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Comparıson Of Enyzme Actıvıtıes (Catalase-Urease) In The Area Of Kastamonu Forestry, Rangeland And Agrıculture Soıls

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Comparıson Of Enyzme Actıvıtıes (Catalase-Urease) In The Area Of Kastamonu Forestry, Rangeland And Agrıculture Soıls
For understanding the functions and properties of soil ecosystem, the analysis of effective factors on soil microorganisms’ activities and the size of their population is important. For this purpose, the soil enzymes and soil microbial activities are used as the indicators of soil fertility.
The distribution and activities of various soil enzymes in agricultural lands under monoculture or sowing; is accepted as a wide research topic. In the other hand, the researches; investigating the ecological relations using enzymes is too rare and there are not many studies on this subject.
In this study it was aimed to examine: the effects of use of land on the urease and catalase enzyme activities in soil. For this purpose, from the north and south aspects of agriculture, forest and grassland areas, soil samples were taken from the 0-5 cm and 5-10 cm depth and urease and catalase enzyme activities were determined and the effects of land use, aspect and soil depth on these enzymes activities were tried to figure out. Also the soil reaction (pH), electrical conductivity (EC), (OM), calcium carbonate (CaCo3), total nitrogen (N), plant available phosphorus (P) and K analysis were done and the relation between urease and catalase enzymes activities and these parameters have been tried to reveal.
The catalase enzyme activity in soil samples of north aspect was measured as 15,38 ml/g soil, and 16,61 ml/g soil in south.
According to the T-test results it was found that the catalase enzyme activity is statistically significant in north aspect grasslands between 0-5cm and 5-10cm soil depth and at the south aspect in all agricultural, forest and grasslands it is also significant between 0-5cm and 5-10cm soil depth.

As a result of variance analysis which was done to determine the effects of use of land on the activities of urease and catalase enzymes, both in north and south; the urease and catalase enzyme activities vary significantly according to the use of land. In the north aspect the highest urease enzyme activity level was found in grasslands then the second one was found as the forest lands the lowest one is agricultural lands. In the south aspect, the highest urease enzyme activity level was found in forest lands even in two depth range and the agricultural lands and grasslands followed the forest lands.

The highest catalase enzyme activity was calculated from forest lands both from north and south aspect in two depth range. The lowest activity value was found as; agricultural lands in north aspect and grasslands in south aspect.
According to the correlation analysis it was found that: the catalase and urease enzyme activity is statistically significant and the relation between them is positive, in addition to these, the catalase enzyme activity has a positive relation with (OM), N and K, negative with CaCO3 and urease enzyme activity has a positive relation with pH and CaCO3 and negative with P and K.



Danışman : Prof. Dr. H. Ferhat BOZKUŞ

Anabilim Dalı : Orman Mühendisliği

Programı : Silvikültür

Mezuniyet Yılı : 2014

Tez Savunma Jürisi : Prof. Dr. H. Ferhat BOZKUŞ

Prof. Dr. Cemil ATA

Prof. Dr. Melih BOYDAK

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin DİRİK

Prof. Dr. Ünal AKKEMİK

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