History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 272 Kirkland, Caroline Matilda (Stansbury) 1801-1864

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Reel: 272
Kirkland, Caroline Matilda (Stansbury) 1801-1864.

The helping hand: comprising an account of the Home, for discharged female convicts, and an appeal in behalf of that institution.

New York, C. Scribner. 1853

Item identification number 1833.

Reel: 272
[Kirkland, Caroline Matilda (Stansbury)], 1801-1864.

A new home--who'll follow? Or, Glimpses of western life.

New York, C. S. Francis & co.; Boston, J. H. Francis. 1855

Item identification number 1834; by Mrs. Mary Clavers, [pseud.] an actual settler; Fifth edition.

Reel: 272
Klemm, Gustav Friedrich, 1802-1867.

Die frauen.

Dresden, Arnoldische buchhandlung. 1854-59

Item identification number 1836; Culturgeschichtliche schilderungen des zustandes und einflusses der frauen in den verschiedenen zonen und zeitaltern von dr. Gustav Klemm.

Reel: 272-273
Knight, Helen (Cross) 1814-1906.

Lady Huntington and her friends; or, The revival of the work of God in the days of Wesley, Whiefield, Romaine, Venn, and others in the last century.

New York, American Tract Society. [c1853]

Item identification number 1837.

Reel: 273
Knight, Helen (Cross) 1814-1906.

A new memoir of Hannah More; or, Life in hall and cottage.

New York, M. W. Dodd. 1851

Item identification number 1838.

Reel: 273
Knight, Helen (Cross) 1814-1906.

Saw up and saw down: or, The fruits of industry and self reliance.

New York, American Female Guardian Society. 1852

Item identification number 1839.

Reel: 273
Koenigswarter, Louis Jean, 1814-1878.

Histoire de l'organisation de la famille en France depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'a nos jours.

Paris, A. Durand. 1851

Item identification number 1840; Par Louis J. Koenigswarter.

Reel: 273
[Lacroix, Paul], 1806-1884.

Histoire de la prostitution chez tous les peuples du monde, depuis l'antiquité la plus reculée jusqu'à nos jours, par Pierre Dufour [psued.].

Paris, Seré. 1851-53

Item identification number 1841.

Reel: 274
Ladies' indispensable assistant.

New York. 1851

Item identification number 1843; Being a companion for the sister, mother, and wife ... Also, safe directions for the management of children ... a great variety of valuable recipes, forming a complete system of family medicine ... To which is added one of the best systems of cookery.

Reel: 275
The Ladies' souvenir.

New York, Leavitt and Allen. [c1853]

Item identification number 1844; Edited by N. Parker Willis.

Reel: 275
The Lady's companion; or, Sketches of life, manners and morals, at the present day.

Philadelphia, H. C. Peck & Theo. Bliss. 1852 [c1851]

Item identification number 1845; Ed. by a lady.

Reel: 275
The Lady's equestrian manual, in which the principles and practice of horsemanship for ladies are thoroughly explained, to enable every lady to ride with comfort and elegance.

Philadelphia, W. P. Hazard. 1854

Item identification number 1846; with fifty illus.

Reel: 275
Laisné, Napoléon Alexandre, 1810-1896.

Gymnastique des demoiselles.

Paris, Lelièvre. 1854

Item identification number 1847.

Reel: 275
Lamartine, Alphonse Marie Louis de, 1790-1869.

Genevieve; or, The history of a servant girl.

London, H. G. Bohn. 1850

Item identification number 1848; Translated from the French of Alphonse de Lamartine, by A. R. Scoble.

Reel: 275
Lancelott, Francis.

The queens of England and their times.

New York, D. Appleton & co. 1858

Item identification number 1850; From Matilda, Queen of William the Conqueror, to Adelaide, Queen of William the Fourth.

Reel: 275
Landon, Letitia Elizabeth, 1802-1838.

The complete works.

Boston, Phillips, Sampson and company. 1856

Item identification number 1851.

Reel: 276
Larcher, Louis Julien, 1808-1865.

La femme jugée par les grands écrivains des deux sexes; ou, La femme devant Dieu, devant la nature, devant la loi et devant la sociéte: riche et précieuse mosaïque.

Paris, Garnier frères. 1854

Item identification number 1851.0; Nouvelle édition entièrement refondue et considérablement augmentée ... Par L.-J. Larcher avec une introduction de M. Bescherelle, aìné.

Reel: 276
Larcher, Louis Julien, 1808-1865.

Les hommes jugés par les femmes.

Paris. 1858

Item identification number 1851.1.

Reel: 276
Larcom, Lucy, 1824-1893.


Boston, John P. Jewett and company; Cleveland, Ohio, Jewett, Proctor and Worthington. 1854

Item identification number 1852.

Reel: 276
Lawrence, Margaret Oliver (Woods) 1813-1901.

Light on the dark river; or, Memorial to Mrs. Henrietta A. L. Hamlin, missionary to Turkey.

Boston, Ticknor, Reed & Fields. 1854

Item identification number 1853.

Reel: 276
[Lazarus, Mary Edgeworth].

Love vs. marriage.

New York, Fowlers and Wells. 1852

Item identification number 1854; Part 1.

Reel: 277
Le Vert, Octavia (Walton) 1810?-1877.

Souvenirs of travel.

New York, S. H. Goetzel & co. 1857

Item identification number 1859.

Reel: 277
Lee, L.P.

History of the Spirit Lake massacre! 8th March, 1857, and of Miss Abigail Gardiner's three month's captivity among the Indians.

New Britain, Conn., L. P. Lee. 1857

Item identification number 1854.1; According to her own account, as given to L. P. Lee.

Reel: 277
Lee, Luther, 1800-1889.

Woman's rights to preach the Gospel.

Syracuse, N.Y., Published by the author. 1853

Item identification number 1855; A sermon preached at the ordination of Rev. Antoinette L. Brown.

Reel: 277
Lee, Richard Henry, 1794-1865.

Memoir of the life of Harriet Preble, containing portions of her correspondence, journal and other writings, literary and religious.

New York, G.P. Putnam & co. 1856

Item identification number 1856.

Reel: 277
Leslie, Eliza, 1787-1858.

Miss Leslie's behaviour book, a guide and manual for ladies as regards their conversation, manners, dress.

Philadelphia, T. B. Peterson and Brothers. [c1859]

Item identification number 1857; with full instructions and advice in letter writing, receiving presents.

Reel: 277
Letters to married women; containing infallible means to insure the connubial felicity of husband and wife.

Philadelphia, Hamelin. 1859

Item identification number 1858; by Madame ......., of the court of Maria Theresa. To which are added, two letters on love and female health, by a lady of New York: together with the private correspondence of Lord Lyttleton on female intrigue.

Reel: 277
The Life and beauties of Fanny Fern [pseud.].

New York, H. Long and brother. 1855

Item identification number 1860.

Reel: 278
Lippincott, Sara Jane (Clarke) 1823-1904.

Recollections of my childhood.

Boston, Ticknor, Reed & Fields. 1852

Item identification number 1863; by Grace Greenwood [pseud.].

Reel: 278
[Lippincott, Sara Jane (Clarke)], 1823-1904.

Greenwood leaves, a collection of sketches and letters.

Boston, Ticknor, Reed & Fields. 1852

Item identification number 1861; by Grace Greenwood [pseud.] 2d ser.

Reel: 278
[Lippincott, Sara Jane (Clarke)], 1823-1904.

Haps and mishaps of a tour in Europe.

Boston, Ticknor, Reed and Fields. 1854 [c1853]

Item identification number 1862; by Grace Greenwood [pseud.].

Reel: 278
Lowell, Anna Cabot (Jackson) 1819-1874.

Thoughts on the education of girls.

Boston, Ticknor, Reed and Fields. 1853

Item identification number 1865.

Reel: 278
Luke, Jemima (Thompson) "Mrs. S. Luke".

The female Jesuit; or, The spy in the family.

New York, M. W. Dodd. 1851

Item identification number 1866.

Reel: 278
Luke, Jemima (Thompson) "Mrs. S. Luke".

A sequel to the female Jesuit.

New York, M. W. Dodd. 1853

Item identification number 1867.

Reel: 278
Mac Elheran, John.

The condition of women and children among the Celtic, Gothic, and other nations.

Boston, P. Donahoe. 1858

Item identification number 1869.

Reel: 278
Mackillar, D.

A treatise on the art of politeness, good breeding, and manners.

Detroit, G. E. Pomeroy. 1855

Item identification number 1871; with maxims and moral reflections.

Reel: 278
McIntosh, Maria Jane, 1803-1878.

Woman in America, her work and her reward.

New York, D. Appleton. 1850

Item identification number 1870.

Reel: 278
Madden, Richard Robert, 1798-1886.

The literary life and correspondence of the Countess of Blessington.

New York, Harper and brothers. 1855

Item identification number 1872.

Reel: 279
Mahly, J[akob] A[chilles], 1828.

Die frauen des griechischen alterthums.

Basel, J. J. Mast. 1853

Item identification number 1873; Eine vorlesung von J. A. Mähly.

Reel: 279
Mann, Horace, 1796-1859.

A few thoughts of the power and duties of woman, two lectures.

Syracuse, Hall, Mills and co. 1853

Item identification number 1874.

Reel: 279
Mann, Mary Tylor (Peabody) "Mrs. Horace Mann," 1806-1887.

Christianity in the kitchen.

Boston, Ticknor and Fields. 1857

Item identification number 1875; A physiological cook-book.

Reel: 279
[Manning, Anne], 1807-1879.

The ladies of Bever Hollow; a tale of English country life.

London, R. Bentley. 1858

Item identification number 1876; by the author of "Mary Powell".

Reel: 279
Manvill, P.D. (Mrs.).

Lucinda: or, The mountain mourner: being recent facts, in a series of letters, from Mrs. Manville, in the state of New York, to her sister in Pennsylvania.

Albany, J. Munsell. 1852

Item identification number 1878; 3d ed.

Reel: 279
Martineau, Harriet, 1802-1876.

The factory controversy: a warning against meddling legislation.

Manchester, A. Ireland & co. 1855

Item identification number 1883.

Reel: 280
Mathews, Anne (Jackson) 1782?-1869.

Tea-table talk, ennobled actresses, and other miscellanies.

London, T. C. Newby. 1857

Item identification number 1884.

Reel: 280
Mathews, Joseph M'Dowell, 1804-1879.

Letters to school girls.

Cincinnati, Pub. by Swormstedt & Poe, for the Methodist Episcopal church, at the Western book concern, R. P. Thompson, printer. 1853

Item identification number 1885.

Reel: 281
Mauriceau, A.

The married woman's private medical companion, embracing the treatment of menstruation.

New York. 1854

Item identification number 1885.1; pregnancy.

Reel: 281
Maxwell, Maria.

Ernest Grey; or, The sins of society.

New York, T. W. Strong. 1855

Item identification number 1886; A story of New York life. with six fine illustrations, by M'Lenan.

Reel: 281
Means, James Howard, 1823-1894.

Life and death in Christ.

Boston, Press of T. R. Marvin. 1857

Item identification number 1887; A sermon, occasioned by the death of Mrs. Mary Codman, delivered in the Second church, Dorchester, April 12, 1857.

Reel: 281
Medberry, Rebecca B. (Stetson), 1808-1868.

Memoir of Mrs. Sarah Emily York, formerly Miss S. E. Waldo; missionary in Greece.

Boston, Phillips, Sampson and company. 1853

Item identification number 1888.

Reel: 281
Melva, pseud.

Home whispers.

New York, American Female Guardian Society. 1859

Item identification number 1889; To husbands and wives. Second edition.

Reel: 281
Mendell (Miss).

Notes of travel and life.

New York, Published for the authors. 1854

Item identification number 1890; by two young ladies. Misses Mendell and Hosmer.

Reel: 281
Merrifield, Mary Philadelphia, 1804 or 5-1889.

Dress as a fine art, with suggestions on children's dress.

Boston, J. P. Jewett and company; Cleveland, Ohio, Jewett, Proctor and Worthington. 1854

Item identification number 1892.

Reel: 281
Michelet, Jules, 1798-1874.

Love ("L'amour").

New York, Rudd & Carleton. 1859

Item identification number 1893; Tr. from the 4th Paris ed., by J. W. Palmer.

Reel: 282
Michelet, Jules, 1798-1874.

The women of the French Revolution.

Philadelphia, Baird. 1855

Item identification number 1894.

Reel: 282
Mignet, François Auguste Alexis, 1796-1884.

The history of Mary, queen of Scots.

London, R. Bentley. 1851

Item identification number 1895.

Reel: 282
[Mill, John Stuart], 1806-1873.

Enfranchisement of women.

Syracuse. [1853]

Item identification number 1896; [by Mrs. Harriet (Hardy) Taylor Mill].

Reel: 282
Moodie, Susanna (Strickland) 1803-1885.

Flora Lyndsay; or, Passages in an eventful life.

New York, De Witt & Davenport, publishers. [1854]

Item identification number 1904.

Reel: 282
Mitford, Mary Russell, 1787-1855.

Recollections of a literary life; or, Books, places, and people.

London, Richard Bentley. 1853

Item identification number 1898; 2d ed.

Reel: 283
Montez, Lola, 1818-1861.

Anecdotes of love: being a true account of the most remarkable events connected with the history of love, in all ages and among all nations.

New York, Dick & Fitzgerald. [1858]

Item identification number 1900; by Lola Montez, countess of Landsfeld.

Reel: 283
Montez, Lola, 1818-1861.

The arts of beauty; or, Secrets of a lady's toilet.

New York, Dick & Fitzgerald. [c1858]

Item identification number 1901; with hints to gentlemen on the art of fascinating.

Reel: 283
Montez, Lola, 1818-1861.

Lectures of Lola Montez (Countess of Landsfeld).

New York, Rudd & Carleton. 1858

Item identification number 1902; Including her autobiography. [First edition].

Reel: 283
Moodie, Susanna (Strickland) 1803-1885.

Roughing it in the bush; or, Life in Canada.

New York, G. P. Putnam. 1852

Item identification number 1905.

Reel: 283
Morgan, Sydney (Owenson) lady, 1783?-1859.

Passages from my autobiography.

New York, D. Appleton and co. 1859

Item identification number 1906.

Reel: 284
Morley, Henry.

The life of Henry Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim.

London, Chapman and Hall. 1856

Item identification number 1907.

Reel: 284
The Morning of life: a memoir of Miss A.

New York, R. Carter and brothers. 1851

Item identification number 1908; n, [Bessie Anderson] who was educated for a nun; with many intersting particulars, and original letters of Dr. Doyle, late Roman Catholic bishop of Carlow. by her friend, M. M. C. M.

Reel: 284
Mudge, Zachariah Atwell, 1813-1888.

Lady Huntington portrayed: including brief sketches of some of her friends and co-laborers.

New York, Carlton & Porter. [1857]

Item identification number 1910; by the author of the "Missionary Teacher" etc.

Reel: 284
Murray, Amelia Matilda, 1795-1884.

Letters from the United States, Cuba and Canada.

New York, G. P. Putnam & co. 1856

Item identification number 1911.

Reel: 284
[Murray, Nicholas], 1802-1861.

The happy home.

New York, Harper & brothers. 1858

Item identification number 1912; by Kirwan [pseud.].

Reel: 285
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821.

Confidential correspondence of the Emperor Napoleon and the Empress Josephine: including letters from the time of their marriage until the death of Josephine, and also several private letters from the emperor to his brother Joseph, and other important personages.

New York, Mason brothers. 1856

Item identification number 1913; with numerous illustrative notes and anecdotes. by John S. C. Abbott.

Reel: 285
Nell, William Cooper, 1816-1874.

The colored patriots of the American revolution, with sketches of several distinguished colored persons.

Boston, R. F. Wallcut. 1855

Item identification number 1914; with an introduction by Harriet Beecher Stowe.

Reel: 285
Nichols, Thomas Low, 1815-1901.

Marriage: its history, character, and results.

Cincinnati, V. Nicholson & co. [1854]

Item identification number 1916; by Mrs. Mary S. Gove Nichols.

Reel: 285
Nicholson, Asenath (Hatch).

Loose papers; or, Facts gathered during eight years' residence in Ireland, Scotland, England, France, and Germany.

New York, Sold at the Anti-slavery office. 1853

Item identification number 1917; by Asenath Nicholson.

Reel: 285
Norton, Caroline (Sheridan) 1808-1877.

Die frauen in England.

Berlin. 1855

Item identification number 1919.

Reel: 285
Norton, Caroline (Sheridan) 1808-1877.

English laws for women in the nineteenth century.

London, Printed for private circulation. 1854

Item identification number 1918.

Reel: 285
The Oasis; or, Golden leaves of friendship.

Lowell, N. L. Dayton. 1852

Item identification number 1921; Ed. by N. L. Ferguson.

Reel: 285
The Old brewery and the new mission house at the Five points.

New York, Stringer & Townsend. 1854

Item identification number 1922; by ladies of the mission.

Reel: 286
Osgood, Samuel, 1812-1880.

The hearth-stone: thoughts upon home-life in our cities.

New York, D. Appleton & co.; London. 1854

Item identification number 1924; 3d ed.

Reel: 286
Ossoli, Sarah Margaret (Fuller) marchesa d', 1810-1850.

At home and abroad; or, Things and thoughts in America and Europe.

Boston, Crosby, Nichols, and co.; London, Sampson Low, son, & co. 1856

Item identification number 1925; Ed. by her brother Arthur B. Fuller. 2d ed.

Reel: 286
Ossoli, Sarah Margaret (Fuller) marchesa d', 1810-1850.

Life without and life within; or, Reviews, narratives, essays, and poems.

Boston, Brown, Taggard and Chase; New York, Sheldon & co.; [etc., etc.]. [c1859]

Item identification number 1926; Ed. by her brother, Arthur B. Fuller.

Reel: 286
Ossoli, Sarah Margaret (Fuller) marchesa d', 1810-1850.

Literature and art.

New York, Published by Flowers and Wells. 1852

Item identification number 1927; with an introduction by Horace Greeley.

Reel: 286
Ossoli, Sarah Margaret (Fuller) marchesa d', 1810-1850.

Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Osoli.

Boston, Phillips, Sampson and co. 1852

Item identification number 1928.

Reel: 286
Ossoli, Sarah Margaret (Fuller) marchesa d', 1810-1850.

Woman in the nineteenth century, and kindred papers relating to the sphere, condition and duties of woman.

New York, Sheldon, Lamport & co.; [etc., etc.]. 1855

Item identification number 1929; Ed. by her brother, Arthur B. Fuller. with an introd. by Horace Greeley.

Reel: 287
Owen, Emily.

The heroines of history.

New York, Published by Carlton & Phillips. 1854

Item identification number 1930; by Mrs. Octavius Freire Owen.

Reel: 287
Paget, Thomas Tertius, 1807-1892.

A letter to His Excellency, the lord lieutenant of Ireland, on the judgment of the High court of delegates in the case of Talbot v. Talbot.

London, Ridgway [etc.]. 1856

Item identification number 1931; by Thomas Tertius Paget, esq.

Reel: 287
Paine, Caroline.

Tent and harem: notes of an oriental trip.

New York, D. Appleton and co. 1859

Item identification number 1932.

Reel: 287
[Palgrave, Francis Turner], 1824-1897, comp.

The passionate pilgrim: or, Eros and Anteros.

London, Chapman & Hall. 1858

Item identification number 1933; by Henry J. Thurstan [pseud.].

Reel: 287
Palmer, Henrietta (Lee) 1834.

The Stratford gallery; or, The Shakspeare sisterhood: comprising forty-five ideal portraits.

New York, D. Appleton and co. 1859

Item identification number 1934.

Reel: 287
Parent-Duchâtelet, Alexandre Jean Baptiste, 1790-1836.

De la prostitution dans la ville de Paris.

Paris, J. B. Baillière et fils. 1857

Item identification number 1935; 3d ed.

Reel: 288
Parker, Theodore, 1810-1860.

A sermon of the public function of woman, preached at the music-hall, Boston, March 27, 1853.

[Rochester, Steam press of Curtis, Butts & co.]. [185-?]

Item identification number 1935.1.

Reel: 288
Parson, Charles Grandison, 1807-1864.

Inside view of slavery; or, A tour among the planters.

Boston, J. P. Jewett and co.; Cleveland, Ohio, Jewett, Proctor and Worthington. 1855

Item identification number 1936.

Reel: 288
[Parton, Sara Payson (Willis)], 1811-1872.

Ruth Hall: a domestic tale of the present time.

New York, Mason brothers. 1855

Item identification number 1937; by Fanny Fern [pseud.].

Reel: 288
Peck, Jesse Truesdell, bp., 1811-1883.

The true woman; or, Life and happiness at home and abroad.

New York, Carlton & Porter. [c1857]

Item identification number 1938.

Reel: 288
Smits, Petrus Jacobus.

Specimen juridicum inaugurale de juribus feminarum inprimis secundum codicen civilem Neerlandicum.

Trajecti ad Rhenum, Schultze & Voermans. 1840

Item identification number 1517.1.

Reel: 288
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