Josiah V. Thompson Family Record Uniontown, Pa Vol

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Elizabeth Markle, B Jany 26, 1862 ob Aug 14, 1863

Rosetta Markle, B Mch 3, 1865 m. Oct 26, 1887 at Honesdale Pa by Rev L.O. Gernell, a Baptist minister aged 80 yrs to Eugene Charles Dunning who was born Sept 30, 1865 at Panpack, Wayne Co Pa on this side of the River, the son of Benjamin R. Dunning & his wife Clarissa Downs & both living now at 1223 Dyberry Place Honesdale Pa where I am writing & she & her mother are my informants

Florence Harrison Dunning, B Nov 6, 1888 at Hawley Pa, graduated as valedictorian of high school & graduated with first honor fr State College in 1912 & is now Supt of Gurney Electric Elevator Co here, unmarried.

Arthur Newton Dunning, B June 30, 1891 at Hawley Pa ob Nov 14, 1892 at Hawley Pa

William Arthur Markle, B July 14, 1876 ob Oct 11, 1879

Earl E. Markle, B Mch 26, 1883, ob Nov 6, 1890
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AT residence of Saml Edgar Corbett No 203 Colfax Ave Scranton Pa Sept 20, 1923 8 PM

Mr Corbett says that Rev Emmons when Pastor of Sewickly Church thought that Polly Bell's history should be written up so he interviewed her got the facts from her & wrote it down & that history is now in the hands of Mrs Col Null of Greensburg Pa Col M.F. Null was once Prottonotary & is now clerk to the commissioners at Greensburg Pa. Mrs Null is a daughter of Wm T.N. Bell & hence a first cousin of Mary Delnora Corbett & she will be able to give the record of her father's family. See Page 58

Mr Corbet is a salesman for the H.J. Heinz Co Pittsburgh Pa

He says there is a Finley & Co Dry Goods store opposite Hotel Casey but he heard some Jews had bought it. The telephone book gives a Joseph Finley 312 Mulberry St 7 8102 J. Mr C. called them up & Mr Finley had gone to a movie & we made appointment for them to see me at 8:30 in the morning.

Leaving at 8:40 PM

Left at 9 PM

Both he & his wife wanted me to stay all night with them, but I told them I had work here I must do.

Apr 29, 1924, they gave me the dates etc entered in above colored ink in table on page 58.

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From page 213

He was a very good Christian Man & I told them I would like a picture of him for my book. He was very much beloved & had hosts of friends. Mrs Markle said that abt a week after his death, a Mr. Markle came from Hazleton Pa to see her, but she was feeling so badly that she gave him no information & I inferred did not treat him cordially, hardly civilly & got no information, nor gave any. They both insisted on my going to Middletown, NY to see Leah Hoffman, saying she could give the information. Mrs Markle had written down the names of her husband's 2 bros & 4 sisters, but did not remember who they married. Mrs Dunning sd she had written down these names too, as told her by her father shortly before he died giving their married names & she says the girls were all married. The paper she wrote it on is she thinks boxed up at the barn. She says she will try to find it & I left her my address to write me if she did. She sd she wanted a book & sd her husband also worked for the Gurney Elec Elev Co. I left in the rain at 4:10 PM & walked across the River & at 4:25 Pm got the 4:30 Bus for Carbondale where I arrived at 5;25 & took the 5:30 PM train on the D & H road arriving here at 6:30 PM. A man named Geo Miller who got on the bus at Honesdale Pa sd the River I crossed there was the Lackawaxen & that the Dyberry River flowed in it at Honesdale & it flowed into the Delaware River 25 miles below.

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Room 809 Hotel Casey, Scranton Pa Sept 20, 1923 11 PM

Last night, I looked through the first twenty one names in the Scranton Telephone Book for Apr 1923 viz:

Bohemia, Boyds Mills, Brooklyn, Canadensis, Carbondale, Centre Moreland, Clarks Summit, Conynham, Cresco, Dallas, Dalton, Dushore, Factoryville, Freeland, Galilee, Glen Summit, Gouldsboro, Hallstead, Hamlin, Harveys Lake, & Hawley & find no Carothers, Finley, Jack, Kilgore, Markle, Redburn, or Rothermel listed. At the next name however:

Hazleton Pa is: Tel

Jack, Rev R.B. r 209 W. Diamond Av 325 J

Markle, Alvin r 321 W. Broad 729

Markle Banking & Trust Co 8 W Broad *530

Markle, Charles r 411 E. Chestnut 594 J

Markle, George B. Jr off. 227 E. Broad 6

Markle, George B. & Conyngham Pass 961

No Caruthers, Finley, Kilgore, Redburn or Rothermel

Nothing in Honesdale or Huntingdon Mills but in:

Kingston, Luzerne Cp Pa, I find:

Finley, Thomas Jr r 852 Thomas Westmoore 7233 W

Finley, Thomas Sr r 131 Pringle 8183 R

Markle, Chas T. r 110 S. Bennet Door 8060 J

Markle, J.F. r 292 Wyo Ave 8547

Rothermel, Earl D. r 519 Market 8837 W

Nothing of the other names. Kingston has pop of 8592 & is on the D.L.&W & Lehigh Valley RR & I must go there. It is on the way to Hazleton. Nothing at:

Laceyville, Lackawaxen, Lake Ariel, Lake Como, McAddo, Mehoopany, Meshoppen, Montrose, Moosic, Moscow, Mt Pocono & Mulenburg, but at:

Nanticoke, I find:

Finley, Miss Helen D. r 228 Center Wanamie 164 R 13, but nothing else & nothing in Narrowsburg NY but in

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Newfoundland Pa I find:

Kilgore, L.A. r Greentown 15 G

Nothing else & nothing at:

Nicholson, Nuangola, Nuremburg, Olyphant, Pittston, Pleasant Mouth, Plymouth, Pocono Lake, Prospect Hill & Ricketts, but at:

Scranton Pa, I find:

Caruthers, F.D. High Grade Investments Scr Life Bldg 3227

Caruthers, Frank D. r 517 Arthur Av 7 1133 4

Caruthers, Mrs Wayne, r 825 Pine 7 7093

Finley, The Co Dry Goods 510 Lacka Av *4111

Finley, Joseph r 312 Mulberry 7 8102 J

Kilgour, W.H. r 1717 Church Av 7 8798 W

Nothing else, but at:

Shickshinny Pa, I find:

Markle, C.W. undertaker Union 38 R 26

nothing else nor anything at:

South Canaan, Starrucca, Susquehanna, Taylor & Tunkhannock, but at:

Wapwallopen, I find:

Markle, Miner r Hetlerville 28 1

nothing else nor at:

Weatherly or White Haven, but at:

Wilkes Barre Pa, I find:

Finley, C.A. r 62 E. Market 5180 J

Killgore, J.E. Reese r 16 Sturdevant 4288

Killgore, Reese S r 16 Sturdevant 4288

Rothermel, Mrs Daniel r 60 Oak 45330J

Rothermel, Thomas J. r 270 1/2 Carey Av 2688 R

nothing else nor at:

Wilsonville, Wyalusing or Wyoming

JVT 2 AM 21st
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Scranton Pa Hotel Casey Room 809 Sept 21, 1923 10:25 AM

I got up at 7 Am, got my breakfast at 7:30, read the paper & took a taxi to see Joseph Finley at 312 Mulberry St & was admitted by his wife a short stocky handsome blonde young matron who took me upstairs where I met him, a dark swarthy Italian. He explained that he was born abt 20 miles fr Naples & brought to America by his mother when 2 yrs old & his name was Fingliette which he Americanized to Finley, so I did not want anything further from him. Was there 8:30 to 8:36 AM & then walked around to the Finley dry good store No 510 Lackawanna Ave & was cited to Mr Bingham who had been with store 45 yrs. He said the founder of the store was Pierce B. Finley who died at Los Angeles Calif in Nov 1918 & was brought here for burial in the Dunmore Cemetery. His only surviving relative in the family was a daughter, Margaret Finley who married an Adams & was living at no 925 Scarf5* St, Los Angeles Calif, write Moses A. Baird & have him interview her. I arrived at the store at 8:44 & left at 8:54 AM

I then came across to the Hotel & went down the other st a square to the Scranton Life Bldg & at 9 Am was at Room 229 with name of National City Co on the door. Entering, I found Frank Davis Caruthers at his desk, a fine urbane young man who was very courteous, had lived abt Pgh & heard of me quite often.
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He said his father was Thomas Fillmore Caruthers who died in Phila Pa in 1909 aged upwards of 60 yrs. He was the son of Jason Caruthers who had lived at Coopersville near Christiana Lancaster Co Pa where he died. He, Jason, had one brother Frank, that my informant knew of. He was of the Irwin Pa family where two of his sons & his widow, a 2d wife lives & the sons there would be best fitted to give information about that branch. Mrs Wayne Caruthers, living here at 825 Pine is the widow of Wayne, who was the youngest son of Frank. My informant says his brother Eugene W. Caruthers to whom he gave me a letter of introduction, who works for the Penna RR Co at Broad St Sta Phila Pa got up a family tree a few yrs ago & he says he has a chart & can materially aid me. He sd to inquire for him at the Genl offices. Frank D., my informant said he was born in Phila Pa, Jany 19, 1891. His brother’s home is at a suburb of Phila where he has his records. Left at 9:35 AM

I then went to several stores on that St & at last got a Rand McNally NY book at Reismanis. Then came to my room & called up W.H. Kilgour's res 1717 Church Av No 7 8798 W & a lady fr NY visiting there said he had gone to his silk mill on Market St but being a stranger she did not know his number. Called at 10:05 & rang off at 10:08 AM yesterday. I noticed this side of Seelyville, a mile west of Honesdale, a big farm, mostly north of the road & extending 2 miles west of Seelyville, which was entirely fenced with stones, gathered fr the fields.

Leaving 11:27 AM for Wilkes Barre Pa
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Luzerne Co Pa Court House, Registers office No 25 2d floor. Wilkes Barre Pa Sept 21, 1923 1:27 PM

Will Index

*Markle, George B. Hazleton City 1914 Book 34 Page 361

*Finley, Martin, Larksville Boro 1915 Book 35 Page 412

*Finley, Patrick, Ross Tp 1904 Book X Page 558

*Finley, Robert, Hanover Tp 1896 Book P Page 284

*Finley, Timothy, Wilkes Barre City 1887 Book K Page 39

There are no other wills of above name & none of a Caruthers, Jack, Kilgore, Redburn, or Rothermel.

The first will recorded in Book A Page 1 is that of Solomon Finch dated Sept 3, 1786 & probated Sept 24, 1787 before Timothy Pickering Register.

1. Will Book P page 284

Will of Robert Finley of Hanover Tp states he is sick. Gives to wife Julia A. Finley the use of his entire estate with power to devise it as she sees fit among my children. Proviso that is she marries again & has children from such marriage, none of his estate is to go to those children. Appoints wife Exr & dated Dec 27, 1895 signed

Robert Finley

States the date of his death was Dec 28, 1895 at 7 AM

Will proven Jany 2, 1896
2. Will Book X Page 558

Will of Patrick Finley of Ross Tp states 1st Gives to son Peter Finley my farm of 50 A

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on which I now reside reserving to wife Ellen the income of same during her life.

2d gives to sons John and Michael & daughters Ellen & Catherine each $10 to be paid by son Peter after death of wife Ellen.

3d to wife Ellen all personal property, but if anything is left at her death to go to Peter. Appoints Peter Exr. Signed Patrick (his mark) Finley Dated Mch 14, 1904

Date of his death Apr 1, 1904

Will proven Dec 21, 1904
3. Will Book K Page 39

Will of Timothy Finley Labor of City of Wilkes Barre Pa

2d wills son James Finley $1.

3d wills to daughter Mary E. Melvin during life one house & lot in Wilkes Barre called the old homestead on Wood St no 187 & at her death to go to her children now in being.

4. To daughter Bridget Kinney house & lot at corner Wood & RR Sts Wilkes Barre now numbered 186 Wood St during life & at her death to her children now in being.

5. To daughters Bridget & Mary the rents of house No 185 upon RR St & at their deaths to go to their children that are now in existence.

Makes sd daughters & their children residuary legattees as above.

Appoints Mary E. Melvin Exrx Apr 4, 1887 signed

Timothy (his mark) Finley

died Apr 16, 1887 at 6:30 PM

Will probated May 4, 1887
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4. Will Book 35 Page 412

Will of Martin Finley of the Bor of Larksville

Gives $50 to be used by Exrs for purpose of having mass

Gives $50 for head stone at grave

Gives to wife Ann Finley all my R.E. for life & at her death to be divided equally between my eight children, Edward, Ellen, Margaret, Michael, Lizzie, Theresa, Thomas & Martin

Gives bals after above $100 is paid 1/3 to Ann Finley & bals equally to 8 children & appoints sons Edward & Michael Exrs. Dated June 9, 1910 signed Martin X Finley

Date of Death June 9, 1915

Proven July 7, 1915

5. Will Book 34 Page 361

Will of George B. Markle of No 488 of 1914. A declaration of trust made by Geo B. Markle of the City of Hazleton, Co of Luzerne Pa of & concerning the estate & property bequeathed by George B. Markle Sr in his last will dated Oct 28, 1886 & probated at Phila Pa which reads as follows:

"And upon the further trust, that in the event of the death of any of my children leaving lawful issue, that my exrs & trustees shall immediately grant assign & convey such share of the principal of my estate so specifically devised or which may hereafter accrue to them in trust for the use of such child by virtue of the provisions of this my will unto the child or children and child of [sic] children of any deceased child or children of mine, in such manner & form & such share & proportion & for such estates & interests, either in trust or absolutely as my said
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child by any instrument in writing in the nature of a last will & testament, whether covert or sole may direct, limit & appoint & for want of such appointment, then in trust to grant, assign & pay the same unto all the children & grandchildren of my said deceased child ( the issue of such child taking the share their parent would have taken if living) in equal shares & propositions"

I hereby declare it to be my will that such estate & property as shall remain at my death shall be held in trust to keep the same safely invested & after deducting the expenses of the trust to pay the income thereof to my son George B. Markle quarterly for the period of 21 yrs after my decease & at the end of such period to transfer & pay him the principal thereof. In case he shall die before the end of such period, leaving a child or children, or issue of any such child or children, then the said principal sum shall be paid to such child or children or their issue absolutely any issue to take his or her parents share. In case my said son die before the end of said period, leaving no child or children, or the issue of any child or children surviving him then the said principal sum shall go to & be vested in the lawful heirs of my said son absolutely.

During the sd period of 21 yrs, the income payable to my sd son shall not be subject to any of his debts, liabilities or engagements theretofore contracted or which may at any time, thereafter be contracted nor to any attachment or execution in any way whatever.

I hereby appoint Charles Barden Adamson of Phila Trustee of this will, directing that in all things pertaining to the trust, he shall consult

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my said son before final action.

Witness my hand & seal this Mch 22, 1897 Geo B. Markle (seal)

Witnesses: Edwd F. James S.A. Barber
Date of Death July 11, 1914

Proven July 22, 1914 & Chas B. Adamson & Geo B. Markle Jr were granted letters of Adm C.T.A. (there being no Exr named in the will) C.J. Gallagher Register

Leaving 3:33 PM
Hotel Sterling Room 420 Wilkes Barre Pa Sept 21, 1923 8:37 PM

I left Scranton Pa on the trolley at 12 o'c noon for this place & arrived here shortly after 1 o'c coming through Pittston & was driven to this hotel, got this room & walked up to the Court House & although the County seems to have been started in 1787, there were no records of our people being here at an early day & all the records I took which are inconsequential are noted on pages 222 to this 226.

After finishing there, I walked back to the Hotel & got direction from the porter to go out to E. Market from here & then to come back to the square & take "Plymouth" car for Carey Ave & would get Sturdevant & Oak there too. I penciled down at all of the four places & will now transcribe it.
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At residence of Mrs C.A. Finley No 62 E. Market St, Wilkes Barre Pa Sept 21, 1923 4:11 PM

Mrs Finley's mother, a short, stout pleasant faced woman admitted me at head of stairs & said Mr Finley had died & then called her daughter who is a large heavy woman of medium height. She said her husband:

Clinton Albert Finley was born in Newark NJ Feby 10, 1859 & died here Nov 18, 1922 after six years of sickness from paralysis during which he was reduced from 205 lbs to 90. He was a large round faced handsome man. He was son of Richard Finley from Scotland & his wife Eliza Stephens from the North of Ireland. She thinks Richard came to America abt 1854 or 1855. He had a brother who settled in Chicago Ills & became wealthy. Richard died in Newark NJ long before she & C.A. were married aged probably 60 yrs. C.A. had no full brothers or sisters but had a step sister.

He, C.A., married 1st Nettie Dennis, who died abt 1899 in Newark NJ & left one child, a daughter Edith Finley now aged about 33 yrs. She is married, but Mrs F. don't know to whom. Last she heard she was living with her mother's folks in Newark NJ.

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C.A. Finley married 2d Nov 2, 1901 at New York by Rev Newton to Miss Minerva G. Aldrich, my informant, daughter of Burton Aldrich & his wife Mary Eagels who was born at Fall River Mass Apr 20, 1878. No issue. They joined the Methodist Church together.

Left 4:25 PM

I then walked back to the Park Circle & took a Plymouth Car to Carey Av getting off at the Riverside Hospital & turning to the right, walked out Carey Av & found NO 270 1/2 a nice frame cottage home in the rear of No 270 & was:
At residence of Thomas Jefferson Rothermel No 270 1/2 Carey Ave Wilkes Barre Pa Sept 21, 1923 5 PM

Mr Rothermel was born Nov 8, 1871 at Parryville Carbon Co Pa, the son of William Wilson Rothermel & his wife Matilda Widener. Wm W. Rothermel died in Lehighton, Carbon Co Pa Apr 28, 1923 & was buried May aged 89 yrs 5 mos & 7 days having been born Nov 21, 1833, he thinks in Fleetwood or that vicinity. He died at the home of his youngest son Horace Albert Rothermel who lives at No 431 N 3d St Lehighton Pa & works at the Lehigh Valley RR round house.

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There was a bible with record in it & if it is not at Horace A's it is with their sister, Mrs Harvey Swartz who lives at 146 Jamestown St in Jamestown outside the city of Lehighton but a part of it.

Wm W. Rothermel had a sister who was considerably younger than him & who was very sick when he died. Her name was Rebecca, but he don't know her married name. She lives, if living at Friedensberg or Fleetwood Pa but Mr R's brother James Henry Rothermel, living at Manch Chunk Pa, right by the Opera House, an Insurance Agt, can tell where she is & her name & can give fuller information abt the family. Just before his father's death, he was down among the people at Fleetwood & hunted up the family records which he has. Wm W. had a brother, Henry Rothermel who lived on N 3d St Lehighton where he died abt a yr ago aged abt 76. His wife died shortly after he did. No issue.

Another brother, Charles was killed in the Civil War.

Another sister, Susan married a Moyer a butcher in Reading Pa. He don't know whether she is dead or not. He says his father had an even dozen children. One of them, Sarah, widow of Wallace W. Hottenstein lives at Weispport just across the River from

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Lehighton Pa

Another brother of my informant, Daniel Jonathan Rothermel lives a half mile fr here at No 60 Oak St. Thos J. Rothermel was married Dec 15, 1892 at Lehighton Pa by Rev J.H. Kuder, a Lutheran preacher to Susan Brunner, daughter of Henry Brunner & his wife Katharine Schmidt who was born in Germany Dec 12, 1871. Both are living here. Mr R. is a track foreman on the Delaware & Hudson & has lived here abt 35 yrs, coming from Lehighton Pa. No issue, which he says is strange as his parents had a dozen children & his wife's mother had seventeen. He says his father "was a horse", "could stand anything, always had good health, always worked, was a carpenter & his only sickness was the last four days of his life".

Leaving 5:40 PM

He said he had a letter a few yrs ago from a Mr Verpue of Logansport Ind asking abt the family history & saying his mother was a Rothermel. I then walked back along Carey Ave & was soon:

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At residence of Daniel Jonathan Rothermel No 60 Oak St Wilkes Barre Pa Sept 21, 1923 6 PM

Mr R says his father's bible is with his sister, Louisa Swartz, wife of Howard (called Harvey for a nickname) Swartz & she lives at Jamestown which is a part of Lehighton Pa

Mr R. was born in Shamrock, Berks Co Pa not very far from Fleetwood on Aug 25, 1858, son of Wm W. Rothermel, who was son of "Lafe" or Lafayette Rothermel. He never remembers seeing his grandfather & thinks he died before D.J. was born. He remembers seeing his grandmother Rothermel 45 yrs ago in 1878, when he was back there on a visit when 20 yrs old. Just after he had lost his left arm. She was living in the old stone house (the homestead of her husband who was a farmer) in Pricetown, which is abt two miles from Fleetwood Pa. Her daughter Rebecca lived with her mother at that time & was not then married, but has married since. (His brother, James H. can tell her name & where she lives) & lives near Pricetown. Mr R's brother Jim is an Ex shff of Carbon Co & is an auctioneer & a great talker. He is a yr older than D.J. D.J. does not

know of any brothers or sisters of his grandfather

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His father's brothers & sisters were:

1. Charles, who was shot & killed by a sharpshooter on his way home after the Civil War was closed. He thinks he was unmarried.

2. Henry, who died in Lehighton Pa without issue.

3. Hannah married to a Moyer in Reading Pa. Thinks she is dead.

4. Rebecca, married but don't know who

5. Mary, married, but don't know who

Mr Rothermel was married Aug 1, 1893 in Wilkes Barre Pa by Squire Cruger To Sarah Jane Marsh, dau of Elias Marsh & his wife Sarah Miller, who was born in Freemansburg, Northampton Co Pa Aug 15, 1870. No issue. He came to Wilkes Barre June 1, 1891 from Manch Chunk Pa & started in then as a switch tender on the Delaware & Hudson RR & is still at the same switch & is also telephone operator & has never had an accident & the officials give him the palm for a wonderful record. He lost his left arm Apr 27, 1878 by an accident on the Lehigh Valley RR. He & his brother T.J. have each been married but once. Says his father's people were Methodists & he himself goes to the M.E. Evangelical Church on Dana St & his brother Tom J. goes to the Lutheran Ch which is his wife's faith. D.J. talks with a decided Dutch accent.

Left 6:33 PM

& walked over to the:
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Residence of J. Evans Reese Killgore No 16 Sturdevant ST Wilkes Barre Pa Sept 21, 1923 6:52 PM

Mr Killgore had just gone out, but his son Reese S. Killgore was at home & said he was born June 14, 1895 at New Columbus, Columbia Co Pa which is near to Berwick Pa, the son of John? Evans Reese Killgore whose father Rev James Langdon (or Lanning?) Killgore, was a Methodist preacher & named his sons all for Methodist preachers & they all have three front names. He had eleven children & I think seven sons.

Reese don't know what the name of Rev James L's father was, but says he was a mfr of oil cloth at Frederick City Md. He says his grandmother Killgore lives in Phila Pa, her name being Anna Kilgore & she is up in the 70's, hale & hearty having had 11 children & has followed six of them to their graves. She moved just recently. Her husband was a surgeon & dentist in the Civil War & gave up both & went into the ministry & was an A.B., D.D. & L.L.D. Reese S. is a musician, Clerk in the U.S. Internal Revenue office, Deputy Shff etc. He was in the Greenwich Village Follies Co a few yrs ago & in a town out in Illinois saw a political ad of a James Langdon Killgore who was running for Shff. His father is coming tomorrow night to see me. Left at 7:11 PM, he’s driving me in, in his auto. It is now 7:50 AM 22d
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Room 420 Hotel Sterling Wilkes Barre Pa Sept 22, 1923 5:36 PM

I got up at 7 o'c this morning, got my breakfast & read the Phila North American from which I noticed the death on Thursday 20th inst of Jasper Augustine, aged 70 at Addison Pa of acute indigestion. I then took a street car in front of this hotel, crossed the Susquehanna River & was soon in Kingston Pa & got off at Kingston corners & walked back Market St to No 519 (7:40 PM, I had just gotten to here at 5;45 PM when Earl D. Rothermel called on the phone & I went right over, was there 55 minutes, caught a car & came right back, paid my bill have had my dinner & will now pack up & continue this record when I get to Hazleton Pa as I am leaving on the 8:30 PM trolley)

Room 115 Hotel Loughran, Hazleton Pa Sept 22, 1923 10:08 PM

I left Wilkes Barre at 8:30 PM on the Wilkes Barre & Hazleton Rwy Co (Trolley) & arrived here at 9:35 PM just around the corner from this hotel. Sat with Frank McDade who said he had lived here 42 yrs & knew Geo B. Markle Sr & knows his sons. I will not continue transcribing what records I scratched off hurriedly today, using the hours of conference as if written originally in this book commencing where I was stopped at line 14 above & was:

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At residence of Earl D. Rothermel No 519 Market St Kingston Pa Sept 22, 1923 9 AM

I went up the back steps to the rear of their apartment & Mrs Rothermel came to the door & said her husband had gone to Scranton Pa this morning. She sd he was 34 yrs old, was the son of James & that they came here recently from Reading Pa. She sd he wd be back at 5 PM this evening & for me to call then.

Left 9:05 AM

I then walked back to the corners & turning to the right walked out Wyoming Ave to No 292 & was:

At Residence of Fred J. Markle 292 Wyoming Ave, Kingston Pa Sept 22, 1923 9:18 AM

Fred is a fine capable young fellow, rather tall & slender with good address & demeanor & his wife who came in his store from the house in same building was a small handsome sweet looking little girl. He is an electrician & the store is full of electrical supplies, lamps, globes etc.

He said his father was Minor Dodson Markle, living near Hetlerville Pa. To reach him he sd to get off the RR from Hazleton at Zenith Sta & go to Shaffers Church & turn up a lane by the graveyard & continue to or near Nescopeck, he living abt two miles fr Zenith Sta & abt 54 yrs old, was
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born in Briar Creek Tp, near Berwick Pa the son of Conrad Markle. He said Conrad's father was killed when Conrad was abt 8 yrs old & his mother dying abt the same time left him an orphan.

Fred sd his full name was:

Frederick Joseph Markle born May 31, 1889 in Berwick Pa & married July 25, 1912 at Nescopeck Tp, Luzerne Co Pa to Della Kocher who was born in Plymouth Pa Mch 16, 1891. Have had three children, two living & one dead viz:

1. Ruth Anna Markle born Mch 16, 1914 ob Mch 19, 1914

2. Mildred Crista Markle born Oct 3, 1915

3. Betty Jean Markle born Aug 5, 1921

Mrs Markle is daughter of Emanuel Kocher & his wife Jennie Oats.

The first two children were born in Plymouth Pa & last one in Berwick Pa where he lived three years until last fall & moved here Sept 1, 1922. Said he started in the electric business when 17 yrs old & left the farm & home when 18 & came to Plymouth where he lived 13 yrs.

He says his grandfather Conrad Markle had 9 sons & 1 daughter & that Fred's Uncle Moses Markle living in Berwick Pa has his father's family bible with record. Fred says C.W. Markle, undertaker at Shickshinny has a brother George living back in the country from Shickshinny Pa who says he is 3d cousin of Fred's & says they are both 3d cousins of the Hazleton Markles.

C.W. & George have sisters, Mrs Chapin

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& Mrs Bender living in the neighborhood. He thinks their father is living. Fred said he wanted a book if it didn't cost too much.

Leaving 10 AM

Fred said when I was leaving that he had a sister living at 101 Stanton Ave Wilkes Barre Pa who has 5 children viz: Florence Blanche Markle, wife of Byron S. Peters a carpenter. Said to take a "Grove & Brown" car at the circle & get off at Stanton St.

I then continued out Wyoming Ave a few sts to Pringle & turning to the left was soon at:

Residence of Thomas J. Finley Sr No 131 Pringle St Kingston Pa Sept 22, 1923 10:15 AM

He was a raw boned man above average size with every appearance of an Irish Catholic which he proved to be & was very uncommunicative & by questioning dragged out of him that his father, James Finley came to the U.S. from County Mayo, Ireland. Says he died in Wisconsin (thinks Iowa Co) abt 1901 (22 yrs ago) aged near 70. He married Mary Moore here in the U.S. She was fr this section. James had a brother, Andrew Finley who died in Ireland, never came to this country. James & Andrew also had some sisters, but they remained in Ireland. His own name is Thomas Joseph Finley & he was

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born Aug 1870 at Larksville Pa this county. Has a brother James & also another brother living in the west. Thomas J. Finley at 85 Thomas Westmoor here is his son so I did not need to go see him. He said they were Catholics.

Left 10:30 AM

I walked back to the Ave & took a street car to S. Bennett St & walking out it, was soon:
At residence of Charles Thomas Markle No 110 S. Bennett St Kingston Pa Sept 22, 1923 10:44 AM

Approaching the house, the porch in front was full of females viz Mrs Markle & four of her seven daughters. Mrs Markle is a heavy set fleshy but handsome woman, was well groomed, & not a wrinkle in her face, but her hair snow white. Her three young unmarried daughters were of her build, but her married daughter, Mrs Pritchard who was there, was slender build & they two & the youngest daughter were my informants. Mr Markle, who is a chauffeur has been down in New Jersey all summer, but is expected home on Wednesday next. His wife says he was born at Winfield, Union Co Pa Apr 2, 1871, the son of John Markle & his first wife, Margaret Shannon who was a sister of Joseph Shannon of Wyoming Pa. John Markle married

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2d a widow who is still living in Williamsport Pa. They said John Markle's sister, Ellen married Joseph Shannon & they live now on Monument Ave Wyoming Pa abt 3 miles north of here. Take a W. Pittston car & get off at beginning of asphalt pavement, entering Wyoming & see Mrs James Allen in a big vine covered frame house at left, right there. She is their daughter & her husband James Allen is a lawyer. They think Mr Shannon has some Markle records. Charles T. Markle was married Jany 12, 1894 at Wilkes Barre Pa by Rev Thornton A. Mills, Presbyterian (which they are) to Mary Frances John, daughter of Robt John & his wife Catharine Rees who was born Aug 9, 1875 at Plymouth Pa & have 7 daughters & no son, the first six born in Wilkes Barre Pa & the youngest in Westmoore, now a part of Kingston, just across the Susquehanna River from here. They never lost any children, who are as follows:

1. Ruth Muriel Markle born July 5, 1895

2. Lauretta Margaret Markle born Dec 10, 1896

3. Hazel Gwendolyn Markle born Feby 17, 1901

4. Mabel Irene Markle born Dec 26, 1903

5. Marion Frances Markle born Apr 25, 1905

6. Charlotte Ida Markle born Feby 2, 1907

7. Jeannette Bowman Markle born Dec 11, 1910

The first four are married & their records follow:

1. Ruth Muriel mar Aug 1, 1917 in Kingston Pa by Rev Bell (Methodist)

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to Norman Ringstrom, son of Alfred Ringstrom & his wife Eva, who was born in Kingston Pa Apr 26, 1895. They live at West Trucksville, Luzerne Co Pa where he is with the Metropolitan Life Ins Co & has a fine home. Have two children viz: both born in Wilkes Barre Pa

1. Alfred Charles Ringstrom born Sept 7, 1918

2. Barbara Clair Ringstrom born May 15, 1923
2. Lauretta Margaret mar July 27, 1916 in Nanticoke Pa by Rev Morgan R. Jones (Welsh Congregationalist) (An Uncle of Mr Prichard) to Harry David Prichard son of Henry H. Prichard & his wife Elizabeth Jones, who was born in Wilkes Barre Pa Aug 26, 1893. They have but one child born in Wilkes Barre viz:

1. Robert David Prichard born Feby 27, 1919.

She is living here with her mother & was my joint informant.
3. Hazel Gwendolyn mar May 27, 1921 (a runaway match) at Scranton Pa by Rev Wm L. Sawtelle to George W. Bonning son of Wm E. Bonning & his wife Gertrude Spencer who was born Oct 30, 1900. No issue. They live near here at 121 Church St. He is an electrician.
4. Mabel Irene mar Jany 2, 1922 at Wilkes Barre Pa by Rev L. Domer Uhish of St John's Lutheran Church to William Frederick Witt son of Carl
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Louis Witt & his wife Marie, who was born in Wilkes Barre Pa Mch 20, 1896 & they have one child: born in Wilkes Barre Pa

1. Charles Paul Witt born July 16, 1923

They live at No 70 W. Pettebone St Forty Fort near here. He is an electrician. Most if not all of these grandchildren who were born in Wilkes Barre Pa were born in the city hospital there to which the mothers repaired for the occasion. They have lived in Kingston Pa since Mch 1908. Mrs Markle thinks (but is not sure) that Chas T's great grandfather & John, Alvin & Geo B's great grandfather were brothers. Says Chas T. resembles the Hazleton Markles.

Charles T. has one brother viz: Lester Eugene Markle living who was in the Spanish American War & has enlisted in the army several times since. They had a card from him last Christmas from Florida. For two yrs before that, he was at Sugar Point, Louisiana & was not then married. He is 10 yrs younger than Charles T. There were only two boys but there were two girls who died young.

Leaving at 11:55 AM

I then walked back to Wyoming Ave & waited half an hour for a car & went to the Allen's & Mrs Allen sd her mother was not a Markle, but her husband drove me to her father's & was soon

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At residence of Joseph Shannon No 565 Monument Ave Wyoming Pa Sept 22, 1923 12:55 PM

Mr Allen took me in & introduced me to Mrs Shannon & went & called Mr Shannon who was working at his chicken coop. He is all bent over in a circle & can't straighten up, resulting from his having fallen five feet years ago & he has spent hundreds of dollars for relief, his internal injuries working serious constipation. Mr Shannon says that John Markle older half brother of his wife & father of Chas T. was first cousin of Geo B. Markle Sr who came from Watsontown Pa & married a sister of the wife of Ario Pardee whose maiden name was Roberts & another sister married a Lilly. The name of John Markle's father was Isaac ("Ike") Markle who was dead before Mr Shannon was born, but who was a school teacher & boarded at Mr Shannon's father's for 5 yrs while teaching school in the vicinity. He took the typhoid fever & died suddenly in three or four days at or near Winfield in Union Co Pa. He was a single man & never married but was engaged to Susannah Stetler, daughter of Nicholas Stetler & his wife Elizabeth Trutt, who was born in Union Co Pa say in 1825 & died in Union Co Pa, abt say in 1825 & died in Union Co Pa, abt a mile from Winfield, where she is buried, in 1873

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aged 49 yrs, who he got in the family way & died three weeks thereafter & John Markle, the natural son of this liaison was born 8 mos & 1 week after his father had died, so Mr Shannon said he had been told by people who knew. John's mother Susannah Stetler married about two yrs after John's birth Mr Samuel Meck, as Mrs Shannon, the oldest child of this union says she was abt 3 yrs younger than her half brother John Markle. Her mother married Meck in Union Co & had 7 children by him & they sd that of her children 4 were living & 4 dead. Mrs Shannon who was the oldest was named Mary Ellen Meck & was born Apr 4, 1850 so she said. They said:

John Markle died at Williamsport Pa aged 52 yrs. His second wife was a widow & has a son living by her first husband & she is still living in Williamsport Pa & her name is Markle as she has never remarried. John Markle's first wife, Margaret Shannon (sister of my informant, Joseph Shannon) was daughter of Joseph Shannon Sr & his wife Harrietta Redding (often called Redman). Margaret was born in Union Co Pa

Mr Shannon reiterates that Geo B. Markle & Isaac Markle were first cousins. Says John Markle was raised by his grandfather Nicholas Stetler
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& that he was a soldier in the Civil War & was confined in Libby Prison for eleven months.

Mr Shannon says he knew Geo B. Markle Sr the coal man, who earlier in life had been a boatman on the Penna Canal & an engineer & was worth eight million dollars when he died. He also boated on the Juniata River & on the canal at White Haven.

Mr Shannon was born in Union Co Pa Jany 11, 1850. He says he learned much about the Markles in his talks with older people but never wrote any of it down. He perhaps is the one man from whom I could have learned about Isaac Markle as above.

His sister, Margaret Shannon Markle died in Williamsport Pa & is buried there. She had four children to John Markle viz:

1. Ida, the oldest, born in 1863 he thinks on Aug 16th was quite a bit older than Chas. Thinks her father was in the war when she was born.

2. Charles Thomas Markle born Apr 2, 1871

3. Jane or Jennie Markle d.y. aged 7 or 8 yrs

4. Lester Eugene Markle, the youngest.

Leaving 1:50 PM

I then walked back to Wyoming Ave & waited abt half an hour for a street car & came direct to the Sterling & then going over to the circle took a "Grove & Brown" car & reached the:

It is now 3 AM 23d & I will go to bed
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Resuming transcribing 8:54 AM 23d
Residence of Byron Scott Peters No 101 Stanton ST. Wilkes Barre Pa Sept 22d 1923 3:20 PM

Mrs Peters, a pretty little cordial girl admitted me & was very much amused when I told her my business. Her boys & girls were all there & she called her husband who was just preparing upstairs to take a bath. They own the property, a two story frame cottage with a fine expansive view from the front. Her name was:

Florence Blanche Markle born Sept 20, 1893 at Nescopeck Tp, Luzerne Pa near the line, a daughter of Minor Dodson Markle & his wife Margaret Stevenson (or Stephenson). She died when Florence was under four yrs old & her father, Minor D. remarried in 1900. He is a son of Conrad Markle. Florence Blanche married Jul6 25, 1912 (being a double wedding with Fred J.) at her father's home in Nescopeck Tp, by Rev C.W. Walck, Reformed Protestant minister. Byron Scott Peters, son of Philip F. Peters & his wife Maria Fenstermacher, who was born at Hobbie, Luzerne Co Pa Jany 9, 1886 & live at this number which they own. He is a carpenter & they have five children & have never lost any viz:

1. Woodrow Minor Peters born Dec 5, 1912

2. Roy Alfred Peters born Dec 19, 1913

3. Ethel May Peters born May 5, 1915

4. Viola Florence Peters born Sept 24, 1917

5. Margaret Anna Peters born Apr 13, 1923.

Woodrow, Roy & Margaret were born in
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Wilkes Barre Pa. Ethel M. born in Dorranceton (now Kingston) Pa & Viola F. born in Forty Fort Pa.

Mrs Peters sister, Margaret Markle married Rufus Yoder & lives half a mile above Zenith Sta in a double block house. She has one child. Stop & get her record when going to see her father. Florence Blanche remembers her grandfather & grandmother Markle & when a little girl, lived with them awhile at their home at Briar Creek Tp. This was before her mother died as she remembers their coming for her, saying her mother wanted to see her before she died & they took her home & she remembers crawling in the bed where her mother lay dying but cannot recall her face or features.

Mrs P's sister Bertha Markle married Whirlie (or Worley?) Walters & they live in Bloomsburg, Columbia Co Pa on Glenn Ave (take a bus) & have two children. He works for the Bloomsburg Traction Co.

Leaving 3:55 PM

Mrs Peters had Ethel May get out a large unframed photo showing a fine family group of her father & step mother's family, in which Minor D. Markle & his wife were seated & showing also Fred J & his full sisters, also his younger half sister & brother with his step mother's son & daughter by her first husband & her first husband's son older by his first wife.

I waited half an hour at corner Grove & Stanton before I got a car back to the Hotel Sterling.

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Phoned J. Evans Reese Killgore No 16 Sturdevant St Wilkes Barre Pa Phone 4288 Sept 22, 1923 at 5:11 PM from Hotel Sterling.

He said he had an engagement to go out this evening & could not come in to the Hotel, but proposed telling me what he could over the phone.

He said his grandfather was Joseph Killgore of Christiana Hundred New Castle Co Delaware & that he dealt in oil cloths at Wilmington & Newport Del. He thinks he was born in Christiana Hundred where he thought his father had settled & probably died. Joseph died there about 1883 to 1885 aged 96 yrs. He mentioned three sons that he had viz:

1. John Killgore who died unmarried.

2. James Langdon Killgore born abt 1832 as he died in 1898 aged 66 yrs. Did not marry until he was 35 yrs old, was a Methodist preacher, although the family were Presbyterians & had 7 boys & 5 girls.

3. Joseph Killgore married but had no issue. His widow Nellie Killgore is living at No 343 Sixth Ave Brooklyn NY & can he says, give the earlier record of the Killgores. Go see her. The elder Joseph had a brother who went west to Ky or Tenn. He says too to write or go see: Miss May Watson Green, Newport Del who is abt his own age 48 or 49 yrs & whose mother was a daughter of the elder Joseph.

Rang off 5:27 PM
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[Fermata mark appears here]

Back at residence of Earl D. Rothermel No 519 Market St Kingston Pa Sept 22, 1920 6 PM

See Pages 234 & 235. Mr R. says his grandfather was Amos Rothermel who settled in Oley Tp Berks Co Pa at or near Friedensburg. He had a farm on the outskirts of Friedensburg & later on started an undertaking establishment in the town, but discontinued that occupation abt 6 or 7 yrs before he died. He was 82 yrs old when he died in 1909 at Friedensburg & is buried in the town. His wife died about 4 yrs before he did. His brother, a very old man is still living in Minersville, Schuylkill Co Pa near the town & is a farmer & has 3 or 4 grown sons. Mr R's father is James M. Rothermel living at 149 Elm St Reading Pa & he can give fuller information abt his father Amos's family.

James M's sister, Mrs Wellington Brumbach, wife of a prominent shoemaker at Friedensburg Pa would have her father, Amos Rothermel's bible as he died at her home.

At 10:50 AM, I went to Church & now back at 12:27 PM

Other children of Amos Rothermel are: John Rothermel living in Berks Co Pa 5 miles North of Reading, along or near the Allentown Pike. Is a farmer, married & has a large family. Earl D. thinks he could tell more about the family than the others & he has a penchant for such things. See him.

Ezra Rothermel, living in Reading Pa thinks
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at 12th & Oley Sts, Meat Market married twice & has 3 or 4 boys & a girl.

James M. Rothermel married Sarah K. Dundore & lives 149 Elm St. Has but two children viz:

1. Annie Dundore Rothermel aged 44 yrs who married Harry M. Keller & lives with her father. Has 3 boys

2. Earl Dundore Rothermel born Apr 26, 1889 in Mt Pleasant (P.O. Obold) Berks Co Pa married Dec 29, 1910 at West Reading Pa by Rev Wm Harr of the Reformed Church to Gertrude Louisa Leinbach dau of Jacob Henry Leinbach & his wife Sallie Ann Klopp who was born in West Reading Pa Sept 13, 1889 & have but one child:

Mildred Leinbach Rothermel born Feby 5, 1915 in Reading Pa who is a large handsome girl in knickers, tall for her age & will weigh 75 lbs as I wd guess by my swinging scales. Mr R. came here from Reading Pa Feby 1, 1923 & is Boiler Inspector for the Travellers Ins Co. Has 8 counties, crossing the line & among others including the Co that Binghamton NY is in. He was a clerk for some years in the Colonial Trust Co Reading Pa in which he sd Abraham H. Rothermel is a director & he gave him the "Pioneer Rothermel" pamphlet which he got out. He is a tall handsome young man I should say 6 ft & his wife is a sweet charming little girl.

Left at 6:55 PM

See page 234. It is now 1 Pm & I have finished transcribing.
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Room 115 Hotel Loughran Hazleton Pa Sept 24, 1923 12:22 AM

After finishing transcribing, I read over a lot of my weeks work & made slips for all up to date at 3;22 PM 23d I called up Alvin Markle Sr & he sd to come to the bank at 10 AM 24th & he would see me. He did not know Charles Markle & sd he was not related. I then concluded to walk out to his residence & upon reaching it, I rang several times & knocked & the lady in the apartment adjoining said she had just seen Mr Markle at the back door & sd for me to walk back that he might be at his daughter Ruth's living in the house on back end of the lot. Walking back over good walks & well kept back yard, I found him at back gate, a man about my height but not so heavy, handsome & intelligent with a finely chiseled face & head, a freight conductor that anyone might well be proud of. When I told him my mission, he at once asked me in the house & we walked in the back way to the:

Residence of Charles Elmer Markle No 411 E. Chestnut St Hazleton Pa Sept 23, 1923 3:50 PM

(I will now transcribe what I penciled down this afternoon & tonight)

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Charles Elmer Markle says his father Daniel Markle aged 75 yrs lives now at No 203 Harrison St Sayre Pa, Bradford Co. He & his wife were here visiting for 7 weeks & spent 3 of them here with Chas E. & only went home last Tuesday 18th inst. Daniel's father, Jonas Markle died in Rush Tp, Schuylkill Co Pa in the Quakake (pro Quawke) Valley when Chas E. was about 15 yrs old, say abt 1894, aged he thinks 74 yrs. He don't now recall any brothers & sisters of Jonas. He gave names of Jonas children as:

1. Jacob Markle. Thinks was killed on RR in Rush Valley, unmarried. He may have him confused with Gideon which see later.

2. Joel Markle. Living in Rush Valley in the farming country P.O. Tamaqua Pa. Lives 8 miles north of Tamaqua Pa in Schuylkill Co Pa & is unmarried. Don't think he wd have his father's bible.

3. Daniel Markle, born Apr 8, 1848 thinks in Rush Valley, married Catharine Warg. Both living as above & have seven children.

4. Missouri Markle, married 3 times & is now a widow. Her present name is Missouri Rose & she lives with her son Oliver Hontz P.O. Bethlehem Pa just outside of town across the bridge toward Allentown Pa. 5 chil. Get her record. Chas thinks she might have her father's bible
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5. Hannah Markle married Swartz & both dead. She died in Phila. Thinks she was more likely to get her father's bible. Her son Oliver Swartz wd know abt his mother's effects. He used to live on Dover St near Girard Ave between 28 & 29 sts. He was a Phila & Reading RR man & got out a yr ago in the strike & has had a little restaurant on Broad St the last year. He is her only child. His last address that Chas E. Knew was 1524 Newkirk St Phila Pa but ask for him at the Drugstore cor 29th St & Girard Ave.

6. Albert Markle. Died in Mahoney City or its outskirts 12 or more yrs ago. Was married, but his widow is living there yet so far as they know. She was a Catholic. Had 4 or 5 children, one of whom Anna is married & living at Bryn Mawr. Go to Mahanoy City & hunt her up.

7. Ellen married 3 times, last husband was Dreisbach who died a yr ago in Reading Pa & she is living there now & is in poor health. She did live at 904 Rose St but moved to West Lawn on the outskirts of the city where Mr & Mrs M. visited her 5 wks ago. She had but 2 chil living a boy & a girl & a little girl died. The son lives at a small town close to Reading Pa.
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8. Elizabeth Markle, daughter of Jonas Markle married Jefferson Day & died at Pottsville Pa. He is dead too. Had 2 chil in Phila Pa 2 in Calif, 1 at Pottsville Pa & 1 in Mahanoy City Pa viz Daniel Day a miner who still lives there & is married.

9. Mrs Krebs a daughter of Jonas Markle died many yrs ago as did her husband & her only child, Frank Krebs is also dead in Reading Pa of the "flu". He was married & they think his widow & her one child a daughter are living in Reading Pa

10. Gideon Markle, son of Jonas Markle was killed on the Lehigh Valley RR in an accident. Was single. Mrs Kline says he was killed just back of their home in the Quakake Valley when a young man & was single.

Chas Elmer Markle was born in Rush Valley Nov 19, 1878 & was married Mch 12, 1902 at Trescokow, Pa, Carbon Co by Rev Sefellen E. Stofflett, Pastor of Reformed Church to Lottie Alice Welsh, daughter of John Franklin Welsh & his wife Elizabeth Mahala Mace who was born in Black Creek Valley Luzerne Co Pa Jany 31 1878. They have never had any children, but have legally adopted a girl, Ruth Seiwell, who was born in Wapwallopen Apr 15, 1902 & was legally adopted when 3 yrs old.

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She was married Aug 21, 1922 to George Seigel son of Charles Seigle [variation in spelling noted] & his wife Ida Wolf who was born in Apr 1903. They have one child:

Charlotte Louise Seigel born Mch 13, 1923 in Hazleton Pa. They live on the back end of this lot.

There are Markles living in Weatherly Carbon Co Pa 10 miles east of here who Mrs M. says are some relation. There are none in Tel Book by name of Markle see page 219.

There is a passenger brakeman on Lehigh Valley RR named Markle aged 35 or 40 living at Delano Pa Schuylkill Co who is a distant relative.

There was a Nathaniel Markle who lived at Shenandoah Pa & died there a few yrs ago rather young & left several children, one of whom, Susie whose first husband, a farmer was killed & her second husband is Jacob Manbeck & both are now living in Ringtown, Schuylkill Co Pa. Nathaniel has a brother Jonas in Shenandoah Pa who was a baker but may not be living yet. Chas E. & wife say they don't know of any relationship to Alvin Markle.

There is a Mrs Shleu (Sarah) (pro Shaloo) who was a Markle

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& who Mr M. thinks was a first cousin of his father who lives in St Joe Mo. Ask Mr M's father as they correspond.

Chas E. Markle says he has been in Hazleton for 24 yrs coming here from Rush Valley & is a freight conductor on the Lehigh Valley RR. It was not him however that went to Honesdale Pa to see Mrs Cornelius Markle. He is 5 ft 7 in tall almost my own height.

Mrs Markle's mother, a heavy set old lady came in. She married the second time, her second husband living but 5 yrs she said. Her name is Mrs Shepperly. Mrs Markle telephoned to her Aunt, Mrs Kline, sister of her father who told them of other relatives of Mr Markle's grandfather Jonas Markle viz that Jonas had:

A sister Rachel Markle

A brother Abraham Markle

A brother Reuben Markle

a Brother Gideon Markle

Sarah Shleu mentioned above is a sister of Nathaniel & they are children of Abraham.

They told me of Mrs Line nee Welsh who gave this information living with her 2d husband C. Bruce Kline aged 63 yrs at 663 N. Vine St Hazleton so I concluded to go see her after supper. They said to take
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any northside car (I took a "Freeland) at the terminal & go to 8th & Alter St turn to right & walk up one square east & she lives on N.E. corner on the inside double house.

They sd Reuben Markle as Mrs Kline told them had 3 daus & a son:

1. Mrs Price dead in Weatherly Pa

2. Mrs Whitehead dead in Altoona Pa

3. Mrs Fritz living in Delano Pa

4. Reuben Jr.

Leaving 5:40 PM

walked back & reached Hotel Loughran at 5:55 PM. Got my supper sharpened up my 8 lead pencils & took the trolley arrived at Mrs Kline's at 7:15 PM & found the house dark. The adjoining neighbors thought she might have gone to church or to see her daughter so I sat down on the front porch & waited an hour & she drove up in an auto & sd she had been to see her daughter who has a young baby. She is a short chunky matronly woman with strong features & invited me in very cordially & I soon learned that she was of the Markle blood, her mother's mother having been Leah Markle, same as my grandmother, sister of Jonas. She said her mother could neither read nor write, but had a wonderful memory & lived to be 82 & was very sorry I had not got here to see her as she knew so much abt the Markles so I was then:

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At residence of Mrs Elmira Elizabeth Kline, No 663 N. Vine St, Hazleton Pa Sept 23, 1923 8:18 PM

Mrs Kline was not able to tell me the name of her grandmother Leah Markle's father, but was sure Daniel Markle of Sayre Pa can tell. She gave me the names of his children, however in the order of their ages, she believing that there were but six as follows:

1. Jonas Markle was she thinks the oldest

2. Gideon Markle was next

3. Abraham Markle was next

4. Reuben Markle was next

5. Rachel Markle was next

6. Leah Markle was next & the youngest.

She said her mother said the Geo B. Markles were related & says there [sic] ancestors came from Holland & that there was a fortune coming to them from Holland. Said the heirs here once hired a man named Andenried from this section who went over to look after it & when he came back he opened up the Andenried Collieries which are still going. Her mother never got any money from there. See Bk 19 P 425.

She has undertaken upon my questioning to give me as far as she knew a list of the descendants of above six viz:

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1. Jonas Markle see pages 251 253 for list given today by Chas E. Markle

2. Gideon Markle, only knows of her mother calling him Uncle "Gede" ie Gideon.

3. Abraham Markle married Susannah Saunders from Phila Pa. He lived in Black Creek Tp, Luzerne Co Pa & was buried Quakake. He went to Raven Run in Northumberland Co to visit his son William but died at the supper table there simply clasping his hands over the top of his head & dying almost instantly, it was thought from a stroke. He was taken back home for burial. This was about 1881 or 1882 when he was in his 60s. His widow survived until abt 20 yrs ago & died in Shenandoah Pa. She give the names of six children they had viz:

1. William Markle, oldest

2. Elizabeth Markle

3. Jonas Markle

4. Abraham Markle Jr

5. Nathaniel Markle

6. Sarah Markle

1. William Markle married & lived at Ravenrun which is in Schuylkill Co Pa & died leaving a big family who are living abt Ravenrun & Shenandoah Pa

2. Elizabeth Markle, married July 10, 1861 Henry Henninger & thinks both are dead. Lived at Ithaca NY. Had 4 children. All live there.

See pages 388 & 458 for genealogical table JVT (Oct 18, 1923)

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[Fermata mark appears here]

3. Jonas Markle, dead married a widow Mrs Julia Whary & thinks went to Pittsburgh Pa & died. Had children Elmer & Harry. His widow is living at Phlanx (is it Phalanx) Sta West Farmington O. He died 2? yrs ago aged 60.

4. Abraham Markle Jr mar Kate Marshall & lived at Mt. Carmel Northumberland Co Pa where he fell down a man way or shaft at the mines & was killed. Had two girls viz:

a. Clara Markle mar Yost & both living at Mt Carmel Pa.

B. Minnie Markle mar Blake. She died at Mt Carmel Pa without issue.

5. Nathaniel Markle married Emma ______. He died at Shenandoah Pa & his wife also. Had a big family. His dau Susie mar 1st a White who was killed prying out a stump when the lever flew back & hit him. Mar 2d Jacob Mondeck. His other daughters Hattie & Mattie married & did live in Phila but don't know husband's names. His only son Nathaniel Jr went thru Girard College, came home when his grandmother was buried 20 yrs ago & then disappeared. He was then abt 20 or 21. Mattie told Mrs Kline over the phone tonight that he had come back.

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6. Sarah Markle married Bill Shleu (pro Shallu) & moved to St Joe Mo where both are living, but are separated. They had but one child, a dau Mabel Shleu who is married but can't recall her husband's name. She has two children.

Mrs Kline called Mrs Mattie Yost at Sugarloaf (Black Creek Tp) Luzerne Co Pa wife of Harvey Yost, who she got out of bed, for much of above data.

4. Reuben Markle married Betsy _____ & lived at Quakake & died there. His wife survived him & married 2d a Van Horn & died here in Hazleton Pa at her daughter Mrs Price's. Reuben had six children their order of ages she thinks were:

1. Elizabeth the oldest

2. Hannah

3. Emma

4. Sybilla

5. Violet

6. Reuben Jr

1. Elizabeth Markle mar Reuben Haldeman & lived at Delano Pa where he died & she married again & went to Chicago Ills where she died "had quite a family"

2. Hannah Markle married Charles Whitehead Both dead. He at Weatherly & is buried at Manch Chunk & she at Altoona & buried at Manch Chunk Pa in a cem which is up on a hill. Have tombstones. Had two boys:

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a. Harry lives at Altoona Pa is mar & is overseer of the water works there.

b. Ed, married & lives at Altoona Pa

3. Emma Markle married Chas Price. Both died here in Hazleton & are buried at Odd Fellows Cem at Tamaqua Pa & probably have markers. Had 4 children 1 girl & 3 boys viz:

a. Iva, a boy mar & lives at Lansford, Carbon Co Pa near Tamaqua Pa. He is a railroad engineer.

b. Charles Price M.D. married a Blakeslee & practices in Phila.

c. George Price a bachelor lives with Charles in Phila

d. Audrey Price, the girl married Raymond Wear & lives at Middletown NY. He is dead & she is a young widow with two children a girl & a boy. She got most of the things from home & no doubt got her parents bible with record.

4. Sybilla Markle married 2d Chas Welsh but no relation of Mrs Kline. They lived at Chicago Ills where both died. Had two children viz by 1st husband mar 1st a Moyer.

a. Alfred Moyer, a blind boy & mar a blind woman. He is a great musician & plays in the churches at Chicago Ills

b. Mattie Moyer mar Harvey Yost

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& lives in Black Creek Tp, Luzerne Co Pa at Sugar Loaf.

Mrs Sybilla was first married to a Moyer & that Alfred & Mattie are children of that Union she says Mattie would know who got Reuben Markle's bible. Her P.O. is Sugarloaf R.D. He is a farmer abt 3 1/2 miles out fr Rock Glen Pa. Have 2 boys & 2 girls viz:

a. Sadie mar Freese Zehner

b. Harold, bachelor at home

c. Orva, married George Landis

d. Samuel at home single

5. Violet Markle married Frank Fritz. He is dead, but she lives at Delano Pa & is up in her 70's. She wd know who got her father's bible. She is the only one of his children living. Ask her what her grandfather Markle's name was. Has 3 children 2 girls & a boy.

a. Anna Fritz, mar Wm Perry

b. Arzilla Fritz mar Ed Tamaris but are not living together as she is in a sanitarium

c. Harold Fritz mar & lives at Allentown Pa. Is a R.E.

lawyer. Had an arm shot off when out hunting when he was 18.

6. Reuben Markle Jr mar Elizabeth _____. Both dead at Delano Pa. "had quite a few children", only 2 boys & 5 or 6 girls. Thinks one boy lives in

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a. Delano name may be Lewis

b. Emma mar Hansen & lives in Tamaqua Pa

c. Martha mar & lives at Delano Pa. Can't recall names of the others.

5. Rachel Markle married Abram Horitz & lived up abt Scranton Pa & died there. She had but one child Abram Kerchner, but don't think she had been married before. I inferred from the way she spoke that he was born out of wedlock. He is a silk hat dude, well fixed & lives in Chattanooga Tenn. He was married & when he came here on a visit, she took up with a darkey coachman & when he went back they divided up fifty fifty & each went their own ways. No issue.

6. Leah Markle, the youngest of the family, married Abram Airgood, a small man of English descent who was born in NJ. They lived in Tamaqua Pa where he died & she then married a man named Shultz. She died at the home of Mrs Kline's mother's Charlotte Welsh, from hasty consumption & was only 38 yrs old & is buried on the hill at Tamaqua Pa probably it is in the Odd Fellows Cem. Shultz died at Bloomsburg Pa & is buried there, she had 3 children by Airgood viz:
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1. Charlotte (the oldest) Airgood

2. Sarah Airgood

3. Deborah Airgood

She had 3 or 4 children by Shultz but they all died in infancy.

1. Charlotte Airgood born Aug 7, 1834 at Pottsville Pa & mar Oct 14, 1849 when in her 16th yr in Tamaqua Pa by Rev Shellhamer Reformed Church minister to Reuben Welsh, son of John Welsh & his wife Elizabeth _____ a big red headed Irish girl who was born Jany 18, 1827 & died July 18, 1864 in the 14 days battle. See Page 274. He fell over from exhaustion on the battlefield & was taken to the Brooklyn NY Hospital where he died. He was born in Black Creek Tp. She died Apr 19, 1916 here in Hazleton, just catecornered across the street fr here at 658 N. Vine St & is buried in the Vine St cem here. Had 7 children, 4 living & 3 dead viz: see pages 601 2

a. Levi Henry Xavier Welsh. He lives in Hazleton Pa on East Juniper St, married twice & has 8 chil by 1st wife & 2 by 2d wife. Lives back of Primitive Meth Ch

b. John Franklin Welsh dead, mar Elizabeth Mahala Mace & had 2 children:

a. Charlotte Alice mar Chas E. Markle

b. Ellsworth Franklin Welsh married Agnes Payne on Aug

10, 1904 & lives Nesquehoning Carbon Co Pa 7 have 2 boys:

A. Harold born Nov 10, 1905

B. William Franklin born July 13, 1910 school boys

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c. Eli Welsh, died in infancy

d. Crumy, a boy died aged 2 yrs

e. Elmira Elizabeth Welsh born in Black Creek Tp Apr 22, 1861 & is my good informant of over 3 hours session tonight. m.1st Mch 13, 1880 at Conyngham Pa by Rev Clemens of Reformed Church to Abram Rynard Hauze, son of John Hauze & his wife Phoebe Rittenhouse who was born in Black Creek Tp July 12, 1852 & died from Hydrophobia from a dog bite Jany 11, 1896 in Black Creek Tp. M.2d Nov 20, 1899 at Andenried Pa by Rev Jenkins Pres to Chauncey Bruce Kline son of Leonard Kline & his wife Margaret Wenna who was born in Fishing Creek Columbia Co Pa near Berwick Pa July 14, 1873. She has had six children all by her first husband & no issue by Kline:

A. Ada Reberta Hauze, born June 21, 1881 died May 15, 1882

B. Phoebe Charlotte Hauze, born Oct 4, 1883 died Nov 11, 1883

C. Agatha Hauze, born Jany 29, 1886

D. Susan MoDelle Hauze, born July 6, 1888, died Jany 29, 1892

E. Mildred Martine Hauze, born Nov 11, 1890

F. Rolland Eliott Hauze, born May 23, 1894

C. Agatha Hauze mar May 12, 1908 at St Paul's Church Hazleton Pa by Rev Dr Gilbert & Rev Dr Fasic to Elmer J. Sonn. Both living at 330 E. Cranberry ST Hazleton Pa & have 3 children viz: he is a machinist. See page 273

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aa. Elmer J. Sonn Jr born 6*Nov 21, 1908

bb. Thoburn Dyson Sonn born Dec 16, 1910

cc. Richard Gilbert Sonn born Nov 22, 1913

E. Mildred Martine Hauze married Aug 5, 1908 at Belvidere NJ (a runaway match) to Edward J. Matthews, son of Thos Henry Matthews & his wife Emily _____, who was born Apr 25, 1888. They live in Hazleton Pa at 118 S. Church St. He drives a truck. Have 4 chil 2 boys & 2 girls.

aa. Charlotte Hauze born Mch 25, 1910

bb. Edward Rolland Hauze born Dec 1, 1913

cc. Rynard Arthur Hauze born May 12, 1917

dd. Elmira Elizabeth Hauze born July 27, 1923

F. Rolland Eliott Hauze married May 30, 1914 at Elkton Md (another runaway match) to Nettie Smith dau of Theodore Smith & his wife who was born at Hazleton Pa Sept 10, 1891 & live at 17 Oak St West Hazleton Pa where he is a grocery man by trade. Have one little girl:

aa. Mildred Agatha born Sept 7, 1915

f. Howard Johnson Welsh born in 1863 on Jany 1st & married to Laura Croll & lives at 36S 55th St West Phila Pa & works at Baldwin Locomotive works & never has had any children. He has his parents bible. See him & get record. See page 601 back of this book.
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He works by day & gets home late, would have to see him at night. However, he has not been well recently. Does not have a telephone. I find that I overlooked getting record of Mrs Kline's aunts Sarah & Deborah Airgood. See if Mrs Markle or L.H. can give them this afternoon. Left at 11:22 Pm & Mr Kline walked down to the street car station with me.

I went in the Hazel Lunch & got a club sandwich two cups of tea & worked all night got my breakfast at 8:20 got shaved & at 10:05 AM went across the street to see (Alvan Markle & was with him (& his son Alvan Jr came in the last half hour) until 12:17 PM at his room back through) the inside Banking quarters

He has referred me to Mrs Emma E. Kohler down east Broad at No 219 whose mother was a sister of his father Geo B. Markle Sr her married name being Griffin. She came here from Milton Pa where his father & grandfather John Markle are buried in a vault there in the Milton cem. & who he says can give more information about the Markles of his branch than any one he knows. Her husband is blind. It is now 12:55 PM & I will walk down there.
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At residence of Mrs William Lewis Kohler (Emma Elizabeth Kohler) No 219 East Broad St Hazleton Pa Sept 24, 1923 1:25 PM

Mrs Kohler has brought out the big old leather back bible of her grandfather John Markle which was printed at Phila by H.C. Carey & L. Lea Chestnut St 1825. From which I copy:

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