Icebreakers Case Neg DDI 2012
Notes 1
Topicality 1
1NC Investment 2
1/2NC Create 3
Ext. “Investment” = Capital Expenditures (1/2) 4
Ext. “Investment” = Capital Expenditures (2/2) 5
Ext. Capital Expenditure = New Assets (1/1) 6
AT//Maintenance / Repairs (1/1) 7
AT//Short-Term Fixes (1/1) 8
1NC Infrastructure 10
Ext. “TI” Excludes Other Forms (General) (3/4) 11
Ext. “TI” Excludes Other Forms (General) (4/4) 12
AT//Coastal Defense (1/1) 13
AT//Military Infrastructure (1/1) 14
Err Negative – 1st Line (1/1) 16
Competing Interpretations Good – 1st Line (1/1) 17
Fairness 1st (1/1) 18
Limits Good (1/1) 19
Ext. Limits Good (1/1) 20
Framers’ Intent Good (1/2) 21
Framers’ Intent Good (2/2) 22
AT//Aff Flexibility (1/1) 23
AT//Breadth > Depth (1/1) 24
AT//Literature Checks Abuse (1/1) 25
AT//Clash Checks Abuse (1/1) 26
AT//Disclosure Checks Abuse (1/1) 27
AT//Not a Voting Issue (1/1) 28
AT//Reasonability (1/1) 29
Shipping Lanes 29
1NC F/L 30
2NC Econ High ext 34
2NC Collapse Inev ext 35
2NC Hurts Enviro ext 39
2NC GW ext 40
Naval Power 42
1NC F/L 43
2NC Coop W/Russia 45
2NC No Conflict 46
Arctic Science 46
1NC F/L 47
2NC Not Real ext 50
2NC Adapt Now ext 53
2NC Disease ext 54
Oil Spills 55
2NC Shell 57
2NC Ecosystems Resil 58
Solvency 58
2NC Coop w/Canada 60
2NC 2 Not enough 61
2NC No Jurisdiction 62
CPs 62
Russia Do the Plan 63
2NC O/V 64
2NC General Solvency 65
2NC Oil Solvency 67
2NC IF Good 68
2NC Perm: DB 69
2NC Perm: Do the CP 70
2NC PICs Good 71
2NC No Jurisdiction 72
DAs 72
Spending 73
2NC Generic Links 76
Politics 80
2NC Links 83
I think the 2NR should be the Russia CP and the Spending DA (or possibly politics, although that might create some issues since the impact is based off of US/Russia Relations). You could also go for T-investment, since their plan text doesn’t mandate an investment in transportation infrastructure.
GW adv: Note that it operates on the assumption that GW is inevitable (we’ve already passed the brink) and should just adapt to it.
Topicality 1NC Investment (A.) Interp -“Investment” requires capital expenditure
Anderson 6
(Edward, Lecturer in Development Studies – University of East Anglia, et al., “The Role of Public Investment in Poverty Reduction: Theories, Evidence and Methods”, Overseas Development Institute Working Paper 263, March,
1.3 Definitions We define (net) public investment as public expenditure that adds to the public physical capital stock. This would include the building of roads, ports, schools, hospitals etc. This corresponds to the definition of public investment in national accounts data, namely, capital expenditure. It is not within the scope of this paper to include public expenditure on health and education, despite the fact that many regard such expenditure as investment. Methods for assessing the poverty impact of public expenditure on social sectors such as health and education have been well covered elsewhere in recent years (see for example, van de Walle and Nead, 1995; Sahn and Younger, 2000; and World Bank, 2002).
( ) That means you have to be new infrastructure – repair and maintenance affs aren’t topical
Law Depot 8
(“Capital Expenditure”, 2-6,
Definition of "Capital Expenditure" Capital expenditure is money spent to acquire or upgrade (improve) long term assets such as property, buildings and machinery. Capital expenditure does not include the cost to merely repair such assets.
B. Violation – the affirmative doesn’t mandate investment in infrastructure to create shipping lanes.
Vote negative for limits and ground – not requiring the affirmative to invest in infrastructure permits them to evade links to core DAs and allows the negative to defend minor-repair affirmatives for which no meaningful link uniqueness exists. 1/2NC Create Create does not mean invest
Merriam-Webster (“create”,
1: to bring into existence 2 a : to invest with a new form, office, or rank b : to produce or bring about by a course of action or behavior 3 : cause, occasion 4 a : to produce through imaginative skill b : design
Note: “invest with” is distinct from “invest in”
Ext. “Investment” = Capital Expenditures (1/2) ( ) Not all spending is investment. Only capital expenditure is topical and requires new projects
Becker ‘8
(Werner, Deutsche Bank Research, et al., “Improving the Quality of Public Finances – The Road Ahead”, 2-5,
With regard to the effects of public spending on growth, a distinction is traditionally made between current government consumption expenditure (on, say, the compensation of government employees) and capital expenditure geared to the future (on infrastructural projects such as transport, utility supply and communications systems). Government consumption spending is frequently generalised as unproductive, whereas public capital expenditure is regularly labelled as growth-enhancing investment in the future. When assessing the growth effects of public spending, however, this simplistic approach needs reexamining. There are some kinds of public spending that, while reported as capital expenditure, do not count as productive investment in the economic sense. Empirical surveys show that substantial growth effects can normally be expected only from infrastructure investment. But over the past 25 years this has accounted for a mere quarter to a third of total government investment.13 Ultimately, the simple equation “more public investment equals more growth” has been undermined in Germany by the very broad interpretation of the debt rule in Article 115 of the Basic Law.14 Although the rule stipulates that net new borrowing by the Federal government must not exceed public investment expenditure, in many years the government has departed from this principle – most recently in each of the years from 2002 to 2006 –, taking as its justification the disturbance in macroeconomic equilibrium. Public spending and public debt rose, but in most cases growth remained anaemic. A problem here is the relatively broad definition of public investment.
( ) This applies to transportation investment as well
Berechman 2
(Yossi, Professor of Public Policy – Tel Aviv University, Transport and Economic Development, p. 114)
4.1. Basic definitions In the present context, "transportation investment" is defined as a capacity improvement or addition to an existing network of roads, rail, waterways, huh terminals, tunnels, bridges, airports and harbors. The concept of "resultant economic growth" is further considered to mean the long-run increase in economic activity in a given geographical area, which can be ascribed to a specific transport investment and which confers welfare improvements to the area's residents. Additionally, as explained later, it is also required that the growth benefits will be in addition to the direct transportation benefits from the investment and not merely their capitalised value. Tin's latter condition is a fundamental one. fully discussed in section 5.2.
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