Adhoc group N12778 AHG on User Descriptions looks into user description in order to broaden the participation and focus of this challenge. Especially for social networks, this will be a relevant activity. An ontology and schemas need to be standardized. Information for user description includes attributes, activities, interests, status, history, medical, etc. User Descriptions are used in MPEG-7, MPEG-21, MPEG-M, and MPEG-V.
Draft requirements and use cases like Scalable User Description, User-Customized Contents and User’s Emotions are available in N12779 Draft Requirements on MPEG User Descriptions and N12780 Draft Use Cases for MPEG User Description (Ver. 2.0). There seems to be a need for dynamic user descriptions as well as User descriptions that are particularly suited for machines.
MPEG defined an architecture that shows the scope and interfaces of MPEG User descriptions (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Red boxes show potential areas for standardization forMPEG user descriptions.