Unit 4 – Essay Structures To Use For Each Question Type
Objective of this Unit
: Learn how to structure an essay for each of the different
question types.
Essay Structures To Use For Each Question Type
The table below explains the essay structure to use:
Unit 5 – The Process For Planning and Writing a High
Scoring Essay
Objective of this Unit
: Follow a process for writing a high scoring essay in the time
limit given.
Answer Process
Step 1 –
Read the question thoroughly to understand exactly what it is asking you to do.
Think about the purpose of the letter and write down the key things that you need to
discuss or write about in your essay. The purpose usually falls under one of the
following categories:
Step 2
– Make a decision what your opinion is or what direction you will take with the
essay. It is very important that you are clear with what your opinion is and that the
evaluator understands what your resulting idea is.
Step 3
– Plan your essay by thinking of reasons or ideas (depending on the question
type) to support your opinion. Also, think of examples or anecdotes you can use to help
justify and explain each reason or idea.
Step 4
– Write your essay by following your plan and implementing the following:
Connecting / transition phrases
Clearly state your reasons
Support your reasons
Check your spelling and grammar
Confirm your idea in your conclusion
Chapter 6 – How To Structure A High
Scoring Essay (Task 2)
The task 2 essay comprises of specific parts which the evaluators look for and if you
are able to clearly write your essay in accordance with these parts, you will go a long to
help increase your score.
The main parts of an essay are:
Supporting paragraphs