I. Introduction This master’s thesis represents study of female newspaper and magazine editors in Azerbaijan based on Western and Soviet definitions of journalism with explanation of local national features of this p

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VII. Index

Alibeyova Khadija 18

Aliyev Heydar 21

Arno, A. 8

Askerova Salatyn 20

Azerbaijan Democratic Republic 18

Azerbaijan Journalist Women Association 1

Azerbaijan Journalists Union 2, 28, 40, 52-56, 60, 69, 74

Azerbaijan newspaper 19

AzTV 4

Bass, A. 23

Beam, R. 7,

Birkhead, D. 11

Boris, B. 4

Carter, C. 22

Caspian Sea 18

Chramchikhin, A. 15


Coalition for freedom of speech and Journalist professionalism 28

Czarist Russia 18

Day.az 4

Deprofessionalizaton 2, 16, 17, 18, 25, 52, 66, 67, 73

Diamond, L 3,

Dzirkals, L. 9

Eastern Woman magazine 19

Elegant signatures 1

Eni 15

Entman, R 11

External independence 4

Freedom House 25

Freedom of speech 5, 28, 38

Friedson, E. 17

Gahramanova Sadagat 21

Gender question in Azerbaijani media 2, 69

Gerbner, G. 21

Gieber, A. 23

Great Soviet Encyclopedia 13

Gurevitch, M 4

Hallin, D. 8, 15, 16, 52, 67,

Haug, M. 16

Healy, D. 16

Hentof, N. 10

Hooghe, M. 21

Hoyer, S. 8

Hybrid regime 3

Il Giorno 15

Inkeles, A. 13

Instrumentalization 2, 20, 26, 52, 66

International Journalist Federation 2, 69

Isiq 18

Jirak 6, 17, 73,

Johnson, T. 7

Karabakh 3, 18, 20, 69,

Karol Jakubowicz 4, 5, 15,

Katz, J. 11

Kerimova Zahra 19

Kollontai Alexandra 19

Lauk, E. 8

Lenin 14

Lewin, K. 23

Lichtenberg, J. 12

Linz, J. 3,

Lipman, W. 11

Maleshenko, A. 3

Mancini, P. 8, 15, 16, 52, 67

Masculine bias 1, 22

Mattei Enrico 15

McNair, B. 6, 14

McNelly, J. 23

McQuail, D 10, 12

Metzler, K 12

Molodezh Azerbaijana newspaper 20

Moore, W. 6

Mr. Gates 23

Nomenklatura 10, 23, 73

NTV 4,

Objectivity 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 23, 67, 69

Paletz, D. 11

Party in Azerbaijan 19

Pasti, S. 17

Politburo 20

Press Council 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 60, 65, 74

Professionalization 6, 7,8,15, 16, 17, 18, 25

Proletarization 2, 16, 17, 18, 26, 52, 61, 66, 67, 73,

Putin, V. 4

Raelin, J. 17

Remington, T. 9

Richter, A. 5, 14

Roberts, C. 23

Ronshu, K. 17

Safiga Afandizade 2, 19

Schiller, D. 10

Schramm, W. 8

Schudson 6, 10

Seth, R. 14

Shoemaker, P. 22

Siebert, F. 8, 14

Social construct 6,

Souhradova, E. 24

Steiner, L. 1, 22,

Sultanova Ayna 19

Sussman, M. 16

Swert, K. 21

Symbolic annihilation 21, 73

Tarschys, D. 14

Toren, N. 17

Trend 4

Tuchman, G. 21

Turan news agency 25

Unveiling campaign 19

Volek J. 6, 7, 17, 18, 52, 58, 67, 73, 74,

Weaver D. 8

Westerstahl, J. 12

White, M. 23

Yeni Azerbaijan 1

Yeni Nesil 25

Yusifova, S. 1

Zasurski, I. 14

Zelizer, B. 15, 22

Zeynalabdin Tagiyev 18

Zinin, Y. 3

VIII. List of literature:
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