3.2.3. Consistency with Other Laws Consistency with Domestic Laws
a. A drafter shall first ensure that the policy proposals and the policy options
for the draft law(s) are consistent with the provisions and requirements of
existing law(s) and existing legal structures.
Subsequently, the drafter must also
verify the
consistency of each draft
text of particular law(s) in line with the existing law(s), legal structures, and
procedures. During this process of verification, the drafter must:-
Check that the provisions of the draft law
are not in conflict with
some higher level of law, i.e. Secondary legislation (e.g. Regulation)
is consistent with Primary legislation (e.g. Proclamation), which it
intends to implement.
Check that every provision in the draft
is in fact needed and not
superfluous by some existing law(s).
Check that the concepts and the legislative approach of the draft
law(s) are consistent with existing law(s),
legal structures, and
Ascertain all the provisions of existing law that must be repealed or
amended as a consequence of the draft law are properly dealt with
and that all transitional provisions are included that are necessary to
ensure legal continuity.
c. If a draft is not being prepared by a group of lawyers,
a drafter is highly
recommended to consult with other lawyers only among the general
drafting team, who can maintain the confidentiality of the draft,
so as to cross check if there is no any oversight
of important legal
framework to be addressed.