I. Introduction This master’s thesis represents study of female newspaper and magazine editors in Azerbaijan based on Western and Soviet definitions of journalism with explanation of local national features of this p

III.2.4 Editors and Ethical Dilemmas

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III.2.4 Editors and Ethical Dilemmas

Following in the footsteps of the first research we in this subchapter will examine one of our last secondary questions: is there any difference between ethical approaches of female and male journalists in Azerbaijan. In order to answer that question we presented our female respondents a battery of five questions covering different ethically dilemmatic situations that would allow us to map how selected editors make decisions in ethically ambiguous situations. Our first question remained the same and addressed a conflict of interests when a journalist writes an article using close relative as a primary source for an article. Three editors stated that this is unacceptable while majority of female editors (10) answering the first question stated that there is nothing wrong with using a relative as a primary source, however, all editors noted that author of such article will have to present checked and reliable facts and take all precautions to eliminate any bias.

You know it depends on the topic and the article. His/her relative is also a citizen and a human being. Why should we not trust that source? He/she is also a member of our society. Should now journalist refuse to cover his/her problems only because he/she is his/her relative?43 No there is no problem in this question. However, we have to supervise so there is no bias in there. The article must be based on facts and match requirements and norms of journalism.

A.S. editor of independent newspaper adds:

Professional editor will not allow this to happen. Even if you write an article on a pressing social issue where the only source is someone’s relative, still you have to make your facts right. And in order to do so, you have to check addresses, acquire expert opinions in other words, an experienced editor when he/she sees this he/she knows right away if the story is well done or is immature.

The second dilemmatic situation tested if the editors feel comfortable allowing a journalist who previously worked in a PR department of a cosmetics firm to write reviews or articles on the subject of cosmetics. These question divided editors in two groups. Answers of the first group presented positive stances towards employment of a journalist with PR background. Some editors in this group like for example T.B. and U.V. see this background as a definite plus and point out that experience that the journalist gained in cosmetics firm will help her to cover the subject more thoughtfully, while others like editor N.M are more cautious and state that supervision is still necessary:

It depends on her skills. She might have been a manager in that firm but her writings must be based on facts and actual works since when she is a journalist now she has to obey rules of journalism.

On the other hand the group of editors that would deny such journalist to write reviews on cosmetics had no polarization. Editor I.T.:

Well first of all when I read beauty columns I feel deeply ashamed. They do not know what they write about and no one knows where they take their information from. No I will not allow and rather write it myself. Moreover, in my opinion this column is not necessary. Thank God we live now in time when there are lots of opportunities to obtain information so anyone who is interested can find it. It is better than many magazines that they right now publish and that have very low quality.

The third and the last one to involve a conflict of interests was the question where editorial house receives an invitation from a company, government, non-government organization or firm and editor has to decide if he will attend it.

The in-depth interview showed that in contrast with male editors, majority of female editors visit events that they consider to be important. Even editors of pro-government newspapers and a magazine said that they make their best to attend all events that they have been invited to. Editor of pro-government daily newspaper M.H.:

First of all, participation at such events is very beneficial since they create connections. I personally do not go there for a long period of time since it is not my place there anymore but my staff goes regularly. They create connections and write articles. We have attended all events that we have been invited to since I believe that it is important.

Female editors of independent and semi-independent newspapers according to their answers try to cover all events that they are invited to and in case if they cannot they send their staff. Editor S.S. of independent newspaper says:

Usually all are invited: press, TV channels, government officials, etc. If we talk of presentations (a book, website or something else) such events always carry some information with them. I always try to go to such events and if I cannot then I sent a journalist. We always attend such events and at least we have information what is going on in there. In case if I receive personal invitation I always go or send some of our editors.

The invitation question then was closely followed by another where we asked respondents how they would feel if their journalist went to such event and came empty-handed. Answering this question, majority of female editors that answered the ethical dilemma section, followed patterns presented by male editors (Valiyev 2008) of independent and semi-independent newspapers where they stated that it is journalist’s duty to write something based on the event he/she attended. Editors S.A. and N.M. for example have an identical belief that it is journalist’s duty to bring something since journalist must always be in a search for information and it will be rude to let those who invited you without any piece of information about their even. S.A.:

If you were invited then there should be some purpose of your invitation, in other words they hoped in you, had confidence in you, wanted to see something from you since you were invited as a journalist. I must not forget that you are there as a journalist and not as a guest and journalist must collect facts not only at some events but even during a walk on a street. That is why it is very good if he will put aside laziness and indifference and writes something good about event’s organizers.

Even though all editors mentioned that it is journalist’s duty to write article based on the even he/she visited, yet only one female editor – S.S. mentioned that in her newspaper there is a punishment for such misbehavior.

You know we already have some sort of tradition in this sphere. Our journalists go, participate and cover events but sometimes it happens that even finishes late. If that happens, naturally it is very problematic for a journalist to return and write the article in time. That is why if we cannot manage to give article on the same day it occurred then usually we do not cover it since we will be beaten by TV channels anyway. However, it is unacceptable when a journalist comes back without information from the event. For such course of events we have a certain set of actions that will be implemented against him, I’ll only add that it will affect his salary and honorariums. Yet, that cannot happen under my watch, I know who and where I am sending and every journalist has his/her specific sphere of competence.

M.H. editor in chief of the pro-government Vyshka newspaper says that she follows the rule that she once learned as a young correspondent from Vyshka’s editor-in-chief:

Many years ago, my teacher – editor Mikhail Grigoryevich Goldberg he always used to say: I gave you a task. In case if you went to a factory and they told you that the person you are looking for is sick or they do not know when he/she comes back to work you still cannot comeback empty-handed. Go; find an actual and interesting topic to write about yourself. It can be someone suitable for a feature story or you can go to party committee or professional union. In other words, do whatever you want but do not come back without material. A person who returns without material cannot be considered a journalist. It signifies that he/she has no interest in the job or is a clumsy person or is a journalist without initiative who is used to do only what he/she was ordered to.

The final question tested how the selected gate-keepers behave when their sources require protection through preservation of anonymity. Only two female editors (I.T. and T.B.) approve anonymous sources. Editor of independent newspaper I.T:

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