Indian society of cell biology

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(Registered under the Society Registration Act XXI of 1860, Punjab Amendment Act 1957)

(Income Tax Exempted under 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961, for the duration 1/4/1998 to 31/3/2001vide letter no. Commissioner/62/Head Office-II/284/99-2000/1137 dated 17/5/1999)
Rules & Regulations

(Including Amendments up to December 2010)

1. Membership :

There shall be six categories of membership, viz.,

a. Life member : Open to all those who are engaged in the field of Cell Biology and allied areas

b. Ordinary Member : Open to all those who are engaged in the field of Cell Biology and allied areas

c. Student Member : Open to all post-graduate and Ph.D. students who are specializing in Cell Biology and allied areas

d. Honorary Member : Those elected by the Society for their contributions in the field of Cell Biology and allied areas

e. Sessional Member : Non-members of the Society wishing to present papers at the annual meeting or any other meeting arranged exclusively or in conjunction with other organizations

f. Corporate Member : Such of the Industries in the corporate sector (public or private) and Institutions whose aims and objectives would be in consonance with those of the Society and whose association, in the opinion of the Executive Committee can materially assist in furthering the work as well as objectives of the Society may be admitted as Corporate Members on payment of such fees as the General body may decide from time to time. Such applications will be accepted by the executive committee at its meeting or by circulation among the members.

2. Enrollment :

Application of Membership shall be made on the form provided by the Society and submitted to the President or Secretary for enrollment. For Corporate Members the application will be approved by the Executive Committee of the Society at its meeting or by circulation amongst the Executive Committee members.

3. Subscription :

The subscription for the membership of the Society shall be :

A. For Resident Indians :

Life Member : Rs. 1500.00 to be paid in one instalment or not more than 2 instalments during one financial year ending March 31

Ordinary Member : Rs. 150.00 for each financial year ending March 31

Student Member : Rs. 100.00 for each financial year ending March 31

Corporate Member : Corporate member: Rs. 10,000.00 per annum as annual membership within one financial year ending March 31”. Corporate members can attend the annual meeting of the society after paying the registration fees as decided by the organizers of the meeting.

Sessional Member : Rs. 100.00 for the particular scientific meeting organized by the Society

Admission fee

All fresh members, other than Sessional Members shall pay a sum of Rs. 10.00 as Admission Fee in addition to the Membership subscription. Those whose membership was discontinued due to non-payment of subscription for two consecutive years, shall also pay the Admission Fee when seeking fresh membership.

B. For non-resident Indians and others :

Life Member : US$ 200.00 payable in one financial year

Ordinary Member : US$ 20.00 per financial year

Admission Fee : for New Members, US$ 5.00

4. Information : Information regarding all activities of the Society shall be notified to all Life, Ordinary, Student, Honorary and Corporate Members of the Society.

5. Privileges of Members : Honorary, Life, Ordinary and Student members are eligible to:

a. Vote at the General Body meeting and in the elections of the office-bearers of Society

b. To attend and present a paper during scientific meeting organised by the Society exclusively or in conjunction with other organizations.

c. To receive any publication or proceedings published by the Society

Corporate Member shall be entitled to all the privileges of other members of the Society but shall not have the right to contest election nor the right to vote. A Corporate Member can send one delegate for participation in scientific sessions of the Society.

6. Executive Committee (EC) :

The Executive Committee shall consist of :

1. President

2. Two Vice-Presidents

3. One Secretary

4. One Treasurer

5. One Joint Secretary

6. Twelve Elected Members

The above to be elected by secret postal ballot once in two years from amongst Life, Ordinary and Student Members.

In addition to the above elected members, the Secretary and the Treasurer of the out-going EC will be Ex-Officio members of the new EC provided they have not been elected to some other office.

7. Functions of the Executive Committee :

A. i. The responsibility of running the Society

ii. Planning the activities of the Society such as organizing meetings, shop etc.

B. i. President will preside over the meetings of the Executive Committee and all other meetings

ii. One of the Vice-Presidents (determined in alphabetical order), in the absence of the President, will preside over the meetings of the Executive Committee meeting and all other meetings

iii. Treasurer will be responsible for

(a) the finance of the Society

(b) receiving all subscriptions, fees, donations and other money due to the Society

(c) issuing receipts for all moneys received on behalf of the Society

(d) submitting statement of account at the end of each year for auditing by a person appointed by the Executive Committee

Treasurer shall not disburse, salary, honoraria to any person or incur any expenses without expressed sanction of the Executive Committee.

iv. Secretary will be Executive Officer of the Society and shall be responsible for

(a) all day-to-day activities of the Society

(b) maintaining minutes of all the meetings of the Executive Committee and the General Body

(c) convening the Executive Committee and General Body meetings

(d) maintaining all records of the Society

(e) submitting an Annual statement of activities of the Society to the Annual General body

v. Joint Secretary will assist the Secretary in all the above mentioned duties of the Secretary

8. Honorary Executive Secretary :

The Indian Society of Cell Biology’s headquarters will be located at Varanasi and an Honorary Executive Secretary be appointed at the headquarters for smooth functioning of the Society. The Executive Secretary will be nominated by the Executive Committee from amongst the Life members working at the headquarters of the Society for a period of five years so that the term of Executive Secretary overlaps with the term of Executive Committee for better continuity of the affairs. The Executive Secretary shall be responsible for :

(a) safe-keeping (archiving) of Society’s records

(b) providing information and guidelines to the elected Secretary

(c) providing assistance to the EC in maintaining accounts

(d) to file income tax returns

(e) safe-keeping and maintenance of accounts of Society’s assets.

Investments of the Society’s funds shall be jointly made by any two of the elected authorized signatories (President, Secretary, Treasurer and in absence of Secretary, the Joint Secretary) and the Executive Secretary.

The interest/dividend etc. on Society’s investments will be received by the Executive Secretary at headquarters and the amount so received shall be duly transferred to the Society’s bank account operated by the elected Secretary/Treasurer.

The Executive Committee will prepare a separate annual budget for the headquarters and provide that amount to the Society’s bank account at the headquarters which will be operated by the Executive Secretary.

The Executive Secretary shall participate in every Annual General Body and Executive Committee meetings of the Society. If required, the Executive Secretary may be paid travel expenses (normally limited to AC 2 Tier return fare) by the organizers of the Annual All India Cell Biology Conference for attending these meetings. No other honorarium shall be payable to the Executive Secretary.

9. Finance : The financial year will commence from April 1 of every year and will terminate on 31st March of next year.

The bank account of the society shall be operated jointly by any TWO of the following : President, Treasurer, Secretary and in the absence of Secretary, the Joint Secretary. The persons to operate the account will be duly authorized by each Executive Committee.

10.Filling of List of Members of the Executive Committee : Office-bearers will be elected every other year and on or before the 14th day succeeding the elections of the Society, a list shall be filed with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies of the names, addresses and occupations of the members of the Executive Committee of the Society.

11. Suits by and against the Society : The Society may sue or may be sued in the name of the President of Society.

12. Amendments to the Constitution : Propositions for any amendment, extension, abridgement or deletion of constitution of the Society including the purpose for which it has been established, and any decision on the amalgamation of the Society either wholly or partially with any other society shall be announced by a circular to all members of the Society at least 3 months before holding a special meeting for the said purpose of the members. In the Special meeting two-thirds or more members present at the meeting should vote in favour of the proposal for its acceptance.

13. Dissolution of the Society : Any member not less than two-thirds of all members of the Society, may determine by their votes in General Body Meeting that it shall be dissolved and thereupon it shall be dissolved forthwith or at the time agreed upon and all the necessary steps shall be taken for the disposal, settlement of the property of the Society, its claims and liabilities by the Executive Committee of the Society. In the event of any dispute arising among the members of the Executive Committee, the adjudgement of its affairs shall be referred or the Principal court of original Civil jurisdiction of the district in which the chief building of the Society is situated and the court shall make such order in the matter as it shall deem requisite.


If upon the dissolution of the Society, there shall remain after satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among members of the Society or any of them, but shall be given to some other Society, to be determined by the votes of not less than two-thirds of the members present personally or by proxy at the time of dissolution or in default thereof, by such court as aforesaid.

14. Member Defined : A member of the Society shall be Honorary, Life, Ordinary, Student and Corporate Member and shall have paid the necessary subscription. No person shall be entitled to vote or be counted as Member whose subscription at the time shall have been in arrears for a period exceeding two years.

15. Quorum : One half the members of the Executive Committee shall be present for its meetings. For the general body, quorum will be one-third of the total membership of the Society.

All the provisions of the Societies Registration Act XXI or 1860 (Punjab Amendment Act 1957, as extended to Union Territory of Delhi) will apply to the Society.



Election Rules

1. Elections will be held for various offices of the Society once every two years

2. The following Office-bearers of the Society are to be elected from amongst the Life and Ordinary members of the Society of three years standing as on 30th June of the election year and those who have paid all their dues to the Society till the current year of election and who have attended at least one conference and/or General Body Meeting in last three years :

i. President ONE

ii. Vice-Presidents TWO

iii. Secretary ONE

iv. Joint Secretary ONE

v. Treasurer ONE

vi. Executive Committee Members TWELVE

The Secretary, Joint Secretary and Treasurer will be nominated and elected as a block from one city.

3. Office bearers cannot hold an office for more than one term, i.e. two years, and shall not contest re-election for the same office for a period of four years (2 terms).

4. All standing members (Life, Ordinary, Student, Honorary) are eligible to vote

5. The elections will be by secret postal ballot

6. For purpose of elections, the Executive Committee will appoint a Returning Officer in the year in which election is due

7. The Returning Officer in the month of July of the year, will invite nominations for various offices from amongst the members of the Society as on roll on June 30th of the year. The nominations will be invited on Nomination Paper as per proforma appended. The Returning Officer will also provide a list of members of the current and the immediate preceding Executive Committee alongwith the Nomination papers so that renominations in contravention of rule 3 above are not made.

8. The Returning Officer will seek the consent of nominees for various offices and only on receipt of the consent their names will be included on the ballot paper

9. For an efficient functioning, it would be desirable to nominate Secretary, Joint Secretary and Treasurer from same place/city.

10. The ballot papers will be sent by post to members latest by the end of September.

11. Marked ballot papers should be returned to the Returning Officer before the date specified for the purpose

12. All ballot papers received by the Returning Officer on or before the last date will be opened by the Returning Officer who will also arrange for their counting

13. Results of the election will be finalized and communicated to all members by the Returning Officer by the first week of December


1. Selection of the venue

Secretary of the Society, in good time before the annual conference, will write to different institutions regarding the holding of the next conference so that invitations for holding the next conference may be received from one or more places. The invitations will be placed before the Executive Committee which will select the venue in light of the invitee's having an active cell biology group and its ability to provide boarding and lodging facilities to participants. Normally, two venues will be selected in order of preference so that if for some reason the sight selected has to withdraw its invitation, the second venue may hold the conference. The decision will be announced during the ongoing conference and also communicated to the inviting institution alongwith the approved guidelines. The announcement of the venue and the convener's name should be included in the News Letter.

2. Naming of the Conference

The annual conferences organized under the auspices of ISCB will be serially numbered and designated ALL INDIA CELL BIOLOGY CONFERENCE preceded by serial number (e.g. the conference to be organized in December 2010 will be designated XXXIV ALL INDIA CELL BIOLOGY CONFERENCE and so on).

3. Approximate time when conference should be organized


4. Duration of the conference

Three full days (with no parallel sessions)

5. Eligibility for participation:

a. Annual meeting of the ISCB will be open to all the categories of members of the society.

b. Non-Members who wish to register and/or participate in the Annual Conference should either become member of the Society or may become Sessional Member by paying a Sessional Membership fee in force from time to time (currently Rs.100.00) for the particular Annual Conference. The sessional membership fee will be collected by the Secretary /Treasurer of ISCB and will go to ISCB's funds.

c. Every member will be entitled to register and participate in the meeting even if he/she does not intend presenting a paper in platform/poster sessions. Such members should intimate their intention to register and should request for accommodation to the convener before the due date set for the purpose by the convener. The convener shall not refuse registration and accommodation during conference to any member of ISCB on grounds of non-presentation of paper at the conference/annual meetings. Each member of ISCB who has paid membership dues will be entitled to receive the abstract book and such other papers as are issued to all other registered participants.

6. Announcement

The convener of the conference will send out appropriate circulars to all members of the Society (updated list of members to be provided by the Secretary), to all University Departments (related to Cell Biological research), research organizations/institutes where active research in Cell Biology is being pursued so that the Conference gets wide publicity and all Cell Biologists may participate (subject to their becoming member, regular or sessional, of ISCB). Scientists resident abroad also may be informed about the conference.

The following schedule of issuing the circulars etc is suggested:

ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONFERENCE (1st circular) : April 1- April 30 (for response to send 2nd circular)

CALLING OF ABSTRACTS (2nd circular): May 15 - June 30.



PROGRAMME (Final and other information): Nov.15 - Nov.30.

A. 1st Circular

The first circular should announce that the ISCB annual meeting is open only to members of ISCB and that non-members who wish to participate should either become regular or sessional member. The circular should also announce the membership fee for different categories and such membership fee collected by the convener will be transferred to Treasurer, ISCB for issue of receipts and deposit in ISCB accounts.

The Convenor shall send a preliminary registration form in the first circular requesting following information:

Name, affiliation, whether wishes to present a paper/poster or only register and participate, whether accommodation is required; type of membership of ISCB. The first circular will also include the name, address of the Secretary of ISCB.

The first circular should also include announcement about prizes awarded by ISCB to its younger members.

The first circular should include information on areas of research in which papers will be accepted for presentation. The suggested areas of research in which papers may be accepted are as follows:

a. Structure and function of cell and cell organelles.

b. Differentiation and cellular regulation.

c. Cell physiology and biochemistry.

d. Chemical and radiation effects on cells and chromosomes.

e. Genetics and cytogenetics.

f. Molecular biology.

However, the areas may be modified by the convener in consultation with the Secretary of ISCB to suit local arrangements.

B. 2nd Circular

The 2nd circular should give following details:

  1. Registration fee

The amount will depend upon local conditions and the venue. All participants (local or outstation) will have to be registered. Proper receipts will be issued by the Convenor for registration fee. The registration fee should normally cover boarding and/or lodging charges.

b. Format of the abstracts

Abstracts of papers be invited for presentation either through platform or poster : the authors may be asked to give their preference of presentation through oral or poster but the final decision will rest with the organizers. All submitted abstracts will be subject to review committee (to be formed locally by the Convenor) and the Committee's decision to accept or reject a submitted abstract will be final. The authors may be asked to give a declaration that they would abide by the decision of the Review Committee. No member can be author or co-author on more than 2 papers.

Abstracts (to be submitted as per the sample format provided in the 2nd circular) will have a comprehensive title (indicating scope of the work), objective, method, observations and major conclusion/s. The abstract should be limited to 200 words and should be without illustrations. Essentially the abstracts should be self-explanatory so that not only the review committee can review it objectively for acceptance but the readers also find it meaningful. The format for preparation of posters should also be included in the 2nd circular.

c. Other informations

The 2nd circular should include a registration form accompanying the above information. The registration form should also ask if the student (author in the submitted abstract) wishes to compete for the awards for best presentations; if yes, the student be asked to provide information about his/her age and membership status (members below the age of 30 years and who have not already been selected for such award at an earlier conference of ISCB only are eligible for contest).

The registration form and the abstract/s should reach the convener before the set deadline. A reasonable interval of time may be kept between sending of 2nd circular and the deadline for receiving abstracts etc. Though such deadlines are absolutely essential, the convener may show some flexibility in extending this date for a reasonable amount of time (as per the available time schedule) in certain justifiable circumstances. for e.g., in certain research organizations, the abstract/s to be submitted for presentation at a conference are required to be scrutinized by their own Committees which may lead to some delay beyond the control of authors. The late abstracts may be kept in poster sessions if the time-table for platform presentation is already full. A few extra poster places may be kept for this purpose.

7. Programming of the Conference

While making the final programme, the Convenor will allot suitable time for the following :

a. Inauguration

b. Plenary Lectures

c. Platform Sessions

d. Poster Sessions

e. Business of ISCB;

i. Executive Committee Meeting

ii. General Body Meeting

iii. Presidential and Endowment Lecture

iv. Concluding Session

f. Round Table Discussions

a. Inauguration

Generally, Inauguration should be a brief function and the Organizing Committee may invite a Chief Guest (e.g., Vice-Chancellor of a University or other dignitary). The Organizing Committee may also invite a distinguished scientist to give an Inaugural/Key Note Lecture, the subject matter of which should be related to Cell Biology in a broad sense. The President and/or the secretary of the society should also be on the dais at the Inaugural function. The President will welcome the participants on behalf of the Society. In the absence of President, one of the Vice-Presidents (determined in alphabetical order) or the Vice-President present will be on the dais and welcome the participants.

b. Plenary Lectures

The Organizing Committee can invite established Cell Biologists to give Plenary Lectures but these should not be more than one per day. About 40 minutes be allotted for each lecture.

c & d. Platform and Poster Sessions

The time for scientific sessions should be generally equally distributed between the Platform and Poster Sessions. In order to provide adequate time for presentation and questions, the number of platform session presentations be limited so that each presentation gets about 15 minutes (including discussion). For a given platform session, related papers should be carefully bunched so that they present a unity of theme. The Chairperson for the session should be chosen from amongst the senior participants who can give an appropriate introduction to the session, moderate questions and give a reasonable summary of the papers presented.

Poster sessions may also be arranged everyday and a group of posters related to that day's platform sessions be arranged for display on the day (if space permits, all posters may be kept on display on all days). Some time should be allotted each day for a common discussion of the posters presented that day. The information about the day and time of display of a particular poster should be communicated to the author/s well in time.

The oral and poster presentations to be considered for award must be scheduled such that they are presented within first two days of the conference to give time to the judges for preparing the award list and to the Secretary of the society to make the certificates ready well on time before the valedictory function.

e. Business of Society

In consultation with the Secretary of ISCB, suitable time should be fixed for :

i. Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Society and

ii. Meeting of the General Body of the Society

The Executive Committee meeting would generally be held on the 1st day of the conference while the General Body Meeting would be on the 2nd day. During the General Body Meeting, a Presidential address will be delivered. In the first General Body Meeting after assuming office, the President will give a lecture on his/her scientific work, while in the second year, the Presidential address will be on a more general topic. The Endowment lectures will be arranged separately from the General Body Meeting. The timing of these meetings should be such that they do not clash with any other event or sessions of the Conference.

f. Round Table Discussion

If the organizers feel it useful, they in consultation with the Secretary of ISCB may arrange a Round Table Discussion on specific topic but this should not cut into the time necessary for platform and poster sessions.

Before the final programme is prepared, the Convenor should send the tentative programme to the Secretary of ISCB who would ensure that the guidelines have been reasonably followed. After the concurrence, the organizing committee should send out the final and date of presentation of their papers etc. so that the participants have adequate time for preparation.

g. Valedictory function

The valedictory function will be organized by the President and Secretary of the society to thank the organizer of the conference.

8. Abstract Book

The book of abstracts for the conference may be either printed or photo-reproduced. In either case the size, cover page pattern and the format of abstracts should be strictly followed as per the book of abstracts for the VIth All India Cell Biology Conference (1982, New Delhi). In addition to the registered participants for a given conference, the book of abstracts should be mailed to all members of the ISCB who are unable to attend the conference. The Convenor should therefore print abstract books equivalent to the sum of registered participants and non-participating standing members plus the number required for funding agencies etc. One copy of the book of abstracts will be given to the Secretary of ISCB for records of the Society. The Secretary of ISCB shall provide the convener of the conference a list and addresses of all members according to the list. In case of financial difficulties, the ISCB will provide mailing charges for these abstract books.

9. Funding of the Conference

The Society may contribute Rs 25,000/- for organizing the conference. In addition the society may also sponsor participation of college teachers who teach cell biology as well as college students in annual All India Cell Biology Conference spending up to a sum of Rs 25,000/-. Rest of the funds necessary for organizing the conference will have to be raised by the Convener. Funds for the conference may be raised from the sources mentioned below :

a. Contribution from the host institution

b. Grants from agencies like CSIR, DAE, DBT, DOE, DST, ICAR, ICMR, INSA, UGC, etc.

c. Registration fee

d. Advertisements in the book of abstracts and/or souvenir brought out on the occasion

e. Exhibition fee

Of the funds, there will be two categories :

i. Institutional Grants (a and b above) and

ii. Non-Institutional (c - e above)

The Institutional grants for which proper accounts will have to be submitted to the concerned funding agencies, can be utilized for paying travel assistance to participants (preference to be given to younger members and those who may not have their own sources of assistance for the purpose), printing charges for the book of abstracts, local hospitality and such other expenses as admissible.

The Executive Secretary shall participate in every Annual General Body and Executive Committee meetings of the Society. If required, the Executive Secretary may be paid travel expenses (normally limited to AC 2 Tier return fare) for attending these meetings.

Money collected as non-institutional grants should be deposited in a bank account opened specially for the purpose and should be used for purposes for which the institutional grants may not permit. At the end of the conference, the Convenor shall get the accounts for the non-institutional grants audited and send the statement of audited account to the Secretary of the Society. The amount collected as Sessional Membership fee, if any, by the convenor will be transferred as such to the Treasurer of ISCB for issuing receipts. Any unspent balance from the non-institutional grant shall be deposited in Society's Account.


Awards : The ISCB has instituted Prizes as follows :

  1. ISCB - Dr B R Seshachar Memorial Prize - ONE for best poster presentation - Rs. 1000/-

  2. ISCB - Dr Manasi Ram Memorial Prize - ONE for best poster presentation - Rs 1000/-

  3. ISCB – Dr A S Mukherjee Memorial Proze – ONE for best platform presentation - Rs 1000/-

4. ISCB - Dr. S.R.V. Rao/ISCB - Dr.V.C. Shah Prize - ONE for best poster presentation - Rs. 1000/-

5. ISCB - Dr. S.R.V. Rao/ISCB - Dr. V.C. Shah Prize - ONE for best platform presentation - Rs. 1000/-

The Dr S R V Rao and Dr V C Shah Prizes will be awarded every alternate years. Hence at the XVI All India Cell Biology conference Dr S R V Rao Prizes will be awarded and at the XVII All India Cell Biology Conference Dr V C Shah Prizes will be awarded and the same sequence will be continued henceforth.

One person will not be eligible to receive more than one prize and any one who has received a prize at an earlier ISCB Conference will not be eligible to compete again. The Secretary will provide the list of earlier winners.

For all the awards, the Secretary in consultation with the President shall appoint a Committee of at least 3 senior ISCB members to evaluate the platform and poster presentations for the above awards. The names of the committee members will be kept confidential. Guidelines for evaluation of the presentations will be given by the Secretary to members of the evaluation committee. The evaluation will have to be strictly according to criteria laid down in the guidelines for the purpose. The Committee will communicate its verdict to the President and Secretary of ISCB, who in the event of a tie for any one or more awards, will decide to split the prize money or give entire amount to each winner. The results will be announced at the Concluding Session and the prizes and certificates will also be given. The ISCB will pay the award money from its funds. The awards for best platform and poster presentations are open to Student, a member of Society who are below 30 years of age at the time of the Conference. The presentations will be evaluated by a committee constituted by ISCB for the purpose prior to the beginning of presentations in Platform or Poster sessions. The Convenor of the Annual Conference would provide to the Secretary, ISCB a list of Platform and Poster presentations that are eligible for contest. The different presentations should be evaluated by this committee on a number of counts suggested in the following. Each presentation should be evaluated on every count and the grading done should be entered on paper. In the event of a tie, the committee will have the full authority to then adjudge the presentations on relative merits.

A. Oral presentations

The oral presentations should be evaluated on following counts :

1. Quality of work

2. Presentation

3. Illustrations

4. Discussion of the paper

5. Time

1. Quality of Work : The scientific quality of work should be judged on following grounds :

a. Nature of Enquiry : This should be assessed as follows : has the student addressed himself/herself to a logical question on the basis of existing information or alternatively just any problem has been taken for the sake of experimentation ? Is the enqiry justified in view of existing results and have the right questions been asked ?

b. Planning and Execution of Experiments : The evaluation should be on following counts are the experiments properly planned and executed ? Does the plan of experiments lead to understanding of the questions asked ? Are proper controls kept ? Do the techniques used have sensitivity to provide information sought ? Have right chemicals/reagents been used ?

c. Results of Experiments : Do the results obtained provide sufficient information to justify the conclusions drawn ?Is the interpretation right and are the results properly analyzed ? (e.g. carrying out of a statistical analysis does not necessarily mean that results have been properly analyzed)

d. Discussion : The results should be discussed well in the light of existing information. No unjustified claims should be made. Hypothesizing may be encouraged but far-fetched relationships are to be discouraged.

2. The Presentation : The presentation should be precise and to the point. The speaker may not be fluent in English nor should be judged on high flown English. But even with limited vocabulary, he should be able to get the idea across to the audience. Recitation of pre-written speeches/presentation should be discouraged. Instead the student should be judged for ability to explain to the audience in one’s own simple language.

3. Illustrations : These should be clear and of good quality. Tables should be judged on their ability to explain the data. Graphs/Histograms etc. should be similarly judged on their relevance, aesthetic quality and their accuracy (careful drawing, proper use of scales etc.). Photomicrographs should be of good quality. The diapositives/ transparencies should be neat and should reveal the intended data/details etc. Too many slides should not be shown to illustrate single point.

4. Discussion : The student should be able to defend himself/herself well with answers to the point. The student should also be “honest” to accept any shortcomings/flaws in paper. Justification of apparent mistakes should be discouraged.

5. Time : The paper must be finished within the allotted time. Going beyond the allotted time will be discredit.


All the above also apply to evaluation of presentations through posters. However, more emphasis should be given on the quality of poster. The written matter should preferably be in block letters rather than in running hand and the letters should be of a size easily readable from a distance of about 2 ft. The quality of photographs/other illustrations should be of high quality and they should be appropriately trimmed, appropriately arranged and neatly mounted.

The grading may be as follows :

Oral Presentations Posters

Quality of Work : 0 to 4 + Quality of Work : 0 to 4+

Presentation : 0 to 2 + Illustrations : 0 to 4+

Illustrations : 0 to 2+ Discussion : 0 to 2+

Discussion : 0 to 2+

Time : 0 to 2+ Total : n+/10

Total : n+/12

The members of the evaluation committee must listen to all oral presentations and must see all posters enlisted for contest. After their assessment is over, they would meet and finalize the verdict on the basis of their markings and communicate the same to the President/Secretary of Indian Society of Cell Biology, who would then announce the results and distribute the prizes at the Concluding Session. If no presentation was found by the Committee worthy of an award, the same may not be given at a particular Conference.

Professor S P Ray-Chaudhuri 75th Birthday Endowment Lectures and Prof J Das Memorial lectures


The Indian Society of Cell Biology has instituted the "Prof S P Ray-Chaudhuri 75th Birthday Endowment Lecture" and Prof J Das Memorial Lecture" as a mark of its respect to Professor S P Ray-Chaudhuri and Prof J Das and in recognition of their immense contributions to Cytogenetics and Cell Biology. Prof S P Ray-Chaudhuri Chaudhuri 75th Birthday Endowment Lecture and Prof J Das Memorial Lecture will be held in alternate years during the annual conference of the society. In selecting the Lecturer, due recognition would be given to outstanding Indian Cell Biologists, preferably those working in India. The Lecturer would be free to select the subject of his choice in the broad area of Cell Biology. The lectures will be serially numbered.

Selection Committee

A special committee consisting of the following will be constituted by the Executive Committee of the Society for inviting nominations and selecting the Lecturers. The committee will function for two years (being co-terminus with the term of the elected office bearers) will select, each year, the speaker for the lecture due in that year. The process of choosing the Lecturer will start one year before the given lecture is scheduled to be delivered.

1. President of the Society

2. Two Vice-Presidents*

3. Secretary (Convenor)

4. Three members nominated by the Executive Committee

(*One of the Vice-Presidents (determined in alphabetical order) shall act as chairman in case the President resigns from the Committee or is not available for the meeting. In case the President and both Vice-Presidents are not available, the members of the Selection Committee will elect a Chairman from amongst themselves).

The nominated members of the Committee should be members of the Society (with at least two years' standing) and should preferably represent different areas of Cell Biology. To ensure a healthy tradition, no member of the selection committee will be eligible for nomination for the Lecturership. In the event of a selection committee member being nominated for the award and his agreeing to be considered, he/she shall resign from the Selection Committee. In his/her place a new member will be co-opted by the Committee. The tenure of the Selection Committee shall be co-terminus with that of the Executive Committee and each selection committee. The selection committee members cannot be re-nominated for the next committee excepting those who may be elected as office-bearers (President, Vice-Presidents and Secretary) and thus would serve in ex-officio capacity.

Selection of the Speaker

1. Nomination : Soon after constitution of the Selection Committee, the Secretary will invite nominations for the Lecturership from Life and Ordinary members of at least three years standing and those who have paid all their dues to the society till the current year. Nominations will be made on the nomination form provided by the Secretary. The nominating member will obtain the consent and bio-data etc. of the nominee and send these alongwith the duly filled in nomination form to the Secretary before the last date fixed for the purpose.

2. Eligibility for Nomination : The person to be nominated need not be a member of the Society when nominated but may be requested to become a member in due course of time. The person to be nominated will ordinarily be an Indian citizen at the time of nomination/selection and should be an eminent scientist who would have made outstanding original contributions to Cell Biology or contributed substantially to growth of the subject in India.

Mode of Selection and Recommendation

After receipt of nominations, copies of the bio-data etc. will be forwarded by the Secretary to all members of the Selection Committee. The Committee will be free to suggest or consider any other name(s) not formally proposed. However, all the particulars of the person nominated by a member of the Committee should be placed on record and will be included in the minutes of the meeting of the Selection Committee. The members may communicate with each other and with the Secretary and express their opinion. The entire proceedings of the Committee will be treated as strictly confidential.

As far as possible, the Committee should arrive at a unanimous recommendation. In case of disagreement, the decision will be arrived at by secret ballot. The Executive Committee will ordinarily endorse the recommendations of the Selection Committee. However, in exceptional circumstances the recommendations of the Selection Committee may be altered only by an unanimous vote by the Executive Committee, provided there is full quorum.

The Executive Committee will treat the recommendations of the Selection Committee as confidential. The President or in his absence the senior Vice-President or in his absence the elected Chairman of the Selection Committee is authorized to communicate with the person and obtain his/her consent. After obtaining consent of the speaker, the President will entrust the Secretary to proceed with arrangements for holding the lecture.

The selected speaker is required to deliver the lecture in the appointed year. If on account of genuine reasons, the lecturer is unable to deliver the lecture in the particular year, the executive committee may allow him to deliver the lecture in the following year, without affecting plans for subsequent years. The lecturer will provide five copies of the summary (not exceeding 2500 words) of his lecture. The Society will reserve the right to publish it in any form.

A person will be selected as a lecturer only once for a given lecture series. No nominations shall be carried over to next year.

Award/Citation to the Lecturer

The interest accruing from the pooled fund of Prof S P Ray-Chaudhuri 75th Birthday Endowment Lecture and Prof J Das Memorial Lecture will be utilized for presenting an award, in the form of a silver plate, to the Lecturers and also to meet his/her travel expenses within the country. Any savings from the interest after meeting the above two expenses will be added to the capital fund. A citation, highlighting the contributions made by the Lecturer will be read by the Secretary at the time of the lecture and will be presented to him/her by the President of the Society.


Name & Address of the member making the nomination:


I wish to nominate ......................................... (address ........................................................ ....................................................................................................) for the PROF S P RAY-CHAUDHURI 75th BIRTHDAY ENDOWMENT LECTURE OR FOR PROF J DAS MEMORIAL LECTURE I have obtained consent of the nominee for the purpose. The biodata etc of the nominee are enclosed herewith.

Date Signature of the nominating member
To attend All India Cell Biology Conference a travel support not exceeding Rs 20,000/- will be provided every year to one Senior member who was associated with the functioning of the society, has retired from active service and is not having a financial support.

The ISCB may sponsor one workshop each year on the modern cell biological techniques for school and college teachers. Each workshop shall normally be of 3-4 days' duration and will concentrate on theoretical and practical aspects of the cell biological techniques for which the host institution must have adequate in house expertise.
The ISCB will contribute a maximum of Rs.20,000/- for such workshop. Participation should not be restricted only to society members.

The Secretary will invite proposals from the life and ordinary members who wish to host such workshops. The proposal will provide details of the techniques planned to be included and the expertise available locally. Different proposals so received will be screened by a committee consisting of the President, Secretary (Convenor), Jt. Secretary and Treasurer of the Society. As soon as the committee approves of a particular venue, the Secretary will communicate the decision to the organizer of the workshop who will then invite application from schools/colleges and proceed further.

The ISCB may sponsor Lectures in cell biology by eminent scientists/practical demonstrations in colleges with the aim to reach the unprivileged students in villages.
The ISCB will contribute a maximum of Rs 10,000/- for conducting such lectures at one place and will sponsor a maximum of TWO such lectures at different places in a financial year.

The Secretary will invite proposals from the life and ordinary members who wish to host such lectures. The proposal will provide the topics planned to be included and the expertise available locally. Different proposals so received will be screened by a committee consisting of the President, Secretary (Convener), Jt Secretary and Treasurer of the Society. As soon as the committee approves of a particular venue, the Secretary will communicate the decision to the organizer.

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