History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 840 Montalembert, Charles Forbes Rene de Tryon, comte de, 1810-1870

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Reel: 840
Montalembert, Charles Forbes Rene de Tryon, comte de, 1810-1870.

Histoire de sainte Élisabeth de Hongrie, duchesse de Thuringe.

Paris, P. Téqui. 1911

Item identification number 6812.

Reel: 840
Moore, Eva Rice.

The law of husband and wife.

Buffalo, N. Y., The author. c 1913

Item identification number 6814; an up-to-date hand-book giving the laws of the United States and Canada regarding property rights, divorce, etc., showing their injustice to women.

Reel: 840
Moquette, Hermine Christine Hélène.

De vrouw.

Amsterdam, Meulenhoff. 1915

Item identification number 6815.

Reel: 840
Morel, Robert.

... Etude historque sur le mariage putatif.

Paris, L. Larose & L. Tenin. 1913

Item identification number 6816.

Reel: 840
Morgan, Anne.

The American girl; her education, her responsibility, her recreation, her future.

New York and London, Harper & brothers. 1915

Item identification number 6817.

Reel: 840
Morley, Edith Julia, 1875, ed.

Women workers in seven professions; a survey of their economic conditions and prospects, ed. for the Studies committee of the Fabian women's group.

London, G. Routledge & sons, ltd.; New York, E. P. Dutton and co. 1914

Item identification number 6818.

Reel: 840
Mosher, Eliza Maria, 1846.

Health and happiness; a message to girls from Eliza M. Mosher.

New York and London, Funk & Wagnalls co. 1912

Item identification number 6819; illustrated by Helen Mulheron.

Reel: 840
Muehlinghaus, Ewald.

Die Kuppelei nach geltendem Recht, nach dem Vorentwurf und dem Gegenentwurf.

Borna-Leipzig, R. Noske. 1913

Item identification number 6820.

Reel: 841
Mueller, E. Hermann.

Zur Kenntnis und zur Behandlung der Prostitution ausgehend von der Prostitution in der Stadt Zürich, von E. Herm.

Leipzig, J. A. Barth. 1914

Item identification number 6821; Mueller und E. Zuercher.

Reel: 841
Muser, Oskar, 1850.

Die Stellung der Frau zum Staat und im Staat.

Karlsruhe, G. Braun. [1913]

Item identification number 6823; Frauenstimmrecht.

Reel: 841
Naidu, Sarojini (Chattopadhyay) 1879-1949.

The bird of time; songs of life, death & the spring.

New York, John Lane company; London, W. Heinemann. 1912

Item identification number 6823.1; with an introduction by Edmund Gosse and portrait fo the author.

Reel: 841
National Consumers' League. New Orleans Chapter.

Report to the Louisiana state commission to study the conditions of working women and children.

[New Orleans, La]. [1915]

Item identification number 6824; Appointed by Governor Hall, July 3, 1914. Prepared by S. M. Hartzmann.

Reel: 841
National Federation of Settlements.

Young working girls.

Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin co. [1913]

Item identification number 6826; a summary of evidence from two thousand social workers, ed. for the National federation of settlements, by Robert A. Woods and Albert J. Kennedy, its secretaries; with an introduction by Jane Addams.

Reel: 841
[National League of Girls Clubs].

History of the National League of Women Workers, 1914.

[Brooklyn, The Pearl Press]. [1914]

Item identification number 6827.

Reel: 841
Nearing, Scott, 1883.

Woman and social progress; a discussion of the biologic, domestic, industrial and social possibilities of American women.

New York, The Macmillan co. 1912

Item identification number 6828; by Nellie M.S. Nearing.

Reel: 841
Neubecker, Friedrich Karl, 1872-1923.

Der Ehe- und Erbvertrag im internationalen Verkehr; eine rechtsvergleichende Studie im Gebiet der deutschen und ausländischen materiellen und internationalen Privatrechts.

Leipzig, W. Scholl. 1914

Item identification number 6829.

Reel: 841
Neumann-Ettenreich, Robert, ritter von, 1857.

Das österreichische Eherecht.

Wien, Manz. 1913

Item identification number 6830.

Reel: 841
Nevill, Dorothy Fanny (Walpole) lady, 1826-1913.

My own times.

London, Methuen & co., ltd. [1912]

Item identification number 6831; Edited by her son ... 2d ed.

Reel: 841
Nevill, Ralph Henry, 1865-1930.

The romantic past.

London, Chapman & Hall, ltd. 1912

Item identification number 6832; New York, Brentano's.

Reel: 841
New England Hospital for Women and Children. Boston.

The fiftieth anniversary of the New England hospital for women and children, Dimock Street, Boston, Mass. October twenty-nine, nineteen hundred twelve.

Boston, Geo. H. Ellis co. 1913

Item identification number 6833.

Reel: 841
New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor.

Shall widows be pensioned?.

[New York, New York association for improving the condition of the poor]. [1914]

Item identification number 6834; A report to the public of the service rendered by the New York association for improving the condition of the poor to 474 widows with dependent children under its care on February 1st, 1914, with suggestions as to how such service may be made more adequate and equable. Compiled by the staff members of the Department of family welfare of the New York association for improving the condition of the poor during the months of February and March, 1914.

Reel: 841
Det Nordiske Kvindesagsmøde, 2., Copenhagen, 1914.

Beretning fra det 2.

København, C. Ferslew & co. [1914]

Item identification number 6843; Nordiske Kvindesagsmøde i København den 10. og 11. Juni 1914.

Reel: 842
New York (City). Committee of Fifteen, 1900.

The social evil, with special reference to conditions existing in the city of New York; a report prepared [in 1902] under the direction of the Committee of fifteen.

New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1912

Item identification number 6835; 2d ed., rev., with new material, ed. by Edwin R. A. Seligman.

Reel: 842
Newport, Clara Price.

... Woman in the thought and work of Friedrich Hebel.

Madison, Wis. 1912

Item identification number 6836.

Reel: 842
Niessen-Deiters, Leonore, 1879.

Die deutsche Frau im Auslande und in den Schutzgebieten.

Berlin, E. Fleischel & co. 1913

Item identification number 6838; Nach Originalberichten aus fünf Erteilen.

Reel: 842
Nightingale, Florence, 1820-1910.

Florence Nightingale to her nurses; a selection from Miss Nightingale's addresses to probationers and nurses of the Nightingale School at St. Thomas's Hospital.

London, Macmillan. 1915

Item identification number 6839.

Reel: 842
Ninck, Johannes, 1863.

Mädchenhandel, mit besonderer Beziehung auf die Schweiz.

Basel, C. F. Spittlers Nachfolger. 1912

Item identification number 6840.

Reel: 842
Noël, Georges, 1870.

Und "Primitive" oubliée de l'école des "coeurs sensibles"; Madame de Graffigny (1695-1758).

Paris, Plon-Nourrit et cie. 1913

Item identification number 6842.

Reel: 842
Norris, Mary Harriott, 1848-1919.

The golden age of Vassar.

Poughkeepsie, Vassar college. 1915

Item identification number 6844.

Reel: 842
Norske kvinder, en oversigt over deres stilling og livsvilkaar i hundredeaaret 1814-1914.

Kristiania, Berg & Høgh. 1914

Item identification number 6845; Utg. av Marie Høgh under redaktion av Fredrikke Mørck.

Reel: 842
North, Lila Ver Planck, 1856.

Teachers as participators in school planning and school administration.

Boston, Mass. 1915

Item identification number 6846; by Lila Ver Planck North, special investigator, Bureau of research, Women's educational and industrial union, Boston, Massachusetts; Prepared for and pub. by School-voters' league.

Reel: 843
Nowak, Victor.

Zur Reform der Ehe; eine social-critische und ethische Studie.

Wien, J. Grünfeld. 1914

Item identification number 6847.

Reel: 843
Nunez y Gallardo, Luis Felipe.

El divorcio en Cuba, por el Dr. Luis F. Nuñez Gallardo.

Habana, Perez Hermanos. 1914

Item identification number 6848.

Reel: 843
Nyström, Louise Sofia (Hamilton) 1838.

Ellen Key, her life and her work.

New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons. 1913

Item identification number 6849; by Louise Nyström-Hamilton; authorized translation from the Swedish by A.E.B. Fries; with an introduction by Havelock Ellis.

Reel: 843
Obenauer, Marie Louise.

... Effect of minimum-wage determinatíons in Oregon.

Washington, Govt. print. off. 1915

Item identification number 6850; [by Marie L. Obenauer and Bertha von der Nienburg] July, 1915.

Reel: 843
Obenauer, Marie Louise.

... Employment of women in power laundries in Milwaukee, a study of working conditions and of the physical demands of the various laundry occupations.

Washington, Govt. print. off. 1913

Item identification number 6851.

Reel: 843
Obenauer, Marie Louise.

... Hours, earnings, and conditions of labor of women in Indiana mercantile establishments and garment factories [By Marie L. Obenauer and Frances W. Valentine] October 16, 1914.

Washington, Govt. print. off. 1914

Item identification number 6852.

Reel: 843
Obenauer, Marie Louise.

... Hours, earnings, and duration of employment of wage-earning women in selected industries in the District of Columbia.

Washington, Govt. print. off. 1913

Item identification number 6853.

Reel: 843
Obenauer, Marie Louise.

... Working hours of women in the pea canneries of Wisconsin.

Washington, Govt. print. off. 1913

Item identification number 6854.

Reel: 843
O'Connor, Elizabeth (Paschal).

I, myself.

New York and London, G. P. Putnam. 1914

Item identification number 6855.

Reel: 843
O'Hare, Kate Richards, 1877-1948.

The sorrows of Cupid.

St. Louis, Missouri, The National Rip-Saw Pub. co. 1912

Item identification number 6855.1; Revised and enlarged.

Reel: 843
Ohio Industrial Commission. Department of Investigation and Statistics.

... Wages and hours of labor of women and girls employed in mercantile establishments in Ohio in 1913.

Columbus, Ohio, The F. J. Heer printing co. 1914

Item identification number 6856.

Reel: 843
Oklahoma. University. University Extension Division. Dept. of Public Discussion and Debate.

... Woman's suffrage; arguments for and against.

Norman, Okl., The University. 1914

Item identification number 6857; Department of public discussion and debate.

Reel: 843
An Open letter to society from convict 1776.

New York, Chicago [etc.] Fleming H. Revell co. [1911]

Item identification number 6858; with an introduction by Maud Ballington Booth.

Reel: 843
Oregon. Industrial Welfare Commission.

Report of the Industrial welfare commission of the state of Oregon on the power laundries in Portland.

Salem, Or., State printing department. 1914

Item identification number 6859; Prepared by Caroline J. Gleason, secretary.

Reel: 843
[O'Sullivan, Frank Dalton], 1878.

In the orchard of forbidden fruit.

Chicago, The National publicity bureau. [c1915]

Item identification number 6860; by Don Sullington [pseud.].

Reel: 843
Owen, Harold, 1872.

Woman adrift, a statement of the case against suffragism.

New York, E. P. Dutton & co. [1912]

Item identification number 6861.

Reel: 843
Packard, Esther.

A study of living conditions of self-supporting women in New York city.

[New York] Metropolitan board of the Young Women's Christian association. 1915

Item identification number 6862.

Reel: 844
Paddock, Annie Estelle, 1874.

Overtaking the centuries; or, Modern women of five nations.

New York, National board of the Young womens Christian associations of the United States of America. 1915

Item identification number 6862.1.

Reel: 844
Pagano Briganti, Lucia.

... Figure femminili del teatro veneziano - Goldoni - Sugana - Selvatico e Gallina.

Roma, G. Bracony. 1913

Item identification number 6863.

Reel: 844
Paget, Walburga Ehrengarde Helena (von Hohenthal) lady, 1839.

Scenes and memories.

New York, C. Scribner's sons. 1912

Item identification number 6864.

Reel: 844
Pal, Dhirendra Nath.

The Hindu wife; a few sketches from her life.

Calcutta, P.N. Pal. 1911

Item identification number 6865.

Reel: 844
Palacios, Alfredo Lorenzo, 1879, ed.

... Por las mujeres y los niños que trabajan.

Valencia, F. Sempere y compañia. [1912?]

Item identification number 6866.

Reel: 844
Pankhurst, Christabel, 1880.

The great scourge and how to end it.

London, E. Pankhurst. 1913

Item identification number 6869.

Reel: 844
Pankhurst, Christabel, 1880.

Plain facts about a great evil.

New York, The sociological fund of the Medical review of reviews. 1913

Item identification number 6870.

Reel: 844
Pankhurst, Emmeline (Goulden) d. 1928.

My own story.

New York, Hearst's international library co. [c1914]

Item identification number 6871.

Reel: 844
Pankhurst, Emmeline (Goulden) d. 1928.

Verbatim report of Mrs. Pankhurst's speech, delivered Nov. 13, 1913, at Parsons' Theatre, Hartford, Conn.

Hartford, Conn., Woman Suffrage Assoc. 1913

Item identification number 6872.

Reel: 844
Pankhurst, Estelle Sylvia.

The suffragette; the history of the women's militant suffrage movement, 1905-1910.

New York, Sturgis & Walton co. 1911

Item identification number 6873.

Reel: 844
Papworth, Lucy Wyatt, ed.

The occupations of women according to the census of England and Wales, 1911.

London, The Women's industrial council. 1914

Item identification number 6874; Summary tables arranged and comp. by L. Wyatt Papworth, and Dorothy M. Zimmern.

Reel: 845
Papworth, Lucy Wyatt, ed.

Women in industry: a bibliography. Selected and arranged.

London, The Women's industrial council (incorporated). 1915

Item identification number 6875; by Dorothy M. Zimmern.

Reel: 845
Pascal, Blaise, 1623-1662.

Discours sur les passions de l'amour (attribué à Pascal) avec un commentaire de Émile Faguet.

Paris, B. Grasset. 1911

Item identification number 6876.

Reel: 845
Pattison, Mary Stranahan (Hart) 1869.

Principles of domestic engineering; or, The what, why and how of a home; an attempt to evolve a solution of the domestic "labor and capital" problem - to standardize and professionalize housework - to reorganize the home upon "scientific management" principles - and to point out the importance of the public and personal element therein as well as the practical.

[New York, The Trow press]. [c1915]

Item identification number 6877.

Reel: 845
Pawlowski, Auguste.

Les syndicats féminins et les syndicats mixtes en France, leur organisation, leur action professionnelle, économique et sociale, leur avenir, par Auguste Pawlowski.

Paris, F. Alcan. 1912

Item identification number 6878.

Reel: 845
Pearce, Charles E.

The jolly duchess, Harriot Mellon, afterwards Mrs. Coutts and the Duchess of St. Albans.

London, S. Paul & co. [1915]

Item identification number 6879; A sixty years' gossipping record of stage and society (1777 to 1837).

Reel: 845
Pelletier, Madeleine.

L'émancipation sexuelle de la femme.

Paris, M. Giard & E. Briére. 1911

Item identification number 6880.

Reel: 845
Personal Rights Association. London.

The case of Miss Jessie Brown.

London, The assoc. [1911]

Item identification number 6881; Correspondence with His Majesty's government and the Glasgow Corporation.

Reel: 845
Petre, Maude Dominica Mary, 1863-1942.

Reflections of a non-combatant.

London [etc.] Longmans, Green & co. 1915

Item identification number 6882.

Reel: 845
Petrini Gulli, Charlotta (Rossander) 1867-1941.

Kvinnorna och statsämbetena.

Stockholm, Aktiebolaget Ljus. 1911

Item identification number 6883.

Reel: 845
Pflaeging, Wilhelm, 1877.

Zum kolonialrechtlichen Problem der Mischbeziehungen zwischen deutschen Reichsangehörigen und Eingeborenen der deutschen Schutzgebiete, unter besonderer Berück-sichtigung des Unterhaltsanspruches der unehelichen Mischlinge.

Berlin, G. Schade. 1913

Item identification number 6884; Von Wilhelm Pfläging.

Reel: 845
Pfotenhauer, Martin.

Die Ehe unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Doppelehe Greifswald, J. Abel, 1911.

Item identification number 6885.

Reel: 845
Philadelphia, Vice Commission.

A report on existing conditions with recommendations to the Honorable Rudolph Blankenburg, mayor of Philadelphia.

[Philadelphia]. 1913

Item identification number 6886.

Reel: 845
Pickett, LaSalle (Corbell) "Mrs. G. E. Pickett," 1848-1931.

Literary hearthstones in Dixie.

Philadelphia and London, J. B. Lippincott. 1912

Item identification number 6887.

Reel: 846
Piozzi, Hester Lynch (Salusbury) Thrale, 1741-1821.

The intimate letters of Hester Piozzi and Penelope Pennington, 1788-1821.

London, J. Lane; New York, J. Lane co.; Toronto, Bell & Cockburn. 1914

Item identification number 6888; Edited by Oswald G. Knapp, with thirty illustrations.

Reel: 846
Piton, Camille, 1842-1917, ed.

... Paris sous Louis XV; rapports des inspecteurs de police au roi.

Paris, Mercure de France. 1914

Item identification number 6889; Cinquième série. Publiés et annotés par Camille Piton.

Reel: 846
Pitter, Viktor.

Die rechtliche Stellung der Frau in Österreich; eine Zusammenstellung der wichtigsten, die besondere Stellung der Frau im privaten und öffentlichen Rechte betreffenden Vorschriften.

Wien und Leipzig, W. Braumüller. 1911

Item identification number 6890.

Reel: 846
Pittsburgh. Morals Efficiency Commission.

Report and recommendations of Morals efficiency commission.

Pittsburgh [Pittsburgh Prtg. co.]. 1913

Item identification number 6891; 1913.

Reel: 846
Plunkett, Horace Curzon, 1854-1932.

The United Irishwomen; their place, work and ideals.

Dublin, Maunsel & co., ltd. 1911

Item identification number 6892; by Horace Plunkett, Ellice Pilkington and George Russell ("AE") with a preface by the Rev. T. A. Finlay.

Reel: 846
Poehlmann, Christof Ludwig, 1867.

Die deutsche Frau nach 1914.

München, H. Schmidt. [c1914]

Item identification number 6893.

Reel: 846
[Pollard, Alfred William], 1859.

Life, love and light; practical morality for men and women.

London. 1911

Item identification number 6894.

Reel: 846
Pomeroy, Sarah Gertrude, 1882.

Little-known sisters of well-known men.

Boston, D. Estes & co. [c1912]

Item identification number 6896.

Reel: 846
Popp, Adelheid, 1869.

The autobiography of a working woman.

Chicago, T. G. Browne. 1913

Item identification number 6897; Tr. by E. C. Harvey, with introduction to American ed. by Jenkins Lloyd Jones and introductions to English ed. by August Bebel and J. Ramsay MacDonald.

Reel: 846
The Position of woman: actual and ideal.

London, J. Nisbet. 1911

Item identification number 6899; with a preface by Sir Oliver Lodge.

Reel: 846
Potter, Olave Muriel.

A little pilgrimage in Italy.

Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin co. 1911

Item identification number 6900; with 8 coloured plates and illustrations by Yoshio Markino.

Reel: 847
Pour bien gagner sa vie; préface de Mme. Lucie Félix-Faure-Goyau.

Paris, P. Lafitte & cie. [1912]

Item identification number 6901; Collection publiée sous le patronage du Lyceum.

Reel: 847
Pratt, Sister Antoinette Marie, 1878.

The attitude of the Catholic Church towards witchcraft and the allied practices of sorcery and magic.

Washington, D.C., [National Capital Press, inc.]. 1915

Item identification number 6902.

Reel: 847
Prévost, E. (Marcel) 1862-1941.

... Nouvelles féminitiés.

Paris, A. Lemerre. [n.d.]

Item identification number 6903; 8 éd.

Reel: 847
Puller, Frederick William, 1843.

Marriage with a deceased wife's sister forbidden by the laws of God and of the church.

London [etc., etc.] Longmans, Green & co. 1912

Item identification number 6904.

Reel: 847
Quanter, Rudolf, 1861.

Sittlichkeit und Moral im heiligen römischen Reiche deutscher Nation; Bilder aus dem deutschen Kultur- und Rechtsleben.

Berlin, H. Bermühler. [1911]

Item identification number 6905.

Reel: 847
Queck, Johannes, 1890.

... Die Frauenarbeit in der Spinnereiindustrie Sachsens.

Leipzig, Veit & Comp. 1915

Item identification number 6906.

Reel: 847
Racovita, Elena (von Dönniges) 1845-1911.

Princess Helene von Racowitza, an autobiography.

New York, The Macmillan co. 1911

Item identification number 6907; Authorised translation from the German by Cecil Mar. New ed.

Reel: 847
[Radziwill, Catherine, princess, 1858-1941].

Behind the veil at the Russian court.

New York, J. Lane co. 1914

Item identification number 6908; by Count Paul Vassili [pseud.]; with twenty-three illustrations in photogravure.

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