Important Notice to Contractors

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1993 Specifications CSJ 0683-06-015, etc.



Important Notice to Contractors

The Contractor’s attention is directed to the fact that right of way necessary for the construction of this project has, as of February 4, 2003, been acquired except as listed here. The State anticipates that the right of way acquisitions will be cleared in sufficient time to prevent any undue delay to the Contractor’s normal operation. An extension of working time will be granted, if necessary, for delays caused by interferences beyond the estimated dates of clearance.

For the Contractor’s information, the following is a list of all tracts of right of way required for the construction of this project that have not been obtained. The Contractor is invited to review the outstanding right of way parcel acquisitions with the Engineer assigned to this project and listed in the “Notice to Contractors.” A right of way map reflecting the location, etc. is on file with the Engineer and also on file with the Texas Department of Transportation in Austin, Texas.

The following right of way is estimated to be acquired by the date shown and the approximate location is based on centerline SH 45 stationing.

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