Indian association for the advancement of veterinary
tarix | 17.03.2018 | ölçüsü | 29,51 Kb. | | #45521 |
l. Item Marks Assigned –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1. Age 2.0 25-35 years 0.50 36-45 years 1.00 46-55 years 1.50 56-65 years or onward 2.00 2. Qualification 2.75 BVSc &AH 0.25 MVSc 0.50 MSc 0.25 PhD 0.75 DSc 1.00 3. Experience: Scale of Pay 5.0 Rs.8000-10,000 or equivalent 0.50 with 5 yrs experience Rs.10,000-12,000 or equivalent 1.00 with 5 yrs experience Rs.12000-18000 or equivalent 1.50 with 5 yrs experience Rs.16400-22400 or equivalent 5.00 with 10 yrs exp 4. Awards 10.0 -ICAR awards Minimum 1 award and 3.0 Maximum 3 awards @ 1 mark -Society awards Minimum 1 award 2.0 and maximum 4 awards @0.5 mark -IAAVR Award minimum 1 award 5.0 and maximum 5 awards @1 mark -Distinguished Vet Award of IAAVR 1.0 International Award OIE Awards for one number 1.0 Other International for one number 0.5 5. Fellowships 6.50 FNAVSc 0.5 FNAASc 0.5 FNASc 0.75 FASc 0.75 FNA 1.00 Fellowship of other societies 0.50 Maximum two @ 0.25 each 6. Foreign visit (Chose for only one visit) 1.5 No. of visits will not bear any effect Foreign visit upto 3 months 0.50 Foreign visit upto 6 months 0.75 Foreign visit upto 9 months 1.00 Foreign visit upto 12 months 1.50 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Sl. Item Marks Assigned –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 7. National Fellowships 1.0 INSA Visiting Fellowship for 3 months 0.5 DST SERC Visiting Fellowship 0.5 for 3 months 8. Administartive Experience 5.0 [Choose one experience] Dean 5 yrs experience (One time) 2.50 Vice-Chancellor (One time) 5.00 Director of ICAR National Institute 5.00 DDG ICAR 5.00 Animal Husbandry Commissioner 4.00 Director of ICAR Instt 2.50 Advisor to any Govt Deptt 2.50 ADG ICAR or PD, ICAR 2.50 Director State Govts AH Deptt 2.50 9. Publications 10 top carrying weightage 7.50 of not less than 2.5 rated by NAAS 10. Other Research Publications 5.00 @ 0.1 x 50 11. Office bearer of journals/societies etc 2.00 [One time claim for one item] President 2.00 Vice-President 1.50 Secretary 2.00 Joint-Secretary 1.50 Treasurer 1.50 Editor of journal 2.00 Associate Editor 1.50 Member editorial board/Executive 1.00 Member of Society 12. Popular & Technical Papers 5.00 @ 0.1 X 50 13. Books 7.00 Authored minimum 100 pages, 3.50 maximum 3 books @2.50 Books edited maximum of 2.50 5 books @ 0.50 Chapter to book Maximum 2.00 5 chapters @ 0.40 Sl. Item Marks Assigned –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 14. PATENT 5.00 Patent succeeded maximum 5 @ 2.0 15. TECHNOLOGIES DEVELOPED 5.00 Maximum 5 @ 1.00 16. Radio talks @ 0.1 maximum 10 1.00 17. Students guidance 6.25 MVSc maximum 5 students @ 1.0 2.50 PhD maximum 5 students @ 1.5 3.75 18. Extramural funding project awarded 3.00 by DBT/DST/ICAR etc-One Projects PI or Co-PI 1.00 Upto 10 lakhs 1.50 Upto 20 lakhs 2.50 Upto 50 lakhs 3.00 More than 50 lakhs on wards ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Sl. Item Marks Assigned –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 19. Life Membership IAAVR 1.00 20. Participation in IAAVR Conferences 1.50 One occasion 0.25 Two occasion 1.00 More than two occasion 1.50 21. Office Bearer of IAAVR 3.00 Organizing Secretary, IAAVR Conf 3.00 Joint-Organizing Secretary 1.50 Organizing/Co-Organizing Secretary 1.00 of other Societies 22. Participation in two International/ 1.00 Foreign Seminar/Conference etc (Within last 10 years) @ 0.50 22. Overall assessment marks to be 9.00 given by IAAVR on the over all standing of the candidate
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