History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 878 Bellerive, Georges, 1859

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Reel: 878
Bellerive, Georges, 1859.

... Brèves apologies de nos auteurs féminins.

Québec, Garneau. 1920

Item identification number 7218.

Reel: 878
Bennett, Ida Dandridge, 1860-1925.

The busy woman's garden book.

Boston, Small, Maynard & co. [1920]

Item identification number 7219.

Reel: 878
Benson, Arthur Christopher, 1862-1925.

Life and letters of Maggie Benson.

London, J. Murray. 1918

Item identification number 7220.

Reel: 878
Bernays, Marie, 1883.

... Die deutsche Frauenbewegung, von Dr. Marie Bernays.

Leipzig und Berlin, B. G. Teubner. 1920

Item identification number 7221.

Reel: 879
Bernays, Marie, 1883.

... Untersuchungen über den Zusammenhang von Frauenfabrikarbeit und Geburtenhäufigkeit in Deutschland.

Berlin, W. Moeser. 1916

Item identification number 7222; Von Dr. Marie Bernays.

Reel: 879
[Bettens, Edward Detraz], 1848-1920.

Louise E. Bettens.

New York [Printed for Private Distribution]. 1918

Item identification number 7223.

Reel: 879
[Bettens, Edward Detraz], 1848-1920, comp.

The library of Mrs. Louise E. Bettens.

New York [Prov. print. by the Evening post job printing office, inc.]. 1919

Item identification number 7224.

Reel: 879
[Bettens, Edward Detraz], 1848-1920, comp.

Painter and patron.

New York [The Evening post job printing office, inc.]. 1918

Item identification number 7226.

Reel: 879
[Bettens, Edward Detraz], 1848-1920, comp.

Picture buying.

New York [The Evening post job printing office, inc.]. 1919

Item identification number 7227.

Reel: 879
Bidlingmaier, Maria.

Die bäuerin in zwei gemeinden Württembergs, von Maria Bidlingmaier.

Stuttgart [etc.] W. Kohlhammer. 1918

Item identification number 7228; Mit einem vorwort von Carl Johannes Fuchs.

Reel: 879
Blackwell, Alice Stone, 1857-1950.

A bubble pricked; a reply to "The case against woman suffrage,".

Boston, Mass., The Woman's jour. 1916

Item identification number 7229.

Reel: 879
[Blanchard (Mme.)].

... La jeune et l'émancipation.

Paris, Éditions Nilsson. [1919]

Item identification number 7230.

Reel: 879
Blatch, Harriet (Stanton) 1856-1940.

Mobilizing woman-power.

New York, The Womans press. 1918

Item identification number 7231; with a foreword by Theodore Roosevelt.

Reel: 879
Blatch, Harriot (Stanton) 1856.

A women's point of view; some roads to peace.

New York, The Womans press. 1920

Item identification number 7233.

Reel: 879
Clausen, Jenny (Blichen) 1865-1907.

Udvalgte Skrifter.

Kjøbenhavn og Kristiania, Glydendalske Boghandel. 1918

Item identification number 7234.

Reel: 879
Blos, Anna (Tomascsewska) 1868-1933, ed.

Die Frauenfrage im Lichte des Sozialismus.

Dresden, Kadan. [1920]

Item identification number 7235; Herausgeberin: Anna Blos. Mitarbeiterinnen: Adele Schreiber, Louise Schroeder [und] Anna Geyer.

Reel: 880
Bode, Wilhelm, 1862-1922.

Weib und Sittlichkeit in Goethes Leben und Denken.

Berlin, Mittler und Sohn. 1916

Item identification number 7237.

Reel: 880
Borély, Marthe.

... Le génie féminin français.

Paris, E. de Boccard. 1917

Item identification number 7238.

Reel: 880
[Bory d' Arnex, Angèle (Dussaud) 1850.

... Parisiennes de guerre (1915-1917).

Paris, Éditions de la France. 1918

Item identification number 7239.

Reel: 880
Botchkareva, Maria Leontievna (Frolkova) 1889.

Yashka, my life as peasant, officer and exile.

New York, F. A. Stokes co. [1919]

Item identification number 7236; as set down by Isaac Don Levine.

Reel: 880
Bowser, Thekla.

The story of British V.A.D. work in the great war.

London, A. Melrose, ltd. [1917]

Item identification number 7240; 2d ed.

Reel: 880
Boyd, Mary Brown (Sumner).

The woman citizen; a general handbook of civics, with special consideration of women's citizenship.

New York, Frederick A. Stokes co. [c1918]

Item identification number 7241; with an introduction by Carrie Chapman Catt.

Reel: 880
Bradbury, Harriet Bowker, 1863.

Civilization and womanhood.

Boston, R. G. Badger. [1916]

Item identification number 7242.

Reel: 881
Brandeis, Louis Dembitz, 1856-1941.

... The people of the state of New York, respondent, against Charles Schweinler press, a corporation, defendant-appellant.

New York, National consumers' league. [1918]

Item identification number 7243; A summary of "facts of knowledge" submitted on behalf of the people. Prepared April, 1914, by Josephine Goldmark.

Reel: 881
Braun, Wilhelm, 1873.

... Die Frau in der alten Kirche, von Lic. Wilh. Braun.

Berlin-Lichterfelde, E. Runge. 1919

Item identification number 7245.

Reel: 881
Braunschvig, Marcel, ed.

La femme dans la littérature Latine.

Paris, Librairie Armand Colin. 1918

Item identification number 7244.

Reel: 881
Brawley, Benjamin Griffith, 1882.

Women of achievement; written for the Fireside schools, under the auspices of the Woman's American Baptist home mission society.

[Chicago, Woman's American Baptist home mission society]. [c1919]

Item identification number 7246.

Reel: 881
Brenier de Montmorand, Antoine François Jules Henri Louis Maxime, vicomte, 1860.

Anne de Graville, une femme poète du XVIe siècle, sa famille, sa vie, son oeuvre, sa postérité.

Paris, A. Picard. 1917

Item identification number 7247.

Reel: 881
Bres, Rose Falls.

The law and the woman.

[Brooklyn, American printing office]. [c1917]

Item identification number 7248.

Reel: 881
Bres, Rose Falls.

Maids, wives and widows, the law of the land and of the various states as it affects women.

New York, Dutton. [c1918]

Item identification number 7249; with an introductory note by Mary Wood.

Reel: 881
Breshko-Breshkovskaiâ, Ekaterina Konstantinovna (Verigo) 1844-1934.

The little grandmother of the Russian revolution; reminiscences and letters of Catherine Breshkovsky.

Boston, Little, Brown, and company. 1918

Item identification number 7250; ed. by Alice Stone Blackwell.

Reel: 881
Bridgeport, Conn. Vice Commission.

The report and recommendations of the Bridgeport Vice Commission.

Bridgeport. 1916

Item identification number 7251.

Reel: 881
Bridgman, Helen (Bartlett).

Within my horizon.

Boston, Small, Maynard & co. 1920

Item identification number 7252.

Reel: 881
Bristol, Augusta (Cooper) 1835-1910.

The present phase of woman's advancement, and other addresses.

Boston, Christopher Publishing House. [c1916]

Item identification number 7253.

Reel: 882
Brooke, Mary (Coffin) 1833.

Memories of eighty years.

New York, The Knickerbocker press. 1916

Item identification number 7254.

Reel: 882
Brown, Charlotte Hawkins, 1883.

"Mammy," an appeal to the heart of the South.

[Boston, Pilgrim Press]. [1919]

Item identification number 7255.

Reel: 882
Brown, Gertrude (Foster), 1867.

Your vote, and how to use it.

New York and London [etc.] Harper & brothers. [1918]

Item identification number 7256; by Mrs. Raymond Brown, with a foreword by Carrie Chapman Catt.

Reel: 882
Browne, George Forrest, bp. of Bristol, 1833.

... The importance of women in Anglo-Saxon times, the cultus of St. Peter and St. Paul; and other addresses.

London, Society for promoting Christian knowledge; New York, The Macmillan co. 1919

Item identification number 7257.

Reel: 882
Bryas, Madeleine, comtesse de, 1889.

A Frenchwoman's impressions of America.

New York, Century co. 1920

Item identification number 7258; by Comtesse Madeleine de Bryas and Jacqueline de Bryas.

Reel: 882
Buck, Winifred.

The American girl.

New York, The Macmillan co. 1917

Item identification number 7259.

Reel: 882
Budd, James T.

Woman's place and power in home and hospital, church and commonwealth.

London, R. Scott. 1917

Item identification number 7260; with foreword by Eugene Stock.

Reel: 882
Bullard, Washington Irving, 1881.

Women's work in war time.

Boston, The Merchants national bank. [c1917]

Item identification number 7261.

Reel: 882
Bullitt, Ernesta Drinker.

An uncensored diary from the central empires.

Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Page & co. 1917

Item identification number 7262.

Reel: 882
Bullock, Edna Dean, 1869, comp.

... Selected articles on the employment of women.

New York, The H. W. Wilson co. 1920

Item identification number 7263; 2d and enl. ed. by Julia E. Johnsen.

Reel: 882
Bunten, Alice Chambers.

Life of Alice Barnham (1592-1650), wife of Sir Francis Bacon.

London, Page & Thomas. 1919

Item identification number 7264; Mostly gathered from unpublished documents by A. Chambers Bunten.

Reel: 882
Burbank, Emily.

Woman as decoration.

New York, Dodd, Mead and co. 1917

Item identification number 7265.

Reel: 882
Bureau of Vocational Information. New York.

Women in the law, an analysis of training, practice and salaried positions.

New York. 1920

Item identification number 7267; prepared by Beatrice Doerschuk.

Reel: 883
Bureau, Paul, 1865-1923.

L'indiscipline des moeurs; étude de science sociale.

Paris, Bloud & Gay. 1924

Item identification number 7266.

Reel: 883
Burns, Robert, 1759-1796.

Sylvander and Clarinda; the love letters of Robert Burns and Agnes M'Lehose.

New York, G. H. Doran co. [1917]

Item identification number 7268; Edited by Amelia Josephine Burr.

Reel: 883
Burton, Margaret Ernestine, 1885.

Women workers of the Orient.

West Medford, Mass. [1918]

Item identification number 7269; The Central committee on the united study of foreign missions.

Reel: 883
Butler, Christina Violet.

Domestic service; an enquiry by the Women's industrial council.

London, G. Bell and sons, ltd. 1916

Item identification number 7270; report by C. V. Butler, with a supplementary chapter by Lady Willoughby de Broke.

Reel: 883
Buzkova, Pavla, 1885.

Zena v zivote a díle Macharove.

V Praze, Makl. F. Simá{uc}ek. 1918

Item identification number 7271.

Reel: 883
California. Laws, statutes, etc.

California laws of interest to women and children, 1917.

Sacramento, California state printing office. 1918

Item identification number 7272; Comp. by the California state library.

Reel: 883
Cannon, Mary Agnes, 1870.

The education of women during the renaissance.

Washington, D.C. [National capital press, inc.]. 1916

Item identification number 7273.

Reel: 883
Cardoso, Nuno Catharino, 1887.

... Poetisas portuguesas, antologia contendo dados bibliograficos e biograficos acêrca de cento e seis poetisas.

Lisboa, Ediçao e propriedade do auctor. 1917

Item identification number 7274.

Reel: 883
Carnegie United Kingdom Trust.

Report on the physical welfare of mothers and children.

[Liverpool, Tinling]. 1917

Item identification number 7275; England and Wales.

Reel: 884
"Carry on.".

[London, Harrison, Jehring & co., ltd.]. [1917]

Item identification number 7276; British women's work in war time.

Reel: 884
Catt, Carrie (Lane) Chapman, 1859-1947.

Address to the Congress of the U.S.

New York, National American woman suffrage association. [1917]

Item identification number 7278; president of the National American woman suffrage association.

Reel: 884
Catt, Carrie (Lane) Chapman, 1859-1947.

... Kings; German and American.

[n.p.]. [1917?]

Item identification number 7279.

Reel: 884
Catt, Carrie (Lane) Chapman, 1859-1947, comp.

... Woman suffrage by federal constitutional amendment.

New York, National woman suffrage publishing co., inc. 1917

Item identification number 7280.

Reel: 884
Cattell, Milly.

Behind the purdah; or, The lives and legends of our Hindu sisters.

Calcutta & Simla, Thacker, Spink & co. 1916

Item identification number 7281.

Reel: 884
Cheftèle, Sophie.

... Les forces morales aux États-Unis (l'église, l'école, la femme).

Paris, Payot & cie. 1920

Item identification number 7283; Préface de Pierre Mille.

Reel: 884
Chicago Woman's Club.

Annals of the Chicago woman's club for the first forty years of its organization, 1876-1916.

Chicago, Chicago woman's club. 1916

Item identification number 7286; comp. by Henriette Greenebaum Frank [and] Amalie Hofer Jerome.

Reel: 884
Chicago. Department of Public Welfare.

Chicago social service directory.

Chicago [Burmeister printing co.]. 1918

Item identification number 7284; 2d ed., by Valeria D. McDermott and Annie Elizabeth Trotter.

Reel: 884
Chicago. Municipal Court. Domestic Relations Branch.

1917 report of the domestic relations branch of the municipal court of Chicago, with a special report on its organizations and operation, with suggestions and recommendations of needed legislative and administrative measures to increase its value and efficiency.

Chicago, F. Klein co. 1917

Item identification number 7285; by Judge John Stelk.

Reel: 884
Church of England. Archbishop of Canterbury's Committee on the Ministry of Women.

The ministry of women.

London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; New York, The Macmillan co. 1919

Item identification number 7287; A report by a committee appointed by His Grace, the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. with appendices and fifteen collotype illus.

Reel: 884
Churchill, Mary Smith.

You who can help; Paris letters of an American army officer's wife, August, 1916 - January, 1918.

Boston, Small, Maynard & co. [1918]

Item identification number 7288.

Reel: 885
Cim, Albert, 1845-1924.

... Les femmes et les livres.

Paris, E. de Boccard. 1919

Item identification number 7289.

Reel: 885
Clark, Alice.

Working life of women in the seventeenth century.

London, G. Routledge & sons, ltd.; New York, E. P. Dutton & co. 1919

Item identification number 7290.

Reel: 885
Clearing House for War Time Training for Women.

Opportunities for war time training of women in New York City, 1918-1919.

New York. 1918

Item identification number 7291; Comp. by the Clearing house for war time training for women in co-operation with the Intercollegiate Bureau of Occupations.

Reel: 885
Cobos de Villalobos, Amantina.

Mujeres célebres sevillanas.

Sevilla, F. Diaz y co. 1917

Item identification number 7292; Con un prólogo del sr. Luis Montoto y Rautenstrauch.

Reel: 885
Cohen, Chapman, 1868.

Woman and Christianity, the subjection and exploitation of a sex.

London, The Pioneer Press. 1919

Item identification number 7293.

Reel: 885
Cohen, Rose (Gallup) 1880.

Out of the shadow.

New York, George H. Doran co. [1918]

Item identification number 7294; Illus. by Walter Jack Duncan.

Reel: 885
College Club. Boston.

The College club [1890-1915].

[Boston]. [1916?]

Item identification number 7295.

Reel: 885
College Equal Suffrage League of Boston.

Manual for Massachusetts voters.

Published by the College Equal Suffrage League of Boston as its memorial to Lucy Stone. Boston. 1920

Item identification number 7296.

Reel: 885
Colton, Elizabeth Avery.

The various types of Southern colleges for women.

[Raleigh, N.C., Edwards & Broughton]. 1916

Item identification number 7297.

Reel: 885
Combarieu, Jules, 1859-1916.

... Les jeunes filles françaises et la guerre; introduction par M. Jacques Flach.

Paris, A. Colin. 1916

Item identification number 7298.

Reel: 885
Combat, Éd, ed.

... Le travail des femmes à domicile: textes officiels avec commentaire explicatif et étude générale sur les salaires féminins.

Paris [etc.] Berger-Levrault; Nancy, Libraires-Éditeurs. 1916

Item identification number 7299.

Reel: 886
Committee of Inquiry into Sexual Morality. London.

The state and sexual morality.

London, G. Allen & Unwin, ltd. [1920]

Item identification number 7300.

Reel: 886
The Committee of One Hundred.

The birth control movement.

[n.p.] The Committee of one hundred. 1917

Item identification number 7300.1.

Reel: 886
Committee of Social Investigation and Reform.

... Rescue-work: an inquiry and criticism.

Westminster [London]. 1919

Item identification number 7302; Issued by the Committee of Social Investigation and Reform. with an introduction by Lord Henry Cavendish Bentinck.

Reel: 886
Communist Party of Great Britain.

Work among women.

London, Communist party of Great Britain. [192-?]

Item identification number 7303.

Reel: 886
Congreso Feminista de Yucatán. 1st, Mérida, 1916.

El primer Congreso feminista de Yucatán, Convocada por el Gral. D. Salvador Alvarado, y reunido en el teatro "Peon Contreras" de esta ciudad, del 13 al 16 de enero de 1916.

Mérida, Yucatán [Ateneo peninsular]. [1916]

Item identification number 7304; Anales de esa memorable asamblea.

Reel: 886
Connecticut. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

... Report of the Bureau of labor on the conditions of wage-earning women and girls, under authority of chapter 233, G. S. of 1913.

Hartford, Pub. by the state. 1916

Item identification number 7305; Charlotte Molyneux Holloway, industrial investigator.

Reel: 886
Consumers' League of Cincinnati.

Women workers in factories; a study of working conditions in 275 industrial establishments in Cincinnati and adjoining towns.

[Cincinnati] The Consumers' league. 1918

Item identification number 7306; by Annette Mann, executive secretary, the Consumers' league of Cincinnati, assisted by Aletheia Pattison, Frances Higgins.

Reel: 886
Consumers' League of Eastern Pennylvania. Philadelphia.

Colored women as industrial workers in Philadelphia.

[Philadelphia, Consumers' league of eastern Pennsylvania]. [1920?]

Item identification number 7307.

Reel: 886
Consumers' League of the City of New York.

Behind the scenes in a restaurant, a study of 1017 women restaurant employees.

[New York]. 1916

Item identification number 7308.

Reel: 886
Conyngton, Mary Katherine, 1864-1942.

... Effect of workmen's compensation laws in diminishing the necessity of industrial employment of women and children, December, 1917.

Washington, Govt. print. off. 1918

Item identification number 7309.

Reel: 886
Coope, Anna.

Anna Coope; sky pilot of the San Blas Indians.

New York, American tract society. [1917]

Item identification number 7310.

Reel: 886
Corner, Alfred.

The end of male ascendancy.

London, The Peto pub. co. 1917

Item identification number 7311.

Reel: 886
Creevey, Caroline Althea (Stickney) 1843-1920.

A daughter of the Puritans, an autobiography.

New York, Putnam. 1916

Item identification number 7312.

Reel: 886
Cunning, Annie Broomhall (Trim) 1879.

The healthy girl.

London, H. Frowde [etc.]. 1916

Item identification number 7313; and A. Campbell.

Reel: 886
Czechoslovak Republic. Laws, statutes, etc.

Die neuen bürgerlichen Gesetze (Eherecht, Volljährigkeit usw.) nebst einer Einführung von Dr. Josef Turnwald.

Reichenberg, Gebrüder Stiepel, Gesellschaft m.b.H. 1920

Item identification number 7314.

Reel: 886
Daggett, Mabel (Potter) 1871-1927.

Women wanted; the story written in blood red letters on the horizon of the great world war.

New York, G. H. Doran co. [c1918]

Item identification number 7315.

Reel: 887
[Damours, Louis] d. 1788.

Lettres de Ninon de Lenclos.

Paris, Garnier frères. [1920?]

Item identification number 7316; Précédées de Mémoires sur sa vie par A. Bret. Nouvelle éd., soigneusement revue et corrigée.

Reel: 887
Dampier, Catherine Durning (Holt) lady.

The upbringing of daughters.

London, New York [etc., etc.] Longmans, Green & co. 1917

Item identification number 7317.

Reel: 887
Daugé, C.

Le mariage et la famille en Gascogne, d'après les proverbes et les chansons.

Paris, A. Picard; Bordeaux, Féret & fils. 1916

Item identification number 7318.

Reel: 887
Dávila Garibi, José Ignacio Paulino, 1888.

Memoria histórica de las labores de la Asociación de damas católicas de Guadalajara.

Guardalajara, J. M. Yguiniz. 1920

Item identification number 7319; formada por el Lic. J. Ignacio Dávila Garibi.

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