1. Collecting sometimes involves a life-long _Key words: collecting, life – long, specialitem. for a special item.
Since the questions in IELTS Reading often follow the text’s order, we just need to look at the following sentences and find the similar words to the question we are doing. In the last sentence of paragraph 3, we can see another purpose of collecting
it is “the desire to find something special” (= special item). But the author does not mention something like “life-long”, so we have to continue reading to find the accurate answer. Fortunately, in the next sentence, the author writes “Some may spend their whole lives in a hunt for this” (“the whole lives = life – long”). We can understand that the writer wants to say “Collectors sometimes have a life-long desire/ spend their whole lives in a hunt for a special item.” The answer can be “desire” or “hunt”.
their life is completely . Key words: searching, prevent, their life. In paragraph 4, the author writes “Some may spend their whole lives in a hunt for this (=the special item referred to in paragraph 3). Psychologically, this can give a purpose to a life that otherwise feels aimless .” “This” means “spend their whole lives in a hunt for a special item”. We can understand “a hunt” = “searching for”. The author claims if they are not searching for a special item, they will feel “aimless”. Therefore, the answer is “aimless”. Then, we are told, if the collector finds that special item, they may then “feel empty”, because the search has ended.