Learning Circle – Palmistry, Part & of Presented by: Shanda September 2010/October 2010

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Learning Circle – Palmistry, Part 2 & 3 of 3

Presented by: Shanda

September 2010/October 2010
Palmistry is chiefly concerned with the mounts of the palm, the lines on the mounts, and the lines interlacing the palm. The left hand supposedly reflects inbred and the right hand acquired characteristics. Each mount signifies a certain personality trait. The mount of Jupiter denotes honor and a happy

disposition; of Saturn, prudence and therefore success; of Apollo, appreciation of beauty; of Mercury, scientific, industrial, and commercial interests; of Mars, courage; of the Moon, a dreamy disposition; and of Venus, an amorous nature. The four most important lines represent life, intelligence, the heart or

sensation and personal fortune. Other markings of the palm corroborate or modify by their positions the deductions made from the mounts and lines.
Palm readings can reveal amazing insights into your character, love life, health, talents, career abilities, fate plus other important issues. Things like who you are, romance, adventure, old forgotten memories, healing your spirit, personal growth, renewal, self-understanding from within, overcome unproductive

thinking, allow innovative thinking, lose old habits, recognize mind traps, avoid those traps, overcome fears about change, discover opportunities you never knew existed, be free of depression, anxiety, stress, are some concerns to solve with those palm reading revelations. Palm reading lectures show evidence that allow evaluating consequences about taking various actions, thus revealing someone’s own best way to succeed. By example, with palmistry revelations you can help yourself making career and relationship choices because an understanding of personal career opportunities and for happiness concerning relationships comes out.


The Lines in the hands may be grouped into the following categories: The Primary Lines, The Secondary Lines and The Minor Lines. There are three Primary Lines in the hands: The life line, the head line and the heart line. Secondary lines include: The line of Fate/Saturn, the line of Sun/Apollo and the line of Liver/Mercury. Finally, the Minor Lines in the hands are: the Girdle of Venus, ring of Solomon, ring of Saturn, medical stigmata, children’s lines, marriage lines, bow of intuition, Via Lascivia, the line of Mars, sympathy lines, family ring and bracelets or racettes.

Deep, clear and smooth lines are best, and indicate that one's life would be positive in the area of life represented by the line. With such lines, success should be accomplished, accompanied with happiness and contentment. Breaks, gaps, islands, crosses, spots and cross-bars indicate possible problems or events at whichever points these marks appear. Broad, fuzzy or chain-type lines indicate a negative outlook, a dissipation of energy and low morale. The minor lines and the influence lines will modify what the main lines promise.

1.) Life Line (mid- to lower-palm) - Health; how we take care of it; major events in life

The life line begins somewhere between your thumb and index finger and runs downward toward wrist. Life line is generally curved. The line of life is the most important and controversial line on hand. This line is believed to represent the person's vitality and vigor, physical health and general well being.

Basic Life Line Meanings:

Long Line: Good Health, Vitality

Short Line: It is a myth that a short life line means a short life. If the life line is short, look closer to other signs (broken, deep, faint, etc.)

Deep Line: Smooth Life

Faint Line: Low energy

Broken Line: Struggles, Losses

Chained Line: Multiple Walks (meaning that your life path is multifold)

Forked Line: Various meanings depending on fork placement on the hand. Generally forks indicate diversion or life change. Although they can also mean scattered or split energies.

Double Line: Partner with Soul Mate, or there is someone near (friend or family member) that serves as a guardian or caretaker.

Absent Line: Anxious, Nervous

Further clarification and information on the variations found in the life line:
• A perfect line, without breaks, crosses, or irregularities of any kind, promises healthy and extremely long life.

• An imperfect line made up of little pieces like a chain or found splitting into little hair lines, represents bad health.

• When the line starting slopes downward from the mount of Jupiter then it denotes an ambitious life.
• A line connected with that of the head is a good sign denoting caution, carefulness.
• All lines that rise upward from the line of life towards the mount of Jupiter show that all ambitions of the subject are fulfilled. A line rising from the life line evolving on the mount of Saturn shows a golden period of life. A line from the life to the mount of the Sun indicates glory and success due to the subject's own life, and not to outside circumstances or to chances.
• Lines running in the opposite direction cutting the line of life show worries and obstacles.
• When the lines of life, head, and heart are all joined together at the commencement, it is a very unfortunate sign, denoting that the person has bad temperament and he may put himself in danger while dealing with other people.
• A medium space between head and life line denotes that the subject is freer to carry out the plans of the life and have great energy and self confidence.
2.) Head Line (middle of the palm) - Mental health; mental capabilities; intelligence; character

This line starts at the edge of the palm under the index finger and flows across the palm towards the outside edge. Often, the head line is joined with the life line at inception. This line represents the person's mind and the way it works, including learning style, communication style, intellectualism, and thirst for knowledge. It indicates the preference for relative or analytical approaches to information. It also indicates the wealth of the person.

Basic Head Line Meanings:

Long Line: Ambitious

Short Line: Intelligent, Intuitive

Deep Line: Excellent Memory

Faint Line: Poor Memory

Straight Line: Materialistic

Broken Line: Disappointment

Chained Line: Mental Confusion

Forked Line: Career Change

Double Line: Talented, Inspired by a Muse

Absent Line: Laziness, Mental Imbalance
Further clarification and information on the variations found in the head line:
• A head line that rises from the Jupiter, represents people with great brain power, ambition, and power.

• A head line that rises from the line of life indicates people who are very cautious and extremely sensitive.

• A head line that rises inside the life line on the mount of Mars is unfavorable sign - it indicates a frightful worrying nature, conflicting and quarrelling attitude.
• A straight and clear head line, denotes practical common sense and a love for material things more than those of the imaginations.
• When straight in the first half, then slightly sloping, it shows a balance between the purely imaginative and the purely practical.
• A sloping head line represents romance, idealism, imaginative work, and Bohemianism. When sloping, and terminating with a fine fork on the Mount of Luna, it promises literary talent of the imaginative order.
• An extremely long and straight, and going directly to the side of the hand (the percussion), the head lines represents high intellectual power and selfish nature.
3.) Heart Line (horizontal line on upper palm) - Emotional attitude; romantic profile; some aspects of health

The Heart Line is the horizontal line above the Head Line. It is found towards the top of the palm, under the fingers. This line represents the matters of the heart, both physical and metaphorical It is believed to be line of emotions. It represents the attraction of the sexes from natural causes. The line of heart should be deep, clear, and well colored.

Basic Heart Line Meanings:

Long Line: Idealistic, Dependent on partner

Short Line: Self-centered

Deep Line: Stressful

Faint Line: Sensitive Nature, Weak Heart

Straight Line: Intense Feelings

Curved Line: Intellectual Bent

Broken Line: Troubled relationships

Chained Line: Intertwined relationships, Karmic relationships

Forked Line: Heartbreak, Divorce

Absent Line: Ruthlessness, Logic rules the heart
Further clarification and information on the variations found in the heart line:
• A heart line that rises between the first and the second fingers, is the most favorable sign on the hands of Man or Woman, this sign represents calm temperament in matters of the heart. Such persons are quieter and more subdued in their passions.

• A heart line that rises from the center of Jupiter, gives the highest type of love-the pride and worship of the heart's ideal. A man possessing such a line is strong, and reliable in his affections, he believes that the woman of his choice would be great, noble, and famous. Such a man has far less love - affairs than the man with the line from Saturn.

• A heart line that rises from the Mount of Saturn represents more passion. Such a person is less expressive as compared to those with line of Jupiter. When such line rises very high on the Mount then such a person is far more passionate and sensual than any of the others.
• When the line of heart forks, with one branch resting on Jupiter, the other between the first and second fingers, it is a sign of a happy, calm nature good fortune, and happiness in affection, but when the fork is so wide that one branch rests on Jupiter, the other on Saturn, it then denotes a very uncertain disposition, and such a person doesn't intend to make the marital relations happy because of his temperament.

4.) Fate Line (vertical or slanted, center of palm, dividing it in half) - Career outlook; milestones; ambitions; major events in life

The Line of fate is also known as line of destiny or line of Saturn. This line is believed to be tied to the person's life path, including school and career choices, successes and obstacles. It also reflects the circumstances beyond the individual's control, or the person's choices and their consequences.

Basic Fate Line Meanings:

Absent Line: Preplanned Life

Deep Line: Inheritance

Faint Line: Failures, Disappointments

Forked Line: Conflict or Dual Destiny

Jagged Line: Struggle, Indecisiveness

Broken Line: Trauma, Difficult Circumstance

Chained Line: Highs and Lows

Further clarification and information on the variations found in the fate line:
• If the fate line rise from the line of life and from that point on is strong, success and riches will be won by personal merit. but if the line be marked low down near the wrist and tied down, as it were, by the side of the life-line, it tells that the early portion of the subject's life will be sacrificed to the wishes of parents or relatives.

• A Line of Fate starting from the wrist and going straight and clear to its termination on Saturn, denotes a strong personality It is a sign of extreme good fortune and success.

• A Line of Fate rising from the Mount of Luna denotes uncertainty in success, fate and success will be more or less dependent on the fancy and caprice of other people. This is very often found in the case of public favorites.
• A line fate rising from the line of head, and that line be well marked, then success will be won late in life, after a hard struggle and through the subject's talents.
• If the line of Fate terminate by crossing its own Mount and is going to that of Jupiter success will be great and satisfactory.
• When there is a break in the line, it is sure sign of misfortune and loss.
• A double or sister fate-line is an excellent sign. It denotes a distinguish career.
• When the line rises with one branch from the base of Luna, the other from Venus, The subject's destiny will sway between imagination on the one hand and love and passion on the other.
• If the line of Fate sends off shoots or lines towards any other mounts but that of Saturn, it denotes that the qualities of that particular Mount will dominate the life.
5.) Sun Line (parallels fate line) - Happiness; fulfillment; wealth prospects; romantic feelings

When present, the fame line gives light to the person's fate or destiny, indicating brilliance or artistic ability enhances life purpose. The Line of Sun is also known as the line of brilliancy, the line of fame, the line of Apollo or the line of success. It runs parallel to the Fate Line, under the ring finger. It indicates fame or scandal. It increases the success given by a good line of fate. It gives fame and distinction to the life when it is in accordance with the work and career given by the other lines of hand.

Further clarification and information on the variations found in the Sun line:

• A Sun line Rising from the line of life, denotes that the life will be devoted to the worship of the beautiful things.

• A Sun line Rising from the line of fate, increases the success promised by the line of fate, and gives more distinction form whatever date it is marked.
• A Sun line rising from the Mount of Luna, promises success and distinction, largely dependent upon the fancies and the help of others.
• A Sun line with a sloping line of head indicates success in poetry, literature, and things of the purely imaginative order.
• A Sun line rising upon the Plain of Mars, promises success after difficulty.
• A Sun line rising from the line of head denotes that there is no caprice of other people in connection with success, the talents of the subject alone being its factor, but until the second half of the life is reached.
• A Sun line rising from the line of heart denotes a great taste for art and artistic things.
• A good Fate and Sun line parallel to one another with a straight Line of Head is one of the greatest signs of the acquisition of wealth.
6.) Mercury Line (vertical line begins below ring finger) - communication

The Line of Health is also known as the Line of Liver or Health line. It runs from the Mount of Mercury down the hand. As the name suggests, It represents the health and well being of the person. An absent health line usually indicates that health is not an issue. Degree of sickness is indicated by the strength or weakness of this line

Further clarification and information on the variations found in the Mercury line:
• The less of the Line of Health , the better for the person. When it is completely absent the constitution is stronger.

• The heavier the line the more the nervous system is impaired. When twisted and irregular - biliousness, liver complaints and kidney trouble.

• A health line that is heavily marked from the heart to the head, and red in color denotes danger of apoplexy, brain fever.
• A health line crossing the hand and touching the line of life at any point, represents delicate body and weak constitution.
• A health line formed in little straight pieces denotes bad digestion.
• A health line in little islands, with long, filbert nails, trouble to lungs and chest.
• When rising from the line of heart at the Mount of Mercury and running into or through the line of life, it foretells some weakness of the heart. If very pale in color, and broad, it will be bad circulation. If red in color, particularly when it leaves the line of heart, If it is with small, flat nails, it gives an indication of heart trouble.

7.) The Girdle of Venus – emotional sensitivity and empathy

The Girdle of Venus is that broken or unbroken kind of semicircle rising between the first and second fingers and finishing between the third and fourth. It relates to emotional intelligence and the ability to manipulate. It denotes highly-strung, nervous temperament, and when unbroken it certainly gives a most unhappy tendency towards hysteria and despondent.

Further clarification and information on the variations found in the Girdle of Venus:
• People possessing the Girdle of Venus are capable of rising to the highest pitch of enthusiasm over anything that engages their fancy, but keep on fluctuating between high and low spirits.

• When the girdle goes over the side of the hand and comes in contact with the line of marriage, the happiness of the marriage will be marked through the peculiarities of the temperament. Such subjects are peculiarly exciting, and hard to live with. If on a man's hand, that man would want as many virtues in a wife as there are stars in the universe.

8.) The Ring of Solomon (encircles base of index finger) – psychic ability and wisdom

The Ring of Solomon is also one of these strange marks of mysticism and occultism, but in this latter case, owing probably to the qualities signified by the Mount of Jupiter, its possessor will aim at having the power of a master or an adept in such subjects

9.) The Ring of Saturn (encircles base of middle finger) – isolation

What is called the Ring of Saturn is very seldom found, and it is by no means a good sign to have. It is also a semi-circular line, but found lying across the Mount of Saturn.

These people seem cut off from their fellow beings in some peculiar and extraordinary way. They are isolated and alone, and they appear to realize their lonely position keenly. They are gloomy, morbid, and
Saturnine in character. They seldom marry, and when they do it is always a ghastly failure. They are terribly obstinate and headstrong in all their actions, they resent the least advice or interference in their plans. Their lives generally close in suffering, poverty, or by some sinister tragedy or fatality.

10.) Medical Stigmata (vertical lines on the mount of Mercury – little finger) – natural healer

This indicates a instinctive desire to help and heal others, you should check the other hand to see if is present in each, as with most lines, as this will tell you a lot about this personal trait. The medical stigmata does not represent your health or medical history.

11.) Children’s lines (vertical lines below little finger) – children

These lines don’t necessarily indicate the number of children you will have but, instead, the number of children you are capable of parenting. Often this is expressed through pets, the children of other people or working with children in some way. Children lines commonly root out of marriage lines indicating births that are a result of corresponding relationships

12.) Marriage lines (short, horizontal lines on side of hand under little finger) – relationships

Like children’s lines, this doesn’t necessarily show how many marriages you’ll have but does indicate the number of soul mates you will meet in this lifetime. Also called love lines, these lines indicate the number of significant relationships there are in a lifetime. Sometimes it is easier to see these lines if you bend your pinky slightly toward your palm to see the line creases. The line or lines of marriage may rise on the side of the hand or be only marked across the front of the Mount of Mercury. From a marriage point of view - line on the Mount of Mercury gives a very fair idea of the age at the time of marriage may also be obtained. Only long lines relate to marriages, the short ones to deep affection or marriage.

Further clarification and information on the variations found in Love Lines:
• When marriage line lies close to the line of heart, the union will be early, about fourteen to twenty.
• When it is near the center of the mount, about twenty - one or twenty - eight.
• When it is three-quarters up the mount, twenty - eight to thirty -five and so on
13.) The Bow of Intuition (runs parallel to life line on either side) – naturally strong sense of intuition

Intuition lines generally shadow the life line because intuition indicates keen insight into one's life. The more prominent this line appears (deeper, longer) the stronger the indication that psychic ability is a dominant characteristic for the person. Intuition lines are not the easiest to detect, and may be absent entirely

14.) The Via Lascivia – above-average interest in sex, may be “kinky”

This is a strange mark which takes the form also somewhat of a semi-circle, but in this case it connects the Mount of the Moon with that of Venus, or it may simply run off the hand from the lower part of

the Mount of Luna into the wrist.

The first-mentioned formation indicates unbridled sensuality and passion, and where it cuts through the Line of Life it indicates death, but one usually brought about in connection with the licentiousness that it

denotes. This Line running from the Mount of the Moon into the wrist denotes the most sensual dreams, desires, and imaginings, but, unlike the other class, it is usually only dangerous to the person on whose hand it is found.

In both cases there is generally a tendency towards the taking of drugs such as opium, morphine, especially when the hand is noted to be soft, full, and flabby. With a firm hard palm the subject usually indulges in excessive drinking fits, and when under drink seems to have no control whatever.

15.) The Mars Line (parallels life line on side closest to thumb) – Indicates increased success, assertiveness and competitive skills. Some say it also means the presence of a protective spirit.

What is called the Line of Mars is that line that is found only on some hands encircling the Mount of Venus and inside the Line of Life. This Line, which rises on the Mount of Mars, from which it derives its name, when found clear and strong appears to back up and reinforce the Line of Life. It indicates great vitality, power of resistance to illness and disease, and is not found on all hands. It is an excellent sign on the hands of soldiers, or in connection with all persons who follow a dangerous calling.

All breaks or bad marks indicated on the Line of Life are minimized on the hands that have this Inner Life Line, or Line of Mars. As its name implies, in character it denotes a robust and rather fighting disposition, a person naturally inclined to rush into dangers and quarrels, and if deeply marked and reddish in color it increases all indications of accidents and dangers shown on other parts of the hand.

16.) Sympathy Lines (horizontal lines under index finger) – sympathetic, understanding outlook

This person has a caring nature and are usually found on the hands of doctors, nurses and people who feel a strong need to alleviate the pain and suffering in others.

17.) Family ring (encircles base of thumb) – shows a great love of home and hearth where family is always important

A Family Ring (or Ring of Venus) is often a serious of cuts or chains which circles around the base of the thumb, below the third phalange. If the line is strong, there will certainly be an obvious loyalty towards relationships and the family. If the line is faint, there is likely to be a weaker family bond. A line which gets weaker shows a tie which has reduced over the years.

18.) Bracelets/Racettes (lines at the bend of inner wrist) – add strength and alertness as you age

It is most common to have two or three bracelets. Although, some people have only one bracelet, and having four or more is possible. More bracelets indicate a longer life, broken bracelets indicate ill health or lowering of chi energies.


The Mounts of the Hands are those fleshy cushions found at the base of the four fingers and the thumb as well as at the percussion of the hand.  They are named after Greed/Roman Gods.  The presence of the Mounts in the palm cannot be attributed to the development of muscular growth of  a person but due to the existence of hundreds of muscular terminals distributed all over the human palm and especially over and within the Mounts. 

The minute observation of the development or otherwise of the Mounts is an important factor while understanding the potentialities of an individual and also the clues to his character and personality.

The following are the seven Mounts in the palm (1) The Mount of Jupiter below the index finger (2) The Mount of Saturn - below the middle finger (3) The Mount of Apollo or Sun-below the ring finger (4)

The Mount of Mercury - below the little finger (5) The Mount of Venus-below the thumb (6) The Mount of Moon or Luna - opposite to the Mount of Venus and little above the wrist (7) The Mount of Mars which is just below the Mount of Jupiter but inside the Line of life and the Upper Mount of Mars which lies between the Mount of Mercury and the Mount of Moon.
The mounts reflect our basic values, upbringing, leanings, and the personal traits we develop. Mounts should be clear, moderately raised and well-formed, indicating that the positive and balanced qualities of the mount are being manifested. Low or flat mounts mean that there is a lack of the qualities of the Mount. High or over-developed mounts show an over-expression of a mount's qualities. Lines and marks on each mount will modify its qualities, and may relate to particular events.
Mount of Jupiter (base of the index finger) - Status and authority; sense of achievement

Persons with well-developed mount of Jupiter have godly qualities. They are learned and are always prepared to help others. All the Justices of Supreme courts and other higher courts are have well-developed Mount of Jupiter. Such persons are mostly religious minded. Persons with under -developed mount of Jupiter lack the above qualities. They have ordinary physique. They are more inclined towards attainment of respect and good reputation rather than wealth. They have a soft corner for the opposite sex. Persons with no mount of Jupiter are found with the company of low class people and they give little respect to their parents. Persons with over developed mount of Jupiter are selfish and proud.

Physical features: Graceful figure of moderate height-sturdy and medium statured - strongly built with broad shoulder - much hair on the body - eyes large and expressive - sweats abundantly - nose straight and thick at the base - mouth large and thick-lipped-long teeth-cheeks fleshy - long chin with a dimple at the base - ears medium - sized and close to the head - thick neck - stately gait - long, smooth and square tipped fingers - the finger of Jupiter conic tipped - a long first phalange of the thumb.
Psychological dispositions: Ambitious - gifted for public life - self-confident - reliable - leader in his group - talent for organization - born to be great - capacity to influence people - adherence to discipline, order and tact - effective communication - naturally religious - fond of ceremony and rituals - implicit faith in divinity - fit to hold high position in the hierarchy of religious order - conventional in religious matters - trustworthy - seldom seeks advice - yearning for distinction - anxious to realize ambition - at times vainglorious - detests meanness and hypocrisy - self-reliant in judgment - loves peace hates cheating - easily pleased - gains confidence of one's subordinates through kindness, sympathy and help - desire to excel over others - capacity to attract the opposite sex - quick and keen observer - independent action and thought - resists any interference - fond of pleasure and gaiety refined tastes and fastidious manners.
Mount of Saturn (bottom of middle finger) - Responsibilities and duties; sense of destiny

Person with well developed mount of Saturn possesses a good sense of responsibility and is concerned with seeking wisdom. They are highly fortunate and rise very high in life with their own efforts. Persons with under -developed mount of Saturn could commit suicide in his life. This mount generally occurs in the hands of dacoits, cheats and robbers. Persons with no mount of Saturn have no importance in their life but they get a special kind of success or respect in life.

Physical features: Tallest of all types - tall, slim with angular body contours - a cold appearance - lacking in sympathy and social feeling - skin sallow, rough, dry and wrinkled - cheek - bones quite high - hair thick and black, straight and harsh - eyebrows thick and stiff - fine teeth indicative of early deterioration - gums pale - lower joints protruding - long prominent nose with a pointed base - narrow hairy chest - very high shoulders - stooping appearance - neck long and lean.
Psychological dispositions:

Positive and good Saturnian: Sad and sober - extreme prudence - love of solitude and seclusion - cynical in outlook - skeptical - given to fatalism - fond of occult sciences and research - combating spirit - love of rural life - instinct for learning - superstitious - inherently fearful and gloomy - defiant - seditious - preference for dark colors - not of an amorous temperament - conservative by nature - dislike of opposite sex - reserved - hates pleasure and fun - serene, calm and enduring - spirit of adventure.

Bad Saturnian: Horrible and abominable in appearance - repugnant body odor - lazy - mischievous - hypocrite - illiterate - worst criminals and prisoners.
Mount of the Sun (base of the ring finger and on the upper part of the heart line) - Creative impulses; wealth; happiness; fulfillment

Person with well developed mount of Apollo becomes a genius and famous. They are of cheerful nature and work in close co-operation with friends. Persons with under -developed mount of Apollo would be interested in beauty. But they would not be able to succeed in this field. Persons with no mount of Apollo leads a very ordinary life. They would be a boring, dull minded and stupid fellow. Persons with over developed mount of Apollo would be very pompous, arrogant and a flatterer.

Physical features: Handsome and manly - height just above average - cheerful and elegant - not fleshy like Jupiterian - dignified features and fine skin- shapely, muscular and athletic - beard - hair abundant, soft and wavy - eyes almond-shaped, brown or blue in color - cheeks firm and rounded - nose long and straight - expression frank - eyebrows beautifully curved - medium sized ears with thick lobes - long strong neck - chin round but not prominent - legs slim and strong- with a lot of agility - muscular without superabundance of fat - striking chest - healthy life - grace and symmetry of body.
Psychological dispositions: Primarily artistic - man of great natural gifts - richly endowed with intelligence - a fine illustration of moral greatness, high instincts and material desires - worshipper of beauty - love of harmony in the surroundings - learning by intuition - man of sound understanding, uprightness, honesty and integrity - passionately fond of music, generally of melodic character - versatile - fond of fine clothes, rich furniture and jewels - fond of inventing new styles and articles - great success in any sphere without much effort - naturally indolent  and relies upon intelligence and instinct - self-confident - filled with no gloomy thoughts - hot - tempered but given to forgiveness - no harboring of ill - will to anyone - attainment of high position and money without difficulty - not a religious fanatic but can be easily convinced - not superstitious - extreme adaptability - no enemies.

Qualities of a bad Apollonian - too much love for money and romantic adventures - not happy with one love affair - love of beauty rather than of character - vain - ostentatious - braggart.

Mount of Mercury (base of little finger) - Mental and communicative abilities; rapport with others

Person with well developed mount of Mercury would be interested in inventions and scientific works.

Persons with under -developed mount of Mercury would be a criminal of higher order. They believe in breaking the law. Persons with no mount of Mercury live his life in poverty and lack of means. Persons with over developed mount of Mercury are clever and crafty and are adept in cheating.
Physical features: Small stature but well built - elongated but pleasing face - youthful - light complexion compactly built and trim in appearance - forceful expression of countenance - tidy looking - face oval in shape - expression changing rapidly showing quick play of mind - smooth skin - fine and transparent-hair of chestnut color - curling at the end - for head very bulging - beard short - eyebrows thin, curved and joined - deep-set eyes very quick and penetrating - nose long and straight with a rounded dimpled tip - lips are thin, upper somewhat full - mouth generally half-open-teeth small - chin long and pointed - neck strong - shoulders sturdy - chest broad and muscular - decidedly weak voice - lacking sonority.
Psychological dispositions: Talent for commerce and business - keen observation and sound judgment - shrewd enough to understand the value of money - crafty - inherently a schemer - industrious - very quick in the execution of plans - embodiment of quickness, physical and mental talents - scientific pursuits - medical profession - intuitive faculty of diagnosis - good surgeon - skilful at games - excellent lawyer and effective teacher - born actor - not amorous but affectionate - love of family - gift of divination - fond of travel.
Bad qualities of a Mercurian:  Bad early childhood - not much learning - propensity to fall a prey to bandits or robbers - born liar - feeble memory - hypocritical and given to flattery - false show of religious fervor - believes in imps, ghosts and other spiritual beings - fond of black magic - always live in groups.
Mounts of Mars (between head line and beginning of heart line) - Energy and assertiveness; sense of vitality

Person with well developed mount of Mars are courageous, fearless and powerful. They have firmness and a balance in life. Persons with under -developed mount of Mars the person shall reach greater heights in life. Persons with no mount of Mars can be considered as a coward. Persons with over developed mount of Mars then the person would be a villain, tyrant and a criminal. He would be the first in all anti-social activities.

Physical features: Moderate height - Stoutly built - strong constitution - head small - large development at the base of the brain - back of the neck broad - face round, skin thick and strong - an open brow - short, crisp and curly hair - large sparkling eyes - large mouth - thin lips - sharp, long and curved nose - short, broad and protruding chin - big and red ears - round and fat cheeks - broad chest - powerful legs and long feet - militant gait.
Psychological dispositions: Amiable and generous - loyal and faithful - kind and helpful- reserved and calm - totally unconcerned when in danger - altruistic - plenty of energy and perseverance - amorous by nature - not vicious but physically excited even over trivial matters - domineering spirit - not amenable to logical reasoning - fond of eating - aggressive - self-confident - patient - self-reliant - fighting tendency.
Mount of the Moon (situated at the base of the palm, opposite the thumb) - Moods and mental state; sense of freedom

Person with well developed mount of Moon are lovers of nature and beauty. Such persons are full of religious ideas and can be artists, musicians and men of letters. Persons with under-developed mount of Moon are imaginative and make castles in the air. Such Persons are very much emotional. Persons with no mount of Moon are hard-hearted, unemotional and fully materialistic. Fighting is their main quality. Persons with over developed mount of Moon are found to be fickle-minded, suspicious or mad. They suffer from ailments like headache all the time.

Physical features: Tall stature - broad muscles - small and round head - white complexion soft and spongy flesh - thick lower limbs - large feet - low forehead - hair not thick but fine in quality - hair blond or chestnut - thin voice - general appearance somewhat feminine - small ears - very thick chin - narrow shoulders - long and large feet - big powerful stomach - gets easily tired while walking.
Psychological dispositions: Naturally lazy, selfish and changeable - gift of imagination - fanciful - visionary - not practical - introspective - alert on abstruse problems - mystic - unreliable - fond of travel - cold and melancholic - inconsistent in love - indifferent husbands - sensitive to what others think of them - romantic in art and literature - fond of poetry and music - imagination coupled with high morals and idealism - fond of study, meditation and contemplation - have lively discussion of theology - rather self - different - easily depressed - thoughtful and absent - minded - inclination for occult sciences, magic, hypnotism, etc. - desire to go out for a walk rather than participate in sports - give marriage only secondary importance.
Mount of Venus (located under the thumb and surrounded by the age line) - Emotions; close relationships; family ties

Person with well developed mount of Venus are licentious and always covet for the opposite sex. They do not have any faith in God. Persons with under -developed mount of Venus would be a coward and weak-natured. Persons with no mount of Venus are lives the life of an ascetic and has no interest in family life. The person's life would be full of troubles and miseries. Persons with over developed mount of Venus are beautiful and civilized. They are very healthy, courageous and are able of influence others.

Physical features: Attractive and handsome - graceful, shapely and well- balanced, medium height - white complexion tinted with pink - round face - smooth and dimpled cheeks - eyebrows beautifully curved - hair long and broad at the root - nose tip rather broad - small mouth -Lower lip thicker than the upper one - white regular teeth.
Psychological dispositions: Sociable - elite - love of life - kind -hearted and sympathetic - gifted with grace of gestures, ease of manners and elegance of deportment - fond of new clothes with bright colors - preference for latest styles - fond of perfumes - optimistic in outlook - very popular and adored by all - love of fun and merriment - never loses faith - early marriage - polite and refined - food is scanty and flavored with spices - fond of picnics - opposite sex plays an important role - honest and truthful - often deceived but given to forgiveness - dislike of fights and quarrels - rather ambitious.
Qualities of a bad Venusian - unscrupulous debaucher - detestable profligate - all the thoughts and actions detected toward obscenity and corruption - no regard for any moral code or ethics - indolent and self-indulgent - interference in others' affairs - creator of family troubles.

A Star is a sign of great importance wherever it appears on hand. A line that ends in a star signifies great accomplishments. A star on mounts enhances the benefits of the corresponding amount.
*A star on the mount of Jupiter signifies great honor, power and position.
*A star on the mount of Sun gives wealth and position but without happiness.
*A star on the mount of mercury represents success in science, the power of eloquence.
*A star on the mount of mars denotes that through patience, resignation and luck the great honors would be gained.
*A star on the mount of Saturn represents great success or distinction through some terrible fate.
*A star on mount of Venus represents extraordinary success in all affairs of love.
*A star on mount of Luna is a sign of great celebrity status

The Island is a negative and unfortunate sign. This signifies the hereditary evils. For instance, it denotes inherited heart disease if heavily marked on the line of heart. It could represent mounting stress on the line of the head, and manifest itself as headaches. Island on mount injures the qualities of the mount on which it is found.
*An Island on the mount of Jupiter weakens the pride and ambition.
*An Island on the mount of Sun weakens the talent for art.
*An Island on the mount of mercury makes a person too changeable to succeed, anything related to business or science.
*An Island on the mount of mars represents weak spirit and cowardice.
*An Island on the mount of Saturn brings misfortune to the subject.
*An Island on mount of Venus leads a person to easily influence by the sport of fancy and passion.
*An Island on mount of Luna shows the weakness in working out the power of the imagination.

The Spot is generally the sign of temporary illness and denote a chronic disease. Different colors of spot have there own meaning:
*A Bright Red spot on the line of head signifies a shock or injury from some blow or fall. And bright red spot on the line of health represents illness and fever and on the line of life represents nature of illness or fever.
*A Black or Blue spot represents a nervous illness.

The cross is opposite to the star, and found as a favorable sign. It represents trouble, danger, disappointment and sometime change in life. It should always be considered an ill sign save for two cases: when found on the Mount of the Jupiter and when located between the Head and Heart lines, known as the "Croix Mystique".
*A Spot on the mount of Sun represents terrible sign of disappointment in the pursuit of fame, art or riches.
*A Spot on the mount of mars under Mercury denotes the dangerous opposition of enemies.
*A Spot on the mount of mars under Jupiter represents force, violence and even death from quarrels.
*A Spot on the mount of Saturn when touching the line of fate denotes danger of violent death by accident and in the center of this mount; it increases the evil, fatalistic tendencies of the life.
*A Spot on mount of Venus represents great trial or fatal influence of affection; it shows troubles and quarrels with near relatives when lying close to the line of life.

The triangle is a curious sign, and it fount clear and distinct and not formed by chance crossing of lines. It denotes mental flourish and success corresponding to the location of the mark. The triangle will never reach the great heights of success, but it possesses balance.
*A Triangle on the mount of Jupiter signifies promises more than usual success in the management of people, handling of men and organizational affairs.
*A Triangle on the mount of Sun denotes a practical application of art and a calm demeanor toward success and fame.
*A Triangle on the mount of mercury represents qualities and promises success in relation to business, finance and money.
*A Triangle on the mount of mars denotes science in warfare, great calmness in any crisis, and presence of mind in danger.
*A Triangle on the mount of Saturn gives a talent and inclination for mystical work, for delving into occult, study of human magnetism etc.
*A Triangle on mount of Venus represents calmness and calculation in love, power of restraint and control over self.
*A Triangle on mount of Luna represents a scientific method in following out the ideas of imagination.

The grille is very often seen, and generally upon the mounts of the hand. It is a point at which the energies of the hand dissipate or escape out. It represents obstacles against the success of that particular mount. For e.g. a Grille on the Mount of Apollo will forever put off the attainment of any true success in life.
*A Grille on the mount of Jupiter denotes egotism, pride and dominative spirit.
*A Grille on the mount of Sun represents vanity, folly, and a desire for celebrity.
*A Grille on the mount of mercury represents an unstable and rather unprincipled person.
*A Grille on the mount of Saturn represents misfortune, melancholy nature and morbid tendency.
*A Grille on mount of Venus represents caprice in passion.
*A Grille on mount of Luna foretells restlessness, discontent, and disquietude.

The circle is a very rare marking in palmistry. If it touches any line, it brings inescapable misfortune to the line it touches. If it found on the mount of Sun it is fortunate and on any other mounts it tells against the success. When it touches any important line, it indicates that at that particular point the subject will not be able to clear himself from misfortune.
*A Circle on mount of Luna represents danger from drowning.

The square is one of the most interesting, lesser and benefic sign. It is usually called as "The mark of preservation". The line denotes one of the greatest crises in the person's life. Difficulties will arise in life but the bearer will persevere and the crisis will be turn away. It denotes negative influences when it is found on the upper portion of the Mount of Venus near the life line.
*A square on the mount of Jupiter signifies ambition of the person.
*A square on the mount of Sun provides desire for fame.
*A square on the mount of mercury provides restless, mercurial temperament.
*A square on the mount of mars denotes danger through enemies.
*A square on the mount of Saturn represents fatality that shadows the life.
*A square on mount of Venus denotes preservation from trouble brought on by the passion. In the center of mount it shows that the person will fall in danger but always manage to escape.

*A square on mount of Luna represents excess of imagination.

Transverse Marks - A transverse line marking on the hand is an evil sign that nullifies the positive qualities of any mount it is found upon. Though a person may have the markings of a heroic mount, these qualities can be reduced if it has a score of transverse lines. If transverse lines are found across the Mount of Mercury, it indicates that the bearer will use his/her talents of diplomacy and tact for deceit and guile for ill gains.

Vertical Marks - Vertical markings are a benefic sign. If found on the mounts, they heighten its positive qualities and assist in annulling any poor signs also located on the mount. They are the opposites of the aforementioned transverse markings. Vertical markings upon the Mount of Mercury will bring a great deal of tact and loquaciousness to serve for pleasant communication and friendship. It will emphasize science and business skills. Two vertical lines on the Mount of Mercury are often the symbol of a Doctor or Biologist.

The Trident - The trident is a most propitious marking wherever it may lie. If it rises from a line, it will expound the qualities of that line and draw additional power from the mounts or lines that branch on either side head towards. If found on a mount, the trident carries with it great flourish of the properties of that mount in conjunction with its neighboring mounts. The trident is such a powerful symbol that it eclipses the star in beneficence.

The Tassel - A tasseled line can oft be found at the end of the lifeline; as the individual weakens and deteriorates with age, so too does the line. Such is the case with the Line of Head, where it denotes a weakening of mental clarity and approaching senility or old age ; the Line of Heart with a deteriorating heart condition or emotional trauma that has left the individual very feeble and unstable.

Drooping Offshoots - Lines that droop from any larger line indicate a disappointment in life. Along the Line of Heart, it denotes disappointment in love or an unfortunate event in which the individual became too emotionally involved. Along the Line of Head, it may signify the obstruction of one's ideals or disillusionment

Rising Offshoots - Rising offshoots are the inverse of the drooping offshoots. They represent periods of sudden inspiration, fruition, and happiness. It will draw upon the qualities of the mount that it is directed to. For example, an offshoot springing from the Line of Head and nearing the Mount of Mercury is a sign of scientific prowess--perhaps an invention, or a discovery, or a synthesis of concepts that have long been drifting through the individual's mind, but had hitherto been dissociated.

Sister Lines - Sister lines support the line along which they follow. Some sister lines are quite common, such as the Line of Mars, which accompanies and strengthens the constitution denoted by the Line of Life; The Line of Apollo is a sister line for the Line of Fate, as it serves a similar function and accentuates the fulfillment one feels in the course of their career. Sister lines protect and heal lines that are broken, crooked, frayed, or side-by-side. Lest a line exist with several negative markings, sister lines will be the guiding hand that shall shield the bearer from the brunt of life's assaults.
For more info on lines and signs on the mounts, check out these links:

*On the Mount of Jupiter - http://tamilastrology.hosuronline.com/Palmistry/Linesignmountjupiter.asp

*On the Mount of Saturn - http://tamilastrology.hosuronline.com/Palmistry/Linesignmountsaturn.asp

*On the Mount of Apollo - http://tamilastrology.hosuronline.com/Palmistry/Linesingmountapollo.asp

*On the Mount of Mercury - http://tamilastrology.hosuronline.com/Palmistry/Linesingmountmercury.asp

*On the Mount of Mars - http://tamilastrology.hosuronline.com/Palmistry/Linesingmountmars.asp

*On the Mount of the Moon - http://tamilastrology.hosuronline.com/Palmistry/Linessingsmountmoon.asp

*On the Mount of Venus - http://tamilastrology.hosuronline.com/Palmistry/Linesingvenus.asp


Black Spots - If a person has black spots on his nails then he is likely to meet with great calamity in life. Black spots on nails are an indication of impurity of blood. One is soon to get sick with small-pox, malaria, fever or any other disease connected with the impurity of blood.
White Spots- White sports indicate some obstruction to the circulation of blood and also indicate some future diseases. If such spots are found on the nails then it has to be concluded then that the the man is likely to get sick soon.
Half Moon- A half moon on the index finger indicates promotion and some good news. Half moon in the finger of Saturn indicates that the person shall get benefits from machinery related industry and also there is the possibility of getting money. Half moon on the finger of Apollo indicates that the person shall soon rise in status. Half Moon in the little finger indicates profits in business dealings. Half Moon on the thumb base indicates progress and auspiciousness.
Big Half Moon- In some cases a big half Moon which covers almost half the nail is visible. In such cases the contrary of the above results.
Yellow Spots- If yellow spots are visible on one or more fingers, it is certain that the man will meet his death on the near future.
Red Spots- Sometimes red spots are visible on the nails. It indicates bad omen and the person is likely to get murdered soon.
Sources and additional information:

* http://www.astropalmistry.com/

* http://tamilastrology.hosuronline.com/

* http://www.creativeinc.co.uk/palmistry_guide.html - Expands on certain lines, good diagrams

* http://www.discoverahobby.com/learnpalmreading.htm - Offers videos and suggested links

* http://www.paralumun.com/palmistry.htm - Lots of info, no graphics/pictures

* http://www.palmistryfree.com/questions_sitemap.htm - List of questions – click link and it will tell you the traits in the hand that would signify this

* “Palm Reading” by Dennis Fairchild

* “Predicting Your Future” by The Diagram Group

* My BoS

* The Simian line: http://www.handanalysis.com/simian.html

* The Sydney line: http://www.handresearch.com/news/the-sydney-line-fascinating-hand-crease-handmark.htm


Placement: Upper Palm - the heart line runs horizontally across the upper part of your palm.
Basic Heart Line Meanings:

Long Line: Idealistic, Dependent on partner

Short Line: Self-centered

Deep Line: Stressful

Faint Line: Sensitive Nature, Weak Heart

Straight Line: Intense Feelings

Curved Line: Intellectual Bent

Broken Line: Troubled relationships

Chained Line: Intertwined relationships, Karmic relationships

Forked Line: Heartbreak, Divorce

Absent Line: Ruthlessness, Logic rules the heart


Placement: Mid to Lower Palm – The life line begins somewhere between your thumb and index finger and runs downward toward wrist. Life line is generally curved.
Basic Life Line Meanings:

Long Line: Good Health, Vitality

Short Line: It is a myth that a short life line means a short life. If the life line is short, look closer to other signs (broken, deep, faint, etc.)

Deep Line: Smooth Life

Faint Line: Low energy

Broken Line: Struggles, Losses

Chained Line: Multiple Walks (meaning that your life path is multifold)

Forked Line: Various meanings depending on fork placement on the hand. Generally forks indicate diversion or life change. Although they can also mean scattered or split energies.

Double Line: Partner with Soul Mate, or there is someone near (friend or family member) that serves as a guardian or caretaker.

Absent Line: Anxious, Nervous


Placement: Middle of the Palm – The head line represents intellect and reasoning.
Basic Head Line Meanings:

Long Line: Ambitious

Short Line: Intelligent, Intuitive

Deep Line: Excellent Memory

Faint Line: Poor Memory

Straight Line: Materialistic

Broken Line: Disappointment

Chained Line: Mental Confusion

Forked Line: Career Change

Double Line: Talented, Inspired by a Muse

Absent Line: Laziness, Mental Imbalance


Also called "Destiny"
Placement: Center of Palm, vertical or slanted line divides the palm in half
Basic Fate Line Meanings:

Absent Line: Preplanned Life

Deep Line: Inheritance

Faint Line: Failures, Disappointments

Forked Line: Conflict or Dual Destiny

Jagged Line: Struggle, Indecisiveness

Broken Line: Trauma, Difficult Circumstance

Chained Line: Highs and Lows


Success, Wealth, Talent

Placement: Parallels Fate Line
Basic Fame Line Meanings:

When present, the fame line gives light to the person's fate or destiny, indicating brilliance or artistic ability enhances life purpose. 


Placement:  Vertical line begins below ring finger
Basic Health Line Meaning:
An absent health line usually indicates that health is not an issue. Degree of sickness is indicated by the strength or weakness of this line


Also called "Marriage Lines" 
Placement: Short horizontal lines found on the side of the hand underneath the pinky.
Basic Love Line Meanings:

Love lines indicate the number of significant relationships there are in a lifetime. Sometimes it is easier to see these lines if you bend your pinky slightly toward your palm to see the line creases.


Placement: Vertical lines between pinky finger
Basic Children Lines Meaning:
Children lines commonly root out of marriage lines indicating births that are a result of corresponding relationships


Placement: Parallel to Life Line (either side) – Intuition lines generally shadow the life line because intuition indicates keen insight into one's life.
Basic Intuition Line Meaning:
The more prominent this line appears (deeper, longer) the stronger the indication that psychic ability is a dominant characteristic for the person. Intuition lines are not the easiest to detect, and may be absent entirely.


Also called "Rascettes" 
Placement: Bracelets are the lines at the bend of your inner wrist.

Basic Bracelets Meaning:
It is most common to have two or three bracelets. Although, some people have only one bracelet, and having four or more is possible. More bracelets indicate a longer life; broken bracelets indicate ill health or lowering of chi energies.

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