Marlene de Beer


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Many who have followed this article may say, to quote the poet Wallace Stevens, "but you do not play things as they are". And you will certainly be right when looking at the 'story' from our current social and economic setting… but then this is not really what social cohesion and education is about… it is about finding, and playing the 'tune beyond us, yet ourselves’ (Marcus Bussey, 1998:705 & 55). It challenges us metaphorically to continue to play, dance and imagine what our current and evolving educational policies and practices may achieve in and for the future, thus exploring with those who we educate now!
Howard Gardner (1983) has opened the possibilities of what may constitute intelligence and I put forward that social cohesion has a surface intellectual /rational level and learning (left brain activity), but the profoundness of it lies beneath and being prepared to work with it on an emotional, psychological (intra and inter) and spiritual level of learning, doing, experiencing and living (right brain activity). Social cohesion also asks a critical and reflexive solidarity, and potential and ability of collective intelligence to improve the quality of life for all (Phillip Brown and Hugh Lauder, 2000:242).
The questions remains, can education contribute to this dance in its current outfit? Maybe we should seize our fixation on the rear mirror while driving into the future…
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    1 Marlene de Beer is a South African national, and is currently studying at the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland on a UNESCO PhD studentship. She has studied social work [BA (Soc. Sc.)] and community development [MA (Soc. Sc.)], and has worked in these areas. Marlene has also lectured in community policing at Technikon South Africa (1994 - 2000).

    2 This part of the title has been inspired by the article of Sharon Jeannotte (2000)

    3 This part of the title has been inspired by the document of Maureen Williams (2001). She quotes the words of Johann Wolfgang Goethe: Everything is simpler that you think and at the same time more complex than you imagine.”

    4 Bricoleurship means Jack of all trade / professional do-it-yourself (Claude Lévi-Strauss, 1972:16-36).

    5 Reflection on the following sources (amongst other) influenced the above writing: C Wright Mills, 1959:3, 6 & 192; Liz Stanley and Sue Wise in Michael Haralambos, Martin Holborn and Robin Heald, 2000:989; Mary Cooper & Sue Burroughs-Lange, 1999:401-407; Antony Giddens, 1991:178; bell hooks, 1990:145-53; Edward Soja,1996:97; Catherine Odora Hoppers, 1997:15-29 & 1998:5; Norman Denzin and Yvonne Lincoln, 2000:291-6; Kincheloe & Steinberg, 1997; William Pifer, 1999:556-557; Clive Beck, 1993; Michael Foucault, 1972; Lois McNay, 1992:25; Patton, 2002; Shi-xu , 2002; Steven Seidman, 1996)

    6 James Tooley, in his book Reclaiming Education (2000:20) states that ‘the core … will be a philosophical approach – perhaps for those purist around, we should point out that this won’t be of too grueling a kind, and perhaps would only pass muster in some circles as pop philosophy. But it is philosophy (pop or otherwise) which we have to use to explore the fundamental questions of the role of … education, because fundamentally these questions hinge upon ethical concepts, concepts such as equality and equity, and choice and democracy. There is also the core philosophical question – which we certainly haven’t forgotten, and must explore – of what education is.’ I also assert that the debate about social cohesion and how it may relate to education brings us again back into this center of inquiry and asks us to engage with it with integrity on various and multiple levels of our minds and hearts.

    7 Which currently stands at 9 which may symbolize the period of pregnancy, of being in the womb, before birth…

    8 de Beer, Marlene. (27-30 June 2001). Initial experiences and reflections on social cohesion and education: What does the concept mean and what is the role of international organisations in the development of social cohesion through education? Presentation at the 5th International Conference of the Ethnic Studies Network – from Violence to Politics (INCORE, London/derry), University of Ulster, Northern Ireland.

    9 de Beer, Marlene. (10 September 2003). A Seventh Moment Bricoleurship and Narrative Turn To Poetics in Educational Research. Paper presented at the British Educational Research Association, Research Student Symposium, Edinburgh, UK.(10-13 Sept. 2003)

    10 The first dialogue box contains textual data of Stephen Heyneman (in James Guthrie, 2003:2243-2250); the second and third dialogue boxes provide empirical data obtained during Friday lunch-time seminar series at the School of Education, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland (The 2nd dialogue box contains empirical data provided by Brendan Hartop, Director: International Projects, UNESCO Centre, School of Education [28 June 2002]. The 3rd dialogue box contains empirical data provided by a male senior lecturer in the School of Education [17 May 2002]); and all other dialogue boxes are based on empirical data (verbatim quotations) from a transcribed interview with Prof Catherine Odora Hoppers, 28 November 2001.

    11 van der Merwe and also Ramose in Louw,

    12 Shutte in Louw (ibid.)

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