Q5. It may be appropriate to take courses or qualifications which are not covered in the range offered by our
PDU. Staff arc encouraged to take courses and qualifications with other training organisations with the
agreement of their line supervisor or head of department. Support and funding is available to staff through
the PDU where this is thought appropriate and helpful to the company as a whole. Application forms for
funding can be obtained from Dr Bob Morley, the Director of our PDU, but must be submitted by the
appropriate head of department. Within the last year we have supported staff taking courses in Advanced
Marketing at the University of Freemantle. It is company policy for staff to make some financial
commitment to the courses they take in these circumstances.
Q6. Staff may also wish to take other courses or training for their own personal development and there are
opportunities for support here too. The PDU has a budget for extraordinary training to provide some help
to staff undertaking training in this category. This is also administered by Dr Morley in the PDU and an
application form should be sought from him. Currently being funded are courses at the Queensland Higher
College in aromatherapy and spiritual cleansing.
Q7. For a full description of all courses and funding opportunities available to staff through Jago International,
contact Dr Bob Morley on extension 5391 or at the Professional Development Unit at the Headquarters