"How long?" Amos ben Sierra Nueva said desperately

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notice of supernatural calm? The doctor smiled rue-

fully at that and told the machine to show him the next

message. It was flagged personal, which was odd. He

began to read.

His heart stumbled; he could feel the pain in his

chest quite distinctly, but it seemed distant and unim-

portant Vision grayed down to a tunnel; it was long

minutes before he could speak.

At last he managed to croak "Simeon? Simeon!"
"What is it, Chaundra?"
I don't like the way he looks. The sound of the doctor's

voice had been sufficiently worrisome for Simeon to

Anne McCaffrey 6? S.M. Stirling
activate visuals. The doctor was visibly tired but, con-

sidering the work load he was pushing, fatigue would

be normal. Nor unusual for Chaundra who tended to

push himself. If Simeon had been capable of

experiencing fatigue, he would be knackered right

now. The slightly built dark man was gray-faced with

sweat beading his forehead. Simeon ran a diagnostic

program; not good. Extreme stress, to the point of

endangering the man's health. Chaundra was not

young anymore, and had endured some very hostile

environments in his career. Not to mention the current

"This message..." and Chaundra managed to point

to his screen.
Dear DadNSimeon read.
"Why on earth didn't this trip my watchman

programs N I'll have ]oattsfade for this, by God!"

N I couldn't go, Fmsorry. Ihopeyou can understand and

forgiveme, but ^artythmg were to happen to you and I wasn't

there, Td never forgive myself. I have to be here, because Mom

can't be. Iloveyou.

"Oh!" Simeon paused in full comprehension of

Chaundra's state of mind. "But didn't you put him

"No," Chaundra said, in a voice drained of affect.

"He was in line, almost to the lock. Then I received a

bleep message N the most urgent of codes. Seld said I

must answer. He understood that. We embraced, said

good-bye and I left him there."
Chaundra flopped one hand over weakly, unable for

more effort than that. "He was practically on the ship.

How the hell did this happen?"
"I'm sorry. I've too good an idea!" Simeon told him.

"I'll try to find out where that wicked young rascal is

right now." He didn't mean Seld, but did not qualify his

term. After a moment's pause he came up blank. "I'm

not finding him, so he's well hidden wherever he is.

That should be some consolation, Chaundra," he said

in a firmly reassuring tone. "If I can't find him, neither

can our expected visitors. I'll keep looking. Count on

me for that! - - j
Looking with every eye I own, Simeon said grimly. How

could the well-mannered, well-brought up Seld have

fallen for one of Joat's schemes? And what part would

the kid play in it? And Fm to blame for this situation and

Chaundra's heartache, Joat had been so eager to learn,

and he'd seen no reason to restrict her terminal's access

to the schematics. She had been bad enough before this

emergency sent her to cover; now, he didn't know what

she was capable of doing.
Fve an idiot-savant running feral in my station, he

thought bitterly. Ten years' precocity in advanced engineer-

ing technics and the morals of a five-year-old. The

selfishness of small children can be charming, when

they don't have the power to do much harm. In a near-

adult, and a brilliant near-adult at that, the possibilities

went out of bounds,
"Well, Seld is here N somewhere!" Chaundra said,

recovering himself enough to shout and to be livid with

rage. "The clock says this message was entered ten

hours after his ship left!"

"I know, I see it Don't worry, Chaundra. We'll find

HI know we'll find him. What worries me is that he

should hide! That he is no longer as safe as I thought

he would be by now. Do you understand? My son could

die. My heart is pounding with the anxiety."
Simeon ran another quick scan of the station, this time

including apartments left empty by the evacuation.

"Still searching. There are so many places he could

hide and even I couldn't find him," he said by way of reas-

suring Chaundra. "He's a big strong kid who can handle

himself" As well as any of us, he thought The odds for

Anm McCaffny # SJW. Stating
anyone on the station were not good, but there was no

point in reminding Chaundra of that now.

"No," the doctor said between clenched teeth, "he

isn't a "big strong kid,' and he can't handle himself. He's

never going to be strong. Thej^lague that took his

mother left him with nerve damage."

"Nerve damage?" Simeor^jsaid incredulously.

Regeneration of nerve tissue was an old technology,

and well understood. Without it, shellpeople would be

impossible, for the same technique knitted their ner-

vous systems into the machinery that supported them

and that they commanded.

Chaundra shook his head. "I have done what I could

to bypass the damage, but if he puts too much strain

where the repair exists ..." His voice trailed off, and

when he raised his face to Simeon's visual node, he had

turned into an old man.
"It was a little clinic, you understand. Mary, she was

the meditech, I the doctor. A new continent on a new

colony world. Much to do, we were on research grants.

Then people began to die. There was nothing I could

do... They imposed quarantine N quarantine, in this

day and age! When I found what had happened,

already it was too late for Mary. The virus ... was a

hybrid. A native virus-analogue combined with a

mutant Terran encephalitis strain. The native virus

wrapped around the Terran, you understand. So the

immune system could not recognize it and had no

defense. The Terran element enabled it to parasitize

"Seld was damaged, on the point of death. It took

three years of therapy for him to be able to walk and

talk and move as well as he does."
Chaundra turned, picking things up from his desk

and putting them down.

"But he will never be strong. If they seize him, hell

be as helpless as someone half his age. There could be

convulsions: stress accelerates the damage. It is

cumulative. Why do you think I took this position? He

must be near a first-rate facility at all times. He must

not suffer extreme stress or the effects could snowball

As it is, he will probably rEt live much past adulthood."
Chaundra slumpefl in his chair, anger, even anxiety

draining out of him as he buried his head in his hands.

"Then we'll make sure they don't hurt him," Simeon

said grimly." First, let's find him. He's probably withjoat"

"Seld's mentioned her." Chaundra's voice was muffled

"He has many-friends, but she sounded... different"

"She is. Oh, she's different, all right. And she

wouldn't leave, either. So in a way, you and I are in the

same boat."
Chaundra rubbed his mouth and chin. Whiskers

rasped; unusual, since he was normally a fastidious

man. "Yes," he said and laughed sardonically, "and the

boat is about to leak."

"Not necessarily." Simeon said firmly enough to

make himself believe it "Seld has something else going

for him."
"He has?"
"Yes. Seld has Joat, and she's got such a strong sur-

vival instinct that even if the rest of the station blew,

she'd find a way to stay alive ... and keep Seld alive,

too. He's actually far safer with her than anywhere else

he could be. So I wouldn't worry about his infirmities,

or stress. Though I hate like hell to admit it, I can't

think of anyone better qualified to mind him than

"Seld," Simeon called. "Seld Chaundra, come out

where I can see you."
Joat popped into view rubbing her eyes, "What are

you yeUin' about, Simeon?" she asked, yawning.

"Send him out, Joat This is the only place he can

possibly be."

240 Ame McCaffrey 6? SM. Stirling
Joat crossed her arms and looked sleepily defiant.

"Your father is worried, Seld," Simon went on. "He

sent you away so that you'd be safe. So you know he's

not really going to kill you for staying, even though you

deserve it."
Seld appeared beside Joat, whoshoved him in the

shoulder. "Tbldja to stay outta sight)"

He hung his head and said, "I know. But I can't let

you take my rap. Mom wouldn't like that in me. At least

that's what my dad says she'd say." He shrugged and

gave her a feeble grin.

Joat rolled her eyes. "Do what'choo want," she said

in a scathing tone, and disappeared.

"Actually," Simeon told them both, "I don't see any

need to rough it just yet. Why not sleep comfortably

while you can, eat what everyone else is enjoying,

because we're certainly not going to leave it to the

pirates to gobble up. I'd prefer that you hide out when

the pirates arrive. Meanwhile, Seld, give your dad the

benefit of your company: he needs it. Save your

rations,Joat- Eat with us. Food'sbetter. For now."

He picked up her disgusted sigh, and then she

walked into view, arms still folded, expression still

Simeon warmed to her all over again. I don't think I

was ever that young, he thought, but, y'ftnow, she makes me

tvish I could swagger. "Okay guys, let's go."
"Very large mass," Baila said, whispering. "Several

score megatons, at least."

"You nee4 not lower your voice," Belazir said,

amused and more so when several of the bridge crew

jumped. "We are proceeding stealthed, but sound

waves do not propagate in vacuum."

He turned to the schematic and long-range visual

views. Impressive indeed, he thought. Far and away the

largest free-floating construct he had ever seen. Twin

globes, each at least a thousand meters in extent, linked

by a broad tube. More tubes at the north and south

axis, evidently for docking large ships, although none

were there at the moment Around the station was an

incredible clutter of material: loose ore, giant flexible

balloons of various substances, radiating networks,


Large but soft, he decided. Like a huge lump of well-

cooked meat, steaming in its own juices and touched

with garlic, waiting to be carved into bite-sized pieces. It

was a target so rich that he had trouble convincing him-

self of its reality. Mentally he accepted it, while his

emotions could only kick in every minute or so, as jolts

of near-orgasmic pleasure. He stretched like a cat,

acutely conscious of the anticipatory tension beneath

the quiet ordered activity of the bridge. Everyone in

the flotilla would come out of this a hero. He couldn't

believe this plum could be snatched away N not from

the Kolnari and especially not when he commanded

the Kolnari flotilla! And he, Belazir t'Marid Kolaren,
Anne McCaffrey fc? SM.. Stating
would be more than a hero. He would be placed firmly

in the logical line of succession to Chalku t'Marid.

"A pity it is so big," he mused. "A shame to have to

waste any of the possible plunder." He sighed for, of

course, they would have to destrqg what they could not

The flotilla were warships by sfjetialty, not cargo car-

riers. Even if they had time enough to bring in the

heavy haulers from the Clan fleet, only the merest tithe

of the goods to be found in this size station could be

transported. On the othgrhand, the ecstasy of sheer

destruction had its own euphoria N the knowledge

that so much data and effort could be casually blown to

"A message torpedo to the fleet?" Serig asked.
"You echo my thoughts, Serig," Belazir said. "Ready

for instant transmission once we close our fist on our

The message sent back with the captured mer-

chantman would have the Clan fleet on alert. But the

transports could not yet have arrived at Bethel, much

less landed there. Rigged for deep-space running, suf-

ficient ships could be diverted to assist him without

hindering the effort at Bethel. Say, ten days' transit

from the Saffron system, to be conservative; two or

three days loading, depending on how many Father

Chalku decided to send. Then set demolition charges,

nice large ones to leave nothing larger than gravel.

There might well be prisoners worth taking for skilled

labor. The huge rectangular frame of a shipyard was

now visible on one side of the station, and that meant

that there would be rare and valuable slaves to sell.

With an effort, he restrained himself from rubbing

his hands together. "Oh, what a surprise they have in

store," he said.
"Indeed," Serig said. His eyes and teeth shone in the

dim blue lights of the bridge and his voice was husky,

a man in the grip of lust Which, Belazir reflected,

was exactly what it was. Metaphorically and literally.

"Keep your eagerness in chains, my friend," he said

genially- "It is a good slave but a poor master." He

'aimed to Baila. "Whattraffic inbound?"
"None, Great Lor^l."
"None?" Belazir raised a brow.
Curious, he thought, a space station built in an area near-

ly devoid of traffic. Is it old and due to be abandoned? Or is it

new and as yet rarely used ? A small chill diluted the perfec-

tion of his pleasure. There were alternatives here; he

might be the hero who brought unimaginable wealth,

or the immortal villain who revealed the existence of

the Clan to an enemy more powerful than they.
He shook his head with a small, tssk of disgust.

Impossible. The merchantman had been rich with

treasure and it had just left the station. "Indications?"
"Great Lord, the background radiation is consistent

with large-scale departures over the past five days."

Baila paused, hesitant. "Lord, it is difficult to be certain,

with the density of the interstellar medium here. Sub-

space distortion damps out very quickly..."
The small chill became fingers of ice stroking the

base of his spine. His testicles drew up in reflex.

"I want information, not excuses!" he said in a harsh

voice. "Ready the seeker missiles." If the accursed

Bethelite cowards had warned the stationNprompting

the normal traffic to flee N they would destroy it and

run immediately. He was nearly certain he had crip-

pled the prey's communications apparatus in the

pursuit, but "nearly" grilled no meat. But, if it had

escaped, where was it? Or had the station done his

work for him? A rich station would have cause to be

wary of unexpected visitors. "Continue stealthed

That meant running with the powerplants down, off

accumulator energy, on a ballistic sublight approach.

Anne McCaffrey fc? SM. Stating
Slow, they would take years to come near at this speed,

but quite safe at a respectable distance. At any moment

they could power up and close in swiftly at super-

luminal speeds. This was a modification of a tactic the

Clan sometimes used against merchantmen on the

outskirts of a solar system. And mey were dose enough

that lightspeed was not much of a problem for detec-

tion purposes. Briefly, he considered running back on

FTL for a few parsecs, to see if he could pick up traces

of in- or outbound traffic over the past week. Then he

shook his head, rejecting that plan. Signal degraded

too much over distance, arid his own trail would adver-

tise his presence. While the station retained subspace

communicator capacity, it presented the Clan with a

deadly risk.
Taking time to consider a problem from all angles

was no excuse for inaction. Strike the hardest blow you

could, then see if another was needed; that was the

Kolnari way.

"See if you can pick anything up from their

perimeter relay beacons," he said. In dust this thick

even local realspace beacons needed amplification.

"Message, Great Lord," said Baila.

"I would hear it"

Immediately a woman's crisp voice filled the control

center, "Warning all ships, warning all ships, SSS-90Q-

C is under Class Two quarantine: I repeat, Class Two

quarantine. The following species are advised not to

make port at these facilities under any circumstances."

A list of alien species followed, most of them

unknown to t'Marid.

"Human visitors are restricted to the dock facilities

and the entertainment areas immediately adjacent to

them. You are advised to continue on to your next port

of call. Warning..."

The message began to repeat and Baila cut it off.

"Further scan, lord: there are two debris fields. Both of

them between us and the station. The one nearest the

station is largely of natural ferrous compounds, prob-

ability ninety-seven percent-plus semi-processed

asteroidal material. The other, nearest the Bride, is of

metal and ship-hull compounds, finely divided.

Computer assessment S that the mass represented by

the metal debris is equivalent to the mass represented

by the prey ship."

She touched several controls, and the multiple

screens displayed a scene of tumbling scraps of half-

melted metal, no single piece larger than a meter wide

or long. Most were a fog of metallic particles.

His eyes narrowed. The quarantine could explain

the absence of shipping. Baila's analysis suggested that,

either the prey ship, which he knew had been ancient,

had disintegrated under the stress of redlining or the

station had destroyed it. The former was more likely

since no weaponry had been detected on the station.

No doubt the truth of the end to the Bethelite refugee

ship would be found in the station's records.

"Your appraisal?" Belazir asked his weapons officer.
"Great Lord," the man said, collating a probability

run, "the bulk of the fragments are definitely the result of

ultra-high temperature breakdown. The profile is com-

pletely compatible with sudden energy discharge from

the main internal drive coil of a very large ship. Some of

the other debris N" he called up relevant views "N show

blast fragmentation. That could either have been the

result of direct hits with chemical-energy warheads, or

secondary propagation effects when the engine blew.

The shockwave through the hull..."

"I'm aware of the phenomenon," Belazir said dryly.

The weapons officer shrank back. Belazir t'Marid had

fought his first space engagement before the younger

noble was born. "Continue scan and analysis. Inform

me of any anomalies."
They blew up," Serig said.
Anne McCaffrey & SM. Stirling
"Just as they arrived? How convenient," Belazir said.

He gnawed a thumb. "Possibly too convenient?"

"Possibly. However, we were expecting their engines

to foil catastrophically at any moment They were sub-

limating bits of their cooling vanes for the last thirty


"True. Itisstillacoincidence."
"Once is coincidence," Serig said in ritual tone,

"twice is happenstance N"

"N and the third time is enemy action, yes," Belazir

finished irritably. "But for the station to be plague-

ridden at the same time?'
"The scumvermin races are weak of body, lord," he

Belazir signed confirmation. TTie seed of Rolnar was

strong. It had to be, to have survived so long on a

planet not suitable for human beings, and further

devastated by so many centuries of reckless develop-

ment and continual war with every nuclear, chemical

and biological weapon ingenuity could produce. When

the Clan fled a losing struggle, they had kept the tradi-

tion of culling any child who showed signs of

vulnerability to infection. In feet, it was a stroke of for-

tune to have the enemy immobilized by a menace that

was no menace to the Kolnari.

"Hold position. Call in the consorts."

"Yes, Great Lord."

Belazir glanced at his communications officer. Her

face was bright with excitement, too. He smiled. She was

young; this was her first term of duty. He remembered

well that sharp, eager feeling. He grinned. Ah, but he

was feeling now, at the ripe age of thirty, that his life was

half over.

"All captains confirming receipt of your orders,

Great Lord. Moving into position."

"Excellent," he said, glancing back at the schematic

Km have abvady given a cry of distress, oh rich and beauteous

, he thought vindictively. The entire universe was

in conspiracy against the Clan N against all of Kolnar

and its children. Soon you mill scream.
Channa turned at her desk.
'Hi Joat, welcome
C # C

rome. I
A relieved, shy smile greeted her. "Um ... gonna

take a shower."
"You can use it," Channa said, sniffing. "When

you're through, I want to introduce you to someone."

"Ah," Simeon said lighdy. "We're a family again."
"Shut up, you hunk of tin," Channa said good-

naturedly, throwing a wad of scrunched-up tissue in

the general direction of the pillar. "How does this look?"
She punched a key to feed in the distribution of

supply caches.

"Hmmm. Not bad. Okay, how about we seal off the fol-

lowing passageways?" A schematic of several decks

sprang up." If you didn't know about modern fabrication

methods, that would look right for structural members."

"Good, good N what does that give us?"
"About a thousand people we can stick away in

corners N the V list" Those were the ones that they

hadn't had space available to evacuate.
"Nobody essential, I'm afraid," Channa said. They

had agreed that they had to let essential staff take the

risks, as their absence would elicit questions.
"No, but it'll cut down the number of potential vic-

tims quite nicely. Also, it'll give us a chance to scatter

around some stuff that'll come in useful later. Ah,


Tlie Bethelite leader's eyes were red-rimmed, but his

smile brought a warm lurch to Channa's diaphragm. "I

think I have mastered the basic administrative struc-

ture," he said. "It is not too strange."

Channa raised a brow. A 900-series station isn't too

strange to a backworlder? she thought.

AttneMcCaffrey fc? SJW. StirUng

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