History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

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Parton, Mabel.

Women's work in rubber factories; its effect on health.

[n.p.]. [1905]

Item identification number 8581; Report of an investigation of certain trades undertaken by the Joint committee on sanitary and industrial conditions of the Massachusetts state federation of women's clubs and the Women's education and industrial union.

Reel: 943
Parton, Mabel.

The work of women and children in cordage and twine factories, its effect on health; report of an investigation of certain trades.

Boston, Joint Committee on Sanitary and Industrial Conditions of the Mass. State Federation of Women's Clubs and the Women's Educational and Industrial Union. 1905

Item identification number 8582.

Reel: 943
Pope, Emily F.

The practice of medicine by women in the United States.

Boston, Wright & Potter Printing co. [1881]

Item identification number 8551; [by Emma L. Call, C. Augusta Pope].

Reel: 943
Pritchett, Henry Smith, 1857.

A woman's opportunity in business and the industries; an address given at the second annual commencement of Simmons College, Boston, June 12, 1907.

Boston, the college. 1907

Item identification number 8592.

Reel: 943
Rappaport, Philip.

Die bürgerliche Gleichstellung der Geschlechter.

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Freidenker Publishing Co. 1905

Item identification number 8527; Zwei Abhandlungen von P. Rappaport und G. Donald. Im Auftrage der 21. Tagsatzung des Nordamerikanischen Turnerbundes, hrsg. vom Bundesvorort.

Reel: 943
Roosevelt for equal rights.

Warren, Ohio. c1905

Item identification number 8528.

Reel: 943
Salter, William Mackintire, 1853.

What is the real emancipation of woman?.

Boston, Massachusetts woman suffrage association. [1902?]

Item identification number 8526.

Reel: 943
Schumm, Emma.

A woman's view of the woman question.

Chicago, The radical review. 1883

Item identification number 8519.

Reel: 943
Scott, Lucy Parkman (Higgins) "Mrs. Francis M. Scott," 1855.

Woman and the law.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8539.

Reel: 943
Sewall, May (Wright) 1844-1920.

A report on the position of women in industry and education in the state of Indiana.

[n.p., Carlon & Hollenbeck, printers].

Item identification number 8521; [Prepared for the Indiana department of the New Orleans Exposition, by May Wright Sewall, at the request of the Commissioners for Indiana].

Reel: 943
Smith, Mary Gove.

Immigration as a source of supply for domestic workers, based upon a study of conditions in Boston.

[Boston, Women's Educational and Industrial Union]. [1906]

Item identification number 8586.

Reel: 943
Society for Improving the Condition and Elevating the Character of Industrial Females. Philadelphia.

Report of the board of managers of the Society for improving the condition and elevating the character of industrious females.

[Philadelphia?]. [1839?]

Item identification number 8541.

Reel: 943
Stanton, Elizabeth (Cady) 1815-1902.

Bible and church degrade woman.

Chicago, H. L. Green. [1896?]

Item identification number 8524.

Reel: 943
Stone, Lucy, 1818-1893.

Some things the Massachusetts Legislature of 1889 and 1890 did for men, who have votes, contracted with what it did for women, who have no votes.

Boston. 1890

Item identification number 8522.

Reel: 943
Thompson, Daniel Greenleaf, 1850-1897.

Woman's New Opportunity.

New York, Longmans, Green and co. 1894

Item identification number 8565; An address delivered at the closing exercises (fourth year) of the Woman's Law Class of the University of the City of New York, April 5, 1894.

Reel: 943
Van Etten, Ida M.

The condition of women workers under the present industrial system, an address at the Nationai convention of the American Federation of Labor, held at Detroit, Michigan, December 8th, 1890.

[New York, Concord Cooperative Print]. c1891

Item identification number 8560.

Reel: 943
Van Kleeck, Mary, 1883.

Working hours of women in factories.

New York, The Charity organization society. [1906?]

Item identification number 8587.

Reel: 943
Ward, Leater F.

The exemption of women from labor.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8566.

Reel: 943
White, John D.

Political rights of women.

Washington. 1884

Item identification number 8520; Speech of Hon. John D. White of Kentucky in the House of Representatives, Thursday, February 7, 1884.

Reel: 943
Woman's National Liberal Union.

Woman's national liberal union.

[n.p.]. [1890?]

Item identification number 8523; Convention for organization held Feb. 24-25, 1890, Willard's Hall, Washington, D.C.

Reel: 943
Woman's Work Exchange and Decorative Art Society.

Souvenir and catalogue of the grand Amateur Loan Exhibition and musical entertainment.

[n.p.]. 1890

Item identification number 8561.

Reel: 943
Women's Educational and Industrial Union. Boston.

Constitution and by-laws.

Boston, Press of Faulkner Bros. 1878

Item identification number 8547.

Reel: 943
Women's Educational and Industrial Union. Boston.

General rules for employees.

Boston, Women's educational and industrial union. 1907

Item identification number 8593.

Reel: 943
Women's Educational and Industrial Union. Boston.

General rules for employees.

Boston, Women's educational and industrial union. 1908

Item identification number 8597; 3d ed.

Reel: 943
Women's Educational and Industrial Union. Buffalo, N.Y.

[Union calendar, 1884-97.].

Buffalo [Mathews-Northrup]. 1897

Item identification number 8569.

Reel: 943
Women's Trade Union League.

Labor songs.

New York, Women's Trade Union League. 1908

Item identification number 8598.

Reel: 943
Women's Trade Union League.

Second interstate conference of the National Women's Trade Union League.

[n.p., The National Women's Trade Union League]. 1908

Item identification number 8599; Boston, Chicago, New York, songs.

Reel: 943
Working Women's Protective Union. New York (City).

Eighteenth annual report and anniversary of the Working Women's Protective Union.

New York, Working Women's Protective Union. 1882

Item identification number 8554.

Reel: 943
Working Women's Protective Union. New York (City).

Plain facts about working women.

New York, Working Women's Protective Union. 1879

Item identification number 8548; by Rev. T. de Witt Talmage, Rev. S.D. Burchard, Hon. David Dudley Field [and others] with musical aid by Mrs. Florence Rice Know [and others] The fifteenth anniversary of the Working Women's Protective Union, at Chickering Hall, Nov. 19th, 1878.

Reel: 943
Working Women's Protective Union. New York (City).

Seventeenth annual report and anniversary of the Working women's protective union.

New York, The Working women's protective union. 1881

Item identification number 8553.

Reel: 943
Abbott, Maude Elizabeth Seymour, 1869-1940.

Women in medicine.

Toronto, Morang & co. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8609.

Reel: 944
Beecher, Catherine Esther, 1800-1878.

An essay on the education of female teachers, written at the request of the American lyceum and communicated at their annual meeting, New York, May 8th, 1835.

New York, Van Nostrand & Dwight. 1835

Item identification number 8676.

Reel: 944
Beecher, Catherine Esther, 1800-1878.

Female education.

The American Journal of Education, vol. 2, 9 p. 1927

Item identification number 8668.

Reel: 944
Bowen, Louise Haddock (de Koven) "Mrs. J.T. Bowen," 1859.

The girls employed in hotels and restaurants.

[Chicago, Hale-Crossley printing co.]. 1912

Item identification number 8616; by the Juvenile protective association of Chicago.

Reel: 944
Bradford, Junior College. Bradford, Mass.

Catalogue of the officers and students of Bradford Academy, Bradford, Massachusetts, October, 1839.

Haverhill, E. H. Safford. 1839

Item identification number 8681.

Reel: 944
Breckinridge, Sophonisba Preston, 1866.

Concerning the garment workers strike [Chicago] Report of the sub-committee to the citizen's committee, November 5, 1910.

[n.p.]. [1910?]

Item identification number 8605.

Reel: 944
Bronson, Minnie.

The wage-earning woman and the state, a comparison of the laws for her protection in various states of the union.

[Boston, Massachusetts Association Opposed to the Further Extension of Suffrage to Women]. 1910

Item identification number 8606.

Reel: 944
Brown, Adelaide.

... The history of the development of women in medicine in California.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8624.

Reel: 944
California. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Decision upholding the constitutionality of the eight hour law for women.

Sacramento, William Richardson, Supt. of State Printing. 1912

Item identification number 8617; Supreme Court of the State of California.

Reel: 944
Chandler, Daniel.

An address on female address on female education, delivered before the Demosthenian and Phi Kappa societies, on the day after commencement, in the University of Georgia.

Washington, Georgia, W. A. Mercer. 1835

Item identification number 8677.

Reel: 944
Connecticut. General Assembly.

Proposed act, to protect the health, morals and welfare of women and minors employed in industry by establishing a minimum wage commission and providing for the determination of living wages for women and minors, introduced in the Conn. Legislature, January, 1919.

[n.p.]. [1919?]

Item identification number 8642; by the Consumers' league of Connecticut.

Reel: 944
Consumers' League of Eastern Pennylvania. Philadelphia.

Occupations for Philadelphia girls.

Philadelphia. 1913

Item identification number 8619; Paper box making.

Reel: 944
Consumers' League of Maryland.

Laws Maryland women workers should know, a brief summary.

[Baltimore, Md., Consumers' league of Maryland]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8654.

Reel: 944
Consumers' League of Massachusetts.

The high cost of cheap goods.

Boston, Consumers' league of Massachusetts. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8607.

Reel: 944
Consumers' League of New York.

... Our working girls.

New York, New York State Consumers' League. [1910?]

Item identification number 8608; How they do it.

Reel: 944
Consumers' League of New York.

Women's wages today: one reason for a legal minimum in N.Y. state.

[n.p.] Consumers' league of New York state and Consumers' league of the city of New York. 1920

Item identification number 8655.

Reel: 944
Consumers' League of the City of New York.

Who will put "rest in restaurants?" A restaurant worker old at 21 years.

[New York, Consumers' league of the New York city]. [1917]

Item identification number 8632.

Reel: 944
Consumers' League of the City of New York.

The work of the consumers' league of the city of New York, 1915.

[New York, Allied Printing]. [1916]

Item identification number 8625.

Reel: 944
Delima, Agnes.

Night working mothers in textile mills.

[n.p.] National consumers' league and the Consumers' league of New Jersey. 1920

Item identification number 8656.

Reel: 944
Delzell, Ruth.

Articles on the early history of women trade unionists of America; illustrated with historical industrial charts.

Chicago, National Women's Trade Union League of America. [1914?]

Item identification number 8621; Compiled by Dorothy Sears and Frances Porter from the government report on the conditions of women and child wage earners in the United States and from the documentary history of American industrial society. These articles and charts reprinted from Life and labor, 1912 and 1914.

Reel: 944
Dorr, Rheta Louise (Childe) 1872.

Women's demand for humane treatment of women workers in shop and factory.

New York, The Consumers' league of the city of New York. c1909

Item identification number 8600; Illus. from photographs.

Reel: 944
Ferris, Isaac, 1798-1873.

Address, delivered 27th April, 1839, at the opening of the Rutgers Female Institute, New-York.

New-York, Printed by W. Osborn. 1839

Item identification number 8682.

Reel: 944
Georgetown College. Female Collegiate Institute. Georgetown, Ky.

Catalogue of the officiers and members of the Female collegiate institute, Georgetown, Kentucky, for the year ending March 1, 1839.

[n.p.] Whig Banner, print. 1839

Item identification number 8683.

Reel: 944
Harris, William Torrey, 1835-1909.

The relation of woman to the trades and professions.

New York, Educational Review Publishing Co. 1900

Item identification number 8662.

Reel: 944
Harrison, Fairfax, 1869-1938.

The independent woman.

[n.p.]. 1914

Item identification number 8622; An address before the Alabama Girls Technical Institute, Montevallo, Alabama, October 17, 1914.

Reel: 944
Intercollegiate Bureau of Occupations. New York.

Opportunities in occupations other than teaching.

New York. 1915

Item identification number 8627.

Reel: 944
Kelley, Florence, 1859-1932.

Wage-earning women in war time; the textile industry.

New York, National Consumers League. 1919

Item identification number 8643.

Reel: 944
Kelley, Florence, 1859-1932.

Women in industry; the eight hours day and rest at night, upheld by the United States Supreme Court.

New York, National consumers' league. 1916

Item identification number 8630.

Reel: 944
Ludlow, John, 1793-1857.

An address delivered at the opening of the New Female Academy in Albany, May 12, 1834.

Albany, Printed by Packard and Van Benthuysen. 1834

Item identification number 8675; with an appendix.

Reel: 944
Martin, Anna.

The married working woman; a study.

Westminster, National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies. 1911

Item identification number 8612.

Reel: 944
Massachusetts. Minimum Wage Commission.

... The effect of the minimum wage decree on the brush industry in Massachusetts.

Boston, Wright & Potter printing co., state printers. 1915

Item identification number 8626.

Reel: 944
McNutt, Sarah J.

Medical women, yesterday and today.

New York, W. Wood & co. [1918]

Item identification number 8636.

Reel: 944
Mount Holyoke College.

Female education.

[South Hadley, Mass.]. [1839]

Item identification number 8684; Tendencies of the principles embraced, and the system adopted in the Mount Holyoke Female Seminary.

Reel: 944
Mount Holyoke College.

"General view of the principles and designs of the Mount Holyoke Female Seminary.".

[n.p.]. [1837?]

Item identification number 8679.

Reel: 944
Mrs. Willard reviewed; or, A short examination of the proceedings of "The society for the advancement of female education in Greece".

Albany. 1833

Item identification number 8674; by a friend to suffering humanity.

Reel: 944
National Consumers' League.

The eight hours day for wage earning women.

New York, National consumers' league. 1916

Item identification number 8631; U.S. Supreme Court upholds the California law. List of eight hours laws.

Reel: 944
National Consumers' League.

Equal opportunity for women wage earners.

New York, National consumers' league. [1920?]

Item identification number 8657; Facts vs. fiction.

Reel: 944
National Consumers' League.

Minimum wage commissions; current facts, Nov., 1919.

[New York] National consumers' league. [1919]

Item identification number 8644.

Reel: 944
National Consumers' League.

The waste of industry, overworked women and girls, ill health, danger, low wages. Some reasons why protective laws for women in industry are necessary.

[New York, National Consumers' League]. [1915]

Item identification number 8628.

Reel: 944
National Women's Trade Union League.


[Boston, Libbie Printing]. 1911

Item identification number 8613; at Boston, Massachusetts, June 12th to 17th, 1911 ... Handbook.

Reel: 944
National Women's Trade Union League.

The eight hour day for women.

Chicago, National women's trade union league. 1915

Item identification number 8629.

Reel: 944
National Women's Trade Union League of America.


Chicago [Press of Saul brothers]. [1909]

Item identification number 8601; at Chicago, September 27th to October 2nd, 1909 ... Handbook.

Reel: 944
National Women's Trade Union League of America.

Some facts regarding unorganized working women in the sweated industries.

Chicago, National Women's Trade Union League of America. 1914

Item identification number 8623.

Reel: 944
The National women's trade union league of America, endorsed by American federation of labor and trades and labor council of Canada.

New York [and] Chicago. 1920

Item identification number 8658.

Reel: 944
New York Association of Working Girls' Societies, 1893.

[New York?]. 1893

Item identification number 8663.

Reel: 944
The New York Exchange for Woman's Work.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8664.

Reel: 944
[New York Telephone Company].

An ideal occupation for young women.

[New York?]. [191-]

Item identification number 8604.

Reel: 944
Opportunities for women in scientifc work.

[n.p.]. [1920?]

Item identification number 8660.

Reel: 944
Public and social service as vocations for college women; Together with a statement of preparatory professional courses offered by the colleges belonging to the Association of College Alumnae.

[n.p., Association of Collegiate Alumnae]. [1904]

Item identification number 8665.

Reel: 944
Russell Sage Foundation. New York, Library.

... Women in industry in war-time.

New York, The Russell Sage foundation library. [1917]

Item identification number 8633.

Reel: 944
Russell, William, 1798-1873.

On associations of teachers; an address delivered at a meeting held in Dorchester, on Wednesday, 8th of September, for the purpose of forming as association of teachers for Norfolk County.

Boston, S. N. Dickinson. 1830

Item identification number 8672.

Reel: 944
Sullivan, Florence L.

Opportunities for trained women in Cleveland factories.

Cleveland, Ohio. [1919]

Item identification number 8646; Prepared for the Bureau of Occupations for Trained Women.

Reel: 944
Summary of laws affecting women workers in Massachusetts, November 1, 1917.

[Boston, Consumers' league of Massachusetts]. [1917?]

Item identification number 8634.

Reel: 944
Sumner, Mary Brown.

A strike brought about by a bundle of dirty linen.

[New York, Allied Printing]. [1912?]

Item identification number 8618.

Reel: 944
Towers, John.

Woman in music.

[Winchester, Virginia, The Enterprise printing co.]. [1918]

Item identification number 8637.

Reel: 944
United States. Council of National Defense. Committee on Women's Defense Work.

Committee on women in industry of the advisory commission of the council of national defense.

Jeffersonville, Indiana [n.p.]. 1918

Item identification number 8638; The manufacture of army skirts under the home work system.

Reel: 944
United States. Council of National Defense. Committee on Women's Defense Work.


Chicago, Allied printing. [1918?]

Item identification number 8639; Conference of departments of women in industry on the middle-west divisions. Woman's committee. Council of national defense, held in Bowen Hall, Hull House, Chicago, September 13-14, 1918.

Reel: 944
United States. Council of National Defense. Committee on Women's Defense Work. Oregon Division.

Work for women.

[Portland]. [1918]

Item identification number 8640; Institutions in Oregon, training women for occupations other than teaching.

Reel: 944
United States. Women's Bureau.

Standards for the employment of women in industry.

[Washington, Govt. print. off.]. [1919]

Item identification number 8647; issued by the Women in industry service, U.S. dept. of labor; 2d ed.

Reel: 944
Upshaw, May B.

Woman's place in civil service.

New York, Federation of Women's Civil Service Organizations. [1919?]

Item identification number 8648; Read before the Assembly of civil service commissions of the United States and Canada, Rochester, N. Y., June 13, 1919.

Reel: 944
Van Kleeck, Mary, 1883.

... Employment of women in the storage and warehousing depots of the United States army.

Washington, D.C., The Storage committee of the war industries board of the council of national defense. [1917]

Item identification number 8635; Prepared by Miss Mary Van Kleeck of the Russell Sage Foundation, New York City, submitted October 24, 1917, revised November 24, 1917.

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