Livestock and Farming Systems Publications 2010 Scientific Papers

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Livestock and Farming Systems Publications


Scientific Papers

Athorn RZ, P Stott, EG Bouwman, and P Langendijk. 2010. Systemic versus local utero-ovarian progesterone in gilts. 14th European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction, Eger, Hungary, 2010. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 45: Suppl. 3 p61.

Brien, F.D, Hebart, M.L, Smith, D.H, Hocking-Edwards, J.E, Greeff, J.C, Hart, K.W, Refshauge, G, Bird-Gardiner, T.L, Gaunt,G, Behrendt, R, Robertson, M.W, Hinch, G.N, Geenty, K.G, van der Werf,J.H.J. 2010. Opportunities for genetic improvement of lamb survival. Animal Production Science 50: 1017-1025.

Chen TY, RZ Athorn, EG Bouwman, P Stott and P Langendijk. 2010. Effects of nutrition during the luteal and follicular phase in gilts. 14th European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction, Eger, Hungary, 2010. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 45: Suppl. 3, p82.

Durmic, Z., Hutton, P., Revell, D.K., Emms, J., Hughes, S. and Vercoe, P.E. 2010. In vitro fermentative traits of Australian woody perennial plant species that may be considered as potential sources of feed for grazing ruminants. Animal Feed Science and Technology 160, 98-109.

Gardner GE, Williams A, Siddell A, Ball AJ, Mortimer SI, Jacob RH, Pearce KL, Hocking Edwards JE, Rowe JB, Pethick DW. 2010. Using Australian Sheep Breeding Values to increase lean meat yield percentage. Animal Production Science 50, 1098-1106

Geier, M.S., Mikkelsen, L.L., Torok, V.A., Allison, G.E., Olnood, C.G., Boulianne, M., Hughes, R.J. and Choct, M. 2010. Comparison of alternatives to in-feed antimicrobials for the prevention of clinical necrotic enteritis. Journal of Applied Microbiology 109(4):1329-1338.

Fleet, M.R., Millington, K.R. and King, A.L. 2010. Sunlight exposure caused yellowing and increased mineral content in wool. Animal Production Science 50: 300-308.

Jacobsen JC, Bawden CS, Rudiger SR, McLaughlan CJ, Reid SJ, Waldvogel HJ, Macdonald ME, Gusella JF, Walker SK, Kelly JM, Webb GC, Faull RL, Rees MI, Snell RG. An ovine transgenic Huntington's disease model. Human Molecular Genetics 2010 19:1873-1882.

Hughes, P.E., Smits, R.J., Xie, Y & Kirkwood, R.N. 2010. Relationships among gilt and sow liveweight, 2 backfat depth and culling rates. Journal of Swine Health & Production 18: 301-305.

Kluivers-Poodt M, Gerritsen R, van Nes A, Langendijk P. 2010. Cortisol Profiles in Sows Submitted to an Intermittent Suckling Regime Compared with that of Abruptly Weaned Sows. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 45: 377-382.

Li GD, Nie Zn, Boschma SP, Dear BS, Lodge GM, Hayes RC, Clark B, Hughes SJ, Humphries AW. 2010. Persistence and productivity of Medicago sativa subspecies sativa, caerulea, falcata and varia accessions at three intermittently dry sites in south-eastern Australia. Crop & Pasture Science, 2010, 61, 554–565.

Lindsay, R.J., Geier, M.S., Yazbeck, R., Butler, R.N. and Howarth, G.S. 2010. Orally administrated emu oil decreases acute inflammation and alters selected small intestinal parameters in a rat model of mucositis. British Journal of Nutrition 104:513-519.

MacLaughlin SM, Walker SK, Kleemann DO, Tosh DN, McMillen IC. 2010. Periconceptional undernutrition and being a twin each alter kidney development in the sheep fetus during early gestation. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative, and Comparative Physiology, 298(3): R692-9.

Mortimer SI, Van der Werf JHJ, Jacob RH, Pethick DW, Pearce KL, Warner RD, Geesink GH, Hocking Edwards JE, Gardner GE, Ponnampalam EN, Kitessa SM, Ball AJ, Hopkins DL. 2010. Preliminary estimates of genetic parameters for carcass and meat quality traits in Australian sheep. Animal Production Science 50:1135-1144

Nair, R. M.; Wilmshurst, C; Russ, M. H.; Williams, A.; Priest, M. 2010. First report of anthracnose (Colletotrichum trifolii) on Cullen australasicum (syn. Psorolea australasica) Australasian Plant Disease Notes (5)34–36.

Nair, R.M., Whittall, A., Hughes, S.J., Craig, A.D., Revell, D.K., Miller,S.M., Powell, T., Auricht, G.C. 2010. Variation in coumarin content of Melilotus species grown in South Australia. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 53(3):201-213

Patil, S.S., Ward, A.J., Kumar, M.S., Ball, A.S, 2010. Utilising bacterial communities associated with digested piggery effluent as a primary food source for the batch culture of Moina australiensis. Bioresource Technology, 101:3371-3378

Pearce KL, Van de Ven R, Mudford C, Warner RD, Hocking Edwards JE, Jacob RH, Pethick DW, Hopkins DL (2010a) Case studies demonstrating the benefits on pH and temperature decline of optimising medium-voltage electrical stimulation of lamb carcasses. Animal Production Science 50, 1107-1114

Pembleton KG, Smith RS, Rawnsley RP, Donaghy DJ, Humphries AW. 2010. Genotype by environment interactions of lucerne (Medicago sativa l.) in a cool temperate climate. Crop and Pasture Science 61:493-502.

Rattanatray L, MacLaughlin SM, Kleemann DO, Walker SK, Muhlhausler BS, McMillen IC. 2010. Impact of maternal periconceptional overnutrition on fat mass and expression of adipogenic and lipogenic genes in visceral and subcutaneous fat depots in the postnatal lamb. Endocrinology 151:5195-205.

Sandral, G., Degtjareva, G.V., Kramina, T.E., Sokoloff, D.D., Samigullin, T.H., Hughes, S.J., Valiejo-Roman, C.M. 2010. Are Lotus creticus and Lotus cytisoides (Leguminosae) closely related species? Evidence from nuclear ribosomal ITS sequence data. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 57:501–514

Wang YJ, Nair RM, Mu C, Dundas IS. 2010. Floral morphology and pollination system in the native Australian perennial pasture legume Cullen australasicum (syn. Psoralea australasica) Crop and Pasture Science 61(12) 1001-1008

Ward, A.J., Kumar, M.S. 2010. Bio-conversion rate and optimum harvest intervals for Moina australiensis using digested piggery effluent and Chlorella vulgaris as a food source. Bioresource Technology. 101:2210–2216

Warner RD, Jacob RH, Hocking Edwards JE, McDonagh MB, Pearce KL, Geesink GH, Kearney G, Allingham PG, Hopkins DL, Pethick DW. 2010. Quality of lamb meat from the Information Nucleus Flock. Animal Production Science 50:1123-1134

Zhang S, Rattanatray L, MacLaughlin SM, Cropley JE, Suter CM, Molloy L, Kleemann D, Walker SK, Muhlhausler BS, Morrison JL, McMillen IC. 2010. Periconceptional undernutrition in normal and overweight ewes leads to increased adrenal growth and epigenetic changes in adrenal IGF2/H19 gene in offspring. Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 24:2772-82.

Technical Papers

Glatz, P.C. 2010. Brooding and management of young chicks. Poultry Development Review. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Glatz, P.C. 2010. Incubation and hatching. Poultry Development Review. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Glatz, P.C. 2010. Housing and management of breeders. Poultry Development Review. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Glatz, P.C. 2010. Housing and management of broilers. Poultry Development Review. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Glatz, P.C. 2010. Housing and management of layers. Poultry Development Review. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Glatz, P.C. and Pym, R. 2010. Poultry housing and management in developing countries. Poultry Development Review. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Books/Book Chapters

Auricht, G.C., Hughes, S.J., Humphries, A. Hall, E. 2010. Plant Collection in Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan for Forage Improvement in Australia. In: Sustainable use of Genetic Diversity in Forage and Turf Breeding. Ed. Christian Huyghe (Springer, Netherlands).

Bennell, M., Hobbs, T. Hughes, S. and Revell, DK. 2010. Selecting potential woody forage plants that contain beneficial bioactives. In: In vitro screening of plant resources for extra-nutritional attributes in ruminants: nuclear and related methodologies. Ed. P.E. Vercoe et al (Springer, Netherlands)

Nichols, P. Craig, A., Bonython, A., Rogers, MJ.,Ballard,R., Charman, N.,Hughes, S.J. , Colmer, T., McClements, D., Barrett-Lennard, E. 2010. Development of Melilotus siculus – A New Salt and Waterlogging-tolerant Annual Fodder Legume Species for Mediterranean-type Climates. In: Sustainable use of Genetic Diversity in Forage and Turf Breeding. Ed. Christian Huyghe (Springer, Netherlands).

Popular Articles

Bennett, M.J. 2010. No-Till on Stony Soils. Crop Science Society Newsletter. April 2010

Bennet. M.J. 2010. Grain size a seeding issue. SANTFA – the No-Till Journal – Summer Edition – January 2010

Bonython, A. Messina Magic. From the Ground Up. Summer Edition, Issue 46, p.10.

Cook, A.A. 2010. Managing Rhizoctonia. West Coast Sentinel. 18 February, 2010.

Dunstan, D. 2010. Productive Pastures for Drained Paddocks. From the Ground Up. Summer Edition, Issue 46, p.11.

Fleet, B., Gill G., Bennet, M.J. 2010. Barley Grass, an emerging weed threat. SANTFA. The No-Till Journal Vol 7. No 2. Autumn Edition. April 2010

Glatz, P.C. 2010. Enriching the range to reduce feather pecking.

Howie, J. 2010. “Medic pasture checks erosion” – MyTake column. Stock Journal, August 5, p. 17.

Howie J, Ballard R, Peck D, Hill J, Latta R and Richter I. 2010. Multi-trait medics for the Mallee. 2010 Karoonda Trial Site Walk field book. Mallee Sustainable Farming Inc., pp. 38-41.

Humphries AW, Perry K. 2010. Virulent new blue-green aphid in SA. Grains Research Update. April 2010.

Marshall, E. 2010. Acid tolerant lucerne rhizobia: nodulating better at low pH. KI Ag Trials Booklet. January 2010.

Paterson C. Latta R.A. 2010. Time of Sowing Cereals for Grazing at MAC 2009. Crop Science Society Newsletter. April 2010

Rodda, B.K. 2010. Sparking kids’ curiosity about careers in poultry.

Conference Papers and Posters

Atkins, H., Geier, M.S., Turner, M., Forder, R.E.A., Pattanaik, A.K., Yazbeck, R. and Howarth, G.S. 2010. A novel mutant probiotic and the effects on colonic inflammation in a rat model of colitis. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 25 (Suppl 3):A17.

Black, J.J., Hughes, R.J., Geier, M.S., Nielsen, S.G. Tredrea, A.M. and Flinn, P.C. 2010. Update on near infrared reflectance analysis of grains to estimate nutritional value for chickens. Australian Poultry Science Symposium 21: 51-54.

Bonython A, Ballard R, Charman N, Craig A and Nichols P. 2010. Improving the nodulation of regenerating stands of Messina (Melilotus siculus) in saline soils. . In H Dove and RA Culvenor (Eds). “Food Security from Sustainable Agriculture”. Proceedings of the 15th Australian Agronomy Conference, 15-18 November November 2010, Lincoln, New Zealand.

Borland, E.A., Hazel, S., Glatz, P.C., Rodda, B.K., Rimmington, H., Wyatt, S.C. and Miao, Z.H. 2010. Attracting laying hens into range areas using shelterbelts. Australian Poultry Science Symposium 21: 134.

Brien, F. and Hinch, G. 2010. Improving lamb survival and reproductive efficiency in sheep. Proceedings of the 3rd AVA/NZVA Pan Pacific Veterinary Conference, Brisbane 2010 PD27b.1

Cook A, Wilhelm N, McKay A and Shepperd W. 2010. The effect of Brassica species on Rhizoctonia solani disease of barley in low-rainfall farming systems on upper Eyre Peninsula. . 15th Annual Conference of the Australian Society of Agronomy (held in conjunction with NZ Grasslands Conference) Lincoln New Zealand, 15-18 November.

De Koning C, Schutz P and Humphries AW. 2010. Performance of sheep grazing sulla (Hedysarum coronarium) based pastures in southern Australia. . In H Dove and RA Culvenor (Eds). “Food Security from Sustainable Agriculture”. Proceedings of the 15th Australian Agronomy Conference, 15-18 November November 2010, Lincoln, New Zealand.

De Koning C, Schutz P and Howie JH. 2010. Sulla (Hedysarum coronarium) production sown with cover crops. In H Dove and RA Culvenor (Eds). “Food Security from Sustainable Agriculture”. Proceedings of the 15th Australian Agronomy Conference, 15-18 November 2010, Lincoln, New Zealand.

Geier, M.S., Mikkelsen, L.L., Torok, V.A., Allison, G.E., Olnood, C., Setia, A., Choct, M., Boulianne, M. and Hughes, R.J. 2010. Effects of novel feed additives on gut health and overall performance in birds challenged with clostridium perfringens. Australian Poultry Science Symposium 21: 207-210.

Glatz, P.C. 2010. Broiler management in SE Asia and the Pacific Region. World’s Poultry Science Association Workshop: Improving poultry production in developing countries in the SE Asia Pacific Region, pp.13-14.

Glatz, P.C. 2010. Broiler housing in SE Asia and the Pacific Region. World’s Poultry Science Association Workshop: Improving poultry production in developing countries in the SE Asia Pacific Region, p. 17.

Glatz PC 2010. Using local ingredients for small scale manufacture of pig feed. Proceedings of 2010 ACIAR workshop on Pig Production in Eastern Indonesia, University of Udayana, Buklit Jimbaran Campus, Bali, Indonesia.

Glatz, P.C. 2010. Update on beak trimming research and alternatives (abstract). Proceedings of the Australian Poultry Welfare Research Seminar, October 20, 2010, Department of Primary Industries, Attwood, Victoria, p. 3.

Glatz, P.C., Black, I.D., Ayalew, W., Pandi, J.K., Hughes, R.J., Miao, Z.H., Wahanui, J., Jansen, T., Manu, V. and Rodda, B.K. 2010. Opportunities and sustainability of smallholder poultry production in the South Pacific Region. Australian Poultry Science Symposium 21: 145-152.

Glatz, P.C., Black, I.D., Ayalew, W., Pandi, J.K., Hughes, R.J., Miao, Z.H., Wahanui, J., Jansen, T., Manu, V. and Rodda, B.K. 2010. Opportunities and sustainability of smallholder poultry production in the South Pacific region. Australian Poultry Science Symposium 21: 145-152.

Glatz, P.C., Pym, R.A.E. and Rodda, B.K. 2010. Proceedings of the World’s Poultry Science Association Workshop, “Improving poultry production in developing countries in the SE Asia Pacific Region” (Ed. Glatz. P.C., Pym R. and Rodda, B.K) 37p.

Glatz PC, Rodda, BK, Borland EA, Hazel, S, Rimmington HJ, Wyatt SC, Miao ZH. 2010. Environmental enrichment for free range laying hen - does it reduce feather pecking? Proceedings of the 28th Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production (Ed, WA Pattie) p. 95

Glatz, P.C., Rodda, B.K., Rimmington, H., Wyatt, S.C and Miao, Z.H. 2010. Attracting laying hens into range areas using shade and forage. Australian Poultry Science Symposium 21: 135.

Golder, H.M., Geier, M.S., Hynd, P.I., Forder, R.E.A., Boulianne, M and Hughes, R.J. 2010. Feed additives influence goblet cell distribution and villus-crypt architecture in broilers after necrotic enteritis challenge. Australian Poultry Science Symposium 21: 211-214.

Gupta VVSR, McKay A., Diallo S., Smith D, Cook A., Kirkegaard J, Ophel-Keller, K., Roget D K. 2010. Temporal Dynamics of Rhizoctonia Solani AG8 Incoulum, In Australian Soils, Proceedings, Sixth Australian Soilborne Diseases Symposium, Queensland, Australia 9-11 August 2010.

Howie JH. 2010. The strategic use of chlorsulfuron in the seed production of Medicago littoralis cv. Angel. In H Dove and RA Culvenor (Eds). “Food Security from Sustainable Agriculture”. Proceedings of the 15th Australian Agronomy Conference, 15-18 November 2010, Lincoln, New Zealand.

Humphries AW, Peck D, Robinson S, Oldach K, Glatz R and Howie JH. 2010. A new highly virulent bluegreen aphid causes severe damage in previously tolerant pasture and grain legumes. . In H Dove and RA Culvenor (Eds). “Food Security from Sustainable Agriculture”. Proceedings of the 15th Australian Agronomy Conference, 15-18 November 2010, Lincoln, New Zealand.

Kartikasari, .L.R., Hughes, R.J., Geier, M.S., Makrides, M. and Gibson, R.A. 2010. Diets high in linoleic acid reduce omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in chicken tissues. Australian Poultry Science Symposium 21: 64-67.

Lindsay, R.J., Geier, M.S., Yazbeck, R., Butler, R.N. and Howarth, G.S. 2010. Prebiotic effects on chemotherapy-induced small bowel injury in rats. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 25 (Suppl 3):A5.

Nagle T, Kent P, Glatz PC. 2010. Enrichment of the range to encourage use by laying hens. Poultry Information Exchange, pp. 85-94.

Paterson C.L., Latta R, Wilhelm N and Whitbread A. 2010. Matching inputs to soil potential in low-rainfall cereal systems of the Upper Eyre Peninsula. 15th Annual Conference of the Australian Society of Agronomy, Lincoln New Zealand, 15-18 November.

Pearce KL, Hopkins DL, Mudford C, Hocking Edwards JE, Pethick DW. 2010. Optimisation of electrical stimulation for pH temperature compliance. In ‘Proceedings 56th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology. Session B’. (Jeju, South Korea)

Pearce KL, Hopkins DL, Williams A, Hocking Edwards JE, Jacob RH, Withers R, Refshauge G, Geesink G, Warner RD, Pethick DW. 2010. Assessment of electrical stimulation compliance at abattoirs using medium voltage electrical stimulation. In ‘Proceedings 56th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology. Session B’. (Jeju, South Korea)

Pescott F and Craig A. 2010. An early maturing Trifolium subterraneum L. var. yanninicum with improved agronomic traits. In H Dove and RA Culvenor (Eds). “Food Security from Sustainable Agriculture”. Proceedings of the 15th Australian Agronomy Conference, 15-18 November 2010, Lincoln, New Zealand.

Prisciandaro, L.D., Geier, M.S., Butler, R.N., Cummins, A.G. and Howarth, G.S. 2010. Pre-treatment with probiotic factors protect intestinal cells from 5-fluorouracil induced changes to trans-epithelial resistance and caspase 3/7 activation. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 25 (Suppl 3):A112.

Ponnampalam EN, Hopkins DL, Butler KL, Kitessa S, Hocking Edwards JE, Jacob RH, Pethick DW. 2010. Alpha-linolenic acid (ala) and its longer chain omega-3 derivatives (EPA,DPA&DHA) in meat from lambs reared under extensive grazing across several locations of Australia. In ‘Proceedings 56th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology. Session B’. (Jeju, South Korea)

Roberts CP, Coventry D, Hocking Edwards JE. 2010a. A comparison of land equivalent ratios and water use in lucerne and chicory based intercrops In 'Food Security from Sustainable Agriculture'. 15th Australian Agronomy Conference. Lincoln, New Zealand. (Ed. H Dove)

Roberts CP, Coventry D, Hocking Edwards JE. 2010b. A comparison of lucerne and chicory based intercrops and competition effects. In 'Food Security from Sustainable Agriculture'. 15th Australian Agronomy Conference. Lincoln, New Zealand. (Ed. H Dove)

Torok, V.A., Ophel-Keller, K., Mikkelsen, L.L., Perez-Maldonado, R., Balding, K., MacAlpine, R. and Hughes, R.J. 2010. Characterisation of gut bacteria associated with broiler performance across various Australian feeding trials. Australian Poultry Science Symposium 21: 195-198.

Whale, J.C., Leury, B.J., Farquharson R.J., and Hocking Edwards J.E. 2010. Lambing Merino ewes at 1 year of age – how productive and profitable for commercial enterprises? National Research Conference of the CRC for Sheep Industry Innovation, held in Adelaide on 20 & 21 October 2010. Animal Production Science 50, p xxx-xxxi.

Yazbeck R, Howarth GS, Butler RN, Geier MS, Abbott CA. 2010. Dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitors and small intestinal adaptation during experimental colitis. Gastroenterology Suppl. 138(5):S429.

Client Reports

Banhazi T, Tscharke M, Lewis B. and Broek D. 2010. Practical and continuous measurement of feed intake and pig weight. Final report for the Pork CRC (72 pages) (Pork CRC: Adelaide, Australia).

Bennet, M. 2010. Cereal Crop Competition vs Ryegrass. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 143-144.

Bennet, M. 2010. Improving Fertiliser Utilisation in No-till Systems. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 127-128.

Bennet, M. 2010. Managing Water Repellent Sands. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 129-131.

Bennet, M. 2010. Nitrogen Response at Minnipa in 2009. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 161.

Bennet, M. 2010. No-Till on Stony Soils. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 124-126.

Bennet, M. 2010. Peola at Minnipa 2009. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 60-62.

Bennet, M. 2010. What Happened To Very Early Sown Cereals at Minnipa? Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 32-34.

Bennet, M., Bates A, and Heddle, B. 2010. Minnipa Farming Systems Competition. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 120-122.

Bennet M, Purdie B, and Flint A. 2010. Crop-topping Cereals at Cummins. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 137-139.

Bennet, M., Willmott D 2010. Spreading Sand on Heavy Soils. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 132-133.

Brien, F.D., Hebart, M.L. 2010. Analysis of Reproduction Traits collected from the Information Nucleus from 2007 to 2009 – A discussion paper for the Sheep Cooperative Research Centre.

Cook, A., Gupta V, Shepperd W, 2010. Better Prediction and Management of Rhizoctonia Disease in Cereals. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 69-71.

Cook, A., Gupta V, Wilhelm N, Shepperd W 2010. Long Term Disease Suppression Trial at Streaky Bay. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 72-75.

Cook, A., Shepperd W 2010. Row direction and Stubble Cover. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 114-115.

Cook, A., Wilhelm N., Shepperd W 2010. Investigating the Impact of Carbon Inputs on Disease Suppression. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 66-68.

Cook, A., Wilhelm N, Shepperd W 2010. Understanding the Impact of Soil Mineral Nitrogen on Disease Suppression. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 63-65.

Davis, L., Latta R, Bennet M 2010. District Cereal Trials and Demos. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 28-31.

Davis, L., Shoobridge W 2010. Mt Cooper Break Crop Trial. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 58-59.

Fleet, B., Gill G, Bennet, M. 2010. Barley Grass, an Emerging Weed Threat. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 145-149.

Glatz, P.C. 2010. Travel Report. Attend annual review meeting on 11 November 2009 in Lae, Papua New Guinea for the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research project “Improving the profitability of village broilers in Papua New Guinea”.

Glatz, P.C. 2010. Travel report for attendance at Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research Workshop on Pig Production in West Papua, 26-27 July 2010.

Glatz, P.C. 2010. Travel report for attendance at Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research Project Review meeting in Jayapura, Papua, 18-20 October.

Glatz, P.C. 2010. Husbandry and genetic strategies to improve hide quality of ostriches. Rural Research and Development Corporation Publication No. 09/174, ISBN 1 74151 971 3, ISSN 1440-6845.

Glatz, P.C., Hinch, G. and Nagle, T. 2010. Alternatives to beak trimming. Final report to Poultry Co-operative Research Centre.

Glatz PC, Pym RAE, Rodda BK. 2010. Final Report to AusAid of the World’s Poultry Science Association Workshop, “Improving poultry production in developing countries in SE Asia and Pacific Region.”

Klante, M., Latta R 2010. MAC Farm Report 2009. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 17-18.

Latta, R., Klante M 2010. Annual Medic Pastures at MAC 2009. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 167-168.

Latta, R., Klante M 2010. The Impact on Paddock Health. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 118-119.

Latta, R., Klante M 2010. Responsive Farming Using VRT: Strip Grazing Barley at MAC 2009. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 116-117.

Masters, L. 2010. Is Time of Sowing as Important in a High Decile Season? Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 109-110.

Masters, L., McNeill A. 2010. Nutrients for Crops in 2010 - How Much Nutrition did you Export to the Silo Last Year and How Much Fertiliser are you Applying This Year. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 162-`163.

Masters, L., Wauchope K. 2010. Eyre Peninsula Seasonal Summary 2009. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 13-16.

McMurray, L., Leonforte T, Lines M, Shoobridge W, Bennie M, Davis L. 2010. Field Pea Performance at Minnipa 2009. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 44-46.

McMurray, L., Paterson C, Frischke A, Leonforte T, Shoobridge W, Bennie M, Davis L. 2010. Adaptive Peas for Low Rainfall Environments. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 47-50.

Paterson, C., Coventry S, and Eglington, J. 2010. Responsive Farming Using Very Early Maturing Barley. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 111-113.

Paterson, C., Latta R. 2010. Establishing Sustainable P Rates on Varying Soil Types. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 154-155.

Paterson, C., Latta R. 2010. Measuring the Effect of Residual P. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 156-157.

Paterson, C., Latta R. 2010. Time of Sowing Cereals for Grazing at MAC 2009. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 164-166.

Paterson, C., Latta R, Hunt E, Shepperd W 2010. Responsive Farming for Soil Type at Wharminda. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 95-96.

Paterson, C., Latta R, Shepperd W. 2010. Responsive Farming for Soil Type at Mudamuckla. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 91-92.

Paterson, C., Latta R, Shepperd W 2010. Responsive Farming Using Variable Rate Sowing at Minnipa 2009. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 87-90.

Paterson, C., Latta R, Shepperd W 2010. Responsive Farming Using Wheat Agronomy. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 105-108.

Thomas, G., Latta R, Cook A, Davis L. 2010. Selection of Canola Lines for Low Rainfall Environments in South Eastern Australia. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 55-57.

Whitbread, A., Frischke A, Paterson C, Scholz N, Latta R, Kuhlmann P. 2010. Farming to Soil Potential on the Upper Eyre Peninsula: How accurate was In-season Yield Prediction in 2009? Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 97-104.

Wilhelm, N., Thomas G. 2010. Crop Sequencing Initiative in Southern Australia. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 123.

Wilhelm, N., Thomas G. 2010. Highlights from the Low Rainfall Collaboration Project. Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems 2009 Summary: 192-193.

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