4- ماذا يعني الإسلام؟
4- What does Islam mean?
What does Islam mean? 1. Islamic belief: Islam is an Arabic word, it means that you totally surrender to God, and worship Him only. Here also I must explain what does worship means? It doesn't mean that you only pray, its meaning is much much wider, to worship God is that you look at Him as your ONLY master, no other master controlling you, so He is the ONLY one you are loyal to , He is the ONLY One you rely on, He is the ONLY one you fear, He is the ONLY one who judges you and puts rules for you, He is the axis your life rotates on, why? because He is our Creator, He is the Creator of the Universe and Creator of everything, He is the One who manages the Universe, He is the strong, the compassionate the merciful, He knows everything, He can do everything. He is the One who controls the Universe. How did we know that? God sent prophets to us to teach us this and to tell us the laws He gave for us to go along our life, we will be accounted on this in the Hereafter. Don't think that the beginning of Islam was only since Muhammad (Peace be upon him), no that's wrong, Islam began from the beginning of creation, God created Adam (Peace be upon him) and Adam was a Muslim, because he really worshipped God only, and began to have a family, all the family were Muslims,and the life went on, then people began to deviate from this meaning and forgot God, began to worship idols, God sent the prophets: Noah, Hud, Saleh, Abraham,Moses, David, Solomon, Jesus,Muhammad and many other prophets (Peace be upon them all), the mission of all these prophets was to restore people back to the right way of God, and to remind them of their reality. But at the end all these prophets are not gods, they don't have any divine nature,because Allah is the ONLY God,so when Jews put very wrong concepts of God that made Him like a child they are deviating from concept of worshipping God, because they are insulting Him, and when Christians say that Jesus is God or God's son, or that God is one in Trinity, they are really deviating from the concept , and when they make their priests invent rules for them with no evidence from what God said or what His prophets said, they also are deviating from the concept of worshipping God. We in Islam refuse all these forms, if someone said that Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is our God, he is a disbeliever, God is the ONLY God, If an Immam said a Fatwa, he must give his evidence on this Fatwa, he is not obeyed blindly, our standard is what Allah and His prophet told us (because the Prophet is the one whom God sent not because he has a divine nature because he hasn't). This is generally the Islamic belief. 2. Islamic morals: God ordered us to be merciful, treat people well, help people, He recommended us to treat our parents well, and to keep always on helping them. 23. Thy Lord has commanded that ye worship none but HIM, and that ye show kindness to parents. If one or both of them attain old age with thee, never say to them as much as ugh nor reproach them, but always address them with kindly speech. 24. And lower them the wing of humility out of tenderness. And say, `My Lord, have mercy on them even as they nourished me when I was a little child.' (Holy Quran 17:23-24) even if they were not Muslims we must treat them well but we don't obey them if they ordered us to disobey God. 15. And if they contend with thee to make thee set up equals with ME concerning which thou hast no knowledge, obey them not, but be a kind companion to them in worldly affairs, (Holy Quran 31:15) God ordered us to keep always in contact with our relatives God said: 36. And worship ALLAH and associate naught with HIM, and show kindness to parents, and to kindred (Holy Quran 4:36) Also the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: “ He/She who believes in Allah , the Almighty and Day of Judgment , must communicate , be good, courteous and kind to his kith and kin or relatives.” (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim) Also we are also recommended to treat the neighbors well, even if they were not Muslims and even if they treated us badly as God said: and to the neighbour who is a kinsman and the neighbour who is a stranger (Holy Quran 4:36) Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: “(Arch Angel) Gbriel , PBUH, pressed on reminding me with the right of the neighbor until I thought he is going to consider him an heir ( of mine) .” (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim) He also says: “ The best of neighbor s in the sight of Allah, the Almighty, is the one who is best to his neighbor”.(Narrated by Tirmithee) God also told us to take care of orphans as in the same verse and orphans There was a very severe punishment to those who take money of orphans as God said: 10. Surely they who devour the property of the orphans unjustly, only swallow fire into their bellies, and they shall burn in a blazing fire. (Quran 4:10) God ordered us to be completely fair with people even if I saw two people having a problem, one of them is Muslim, the other is non Muslim, and I found the right with the non-Muslim, I must judge for the non-Muslim. 135. O ye who believe ! be strict in observing justice and be witnesses for ALLAH, even though it be against yourselves or against your parents or kindred. Whether he, against whom witness is borne, be rich or poor, ALLAH is more regardful of them both than you are. Therefore follow not your low desires that you may be able to act equitably. And if you hide the truth or evade it, then know that ALLAH is Well-Aware of what you do. (Quran 4:135) God ordered us also not to do adultery except with our wives, because it is not a mess, and because it destroys the society and makes people deviate and spoil, that's why God, ordered us to take all the reasons to prevent this to happen, so He ordered women to wear Hijab which covers their body and heads so as not arise sexual desire in men, and it is also a protection for the woman from being raped or being annoyed by bad men. It makes women appear in a respectful way, their body is not something public seen by all people, it is only for the one she accepted as her husband. He ordered them when talking with men, not to talk in a way that arises their sexual desire but to talk in a serious way. 31. And say to the believing women that they restrain their looks and guard their private parts, and that they display not their beauty or their embellishment except that which is apparent thereof, and that they draw their head-coverings over their bosoms (Quran 24:31) So be not soft in speech, lest he, in whose heart is a disease, should feel tempted; and speak decent words. (Quran 33:32) As God ordered women to cover their body, he ordered men not to look at women, because this arises their sexual desire, and may lead them to adultery, or at least may lead them go astray from their duties in this life. 30. Say to the believing men that they restrain their looks and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Surely, ALLAH is Well-Aware of what they do. (Holy Quran 24:30) This is really one of the major problems the societies in the West face. God ordered us not to lie or to promise with something and don't do, Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said that these are the properties of hypocrites. 119. O ye who believe ! fear ALLAH and be with the truthful.(Quran 9:119) and fulfill the covenant; for the covenant shall be questioned about. 35. And give full measure when you measure and weigh with a right balance; that is best and most commendable in the end.(Quran 17:34-35) 70. O ye who believe ! Fear ALLAH and say the straightforward word. 71. HE will set right you actions for you and forgive you your sins. And whoso obeys ALLAH and HIS Messenger shall, surely, attain a supreme triumph.( Quran 33:70-71) God ordered us to say good words and avoid bad words and emphasized much on this because the slip of the tongue may cause many problems. 24. Dost thou not see how ALLAH sets forth a parable of a good word ? It is like a good tree, whose root is firm and whose branches reach into heaven ? 25. It brings forth its fruit at all times by the command of its Lord. And ALLAH sets forth parables for men that they may be reminded. 26. And the case of an evil word, is like that of an evil tree, which is uprooted from above the earth and has no stability. (Quran 14:24-26) God ordered us not to be arrogant but to be modest. 37. And walk not in the earth haughtily, for thou canst not thus rend the earth, nor canst thou reach the mountains in height. (Quran 17:37) 63. And the true servants of the Gracious God are those who walk on the earth humbly and when the ignorant address them, they avoid them gracefully by saying, `Peace !' (Quran 25:63) Finally God orders us to do everything good and avoid everything bad. 90. Verily, ALLAH enjoins justice, and the doing of good to others; and giving like kindred; and forbids indecency and manifest evil and transgression. HE admonishes you that you may take heed. (Quran 16:90) 3. Islamic pillars: They are five: 1. Witnessing that Allah is the only God and that Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is His messenger: as I explained in the beginning. 2. Praying: We pray to God five times a day in the mosques, from the benefits of praying: a. Having communication with God who created us b. Meeting with Muslims periodically every day, connecting with each other, which strengthens the Islamic society. 3. Zakat: Every mature able Muslim pays 2.5% of his income to help in building Islamic society, this is the minimum, God promised us with high rewards for paying more and more. 276. ALLAH will blot out interest and will cause charity to increase. And ALLAH loves not anyone who is a confirmed disbeliever and an arch-sinner. (Quran 2:276) 4. Fasting: Every healthy mature able Muslim must fast Ramadan (one of the Islamic months), all Muslims fast together in this month by stop eating and drinking along the day, they begin fasting at the dawn, they have breakfast at the Sunset. This really builds the Muslim character, trains him to control his desire and his passion, besides when all Muslims fast together, this gives a beautiful picture of the Muslims being uniform, it also makes the rich feel the hunger and thrusts of poor and motivates them to help the poor. 5. Finally, the pilgrimage: Every healthy able Muslim must do it once in his life. It is the annual Muslim conference where about 2 million Muslims meet in Mecca leaving their countries being at rest their answering God's call, wearing simple clothes, declaring their total obedience to God. The rites of the Hajj include circling the Kaaba seven times and going seven times between the hillocks of Safa and Marwa, as Hagar did during her search for water. Then the pilgrims stand together in Arafat and ask God for what they wish and for His forgiveness, in what is often thought of as a preview of the Day of Judgment. The end of the Hajj is marked by a festival, Eid Al-Adha, which is celebrated with prayers. This, and Eid al-Fitr, a feast-day commemorating the end of Ramadan, are the two annual festivals of the Muslim calendar.
5- معنى الإسلام
What is Islam ?
What is Islam ? The Arabic term 'Islam', meaning «submission», points to the fundamental religious creed which dictates that a Muslim submit to the will of Allah, conforming inwardly and outwardly to His laws. The religion of Islm lays great emphasis on uncompromising monotheism and strict adherence to certain creeds and acts of worship. It enjoins submitting to the will of Allah and following the exemplary way of the life of Muhammad, the last of the Prophets and Messengers, may peace be on them all. Allah, the Exalted created the universe and what is in it that He be recognized as the One and only God. He created man and jinn only to celebrate His praise and worship Him. His words signify: "I have only created Jinns and men, that they may Serve Me"9. The ways and acts of worship are not left to man's option or choice. Allah is the One Who ordains and decrees all acts of worship and the means in which they must be observed. Since Islam deals in every aspect of life, spiritual and physical, its jurisprudence is based on creeds, acts of worship and ordinances regarding social, economical and political transactions. Because Islam is a perfect way of life, it enjoins maintaining a refined code of manners. The Messenger of 9. turban 51: 56. Allah said: ''Verily, I have been sent to accomplish the fine manners''. Allah has praised the fine manners of His Messenger saying: "And surely thou hast sublime morals''''. A'ishah. the wife of the Messenger of Allah, peace be on him, was asked about his manners. She said: "His manners were al-Qur'an". A'ishah meant that the Prophet, peace be on him, clung to the Qur'an, it rules of discipline. its commands. its prohibitions, and the excellent, beautiful and gracious things comprised in it. For this reason Allah commands the believers to follow the exemplary life of His Messenger, peace be on him. saying: ''Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah an excellent exempler''l'. I islam enjoins good manners for every occasion. seeking permission, greeting, sitting, eating, learning, teaching. sporting. travelling. dressing. visiting, sleeping, marriage, treating people, particularly relatives and neighhours with kindness. etc. Codes of all such great manners are found in both the Qur'an and the Prophetic traditions of the Messenger of Allah . peace he on him. The family enjoys a high status in Islam. It is the core of society; a healthy family means a healthy society; hence Allah, the Exalted commands to treat them with gentleness and submissiveness saying: "Thy Lord hath decreed that ye worship none but Him, and that ye he kind to parents. 10. Qur'an 68: 4. 11. Qur'an 33: 21. Whether one or both of them attain old age in thy life, say not to them aword of contempt, nor repel them but address them, in terms of honour. And, out of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility, and say: 'My Lord! bestow on them thy Mercy even as they cherished me in childhood''l2. Next to family comes the kindred. The Messenger of Allah, peace be on him, said that Allah has promised to he kind to him who behaves kindly to his kindred, and to sever him who severs his kindred by unkind hehaviour . 12. Qur'an 17: 23, 24.
6- لماذا يجب أن تختار الإسلام؟
6- Why Islam? The question "why?" demands a rational answer
Why Islam? The question "why?" demands a rational answer It is true that one cannot have an adequate mental picture of some mathematical and scientific facts. For example, one cannot have an adequate mental or visual picture of the curvature of space, or one of the mathematical concepts of infinity. Nor can we really have an adequate mental picture of the way in which certain animals experience things, such as the way in which bats 'see' by using ultrasonic waves. However, know these concepts to be true because of solid evidence and not because of some non-rational ideas. Therefore we can say that we do indeed comprehend them. Now what about the concept of a singular, all-knowing entity which has created the universe. It is impossible to have any mental or visual picture of such an entity, for evidence tells us that this entity must be unlike anything in the universe because this entity must be independent of space and time. The evidence for the existence of this single intelligence lies in the design of nature itself, which we can freely examine; hence, such an ideology is rational. If one realizes this - through confirmation - then one can proceed to answer the question: Why Islam? One of the main problems with an atheistic ideology is that it cannot explain intelligence in the processes of the universe. Another problem is that it tends to deprive life of meaning. Furthermore, we know that human beings are naturally inclined to be honest; however, in atheism there is a denial of an ultimate originator and of anything beyond death, which creates a contradiction and leads to an inconsistency in behaviour – on the one hand a person would be inclined to be honest, and on the other to be dishonest 'to make the most of this world'. [If everyone insisted on 'making the most of this world', society as we know it would not exist. As a case in point, let us suppose that all those who wanted to 'make the most of this world' resorted to thievery. If this happened, no one would be producing the goods (growing food for instance) that the rest of us could steal. Hence it seems that 'making the most of this world' as system of action is doomed to failure. Could it then be a viable system of belief?] Broadly speaking, with regard to theistic ideologies we have the revealed, the distorted and the man-made. One can easily say that a way of life communicated to humankind by the creator of this universe is preferred to man-made ideologies. If one wants to follow the advice of that which has made the universe and all that it contains - regarding what is beneficial or harmful - then it is better to refer to pristine communication from this originator, than to that communication which has been fabricated or distorted by man. Those ideologies claiming to be based on revelations can be subjected to a number of tests, the first and most important of which is that of consistency. We must look for two types of consistency: internal and external. Internal consistency means that a statement made in a book must not contradict another statement in the same book. External consistency means that a statement made in a book must not contradict facts as we know, be they psychological, physical, chemical, historical, geographical, biological and so on. Applying these tests, consider the most important truth that all the supposedly revealed ideologies proclaim, that is, the existence and perfect attributes of God. God for all ideologies, that claim to be revealed, is supposed to be all knowing, all merciful, everlasting etc. However, some books imply that God's knowledge is limited and imperfect by saying that, for example, God was deceived by a human. In contrast, the Quran provides the perfect concept of an all-knowing, singular originator of this universe. This leads us to the next test - that of authenticity. The question that should be asked is whether the ******ures that we have today are indeed a communication from the originator to humankind. A study of the history of Islam would show that the present Quran is exactly the same as that which was communicated about one thousand four hundred years ago. During its revelation it was committed to memory by a large number of people and also written down. Yet another test is that of comprehensiveness. A truly comprehensive ideology, revealed to humankind by the designer of the universe, would describe the most beneficial system in all spheres of life including the political, economical, social, medical and environmental spheres. Lastly, we might look at the test of universality. Clearly, an ideology which is historically or graphically bound is not as good as that which applicable to all human beings, irrespective of the time and place of their origin. In conclusion, if one uses the criteria of universality, comprehensiveness, authenticity and above all, consistency, one would find the Quran unique and worthy of investigation. It is interesting to note that the Quran itself stresses the above-mentioned approach. For example, in verse 82 of chapter 4, it is said, "Will they not ponder about the Quran? If it had been from other than God, then they would have surely found in it many inconsistencies."
7- لماذا الإسلام؟ ولمن؟ وأين؟
7- Islam ..Why? ..For Whom? ..When?
Islam...Why ? 1- Because Islam is the religion accepted by Allah for all humanity. 2- Because Islam is the religion of all prophets since Adam to Mohammad ( Peace be upon them all ). 3-Because Islam is the seal of all heavenly religions, and 4- Because the messenger of Islam is the last of God's apostles, and 5- Because its Book ( Al-Qur'an ) is the last of Allah's ******ures. 6-Allah ta'ala ( Glory be to Him ) says: "Do they seek other than the Deen ( Rrligion ) of Allah ?- while all creatures in the heavens and on earth have, willing or unwilling , bowed to His Will ( accepted islam ), and to him shall they all be brought back ." {Al-Qur'an 3:85} "If anyone desires a Deen ( Religion ) other than Islam ( submission to Allah ) it never will be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (everything ){ Al- Qur'an 3:85} Islam...for whom ? 1- For every person on whom Allah has bestowed life and intellect . 2- For those who can see the blessings of Allah . 3- For those who can hear the words of Allah . 4- For those who can comprehend the sings of Allah . 5- For those whose hearts are full of love and gratitude to Allah . 6- For you and for me and for those whose blessed hearts are open to faith . Islam...when ? 1- Now , not tomorrow , 2- Obey your heart's call to faith , 3- It is your life chance , 4- A golden chance that might not strike your heart again . 5-Answer Allah's call . He summons you . 6- " But your God is one God , submit then your wills to Him ( in Islam ) , and give the good news to those who humble themselves . " { Al- Qur'an 22:34
8- اهتمام الإسلام بالجسد والعقل والروح
8- Body, Spirit, Mind, Heart, and Conscience
Body, Spirit, Mind, Heart, and Conscience The multi-dimensional nature that Man has been blessed with highlights the essence of his creation, his role, and his destiny. Rather than stressing on the body or the soul in isolation, Islam endorses a view in which the body, the spirit, the mind, the heart, and the conscience of Man are all highlighted. Islam does not endorse a worldview in which the physical body is seen as something “profane” and vulgar and necessarily completely independent from the purity of the spirit. Just as the spirit can be purified, the purification of the body is also an important part of everyday life. Islam also respects both the mind and the conscience of Man. Many verses in the Qur’an stress the importance of using the mind when it says what means [Certainly We have revealed to you a Book in which is your good remembrance; what! do you not then understand?] (Al-Anbiyaa’ 21:10) Also it says what means [It is He Who gives life and death, and to Him [is due] the alternation of Night and Day: will ye not then understand?] (Al-Mu’minun 23:80) And again [Will they not then ponder on the Qur’an? If it had been from other than God they would have found therein much incongruity.] (An-Nisaa’ 4:82) Pondering, understanding, thinking, are all encouraged. It is Man’s conscience that leads him to repent sincerely when he has sinned, thereby paving the way for God’s guaranteed forgiveness. All of these aspects are not taken separately, but are seen as working in a mutually interdependent harmony, each supporting the other towards the goal of achieving inner peace and ******* in this life and the next. Therefore, Man is not seen as a single-faceted entity, but rather as a multi-dimensional, honored being with a purpose in life and a goal to achieve. He is considered holistically, rather than partially. He is endowed with the abilities and traits that can help him both achieve his mission here on earth and elevate himself through a close relationship with his Creator and attain Paradise.
9- فلاش "هذا هو الإسلام" (فلاش جميل ومعبر ويوضح سماحة الإسلام)
10- لماذا يعتنق الناس الإسلام؟ (الجزء الأول)
10- How and why do people embrace Islam? ‘Part One’
How and why do people embrace Islam? ‘Part One’ People embrace Islam in the West (USA, Canada, UK, France and Germany), in the Middle Eastern countries (Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, Jordan), in Africa and the Far East (Malaysia, Philippines, Hong Kong) and many other countries all over the world. According to Islam, there is only one revealed religion which has been revealed from the time of Adam until the last of the prophets, Mohammad (PBUH), yet it was revealed on stages. Consequently, the essential message of all the prophets was one and the same, Allah says in the Holy Qur’an: “Verily, We have sent to every nation a messenger (saying), ‘Worship Allah and avoid false gods.” All the Prophets that Allah has sent had one basic messages, for indeed the purpose of creation is only one, which is worshiping Allah. Allah says in the Holy Qur’an “I did not create the jinn and mankind except for My worship.” This message addressed a basic and essential need in human beings; the need to worship. Such basic need was created in all human beings at the time of Adam’s creation. Man’s Natural Disposition : the Fitrah As Allah made all human beings swear to His Godhood when He first created Adam, this oath is printed on the human soul even before it enters the fetus in the fifth month of pregnancy. So when a child is born, he has a natural belief in Allah. This natural belief is called in Arabic the fitrah. If the child was left alone, he would grow with the same faith and believe in Allah. But what happens is that all children get affected by their surroundings, whether directly or indirectly. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said that Allah said: “I created My servants in the right religion but the devils made them go astray.” Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) also said: “Each child is born in a state of ‘fitrah’, but his parents make him a Jew or a Christian. It is like the way an animal gives birth to a normal offspring. Have you noticed any (young animal) born mutilated before you mutilate them?” And since the child’s body submits to the physical laws which Allah has put in nature, his soul also submits naturally to the belief that Allah is its Lord and Creator. However, his family friends, and his surroundings affect him, and as he grows up, he may find himself following this or that’s way of life. The religion the child follows at early stages of his life (childhood) is one of custom and upbringing, and Allah does not punish him for this religion. However, by reaching maturity one starts differentiating between what’s right and what’s wrong, an adult must now follow the religion of knowledge and reason; Islam. At this point the devil starts doing his best and trying hard to encourage him to stay as he is ( encourage him to stay passive and not do any good deeds), or bring down. Evils are made pleasing to mankind and thus we live in a constant struggle between our fitrah and our desires till we find the right road. If one chooses his fitrah, Allah will help him control his desires, even though it may take most of his life to do so; for example some people embraced Islam in their old age, yet it is never too late.
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