Josiah V. Thompson Family Record Uniontown, Pa Vol

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Book 8 Page 573. Cousin Kate says Sam Lash married a Getchy & his Aunt Susannah & his wife fought so much that the wife went home. Sam built her another house in which he & she lived & to which his Aunt Susannah had to come, by reason of her enfeebled condition, the last year or so of her life. Kate says Sam Lash still lives in West Newton. She does not recall knowing Cassius Marsh.

The marriage license of parties above shows names as:

Oliver Newton Rotharmel, Cheat [Chest?] Haven Pa & Nellie Marie Jenkins, Gans Pa
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Oak Hill July 8k 1923 2 PM

Reading from Book 9 Pages 104 & 105, Cousin Kate says there was Hibbens lived just next to them in West Newton Pa & they were from Uniontown Pa viz James Hibben & two of his sons Samuel & Thomas & they were all wagon makers. Reading to Cousin Kate tonight about the Dunkleberger relatives at Los Angeles Calif, she said she had heard her mother speak of them & said their names were among a raft of names she had down that were entitled to share in the fortune, but she couldn't get Sallie or Emily to look it up for me & feared they had thrown it out or burned it up. 10 PM

Oak Hill July 14, 1923 8:15 PM

Reading from Book 9 Pages 152 & 153 about where Mrs Weddle said on Jany 3d last that her father Abram Fulton lost his money to Cousin Kate, she said her Uncle Dan Rothermel had married Hannah Newlon, sister of Rachel the wife of Abram Fulton, they being daughters of Wm Newlon (not Richard as Mrs Weddle thought) & his wife Keziah Robbins & when Abram lost his money, he appealed to Lizzie, daughter of Dan & Hannah above, who had married "Mike" Haymaker who was rich for help & she wouldn't help

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them & Kate says her mother was very mad at her niece Lizzie Haymaker because she wouldn't help her Uncle. She says Rachel had three brothers, Brint, Elijah & William.

Brint was a farmer & married a Quaker. Cousin Kate thinks a McGrew. ELijah married Mary Markle, the daughter oldest, she thinks of Uncle Jacob Markle. They lived up at Bradys Bend. William was a doctor & died a bachelor, according to Mrs Weddle at Pacific Grove Calif. See Book 9 Pages 152 & 153. The Haymaker above was he who wanted to marry Hannah Newlon & she wouldn't have him & he later married her daughter Lizzie when he was a 60 yr old bachelor & she was 28 & had Kate says six children. She says when "Rox" Markle Miller died about 8 yrs ago, two of Lizzie's unmarried daughters, who were old, were living over by Newlonsburg in Westnd Co, with a married brother at the old Haymaker home I think.

Reading to Cousin Kate from Book 9 P 157 bottom, she says Nancy Hough told her brother Sam Smith that it was on the Ohio River where Barrett lived with the two Jack girls Nellie & Margaret, one on one side & the other on the other. They sent Sam back to ask her what town, but she didn't know. Kate says when she told me before she didn't know the name of the River, but now remembers that Nancy said the Ohio River.
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Oak Hill July 16, 1923 9:54 AM

Reading to Cousin Kate this morning from Book 9 P 287 bottom, she says that the Haymaker who married Lizzie Rothermel (& she married him because she didn't have a home) was "old Mike" as she called him & he had courted & tried to marry her mother, Hannah Newlon (dau of Wm of the Willow Tree) who wouldn't have him. Kate says when he was courting Hannah (who later married her Uncle Daniel Rothermel) his brother was then the husband of a sister of Hannah, evidently John Haymaker who married Ann Newlon. Kate says Ann & Mary ("Polly") who married Joseph Miller were the two older of the Newlon girls "Mike" & Lizzie had six children as Kate has heretofore told me.

Oak Hill July 17, 1923 9 AM

I am writing to D.S. Bohrer, North Loup, Neb & am making here notations from some obituary notices he gave me when at his home Jany 17th last, see book 9 pages 294 to 299

From clippings:

No 1. Obituary of Mrs Melissa Markel who was born in Sullivan Tp, Ashland Co O, Sept 6, 1857 & died July 20, 1887, daughter of Mr & Mrs Munholden. She married Frank Markel Dec 5, 1882 & had a son & a daughter. She was a sweet lovely christian woman & was buried from the M.E. Church Orange & buried

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in the Orange Cemetery. On the same obituary is noted the death a week later of her babe, Ethel May, daughter of (E) Frank & Melissa Markel who died July 27, 1887 aged two months & one day & was buried beside her mother.

No 2. Obituary of Frank Markel

The funeral of Frank Markel was held in the M.E. Church Thursday morning at 10:20 o'c. He had been a great sufferer for years but was jovial, quaint & humorous. It states:

"Ezra Franklin Markel was born in Orange Tp Feby 21, 1848 and died Dec 27, 1910 aged 62 yrs 10 mos & 6 days. Dec 5, 1882, he was married to Miss Melissa Monhollen. Two children were born to this union, Solomon & Ethel May. On July 20, 1887, his wife died & on July 27, 1887, little Ethel's spirit winged its flight out into the great beyond. On May 14, 1889, Mr Markel was united in marriage to Miss Mary D. Swope who nursed & cared for him during the years of his affliction. He was converted four years ago. He leaves a wife, one son Solomon, one grandson, two brothers & one sister. His remains were laid to rest in the Nankin Cemetery beside the loved ones who preceded him many years ago.

We wish to thank the friends & neighbors for their kindness & help during the sickness & death of our beloved husband & father.

Mrs E.F. Markel, S.C. Markel"

No 3 "Israel W. Markel of the 116th Illinois Regiment, died of disease in the hospital at Memphis, Tennessee, on the 30th of January. He was a son of Solomon Markle, a much esteemed citizen of Orange Tp, this County"

Evidently from editorial column early in Civil War

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No 4 Obituary

Mrs Annie Arndt Markel who died recently at her home near Nankin was born in Lancaster Co Pa Jany 14, 1834 being the eldest child of Andrew & Mary Arndt, who moved to Ashland Co O. Jacob J. Markel & Annie Arndt were married on Mch 18, 1857. In Mch 1859, the husband left his wife & infant daughters among friends & joined the throng of gold seekers bound for Pike's Peak rtg the same year empty handed. The family moved to Macon Co Ills where they spent 8 yrs. During this period, four children were added to the family. Ill health of both parents & children necessitated a change & in the autumn of 1867, the entire family, the youngest being but six weeks old were placed in a covered wagon & the team headed south, traversing the Southern half of Illinois, crossing Missouri & Arkansas & halting at Jefferson, Texas. Here, team & wagon were disposed of & after a residence of a few months, they went by boat to New Orleans. The bitter feeling against Northerners led them after a brief sojourn to Embark for Cincinnati where they left the boat & reached Ashland Co O, sometime in 1868. On much of this long journey, Mrs Markel drove the team with her babe in her lap & her husband lying sick in the wagon. On Apr 1, 1872, they came to the farm near Nankin where they have since resided & where the youngest child was born. They had lived together over 51 yrs, when a separation came in the death of the husband. She had joined the M.E. Church in 1855 & died Dec 5, 1912 aged 78 yrs 10 mos & 21 days.

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No 5. Obituary

Margaret Ann Markel was born in Ashland Co O Apr 27, 1841, died in Scotia Neb, Sept 14, 1915 aged 74 yrs 4 mos 13 days. On Feby 14, 1861, the deceased was married to Reuben R. Krebs whose death occurred in March 1914. To their union was born six children, five sons & one daughter.

1. Oliver, who died in infancy

2. Morgan L. Krebs of Scotia

3. Corry D. Krebs of Scotia

4. Charles F. Krebs of Hitoman, Iowa

5. Mrs Myrtle M. Hicks of Omaha

6. Harry Krebs of Boise, Idaho

she is survived by two brothers & two sisters

A.S. Markle of Nankin O

Mrs J.K. Bohrer of North Loup Neb

Mrs Isaac Piper of West Salem O

Lewis Markel of Akron O

A large family of grand children also survive. The pallbearers were her two older sons & four oldest grandsons. She was buried beside her husband in Mount Hope Cemetery.

Oak Hill July 18, 1923 11:33 AM

Reading to Cousin Kate this morning from Book 9 p 503, she said there was a James Springer who died here abt 40 yrs ago whose mother was a Hibben. I said that was probably James H. Springer & she said his grandfather was James Hibben & Hannah Van Kirk who lived below them, wife or widow then of John Van Kirk was a daughter of Thomas Hibben, a son of James & she said the wife of Samuel Hibben, another son of James died when living just next to them.

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On Monday afternoon the 16th inst, Mrs Samuel Brown, daughter of David Keener, aged 77 yrs was in the office, 522 with her niece, Mrs Annie or Olive Welch, daughter of her brother Oliver W. Keener & his wife Amanda nee Brown & I asked her what the name of Eliza Jane Keener's father was & she said: "Jane don't care to talk about that, but I think her father was a Boyd." I had asked her if it wasn't Wilson, & she said she thought not, but was Boyd. See my conference with Mrs Keener on May 2d last in Book 9 pages 536 to 548. It is 1:23 PM now & I must go in town. JVT
Oak Hill July 18, 1923 10:40 PM

My cousin Mrs Walter L. Dearth came in room 522 this afternoon about 3:11 PM with her daughter Ruth, a handsome black eyed young girl who has just graduated from High School & wants to go this fall to State College & Mrs Dearth wanted to know if I could help them by some payt on the note I owed her father Capt Wm S. Craft. I told them I would pay them $500 which Ruth sd was the charge for one year, half to be paid on entrance in Sept & the other half about Christmas.

I asked them to give their family record which they cheerfully gave from memory. Mrs Dearth said she had the original Dearth bibles back to James Dearth, the emigrant she said from England who took up all or the greater part of their 257 A farm in Luzerne Tp, Fayette Co Pa from
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the Indians & had been in the family for six generations. (I also count six) descending from James Dearth to his son George Larkin Dearth, who was a member of the Legislature, riding to Harrisburg on horseback & from him to his son Larkin Dearth & then to his son John W. Dearth whom I knew & from him to his son Walter Larkin Dearth whose youngest son is named for his great great grandfather & whose oldest son is named for out noted astronomer John Brashear, who was named first citizen of the Commonwealth, who was related to them through the Millers. Samuel Miller, the father of Mrs John W. Dearth was a near relative of Mary Miller Beeson, the mother of Jacob M. Beeson. The record they gave me is as follows:

Eliza Jane Craft was born Apr 27, 1874

Walter Larkin Dearth was born May 18, 1874 They were married Dec 14, 1898 by Rev Chas Marshall, he being son of John W. Dearth & his wife Bertha Virginia Miller daughter of Samuel Miller. They were both born in Luzerne Tp & all their children below were also:

1. John Brashear Dearth was born Feby 23, 1900

2. Ruth Graham Dearth was born Dec 11, 1903

3. Virginia Miller Dearth was born June 21, 1906

4. George Larkin Dearth was born Dec 11, 1912
I counted up tonight the number of conferences & number of people of the families concerned that I had on my recent trip Oct 9, 1922 to Jany 24, 1923 to the far west & find I had 418 conferences with 829 people, covering 11 families & 108 days in which I traveled over 16,500 miles as follows:
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Anderson family, 2 conferences with 4 people

Jack family, 54 conferences with 91 people

Thompson family, 122 conferences with 264 people

Wilson family, 18 conferences with 31 people

Elliott family, 2 conferences with 4 people

Potter family, 1 conference with 2 people

Redburn family, 36 conferences with 102 people

Caruthers family, 78 conferences with 110 people

Markle family, 53 conferences with 98 people

Finley family, 19 conferences with 46 people

Rothermel family,_33 conferences with _77 people

Tot. 11 families 418 conferences with 829 people JVT 11:22 PM

Oak Hill July 19, 1923 8:15 PM

Reading to Cousin Kate from Page 4 this book, she says that great Uncle John Caruthers was a great big man & very neighborly, that he came every morning for a week & fed the stock when her grandfather, Peter Rothermel was in his last illness & once when the whole family nearly, her mother & Aunts Katy, & Polly & her Uncles Dan, Ben & Jake were down with the dysentery, John & his brother James came every morning for a week, milked the cows for them & did the necessary work. She said John Caruthers wife was Isabella, daughter of Rev James Power & the wife of John Finley who had owned the farm her grandfather bought was another, the wife of Rev Wm Swan was another & she understood her mother to say that Nat Hurst's wife was another.

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Oak Hill July 20, 1923 10 AM

Reading to Cousin Kate Page 36, she says the Albert E. Budd main building was built by a man named Thomas & that John Markle, son of Sheppard B. bought it & they moved over there after they sold the West Newton home to Cyrus P. The house wasn't big enough for them & they built an L to it. John left it to his sister Kate L. Markle & she sold it to Gallagher.

Cousin Kate says that Susan Budd had a child before she was married to Elam Paulson or Powelson, but it died young, probably aged one or two yrs, but she didn't know who its father was.

8 PM

Reading from Page 58, Cousin Kate said Polly Bell died at the home of her daughter Mary Ann Keefer.
Oak Hill July 20, 1923 10:15 PM

I have just finished up to date reading my books to Cousin Kate & Mrs Pallini hast [sic] just gone with her to bed.

Mrs Elizabeth Jane Brown was in this afternoon from 2:15 to 2:40 with her niece, Mrs Welsh at room 522 & speaking of the Brown connection, she had never known of a brother of James M. Brown.

Speaking of her father in law & the Fisher

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marriages she said on my mentioning the three last girls & who they married that that was correct:

James Brown married Rebecca Fisher

Robert Hagerty married Fisher, her sister

George Bolsinger married Fisher, her sister, his 1st wife

William Moss married Nancy Fisher, her sister

& David Fisher, a brother of above four girls went, she said, to Ohio.

She said that:

Susan Brown, sister of James Brown never married.

Lydia Brown married Worley & had 3 children

Orpha Brown married Henry Black & had children:

1. Taylor, says Chas H. Clack is his son & that he has invented an envelope that cannot be steamed open & had it patented. Also says that he has recently divorced his wife who was Ellazama [Ellazana?] Riffle, daughter of Wm H. Riffle who she says he claimed was only with him four yrs out of 14 of married life.

2. Alex

3. John

4. Sarah

5. Evans, living in Nebraska. Lewis A. Brown of Adah Pa can give his address.

She said James M. Brown, who was a son of Joshua had the following children:

1. Elizabeth

2. Mary

3. Jesse P.

4. Jacob

5. Hester Ann

6. Lydia
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7. Phoebe

8. Ellen

9. Jane

She named Hester Ann who was not given by Eliza Jane Keener Book 9 0 536 & omitted Clark who Mrs Keener named. She said that:

John Brown, brother of James, her father in law had two children:

1. Elizabeth who married a son of Peter Crago

2. William who married a daughter of Peter Crago

and that:

William Funk also married a daughter of Peter Crago

Samuel H. Moore also married a daughter of Peter Crago

William H. Riffle also married a daughter of Peter Crago.

She said "I will tell you a little circumstance". She then went on to relate that when she was a young 15 yrs old girl, she went with an elderly lady to old Jesse Brown, an old bachelor, brother of her late husband's grandfather, who was seeking a housekeeper & he said to them that he wanted a wife & the moment he married, he would make his wife a deed for his farm. She said he had a good comfortable house on his farm & she had been living in a log cabin & she thought she would just marry him & get a fine home, but she didn't. I said "when then did you marry, when you were "sweet sixteen?" & she said "I married before I was sixteen & he lived 15 yrs after that & I often thought I would have gotten very tired waiting for him to die & advise everyone to marry only for love." I think she scared Sam into proposing. She sd old Jesse got childish & went in broad daylight to take a honey comb from a hive of bees & they stung him so badly that it killed him.

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Cousin Clara Jane Williams from Hollywood Calif came in Room 522 at 2:44 PM today & was there until 4 PM, cousin Lulu Chalfant coming in about 3:30. She, Lulu, says she has Uncle Theodore & Aunt Jane's bible & her brother T.V. Hibbs has her parents bible. Clara Jane gave me her record & what she could of her sister Susan's.

Matilda Ruth Van Kirk was born June 17, 1852?

Eli Cope Jr was born Mch 11, 1850?

They were married Sept.

Their children were:

1. Clara Jane Cope born in Uniontown Pa July 14, 1873

2. Susan Finley Cope born in Streator Ills July 31, 1879

3. Ruth Ellen Cope born in Streator Ills 1885 & she died at Streator Ills aged 2 1/2 yrs.

Clara Jane Cope Mar 1. Dec 20, 1897 Albert Edwin Martin who was born at McComb Ills Jany 10, 1871, son of Thomas Martin & his wife Clara Rebecca Hutchinson by Rev Stoltz. He died at Harrington Arizona Aug 28, 1905 & is buried at Mountain View Cemetery, Pasadena Calif. Had two children:

1. Louise Martin born at Streator Ills Dec 21, 1898. She died at Jacksonville, Ills Jany 25, 1899 aged exactly 5 wks & is buried there.

2. Edith Martin born at Peoria Ills Apr 29, 1902. Is now in University of Calif College, Southern Branch where she will graduate next February.

Mar 2. July 14, 1907 John Franklin Williams who was born she thinks in Texas

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Aug 11, 1877 son of Milam Williams & his wife Mary Elizabeth. They separated in Aug 1914 & she got a property settlement by which she became a feme [sic] sole trader. He is living at Belleflower Calif. They have had two children:

3. Milam Eli Williams born in Monrovia Calif May 16, 1908 & is a junior in Hollywood High School

4. Lincoln Avery Williams born in Monravia Calif May 9, 1910 & is in LeConte Junior High School, Hollywood Calif.

She & her three children live now at No 1322 Highland Ave, Hollywood Calif. Is a Presbyterian & a Republican.

Susan Finley Cope was married at Pasadena Calif 1910 to George Stephens Polley, a native of Sherburne England where he was born on 1873. They have had two children:

1. a daughter born at Pasadena Calif & died aged 5 wks

2. Georgina Cope Pooley born Jany 30, 1917 at Pasadena Calif & entered school last Feby.

They live at 1168 Chester Ave Pasadena Calif.

Lulu Chalfant lives at 61 Nassau St in light brick house opposite Dr F.B. & Florence B. Hess, corner Nassau & Stockton Sts. I arranged to go there with my book & get their record.

Clara J. Williams said her grandfather, Eli Cope, built the brick house the L.H. Abrams

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place in Redstone Tp, one mile east of Brownsville on the National Road which was Uncle Theodore Van Kirk's last home.

Minnie L. Redburn was out today with Lida G. Thompson to Mrs John Cook's on the New Salem Road 4th house beyond Sandy Hill Church to get some red raspberries & had been out the day before with Louisa B. Richey getting some & she said Mrs Cook Nee Frankhouser (both she & her husband worked years ago at Springdale) & she said brother Will M. Thompson had been a father to her & had been her Sunday School teacher for thirty years.

Oak Hill July 23, 1923 9:31 PM

This afternoon about 1:45 PM, two large women came in & said they were daughters of Hettie Grove, to whom I owed a large note & said they wanted to see if there was any hope of ever realizing anything from it. I explained the situation & then told them of their being in the Wilson family (through the Lecky's) a History of which I was getting up & they gave me from memory their individual records.

I told them I had gotten their father's bible record from their brother, Wm E. Grove on Apr 1, 1922 see book 6 Page 389 from which record I take the record of their births as I did not ask them of the remainder of the record each one gave their own. Mrs Jamison is much the larger of the two.
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Elizabeth Anna Grove born June 13, 1863 married Nov 6, 1884 to Larry Jasper Coffman son of David R. Coffman & his wife Mary Poundstone who was born in German Tp, Fayette Co Pa June 8, 1860 & both are living on the McClellandtown Road in German Tp in a frame house on the north side of road & being first house this side of the D.R. Coffman brick residence, they have but two children & have not lost any.

1. Edna Blanche Coffman born Oct 27, 1886 married Dec 10, 1919 to James Deffenbaugh Wilson, son of Morgan S. Wilson & his wife Meta Deffenbaugh. No issue.

2. Iva Irene Coffman born Apr 5, 1894 unmarried.

Both born in German Tp in the house where they now live.

Etta Cora Grove born Apr 1, 1867 married May 24, 1893 to James Franklin Jamison, son of Samuel Jamison & his wife Elizabeth Roderick, who was born in Luzerne Tp, Fayette Co Pa Mch 18, 1861. Both living at 2247 W 10th place, Gary Indian. Have not lost any children & have but one who was born in McKeesport Pa viz:

1. Mildred Blanche Jamison born Feby 20, 1905.

She will send me record of her brother Uriah H. Grove when she gets home. Left 2:20 PM
Rev Geo G. Kerr of Canonsburg Pa weighing 139 lbs was here between 7 & 8 PM & reported progress in getting records. JVT 10:11 PM
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Oak Hill July 25, 1923 11:11 PM

I went this morning at 9:30 o'c in our car, with Pallini driving with Cousin Kate Smith born Jany 3, 1832 to see her first cousin Mrs Kate Brown & her husband Geo W. Brown living now in this Tp in a new house their son Ed D. Brown had built for them, going out North Gallatin Ave passing the old Robt Hogsett former home & also passing the improved road, turning to the left through the Leisennings to the 2d house on the left hand side where we arrived at 10 Am & left at 11:11 AM.

Mr Brown said that Jacob Greenlee whose mother was a Getzendamner, as told to him by old Polly Humbert, married a Gans who was a sister of Wm Gans, the father of L.B. Gans & had six children viz: Oliver, William, John & Janes Greenlee, Mrs Henry Roderick & Mrs Geo W. Chick. This James Greenlee lived to be 97 yrs old & died at Woodbridgetown & is buried there. I knew him. Charles Greenlee, whom I also knew as a son of a Wm Greenlee who was a cousin of James Uncle.

Robert Britt's wife & Alex Dejarmon's first wife were sisters of Chas Greenlee & they had a brother Porter Greenlee who went west.

There was a brother of Jacob Greenlee who went over to Greene Co Pa & settled on Ruffs Creek.

Mr Brown also said that David Morgan

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the father of Col John Morgan married a girl named Walters who came out her from Balto Md but had no relations here.

He said Woodbridgetown formerly Known as Mifflinsburg was the county seat of Yohogania Co VA, which extended to Pgh prior to running Mason & Dixon's line.

Ed D. Brown said yesterday that his great grandfather had two or three wives or women & had children by all of them & asked me if his grandfather had ever told me anything about them. Said his great grandmother was Jennie? Akers & lived to be nearly 100. I told him that his grandfather, Rev Benj F. Brown had told me she was his mother. Ed D. said whenever he asked his father anything about it, he would shut up like a clam & wouldn't talk.

Geo W. Took Pallini & me up & showed me his garden, a good one & a nice 4 acre field back of it which belongs to Ed. John C. Brownfield, son of Alf, lives just adjoining beyond him & Alfred Brownfield over 80, but not showing it, came over to see Cousin Kate.

We then drove Cousin Kate out here & then drove to No 16 Grant St to see Mrs Dora Hill who has been sick with rheumatism & hasn't been downtown since Mch 1920 & has fallen in weight from 230 to 135. She didn't have my notes which she at my advice deposited with the creditors com & when I go to Pgh Friday, I will see if I can get them. I then drove to the Citizens F & I Co & left
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my three M&WRW Co Receivers cfts for collection & passing up street, Sam Stern came across the street to ask abt the acre of coal under the old Joe Barton home, I having bought the farm fr Sarah J. Johnson in Sept 1901 & got a deed fr Joe Barton's wife fr the 1 A of coal under the house dated Sept 30, 1901 ackd Oct 11, 1901, Recorded Dec 16, 1901 in Deed Book 194 p 342 & which on looking up my acct, I can't find that I paid Barton anything & I evidently had Sarah J. Johnson pay him unless she or her father, Wm H. had an agreement by which it was to be included. From Stern's, I went at 12:15 PM to the Court House & looked this up & also conveyances from Thos Frame finding from references viz:

Deed Book B Page 337 Luzerne Tp I had this record

Deed Book C Page 283 Luzerne Tp didn't find this yet

Deed Book D Page 44 Menallen & German Tp see below

Deed Book I Page 39 German Tp see below
Deed Book D P 44 Thomas Frame to James Brown. Deed dated Apr 6, 1797 between Thomas Frame, yeoman of German Tp, Fayette Co Pa & Elizabeth, his wife of 1st part & James Brown of same Tp for consideration of £427 conveys part of tract of land in Menallen & German Tps called Farmingham for which a deed of confirmation issued to sd Frame Feby 25, 1786 by the Com of Pa beginning in line of John Ewing, thence by John Frame & the heirs of James Wilson or Thompson ctg 85 a 10 6/10 P signed Thomas Frame, Elizabeth (her mark) Frame. Witnesses: Abraham Stewart, 1*Mary Stewart, Ackd Apr 6, 1797 before Abraham Stewart
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Deed Book I Page 39 Thomas Frame to John Craft Deed dated Mch 19, 1811 between Thomas Frame & Elizabeth, his wife of German Tp, Fayette Co Pa of the first part & John Craft of Greene Co Pa of second part wherein for the consideration of $1850 conveys following described pt of tract of land called Farmingham situate in German & Menallen Tps, Fayette Co Pa for which a patent of Confirmation was granted sd Frame Feby 25, 1786 by the Com of Pa. Beginning at James Brown's land, thence by James Frame, Lacy Hibbs, James Findley & William Thompson & by James Brown (being above part of Farmingham tract) ctg 184 1/2 acres & allowance of 6% for roads. Thomas Frame, Elizabeth (her mark) Frame. Witnesses: Charles Porter, Robert Shirly, Nathan Couch, Ackd Mch 19, 1811 before John Downard J.P. Recorded May 30, 1812.

In looking for the reference in Deed Book C, the old elongated one, I noticed on Deed Book C Page 278:

A mortgage dated July 29, 1797 given by Daniel Maricle late of Berks Co Pa now of Uniontown Pa Hatter of one part & John Wood of Uniontown Pa merchant & saddler to secure two obligations to sd wood for £580 each for £290 payable on Sept 15 next & one in Apr? following pledges parts of two lots (they are 4 & 5?) on north side of Elbow St in Jacobs Addition beginning at East corner of lot No 5 sold to Christian Wireman, thence northward at right angles 15 ft
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to Peter St, thence by same Eastward 80 ft 8 in to corner of lot lately sold to Heckman? thence southward at right angles (then follows a long description along alley) patented in 1788 to Jacob Beeson as Mt Vernon & by him & wife conveyed in 1790 to Dr Henry Chapees, who with Sarah, his wife on Mch 25, 1793 conveyed same to John Savary, who on Nov 7, 1794 conveyed same to John Wood who with Elizabeth, his wife, by deed dated equal herewith conveyed same to Daniel Maricle. Mortgage signed Daniel Maricle, John Wood. Witnesses Alex McClean, Joseph Lewis Ack Nov 7, 1797 before Robert Moore.

On July 25, 1800, just 123 yrs ago today, John Wood ackd payt in full & signs the record John Wrood.

Just following this, is deed fr sd John Woods to Daniel Maricle.
Deed Book C Page 280 is Plan about Williamsport enlarged by new addn as New Geneva & signed by Albert Gallatin. Look up.
Deed Book C Page 282 is a deed from Frederick Stoever of Lebanon Pa. Look this up.
Also look up the Deed Book C P 283 for that Thomas Frame conveyance.
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I arranged with Geo W. Brown for him to go with me next week to see Jim Rothermel at Cheat Haven, his wife's nephew & to George Moser's at Rubles Mills who he said is 85 & the best informed man out there. I found Cousin Minnie L. Redburn in bed from a disordered stomach when I was there 5 to 6 PM. Mrs Luther Keck, with her mother, sister & niece came out at 8:11 PM & Luther came at 10 & took them home at 10:33 PM. My scales showed them weighing:

Mrs Margaret Keck of Uniontown Pa 107 lbs

Mrs Edith Lender, her sister of Monessen Pa 89 lbs

Mrs Samuel Smith, her mother of West Newton 98 lbs

Miss Margaret Frances Munnia, her niece aged 6 of Ingram Pa 40 lbs

Miss Kate Smith aged 92 of Dormont Pa 95 lbs

Mrs Augusta Pallini of Oak Hill 114 lbs

Luther Keck of Uniontown Pa 207 lbs

JVT of Oak Hill 193 lbs

Cousin Kate said she wanted to tell me about the Browns & said that Rebecca Rothermel, wife of Jacob who her Cousin Kate Brown sd today had only died a year ago, had told that G. Wash Brown & Rev B.F> Brown were sons of Joshua Brown by a hired girl that lived with him (this was Jennie Akers) who he put in a little house up the mountain & she lived to be about a hundred yrs old. She sd she asked her Cousin Kate Brown today if her father in law had any brothers & sisters except "Wash" & she said "yes, lots of them."

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She said too, that Rev B.F. Brown was about to marry a second wife & she demanded that he deed her the farm before she would marry him & he couldn't do that as he had already deeded it to his son Geo W., who I was to see today. However, he went every Saturday night to see her, taking her all manner of things to eat in his buggy each week. I told her about the Daniel Maricle find & that of Frederick Stoever. Speaking of them, she said Gen Joseph Markle said Mrs Stoever was his Aunt & that one of her daughters married a Rohland & the elder Philip Rohland who came out to West Newton had often said that he & Cyrus P. Markle were second cousins.

She said Cyrus Markle of Gasper who was a fine man, had gone with & courted her Cousin Kate Rothermel (now Brown) for several years before they moved to Fayette Co.

Speaking of Daniel Maricle, who I thought was a son of one of great grandfather's brothers, she said her grandmother, wife of Peter Rothermel, had told her that two of the Markle brothers who were fine men, used to come every week to see her father, Capt Conrad Stenger, when she was a young girl. They lived not far above where he lived. I think he had bought great grandfather Casper Markle's farm.

It is now 3:15 AM 26th & I will go to bed. JVT

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