History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 742 Latimer, Caroline Wormeley, 1859

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Reel: 742
Latimer, Caroline Wormeley, 1859.

Girl and woman, a book for mothers and daughters.

New York and London, D. Appleton & co. 1910

Item identification number 5946; with an introduction by Howard A. Kelly.

Reel: 743
Lee, Anna Collier, 1845-1908.

Selected verses from the writings, a tribute from her children.

[Boston] Privately printed. 1909

Item identification number 5948.

Reel: 743
Lefebvre, Charles, 1847-1922.

Cours de doctorat sur l'histoire du droit matrimonial français, par Charles Lefebvre.

Paris, L. Larose & L. Tenin. 1906-23

Item identification number 5949.

Reel: 743
Legge, Edward.

The Empress Eugénie, 1870-1910: Her Majesty's life since "the terrible year".

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1910

Item identification number 5950; Together with the statement of her case, the Emperor's own story of Sedan, an account of his exile and last days, and reminiscences of the Prince imperial, from authentic sources, by Edward Legge. with illustrations and facsimile letters.

Reel: 743
Lehmann, Richard, 1886.

Kinder geschiedener Ehegatten.

Borna-Leipzig, R. Noske. 1909

Item identification number 5950.1; Heidelberg.

Reel: 743
Leideritz, Max, 1864.

Die Stellung der Ehefrau im Wechselrecht nach den verschiedenen Güterständen des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches.

Borna-Leipzig, R. Noske. 1909

Item identification number 5950.2.

Reel: 743
[Leonard, Katharine H.], 1867.

Clara Temple Leonard, 1828-1904.

Springfield, Mass., Press of Loring-Axtell co. 1908

Item identification number 5951; a memoir of her life by her daughter.

Reel: 744
Léra, Maria.

A travers le féminisme suédois par Marc Hélys [pseud.].

Paris, Plon-Nourrit et cie. 1906

Item identification number 5952.

Reel: 744
Lessing, Theodor.

Weib; Frau; Dame.

München, O. Gmelin. 1910

Item identification number 5953; Ein Essay. Privatdozent der Philosophie in Hannover.

Reel: 744
Levi, Livio.

L'istituto del divorzio nel diritto ebraico, con introduzione del Prof. R. Manzato.

Venezia, M. Norsa. 1908

Item identification number 5953.1.

Reel: 744
Lewin, Ludwig Arthur, 1885.

Der Schutz des gutgläubigen Dritten und des gutgläubigen Ehegatten bei Nichtigkeit der Ehe.

Berlin C., M. Weinberg & co. 1909

Item identification number 5953.2.

Reel: 744
Lewis, Georgiana King (Stoughton).

Elizabeth Fry.

London, Headley Brothers. [1909]

Item identification number 5954.

Reel: 744
Lichtenberger, James Pendleton, 1870.

Divorce: a study in social causation.

New York, Columbia University. 1909

Item identification number 5955.

Reel: 744
Lloyd, John Arthur Thomas, 1870.

Sappho life and work.

London, Arthur L. Humphreys. 1910

Item identification number 5958.1.

Reel: 744
Lockwood, Mary (Smith) 1831-1922.

Story of the records, D.A.R.

Washington, D.C. [G.E. Howard]. 1906

Item identification number 5959; Emily Lee Sherwood (Mrs. W. H. Ragan).

Reel: 744
Löhr, Max Richard Hermann, 1864-1931.

Die Stellung der Weibes zu Jahwe-Religion und -Kult.

Leipzig, J. C. Hinrichs. 1908

Item identification number 5960.

Reel: 745
Loliée, Frédéric, 1856-1915.

Women of the second empire; chronicles of the court of Napoleon III.

London, New York, J. Lane. 1907

Item identification number 5961; compiled from unpublished documents by Frédéric Loliée; Tr. by Alice M. Ivimy, with an introduction by Richard Whiteing and fifty-one portraits, three in photogravure.

Reel: 745
Lombard, Louis, 1861.

Observations of a bachelor.

Boston, D. Estes & co. 1909

Item identification number 5962.

Reel: 745
London. Metropolitan Police Courts.

The trial of the suffragette leaders.

[London, Woman's Press]. [1908?]

Item identification number 5962.1.

Reel: 745
Long, Alice Mattie, 1861.

My lady beautiful; or, The perfection of womanhood.

Chicago, The Progress co. 1908

Item identification number 5963; Rev. ed.

Reel: 745
Longueville, Thomas.

The first Duke and Duchess of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne.

London, New York [etc., etc.] Longmans, Green & co. 1910

Item identification number 5964.

Reel: 745
Lot, Myrrha (Borodine) 1882.

... La femme et l'amour au XIIe siècle, d'après les poèmes de Chrétien de Troyes.

Paris, A. Picard et fils. 1909

Item identification number 5965.

Reel: 745
Lucas, Edward Verrall, 1868-1938, comp.

Her infinite variety; a feminine portrait gallery.

London, Methuen. [1908]

Item identification number 5966.

Reel: 745
Luigino, Federigo, 16th century.

The book of fair women.

London, Werner Laurie; New York, J. Pott & co. [1907?]

Item identification number 5967; Translated from the Venetian edition of 1554 by Elsie M. Lang.

Reel: 745
Lungo, Isidoro del, 1841-1927.

Women of Florence.

New York, Doubleday-page. 1908

Item identification number 5968; Tr. by Mary C. Steegmann, with preface by Doctor Gvido Biagi.

Reel: 746
Mackirdy, Olive Christian (Malvery) "Mrs. Archibald Mackirdy," d. 1914.

Vom Markte der Seelen; Entdeckungsfahrten einer sozialen Frau im Lande Armut.

Leipzig, R. Vogtländers. 1907

Item identification number 5974; Aus dem Englischen von Martha Sommer.

Reel: 746
Maclean, Annie Marion.

... Wage-earning women.

New York, The Macmillan co. 1910

Item identification number 5976; introduction by Grace H. Dodge.

Reel: 746
Macphail, Andrew, 1864.

Essays in fallacy.

New York [etc.] Longsmans, Green & co. 1910

Item identification number 5978.

Reel: 746
Magne, Émile, 1877.

... Madame de la Suze (Henriette de Coligny) et la société précieuse.

Paris, Société du Mercvre de France. 1908

Item identification number 5980; Documents inédits. Portrait inédit d'après Daniel du Monstier. Bibliographie des recueils La Suze-Pellisson.

Reel: 746
Mahling, Friedrich.

Probleme der modernen Frauenfrage.

Hamburg, Agentur des Rauhen Hauses. [1907]

Item identification number 5981.

Reel: 746
Mainer, Otto, 1881.

Geisteskrankheit als Ehescheidungsgrund, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der von den antiken Kulturvölkern u. den beiden christlichen Kirchen des Abendlandes vertretenen Anschauungen über die Ehescheidung, sowie der Voraussetzungen des §159 B.G.B. Erlangen.

Bamberg, W. Gärtner. [1907]

Item identification number 5981.1.

Reel: 746
McBeth, Kate.

The Nez Perces since Lewis and Clark.

New York, Chicago [etc.] Fleming H. Revell co. [1908]

Item identification number 5970.

Reel: 746
McCabe, Joseph, 1867-1955.

Woman in political evolution.

London, Watts & co. 1909

Item identification number 5971.

Reel: 746
McCulloch, Catharine (Waugh) 1862.

Brief and argument on behalf of women's committee for the extension of municipal suffrage to women.

Chicago, Gunthorp-Warren print. co. [1906]

Item identification number 5973; [by] Frank H. McCulloch, attorneys, before the Chicago charter convention in the matter of the power of the Illinois legislature to grant municipal suffrage to the women of Chicago.

Reel: 746
McLaren, Laura, baroness Aberconway.

"Better and happier.".

London, T. Fisher. [1908?]

Item identification number 5975; An answer from the ladies' gallery to the speeches in opposition to the Women's Suffrage Bill, February 28th, 1908. 5th ed.

Reel: 746
McNabb, Robert Leory, 1855.

The women of the Middle kingdom.

New York, Young people's missionary movement. 1907

Item identification number 5977.

Reel: 746
Mansella, Giuseppe.

De causis matrimonialibus tractatus notiones complectens et disceptationes canonicas.

Romae, ex Typographia polyglotta. 1906

Item identification number 5982; Scribebat edebatque primum Iosephus Mansella sub titulo primitivo de impedimentis matrimonium dirimentibus ac de processu iudiciali ect. Hanc alteram editionem postuman ... curabat Franciscus Solieri.

Reel: 747
Mantegazza, Paolo, 1831-1910.

Die Physiologie des Weibes.

Berlin, Neufeld & Henius. [1906]

Item identification number 5983; Aus dem Italienischen von R. Teuscher. Autorisierte deutsche Ausg. 7. Aufl.

Reel: 747
Maréchal, Philippe, 1861.

Une loi de deux lignes peut émanciper la femme; conférence faite devant une assemblée féministe le 14 juillet 1906.

Paris, Michel. [1906?]

Item identification number 5984.

Reel: 747
Marquiset, Alfred, 1867.

La duchesse de Fallary (1697-1782) d'apres des documents inédits.

Paris, Champion. 1907

Item identification number 5985.

Reel: 747
Martin, George Henry, 1841-1917.

Address at the unveiling of the tablet in memory of "Katharin Daland", the first recorded school-teacher in that part of Salem, now Peabody, 1708.

[Peabody, Mass., Peabody press]. [1911]

Item identification number 5986; with the 15th annual report of the Peabody Historical Society, 1910-1911.

Reel: 747
Massachusetts. Laws, statutes, etc.

Simplified statement of laws affecting the employment of women and children in Massachusetts, September 1908.

Boston, Industrial commission. [1908?]

Item identification number 5987; Issued by the Industrial Committee, representing jointly the Massachusetts State Federation of Women's Clubs and the Women's Educational and Industrial Union.

Reel: 747
Masson, Pierre Maurice, 1879-1916.

... Madame de Tencin (1682-1749).

Paris, Hachette et cie. 1910

Item identification number 5988; 3d éd., augmentée et corrigée.

Reel: 747
Matheson, George, 1842-1906.

The representative women of the Bible.

New York, A. C. Armstrong & son; London, Hodder & Stoughton. 1907

Item identification number 5989.

Reel: 747
Mathew, Arnold Harris, 1852.

... Woman suffrage.

London and Edinburgh, T. C. & E. C. Jack. 1907

Item identification number 5990; 2d impression.

Reel: 747
Mathies, Erwin.

Die Stellung der Ehefrau als Kommanditistin unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der § § 1366, 1367, 1405 des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches.

Bielefeld, F. Eilers. 1909

Item identification number 5990.1.

Reel: 747
Maugras, Gaston, 1850-1927.

La cour de Lunéville au XVIIIe siècle: Les marquises de Boufflers et du Chatelet Voltaire, Devau, Saint-Lambert, etc.

Paris, Plon-Nourrit et cie. 1906

Item identification number 5991; 12th éd.

Reel: 748
Maurer, Otto, 1880.

Shelley und die Frauen.

Berlin-Schöneberg, E. Felber. 1906

Item identification number 5992.

Reel: 748
Mayne, Ethel Colburn, d. 1941.

Enchanters of men.

London, Methuen & co. [1909]

Item identification number 5994; with twenty-four illustrations. 2d ed.

Reel: 748
Mayo, Isabella (Fyvie) 1843-1914.

Recollections of what I saw, what I lived through, and what I learned, during more than fifty years of social and literary experience.

London, J. Murray. 1910

Item identification number 5995.

Reel: 748
Meakin, Annette M.B.

Woman in transition.

London, Methuen & co. [1907]

Item identification number 5996.

Reel: 748
Memorial of the women of Oklahoma and Indian Territory to the Oklahoma constitutional convention.

Guthrie, Okla. 1906

Item identification number 5996.1.

Reel: 748
Mentzel, Elisabeth (Schippel) 1848-1914.

Karoline von Hessen-Darmstadt, die grosse Landgräfin; ihr Aufenthalt in Prenzlau, 1750 bis 1756.

Darmstadt, Kommissionsverlag von Müller & Rühle. 1906

Item identification number 5997.

Reel: 748
Mertens, E., ed.

Das sexuelle Problem und seine moderne Krise nebst den Grundlagen zu einer Sexualreform der Zukunft und zur wahren Lösung der wichtigsten Lebensfrage.

München, M. Kupferschmid. 1910

Item identification number 5998; Nach Brudach, Busch ... [und anderen].

Reel: 749
Meyer, Adèle (Levis) "Mrs. Carl Meyer," 1862.

Makers of our clothes; a case for trade boards, being the results of a year's investigation into the work of women in London in the tailoring, dressmaking, and under-clothing trades.

London, Duckworth & co. 1909

Item identification number 5999; by Clementina Black.

Reel: 749
Meynell, Esther Hallam (Moorhouse).

Nelson's Lady Hamilton.

London, Methuen; New York, Brentano. 1908

Item identification number 6000.

Reel: 749
Michaëlis, Karin, i.e. Katharina Marie Bech (Brøndum) 1872-1950.

Das gefährliche Alter, Tagebuch-Aufzeichnungen und Briefe.

Berlin, Concordia Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, G.m.b.H. [1910]

Item identification number 6000.1; 6 bis 10 Tausend.

Reel: 749
Mitton, Geraldine Edith.

A bachelor girl in Burma.

London, Adam & Co. Black. 1907

Item identification number 6002.

Reel: 749
Möbius, P.J.

Ueber den physiologischen Schwachsinn des Weibes.

Halle a.d.S., C. Marhold. 1907

Item identification number 6005; 8. veränderte Aufl.

Reel: 749
Moffat, Mary Maxwell.

Queen Louisa of Prussia.

New York, E. P. Dutton & co. 1907

Item identification number 6006; with twenty illus. 3d ed.

Reel: 749
Molari, Bianca.

Isabella di Morra, poetessa del cinquecento.

Napoli, M. Ganbella. 1907

Item identification number 6007.

Reel: 749
Monserdá de Maciá, Dolores, 1845-1919.

Estudi feminista: orientacions pera la dòna catalana.

Barcelona, L. Gili. 1910

Item identification number 6009; ab un pròlech del M.R.P. Miquel d'Esplugues. 2 ed.

Reel: 749
Montagu, Elizabeth (Robinson) 1720-1800.

The queen of the blue-stockings, her correspondence from 1720 to 1761.

London, Murray. 1906

Item identification number 6010; by her great-great-niece Emily J. Climenson.

Reel: 750
Montgomery, Helen (Barrett) 1861-1934.

Western women in eastern lands; an outline study of fifty years of woman's work in foreign missions.

New York, The Macmillan co. 1910

Item identification number 6011.

Reel: 750
Morhardt, Paul Emile.

... Les maladies vénériennes et la réglementation de la prostitution au point de vue de l'hygiène sociale.

Paris, O. Doin. 1906

Item identification number 6012.

Reel: 750
Mornet, Jacques.

La protection de la maternité en France; étude d'hygiène sociale.

Paris, M. Rivière et cie. 1910

Item identification number 6013.

Reel: 750
Moses, Edith.

Unofficial letters of an official's wife.

New York, D. Appleton & co. 1908

Item identification number 6014.

Reel: 750
Mossell, N.F. (Mrs.) 1855.

The work of the Afro-American woman.

Philadelphia, G. S. Ferguson co. 1908

Item identification number 6015; 2d ed.

Reel: 750
Müller, Margarethe, 1862.

Carla Wenckelbach, pioneer.

Boston and London, Ginn and co. 1908

Item identification number 6016.

Reel: 750
Mulliner, Gabrielle Stewart, 1868.

New York laws of interest to women.

New York. 1908

Item identification number 6016.1; A paper read before the New York state federation of women's clubs in convention at Utica, N.Y., Nov. 12, 1908, and published by request of the state federation.

Reel: 751
Murat, Caroline Laetitia, 1833-1902.

My memoirs.

New York, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1910

Item identification number 6017.

Reel: 751
Murphy, U.G., 1869.

The social evil in Japan and allied subjects; with statistics, social evil test cases, and progress of the anti-brothel movement.

[Tokyo?] Methodist pub. house. 1908

Item identification number 6018; 4th ed., rev.

Reel: 751
Nash, Adam Glendinning.

A summary of foreign marriage law: to safeguard Englishwomen engaged to foreign subjects.

London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 1910

Item identification number 6019; 2d ed., containing the latest revisions.

Reel: 751
National American Woman Suffrage Association.

The college evening of the thirty-eighth annual convention of the National woman suffrage association, held in Baltimore, February 8, 1906.

[Baltimore]. [1906]

Item identification number 6021.

Reel: 751
[National American Woman Suffrage Association].

Woman suffrage, arguments and results.

[New York, National American woman suffrage association]. [1910?]

Item identification number 6022.

Reel: 751
National Congress on Uniform Divorce Laws. Philadelphia, 1906.

Proposed uniform statute relating to annulment of marriage and divorce, submitted by the sub-committee to the full Committee on resolutions at St. Paul, Minn., September 1, 1906.

[Harrisburg]. [1906]

Item identification number 6022.2.

Reel: 751
National Congress on Uniform Divorce Laws. Philadelphia, 1906.

Report from the Pennsylvania commission on divorce to the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, together with a codification of the existing laws of Pennsylvania on divorce, a proposed new code relating to annulment of marriage and divorce and separate laws relating to return of statistics on marriage and divorce.

[Harrisburg]. [1906]

Item identification number 6022.3; Accompanied by the address, resolutions and draft of a uniform law regulating annulment of marriage and divorce as finally adopted by the Divorce congress at Philadelphia, Pa., November 13-14, 1906.

Reel: 751
National Congress on Uniform Divorce Laws. Washington, D.C., 1906.

Address from the National congress on uniform divorce laws to the President and the Congress of the United States, together with the resolutions adopted by the Divorce congress at Washington, February 19-23, 1906, draft of a uniform law relating to annulment of marriage and divorce, and separate laws relating to return of statistics on marriage and divorce, as finally adopted by the Divorce congress at Philadelphia, November 13-14, 1906.

[n.p.]. [1906]

Item identification number 6022.1.

Reel: 751
National Consumers' League.

... The consumer's control of production: the work of the National consumers' league.

Philadelphia, The American academy of political and social science. 1909

Item identification number 6023.

Reel: 751
National Social Purity Crusade. London.

Public morals.

London, Morgan & Scott. 1908

Item identification number 6025; preface by the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Southwark (Edward Stuart Talbot, D.D.); edited by James Marchant; Published for the National social purity crusade.

Reel: 751
National Union of Women Workers of Great Britain and Ireland.

Women workers; the papers read at the conference held in Manchester on October 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and 25th, 1907.

London, P. S. King [etc.]. 1907

Item identification number 6026; Arranged by the National union of women workers of Great Britain and Ireland in conjunction with the committee of the Manchester branch of the N.U.W.W.

Reel: 751
Navarro Fernández, Antonio.

La prostitución en la villa de Madrid.

Madrid, R. Rojas. 1909

Item identification number 6027; Con un prólogo de D. Rafael Salillas.

Reel: 751
Navières du Treuil.

Etude historique & juridique sur la promesse d' égalité.

Paris, L. Larose et L. Tenin. 1907

Item identification number 6028.

Reel: 752
Nederlandsche vereeniging voor staatsburgeressen.

De tegenwoordige stand van het Vrouwenkiesrechtvraagstuk.

Amsterdam, F. van Rossen. 1909

Item identification number 6029; Rapporten en voordrachten, uitgebracht op het Wereldcongres, 15-21 juni 1908, te Amsterdam. Uitgegeven door de Vereeniging voor Vrouwenkiesrecht.

Reel: 752
Nelson, Thomas, 1872.

Home, health and success; or, A guide to a happy home and a successful life.

Anderson, Ind., Gospel trumpet co. 1908

Item identification number 6030.

Reel: 752
Ness, Fritz, 1886.

Natur und Inhalt des Verlöbnisvertrages.

Heidelberg. Bonn, C. Georgi. 1909

Item identification number 6030.1.

Reel: 752
Nevill, Dorothy Fanny (Walpole) lady, 1826-1913.

The reminiscences of lady Dorothy Nevil.

London, Edinburgh [etc., etc.] T. Nelson & sons. [1906]

Item identification number 6031; edited by her son, Ralph Nevill.

Reel: 752
Nevill, Dorothy Fanny (Walpole) lady, 1826-1913.

Under five reigns.

London, Methuen & co., ltd. [1910]

Item identification number 6032; Edited by her son, with sixteen illustrations. 2d ed.

Reel: 752
New York (City). Committee of Fourteen.

The social evil in New York City; a study of law enforcement by the Research Committee of the Committee of Fourteen.

New York, A. H. Kellogg co. 1910

Item identification number 6033.

Reel: 752
Noble, Percy.

Anne Seymour Damer, a woman of art and fashion, 1748-1828.

London, K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & co., ltd. 1908

Item identification number 6034.

Reel: 752
[Norden, Max] ed.

Handbuch für Frauenbildung und Frauenberuf.

Berlin, C. Habel. 1907

Item identification number 6035; Frauen-Führer; Auskunftsbuch über Vereine, Ausbildungsgelegenheiten und Wohlfahrtseinrichtungen in Berlin. 6. Aufl.

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