P11. I expect there may be some gifted psychics with unusual powers. (S)
P09. I believe some may indeed experience real memories from a past life lived before this one. (S)
P23. During altered states, such as sleep or trances, a person’s soul or spirit may indeed be able to briefly depart from the body. (S)
P21. No genuine mind-reading seems possible to me. (R)
P25. No living human being could ever have a supernatural or paranormal power. (R) (S)
P20. No one can develop extraordinary powers of perception during a deep trance. (R) (S)
P14. I think it is possible that thoughts could influence the movement of a physical object.
P05. Human beings have no capacity whatsoever to develop magical powers or abilities. (R)
P22. I believe the human body probably does have energy fields beyond known physics, and that this idea will sooner or later be accepted.
P13. Positions of planets and celestial bodies at birth could not influence personality in any way. (R) (S)
P08. Universal folk ideas like "black magic" are to me completely impossible and due only to superstition. (R)
P26. I think its at least possible that ordinary matter can have supernatural or non-material properties.
P18. Transcendental experiences of alternate reality couldnt ever exist, and can only be mistaken views of ordinary reality. (R)
P24. Reincarnation does not seem at all possible to me. (R)
P03. Some people may indeed experience true premonitions and foreknowledge of events.(S)
P10. Psychokinesis, or altering movement of an object with just the mind, is impossible. (R)
P12. The idea of someone in a deep trance being able to temporarily leave their physical body seems completely impossible to me. (R)
P15. No mystical experience could ever be due to a supernatural energy or force. (R) (S)
P01. Im quite receptive to magical or supernatural experiences, rather than skeptical. (S)
P16. I tend to believe Karma does exist--ones present actions determine ones destiny in a future reincarnation.