İstanbul İl Özel İdaresi İstanbul Proje Koordinasyon Biriminden

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İstanbul İl Özel İdaresi İstanbul Proje Koordinasyon Biriminden:

Proje Adı                                   :  İstanbul Sismik Riskin Azaltılması ve Acil Durum Hazırlık Projesi(İSMEP)/TÜRKİYE

İhale Paketi Numarası                :  CEB-WB4-YAPIM-31

Teklifin/Sözleşmenin Tanımı     :  Eğitim Yapıları Yeniden Yapım İnşaatı Sözleşme Paketi

Projenin Kapsamı                      : İstanbul İlinde 4 adet Eğitim Yapısının Yeniden Yapım İkmal İnşaatı

Projenin Süresi                          : 330 Gün

Sözleşme İmza Tarihi                :  20 Nisan 2012


Kazanan Teklif Sahibi

Kazanan Teklif Sahibi

Zarf Açılışı Teklif Fiyatı KDV Hariç (TL)

Nihai Teklif Fiyatı KDV Hariç (TL)

Can İnşaat Tic. A.Ş.




Değerlendirilen Teklif Sahipleri

Değerlendirmeye Alınan Teklif Sahipleri

Zarf Açılışı Teklif Fiyatı KDV Hariç (TL)

Değerlendirmeye Alınan Teklif Fiyatı KDV Hariç (TL)

1.Can İnşaat Tic. A.Ş.



2.İntaya İnşaat Taah. Yat. A.Ş.



3.Nuhoğlu İnşaat San. ve Tic. A.Ş.



4.Demars İnşaat Turizm. Tic. Ltd. Şti. & Ensa Yapı ve İnş. Tur. Nak. Gıda San. A.Ş.




Reddedilen Teklif Sahipleri

Reddedilen Teklif Sahipleri

Zarf Açılışı Teklif Fiyatı KDV Hariç (TL)

Reddedilme Nedenleri





Contracts Awarded by ICB Number : CEB-WB4-YAPIM-31

Name of Project (include project country)    :  İstanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Emergency paredness Project (ISMEP) TURKEY

Project ID                                                     :  CEB-WB4-YAPIM-31

Bid/Contract Description                              :  Contract Package for Reconstruction Works of Educational Facilities

Scope of Contract                                         :  4 Primary Schools in Istanbul Shall be Completed for Reconstruction

Duration                                                       :  330 Day          

Contract Signature Date                                :  20 April 2012

Awarded Bidder

Name & Address of awarded bidder:

Can İnş Tic. A.Ş.


Bid price at bid opening:

(Excluding VAT) (TL)



Bid price of evaluated bid:

(Excluding VAT) (TL)



Name of evaluated bidder(s):

1.Can İnşaat Tic. A.Ş.


Bid price at bid opening:

(Excluding VAT) (TL)



Bid price of evaluated bid:

(Excluding VAT) (TL)



Name of evaluated bidder(s):

2. İntayaİnşaat Taah. Yat. A.Ş.


Bid price at bid opening:

(Excluding VAT) (TL)



Bid price of evaluated bid:

(Excluding VAT) (TL)



Name of evaluated bidder(s):

3. Nuhoğluİnşaat San. veTic. A.Ş.


Bid price at bid opening:

(Excluding VAT) (TL)



Bid price of evaluated bid:

(Excluding VAT) (TL)



Name of evaluated bidder(s):

4. Demarsİnşaat Turizm. Tic. Ltd. Şti. & Ensa Yapı veİnş. Tur. Nak. Gıda San.A.Ş.


Bid price at bid opening:

(Excluding VAT) (TL)



Bid price of evaluated bid:

(Excluding VAT) (TL)



Rejected Bidder(s)


Name of rejected bidder(s):


Bid price at bid opening:


Reason(s) for rejection:






Republic ofTurkey

IstanbulSpecial Provincial Administration (ISPA)

IstanbulProject Coordination Unit(IPCU)


Istanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness(ISMEP) Project

Loan No: 8033-TU


ConsultancyServices for RetrofittingDesign of Selected Public Buildings in Istanbul (AF-CB1.3)




The Republicof Turkey has received an additional loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), and intends to applypart of the proceeds of this loan to paymentsunder the contracts for Procurementof “Consultancy Services forRetrofitting Design of SelectedPublic Buildings in Istanbul (AF-CB1.3)”, which will be implemented by Istanbul Special Provincial Administration, IstanbulProject Coordination Unit.

The services tobe performed for Selected Public Buildings such as schools, hospitals and etc.withinthe scope of AF-CB1.3 shall include:      

1. Vulnerability assessment of the buildings byusing the available data andconducting necessary tests and measurementsat the sites, buildings as required.

2. Preparation of preliminary and final designs and estimated costswith respect to each selectedpublic building using conventional and innovative retrofitting techniques and new Turkishnational retrofitting building codes in disaster prone areas.

3. Preparation of Bill of Quantitiesof Public buildings, final retrofitting drawings and technical specificationafter consultation with the Client.

4. Cost comparison for selected publicbuildings considering cost of retrofitting to the costof replacement ratio.

The estimated duration of the services are approximately12 months.

Istanbul Project Coordination Unit now inviteseligible consultants to indicate theirinterest in providing the services. Interestedconsultants must provide information and documents indicatingthat they are qualified toperform the services (such as brochures, description and references from previous clientson the similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff,etc.).

Consultants may associateto enhance their qualifications. The “association” may take theform of a Joint Venture or a sub consultancy.In case of a Joint Venture (JV), all members of the JV will be evaluated jointly for the purposeof short listing and shall be jointlyand severally liable for theassignment and shall sign thecontract in case of award is made tothat JV group. Interested consultants should clearly indicate the structureof their “association” and the dutiesof the partners and sub consultantsin their application. Unclear expression of interests in terms of “in association with” and/or “in affiliationwith” and etc. may not be considered for short listing.

The Client may have the optionto shortlist the interested consultants in one group in accordance with their qualificationsand experience for the requiredspecific services. Consultants will be short listed in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employmentof Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, May 2010. (“Consultant Guidelines”).

The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph1.9 of the Consultant Guidelines, setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.

A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Qualityand Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method set out in the Consultant Guidelines.

Consultants are required to includethe name and reference number of the tasks AF-CB1.3 in their Expression of Interests.

Interested consultants may obtain furtherinformation at the address below from10:00 a.m. to 16:00 p.m. localtime.

Expressions of interest must be delivered to the addressbelow by June 01, 2012, 16:00 (local time) by surface mail, courier or hand delivery. Applications by e-mail shallnot be accepted IPCU reservesthe right to reject theapplications received after the above-referenceddate.

Istanbul Project Coordination Unit (IPCU)

M. Kemalettin Mah. Tiyatro Cad. No:8

34126 Beyazıt, Istanbul, Turkey


Contact Person: K. Gökhan ELGİN (Director)

Tel : +90 212 518 55 00

Fax : +90 212 518 55 05

E-mail :

Yüklə 65,54 Kb.

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