REPUBLIC OF KOREA The Notification and Movement documents forms of the Basel Convention are used and/or accepted in the control of transboundary movement of hazardous wastes and other wastes.
No problems have been encountered in the usage of the Notification and Movements documents forms.
As a state of import/transit, the acceptable languages to receive the Notification and Movement document forms are Korean and English.
The border control for the purpose of export/import/transit of hazardous wastes and other wastes is established.
The Harmonized System on customs control of the World Customs Organization is used.
ROMANIA Romania is in a preparatory process to use and/or accept the Notification and Movement documents forms of the Basel Convention in the control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and other wastes. A draft of a Governmental Decision on Control of Import, Export and Transit of Wastes is in preparation. This Governmental Decision shall introduce into the Romanian legislation the Notification and Movement document forms.
As a state of import/transit, the acceptable languages to receive the Notification and Movement document forms are English and French.
The border control for the purpose of export/import/transit of hazardous wastes and other wastes is established.
Romania is in a preparatory process to use the Harmonized System on customs control of the World Customs Organization. The border control of the import of wastes is carried out in accordance with provisions of the Governmental Decision no. 347/92 (amended as Governmental Decision no. 430/92) on import regime ofg any kind of dangerous waste and residues.