Classification of the head injury. Clinical presentation, diagnostic, and treatment of closed and open head injuries. Intracranial hematomas. Classification of skull base fractures and liquorrhea. Presentation of a surgical procedure
Classification, clinical presentation, diagnostic, and treatment of the spinal cord injury. Injury to peripheral nerves. Degenerative discs diseases
The classification and clinical presentation of the brain tumors. Characteristic of cranioorbital tumors and neurinomas. Neurosurgical congenital abnormalities: clinical presentation, diagnostic and treatment of brain and spinal cord herniations, craniostenosis, and hydrocephalus
Classification, clinical presentation, diagnostic and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases. Inflammatory and parasitis diseases of the nervous system. Clinical presentation, diagnostic and treatment of odontogenic brain abscesses. Neurosurgery of intractable pain: trigeminal neuralgia: Clinical presentation, diagnostic and treatment