Input by South Africa on responses to climate change Seminar of Governmental Experts
tarix | 29.07.2018 | ölçüsü | 490 b. | | #61763 |
Input by South Africa on responses to climate change Seminar of Governmental Experts 16 & 17 May 2005, Bonn
SA’s vulnerability to climate change impacts SA & the poor, in particular, extremely vulnerable Climate change impacts threaten to undermine sustainable development - SA’s response strategy centers on sustainable development
Most vulnerable sectors in SA - Water, e.g. reduced average rainfall in west half of the country
- Health, e.g. more people at risk from malaria
- Agriculture, e.g. subsistence farmers more marginal
- Biodiversity, e.g. up to 60% loss of endemics in succulent Karoo
Key Issues CC happening and will continue SA contributes only 1.4% CO 2 to global total and therefore needs a global multi-lateral solution which - Balances adaptation and mitigation
- Supports local and global sustainable development
In SA adaptation measures a priority to address the vulnerability of the poor to CC effects The major potential for mitigation in SA relates to energy (currently, 93% of electricity generation from coal) - Electricity generation and supply
- Transport fuels
- Mining, industry & household energy use & efficiency
Current Adaptation PAM’s Sectoral programmes focused on poverty - Landcare – transforms unsustainable agricultural practice
- Working for Water – alien plant removal to restore water
- Working for Wetlands – restoration of water sources
- Working on Fire – Fire control
Rural economic diversification – ISRDS Adaptation technology research and development Potential for the use of LULUCF & sink strategies for mitigation are limited – LULUCF is a vulnerability & adaptation issue
Current Mitigation PAM’s: Energy efficiency Energy efficiency contributes to sustainable development at the local and global scale Strategy: a national target for energy efficiency of 12% by 2015 - Mix of economic instruments and regulatory tools, as well as energy management programmes
Build on practical measures already in place - Avoid 2300 MW by 2020 through efficiency measures (327000 tons of CO2 was saved between 2001-2003)
- Efficient lighting initiative
- Energy efficiency in low-cost housing (CDM project validated)
- Demand-side management programme
Current Mitigation PAM’s: Renewable energy Policy: voluntary target of 10 000 GWh renewable energy contribution to final energy consumption by 2013 - to be produced mainly from biomass, wind, solar and small-scale hydro, bio-fuels etc. (both power generation & non power generation technologies)
Equivalent to approximately 4% of projected electricity demand by 2013 Existing projects: off-grid solar, wind, Solar Water Heating - Needs to be scaled up with additional R&D bulk renewables
- Need international support to meet incremental costs of implementation –
- contribute to new industries, create jobs, and assist in poverty reduction
Current Carbon Finance PAM’s: CDM in South Africa Policy developed and published Established Designated National Authority in the Dept of Minerals & Energy (http://www.dme.gov.za) - 9 CDM projects submitted to the DNA
- 21.9 MtCO2 over the period 2005 to 2012
Actively engaging in carbon markets - Emissions derivative trading
Markets need certainty to secure carbon as a long term tradable commodity ie. Second commitment period for Kyoto (article 3.9)
Current Research & Development Technology Needs Assessment in progress National Energy Research Institute being established Research on clean coal & in situ gasification Solar thermal bulk renewable Long term sector level emission, adaptation & mitigation research and modelling Bio-fuel RD&D GHG inventory process Participation in the GEOSS programme
Future National PAM’s: Finalising a Cleaner Production Strategy Air Quality Act passed in 2004 - provides a regulatory framework to set emission standards for both priority pollutants including greenhouse gases
- regulates reporting
Investigate Public Transport measures. Eg.Taxi Recap & incentivise bio-fuel programme Clean fuel standards (eg. Euro 3 by 2008 & 4 by 2010) Building standard regulations to improve efficiency Energy Bill – legislation to regulate energy efficiency & renewable energy
Future multi-lateral process Climate change is a global problem and requires a unified global response and action SA committed to the multi-lateral process under the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol Future Climate Change regime must include a strengthened Kyoto Future Climate Change regime must support sustainable development in all countries and: - Emphasises the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities
- Requires Annexe 1 (developed) countries to take the lead
- Recognizes the unique circumstances and challenges faced by developing countries.
The way forward All nations to join and support the international effort to reduce greenhouse gases emissions - Given the vulnerability of the poor, largest emitters need to reduce emissions
- Annex I Parties need to take stronger action
- Full funding of agreed incremental costs (Art 4.3)
- NA1 actions designed to support sustainable development
All nations accept responsibility to deal with climate change within an inclusive multilateral regime balancing adaptation & mitigation SA committed to engage in the development of the future CC regime Need Montreal Mandate to map out next few years of negotiations and to prevent stalling & add urgency
Thank you
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