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, Ahmet Emin (2013), Ebu’l-Hasan El-Harakânî’nin İlim Anlayışı / Understandıng Of The Knowledge Of Abu’l-Hasan El-Kharakani, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 5, p. 1049-1083, May 2013, Fransa.

ULUDAĞ, Süleyman, ‚Kelâbâzî, Muhammed b. İbrâhim‛, DİA, Ankara, 2002, XXV, 192-193 / SEYHAN, Ahmet Emin (2013), Ebu’l-Hasan El-Harakânî’nin İlim Anlayışı / Understandıng Of The Knowledge Of Abu’l-Hasan El-Kharakani, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 5, p. 1049-1083, May 2013, Fransa.

ULUDAĞ, Süleyman, ‚Kuşeyrî, Abdülkerîm b. Hevâzin‛, DİA, Ankara, 2002, XXVI, 473-475 / SEYHAN, Ahmet Emin (2013), Ebu’l-Hasan El-Harakânî’nin İlim Anlayışı / Understandıng Of The Knowledge Of Abu’l-Hasan El-Kharakani, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 5, p. 1049-1083, May 2013, Fransa.

ULUDAĞ, Süleyman, ‚el-Lüma’‛, DİA, Ankara, 2003, XXVII, 258-260 / SEYHAN, Ahmet Emin (2013), Ebu’l-Hasan El-Harakânî’nin İlim Anlayışı / Understandıng Of The Knowledge Of Abu’l-Hasan El-Kharakani, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 5, p. 1049-1083, May 2013, Fransa.

ULUDAĞ, Süleyman, ‚Şathiye‛, DİA, İstanbul, 2010, XXXVIII, 370-371 / SEYHAN, Ahmet Emin (2013), Ebu’l-Hasan El-Harakânî’nin İlim Anlayışı / Understandıng Of The Knowledge Of Abu’l-Hasan El-Kharakani, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 5, p. 1049-1083, May 2013, Fransa.

UZGUR, Yavuz Selim, Anadolu’nun Kalbi Harakânî, Sûfî Kitap, İstanbul, 2012 / SEYHAN, Ahmet Emin (2013), Ebu’l-Hasan El-Harakânî’nin İlim Anlayışı / Understandıng Of The Knowledge Of Abu’l-Hasan El-Kharakani, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 5, p. 1049-1083, May 2013, Fransa.

UZGUR, Yavuz Selim, ‚Anadolu’nun Manevî Fatihi Ebu’l-Hasan Harakânî ve Kars‛, Ebu’l-Hasan Harakânî, Harakanî Vakfı Yay., Kayhan Matbaacılık, Ankara, 2012 / SEYHAN, Ahmet Emin (2013), Ebu’l-Hasan El-Harakânî’nin İlim Anlayışı / Understandıng Of The Knowledge Of Abu’l-Hasan El-Kharakani, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 5, p. 1049-1083, May 2013, Fransa.

YAZICI, Tahsin, ‚Ebû Ali el-Farmedî‛, DİA, İstanbul, 1994, X, 90 / SEYHAN, Ahmet Emin (2013), Ebu’l-Hasan El-Harakânî’nin İlim Anlayışı / Understandıng Of The Knowledge Of Abu’l-Hasan El-Kharakani, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 5, p. 1049-1083, May 2013, Fransa.

YAZICI, Tahsin, ‚Ebû Saîd Ebü’l-Hayr‛, DİA, İstanbul, 1994, X, 220-222 / SEYHAN, Ahmet Emin (2013), Ebu’l-Hasan El-Harakânî’nin İlim Anlayışı / Understandıng Of The Knowledge Of Abu’l-Hasan El-Kharakani, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 5, p. 1049-1083, May 2013, Fransa.

YAZICI, Tahsin, ‚Şath‛, İA, Milli Eğitim Basımevi, İstanbul, 1993, XI, 350-351 / SEYHAN, Ahmet Emin (2013), Ebu’l-Hasan El-Harakânî’nin İlim Anlayışı / Understandıng Of The Knowledge Of Abu’l-Hasan El-Kharakani, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 5, p. 1049-1083, May 2013, Fransa.

YAZICI, Tahsin-ULUDAĞ, Süleyman, ‚Herevî, Hâce Abdullah‛, DİA, İstanbul, 1998, XVII, 222-226 / SEYHAN, Ahmet Emin (2013), Ebu’l-Hasan El-Harakânî’nin İlim Anlayışı / Understandıng Of The Knowledge Of Abu’l-Hasan El-Kharakani, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International Journal of Social Science – JASSS- Volume 6 Issue 5, p. 1049-1083, May 2013, Fransa.

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