Summary: Summarized all contributions and provides recommendation how to continue the CE.
Remove the SAND arrow from Regular Network Element to DASH client. It is not in the scope of this CE.
Use the summarized proposed parameters in 3 tables: DASH metrics, SAND and PED to define the scope of CE.
The CE scope is focused to review each proposed parameter in the tables, define a clear definition and demonstrate the usefulness of parameter. If a (metric) already exists, use that metric or show how the new metric can be derived from existing DASH metric.
Evaluation: provide clear evidence on how the client use a parameter for improving its streaming session or overall streaming among many clients.
The participants in CE should collaborate to define the parameter definitions between two meetings and report one set of definition to the next meeting.
CE’s scope includes the message format framework and the corresponding default protocol between different entities in CE architecture. Proposals are welcomed in this topic for the next meeting.
Feb 21: first review of the table: all definitions must be clear and agreed.