Simply the best
Shunchaki eng yaxshisi
We are using it :
Sifat qoʻshimchalari
- able .comfortable.suitable
-al . Accidental, formal.
-ant . Significant . constant
- ary .imaginaty secondary
-ar .circular .
-ate . passionate
- ed .bored .tired
-ese . Chinese , japanese
-ent . Dependent.
-ful .careful .beatutiful
-ist . Racist
-ish . Childish .selfish
Used :
Narsa predmetni belgisini bildirsa va what armiya javob bersa bu soʻz sifat(adjective ) deyiladi.
Ular 2 ha boʻlinadi
. 🤠Sodda 🤡 Qoʻshma
Grey large old nice bad Red yung white
My phone is modern and exepensive
.Tom has got a good watch
They broke The iron gate
Linda is wearing a silk dress
My life was not interesting two year ego.
What does mean personal ID?
My life was not interesting two year ego
What does mean personal ID?
Our teacher entered The room