary.
London, H. Colburn. 1846
Item identification number 1380.
Reel: 208
Woman's Leader and the Common Cause.
Reel: 208
Green, Mary Anne Everett (Wood) 1818-1895.
Lives of the princesses of England, from the Norman conquest.
London, H. Colburn. 1849-55
Item identification number 1381.
Reel: 208-209
Hanson, Emma (Cole).
The life and sufferings of Miss Emma Cole, being a faithful narrative of her life.
Boston, M. Aurelius. 1844
Item identification number 1384.
Reel: 209
Haughton, George Dunbar.
On sex in the world to come, an essay.
London, T. & W. Boone. 1841
Item identification number 1386.
Reel: 209
Woman's Leader and the Common Cause.
Reel: 209
Hawes, Joel, 1789-1867.
"A looking-glass for ladies," or The formation and excellence of the female character.
Boston, W. D. Ticknor & Co. 1845
Item identification number 1388; An address delivered at Hartford, on Sunday evening, August 24, 1845 ... Published by request of the American institute of instruction.
Reel: 210
Heath, Charles, 1785-1848.
The heroines of Shakespeare: comprising the principal female characters in the plays of the great poet.
New York, Wiley and Putnam. 1848
Item identification number 1389; Engraved under the direction of Mr. Charles Heath, from drawings by eminent artists.
Reel: 210
Hemans, Felicia Dorothea (Browne) 1793-1835.
The works of Mrs. Hemans.
Philadelphia, Lea and Blanchard. 1840
Item identification number 1390; with a memoir by her sister, and an essay on her genius by Mrs. Sigourney.
Reel: 210
Woman's Leader and the Common Cause.
Reel: 210
Henderson, Helen E., 19th century.
My father and my mother.
New York, J. C. Riker. 1847
Item identification number 1391.
Reel: 211
[Henlau, A.A.].
Ambisexia das land der entjochten frauen.
Leipzig, Fritzsche. 1848
Item identification number 1392; Lustspiel in vier aufzügen von Justus Feminis [pseud.].
Reel: 211
Hesekiel, George, 1819-1874.
Anna Ansbach und die emancipirten weiber.
Altenburg, Helbig. 1847
Item identification number 1393.
Reel: 211
Hofmanowa, Klementyna (Tanska) 1798-1845.
Berlin, Nakl. Ksieg, B. Behra. 1849
Item identification number 1395.
Reel: 211
Hollick, Frederick, 1818.
The matron's manual of midwifery and the diseases of woman during pregnancy and in child bed.
New York, T. W. Strong. [c1848]
Item identification number 1396; 47th ed., much improved.
Reel: 211
Woman's Leader and the Common Cause.
Reel: 211
Howitt, William, 1792-1879.
The rural and domestic life of Germany.
Frankfort, Jugel. 1843
Item identification number 1397.
Reel: 212
Humphrey, Hemen, 1779-1861.
The woman that feareth the Lord, a discourse delivered at the funeral of Mrs. D. W. V. Fiske, February 21, 1844.
Amherst, J. S. & C. Adams. 1844
Item identification number 1399.
Reel: 212
Hunt, Leigh, 1784-1859.
Men, women, and books; a selection of sketches, essays, and critical memoirs, from his uncollected prose writings.
London, Smith, Elder, and Co. 1847
Item identification number 1400.
Reel: 212
Hurlbut, Elisha P.
Essays on human rights, and their political guaranties.
New York, Fowlers and Wells. 1848
Item identification number 1401; with notes by George Combe. Sixth thousandth.
Reel: 212
Hutchinson, Lucy (Apsley) b. 1620.
Memoirs of the life of Colonel Hutchinson.
London, H. G. Bohn. 1848
Item identification number 1401.1; with original anecdotes of many of the most distinguished of his contemporaries, and a summary review of public affairs: written by his widow Lucy ... From the original manuscript by the Rev. Julius Hutchinson. To which is prefixed the life of Mrs. Hutchinson, written by herself. Seventh edition. To which is now first added, an account of the siege of Lathom house, defended by the Countess of Derby against Sir Thomas Fairfax.
Reel: 212
Hvotsvit, of Gandersheim, b. ca. 935.
Théatre de Hrotsvitha, religieuse Allemande du Xe siècle traduit pour la première fois en Français avec le texte Latin revu sur le manuscrit de Munich, précédé d'une introduction et suivi de notes par Charles Magnin.
Paris, Chez Benjamin Duprat. 1845
Item identification number 1398.
Reel: 212
Woman's Leader and the Common Cause.
Reel: 212
L'indiscret des coulisses; ou, Biographie des artistes dramatiques de Paris.
Paris, Chez les marchands de mouveautés. 1841
Item identification number 1402; Petite chronique des théatres. Deuxième édition.
Reel: 213
Jackson, Daniel, 1790.
Alonzo and Melissa; or, The unfeeling father.
Hartford, S. Andrus. 1844
Item identification number 1404; An American tale.
Reel: 213
James, John Angell, 1785-1859.
The marriage ring; or, How to make home happy.
Boston, Gould, Kendall & Lincoln. [c1842]
Item identification number 1405; Illuminated ed.
Reel: 213
Jameson, Anna Brownell (Murphy) 1794-1860.
Memoirs and essays illustrative of art, literature, and social morals.
New York, Wiley & Putnam. 1846
Item identification number 1406.
Reel: 213
Janeway, Jacob Jones, 1774-1858.
Unlawful marriage: An answer to "The Puritan" and "Omicron," who hale advocated, in a pamphlet, The lawfulness of the marriage of a man with his deceased wife's sister.
New-York, R. Carter. 1844
Item identification number 1408.
Reel: 213
Jeter, Jeremiah Bell, 1802-1880.
A memoir of Mrs. Henrietta Shuck, the first American female missionary to China.
Boston, Gould, Kendall and Lincoln. 1846
Item identification number 1409.
Reel: 213
Johnson, Lorenzo Dow, 1805-1867.
Martha Washingtonianism; or, A history of the ladies' temperance benevolent societies.
New York, Saxton & Miles; Boston, Saxton, Peirce & co. 1843
Item identification number 1410.
Reel: 213
Jones, Rebecca, 1739-1817.
Memorials of Rebecca Jones.
Philadelphia, H. Longstreth; London, C. Gilpin. [1849?]
Item identification number 1412; Compiled by William J. Allinson.
Reel: 213
[Judson, Emily (Chubbuck)], 1817-1854.
Memoir of Sarah B. Judson, member of the American mission to Burmah.
New-York, L. Colby and Company. 1848
Item identification number 1414; by "Fanny Forester." [pseud.] Twelfth thousand.
Reel: 213
Woman's Leader and the Common Cause.
Reel: 213
Judson, Emily (Chubbuck) 1817-1854.
Trippings in author-land.
New York, Paine & Burgess. 1846
Item identification number 1415; by Fanny Forester [pseud.].
Reel: 214
Kelty, Mary Ann, 1789-1873.
Memoirs of the lives and persecutions of the primitive Quakers, exemplifying the obedience of faith in some of the early members of the society.
London, Harvey and Darton. 1844
Item identification number 1416; Second edition.
Reel: 214
Kemble, Frances Anne, 1809-1893.
A year of consolation.
London, E. Moxon. 1847
Item identification number 1417; by Mrs. Butler, late Fanny Kemble.
Reel: 214
Kirkland, Caroline Matilda (Stansbury) 1801-1864.
Western clearings.
New York, Wiley and Putnam. 1845
Item identification number 1419.
Reel: 214
[Kirkland, Caroline Matilda (Stansbury)], 1801-1864.
Forest life.
New York, C. S. Francis & co.; Boston, J. H. Francis. 1842
Item identification number 1418; by the author of "A new home".
Reel: 214
Woman's Leader and the Common Cause.
1929-Mar. 1933
Reel: 214
Kurnik, Max, 1819-1881.
Goethe's Frauen.
Breslau, J. U. Kern. 1848-49
Item identification number 1421; Von Max Kurnik. In zwei Lieferungen.
Reel: 215
Kutschker, Johann.
Die gemischten ehen vom Katholisch-kirchlichen standpunkte.
Wien, Wimmer. 1846
Item identification number 1422; Abtheil 1-2.
Reel: 215
Laboulaye, Èdouard René Lefebure, 1811-1883.
Recherches sur la condition civile et politique des femmes, depuis les romains jusqu'a nos jours.
Paris, A Durant [etc.] Leipsig, même maison. 1843
Item identification number 1423.
Reel: 215
The Ladies' scrap-book.
Hartford, S. Andrus and son. 1846
Item identification number 1424.
Reel: 215
Ladies' vase; or, Polite manual for young ladies.
Lowell, N.L. Dayton; Boston, Lewis & Sampson. 1843
Item identification number 1426; Original and selected. by an American lady.
Reel: 215
Woman's Magazine.
1902-Nov. 1904; May 1905-May 1907; Oct.-Dec. 1907
Reel: 215
The Lady's album, a gift for all seasons.
New York, Nafis & Cornish. [184-?]
Item identification number 1427.
Reel: 216
Lairtrullier, E.
Les femmes célèbres de 1789 à 1795, et leur influence dans la révolution, pour servir de suite et de complément à toutes les histoires de la révolution française; par E. Lairtullier.
Paris, France. 1840
Item identification number 1428.
Reel: 216
Lajolais, Nathalie de.
Education des femmes.
Paris, Didier. 1847
Item identification number 1429; Deuxième édition.
Reel: 216
Lajolais, Nathalie de.
Le livre des mères de famille et des institutrices sur l'éducation pratique des femmes.
Paris, Didier. 1843
Item identification number 1430; Deuxième édition.
Reel: 216
Lee, Eliza (Buckminster) 1794-1864.
Naomi; or, Boston two hundred years ago.
Boston, William Crosby and H. P. Nichols. 1848
Item identification number 1433.
Reel: 216
Woman's Magazine.
1908-April 1910
Reel: 216
Le Roux de Lincy, Antoine Jean Victor, 1806-1869.
Les femmes célèbres de l'ancienne France.
Paris, Leroi. 1848
Item identification number 1436.
Reel: 217
The Legion of liberty! And force of trhuth, containing the thoughts, words, and deeds, of some prominent apostles, champions and martyrs.
New York, American Anti-Slavery Society. 1843
Item identification number 1434; 2d ed.
Reel: 217
Lenormand, Marie Anne Adélaide, 1772-1843.
Historical and secret memoirs of the Empress Josephine, first wife of Napoleon Bonaparte.
Philadelphia, Carey and Hart. 1848
Item identification number 1435.
Reel: 217
Woman's Missionary Advocate.
Reel: 217
Lippert, Heinrich.
Die prostitution in Hamburg in ihren eigenthümlichen verhältrussen.
Hamburg, Berendsohn. 1848
Item identification number 1436.1.
Reel: 218
[Lowell, Anna Cabot (Jackson)], 1819-1874.
Theory of teaching, with a few practical illustrations.
Boston, E. P. Peabody. 1841
Item identification number 1438; by a teacher.
Reel: 218
Macqueen, John Fraser.
The rights and liabilities of husband and wife.
Philadelphia, T. & J. W. Johnson. 1849
Item identification number 1443.
Reel: 218
Madame de Sévigné and her contemporaries.
London, H. Colburn. 1841
Item identification number 1444.
Reel: 218
Mallet, Paul Henri, 1730-1807.
Northern antiquities; or, An historical account of the manners, customs, religion and laws, maritime expeditions and discoveries, language and literature of the ancient Scandinavians.
London, H. G. Bohn. 1847
Item identification number 1445; New edition, revised throughout.
Reel: 218
Mansfield, Edward Deering, 1801-1880.
The legal rights, liabilities and duties of women; With an introductory history of their legal condition in the Hebrew, Roman and Feudal civil systems.
Salem, J. P. Jewett & Co.; Cincinnati, W. H. Moore & Co. 1845
Item identification number 1446; Including the law of marriage and divorce, the social relations of husband and wife, parent and child, of guardian and ward, and of employer and employed.
Reel: 218
[McDougall, Frances Harriet (Whipple) Greene], 1805-1878.
Elleanor's second book.
Providence, B. T. Albro printer. 1841
Item identification number 1439.
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