Better educated farmers get a higher return on their investments in agriculture:
In Africa, farmers who have completed 4 years of education (the minimum necessary for literacy) produce, on average about 8-10 percent more than farmers who had not gone to school (Moock, Jamison et al., Jamison & Moock)
Technical and allocative efficiency (Welch, Timmer)
Education and productivity (cont’d)
Production function may matter:
In simple tasks or in settings where technology slow to change, effect of education small
In traditional farming, techniques passed from generation to generation (T.W. Schultz)
In piece-rate work in the Philippines, wage not related to schooling after controlling for gender and physical stature (Foster and Rosenzweig)
Human Capital and Wages
Education Human capital Productivity
Wages Welfare
Education and productivity (cont’d)
But, if task involves new technology whether there is a premium on learning and information acquisition learning may be very important
For example, large effect of education in Kenya after introduction of new hybrid seed varieties (Moock)
In India, areas with relatively few educated farmers at the onset of the green revolution experienced less growth compared to other, high schooling areas (Foster and Rosenzweig)
Human Capital Scale -- Weighing Private Benefits and Costs
Benefits Costs
Increased market productivity
Private non-market effects
(e.g., better personal
health, household productivity
Human Capital Scale -- Weighing Private Benefits and Costs
Benefits Costs
Increased market productivity Direct costs
Private non-market effects Foregone
production or
Graph on Rate of Return Estimation for University-level Education
Graph on Rate of Return Estimation for University-level Education
Graph on Rate of Return Estimation for University-level Education
Graph on Rate of Return Estimation for University-level Education
Human Capital Scale -- Weighing Private Benefits and Costs
Benefits Costs
Graph on Rate of Return Estimation for University-level Education
Time Value of Money
Interest Rate (Discount Rate)
Interest Rate (Discount Rate)
Weighing Private Benefits and Costs -- Without Discounting
Internal Rate of Return
Benefits Costs
Returns to Investment in Education by Level (%) -- Private Rates of Return