Medical Training Review Panel 19th Report

Contents List of tables

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List of tables



Table 1.1: Medical colleges: Acronyms, names and specialties 28

Table 2.1: Medical students in Australian universities, 2015 31

Table 2.2: Domestic medical students in Australian universities, 2015 32

Table 2.3: International medical students in Australian universities, 2015 33

Table 2.4: International students studying in Australian offshore programs, 2015 35

Table 2.5: Medical students by type of student place and university, 2015 36

Table 2.6: Commencing medical students by type of student place and university, 2015 37

Table 2.7: Medical students by type of student place: Number and proportion of places, 2011-2015 38

Table 2.8: Commencing medical students by sex and age, 2014 39

Table 2.9: Preferred type of medical practice in final year of medical degree, 2010-2014 40

Table 2.10: International commencing medical students holding temporary or ‘other’ entry permits by place of birth, 2015 72

Table 2.11: Commencing medical students by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status, 2008-2015 72

Table 2.12: Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander medical students studying in Australian universities, 2006-2015 73

Table 2.13: Commencing domestic students with a rural background by state/territory, 2015 74

Table 2.14: Commencing domestic medical students: Attrition rates, 2014 75

Table 2.15: Commencing international medical students: Attrition rates, 2014 76

Table 2.16: Commencing medical students: Attrition rates, 2008-2014 77

Table 2.17: Continuing domestic medical students: Attrition rates, 2014 78

Table 2.18: Continuing international medical students: Attrition rates, 2014 79

Table 2.19: Continuing medical students: Attrition rates, 2008-2014 80

Table 2.20: Commencing medical students: Domestic, international and proportion of females, 2011-2015 80

Table 2.21: Commencing medical student projections, 2016 81

Table 2.22: Medical students: Domestic, international and proportion of females, 2011-2015 81

Table 2.23: Domestic medical school graduates in Australian universities, by state/territory, 2010-2014 82

Table 2.24: International medical school graduates in Australian universities by state/territory, 2010-2014 83

Table 2.25: Medical graduates: Domestic, international and proportions of females, 2010-2014 84

Table 2.26: Medical graduates by type of student place: Number and proportions of places, 2012-2014 84

Table 2.27: Domestic medical students expected to graduate from Australian universities: Projected numbers by state/territory, 2015-2018 85

Table 2.28: International medical students expected to graduate from Australian universities: Projected numbers by state/territory, 2015-2018 86

Table 2.29: Medical students expected to graduate from Australian universities: Projected number of domestic and international students, 2015-2018 86

Table 3.1: Modified Monash Model Classification 90

Table 3.2: Commencing postgraduate year 1 trainees or supervised training positions: Total, females and proportion of females by doctor category and state/territory, 2015 91

Table 3.3a: Commencing postgraduate year 1 trainees (RA2-RA5)(a) by state/territory, 2015 92

Table 3.3b: Commencing postgraduate year 1 trainees (MMM3-MMM7)(a) by state/territory, 2015 93

Table 3.4: Commencing postgraduate year 1 trainees by state/territory, 2011-2015 93

Table 3.5: Commencing doctors in postgraduate year 2 training positions: Total, females and proportion of females by doctor category and state/territory, 2015 95

Table 3.6: Postgraduate year 2 commencements by state/territory, 2011-2015 96

Table 4.1: Basic training: Positions/posts and facilities/programs by medical specialty, 2015 101

Table 4.2: Advanced training: Positions/posts and facilities/programs by medical specialty, 2015 102

Table 4.3: Vocational training positions/trainees by medical specialty, 2015 104

Table 4.4 Basic trainees and first-year basic trainees by medical specialty and state/territory, 2015 106

Table 4.5: Female basic trainees by medical specialty and state/territory, 2015 107

Table 4.6: Vocational training positions/trainees: Total, basic, female basic and first-year basic trainees, 2011-2015 107

Table 4.7: Basic training positions/trainees by medical specialty, 2011-2015 108

Table 4.8: Basic training positions/trainees by state/territory, 2011-2015 109

Table 4.9: First-year basic trainees by medical specialty, 2011-2015 109

Table 4.10: First-year basic trainees by state/territory, 2011-2015 109

Table 4.11: Proportion of female basic trainees by medical specialty, 2011-2015 110

Table 4.12: Proportion of female basic trainees by state/territory, 2011-2015 110

Table 4.13: Advanced vocational training positions/trainees by medical specialty and state/territory, 2015 111

Table 4.14: Proportion of advanced training positions/trainees by medical specialty and state/territory, 2015 112

Table 4.15: First-year advanced positions/trainees by medical specialty and state/territory, 2015 113

Table 4.16: Female advanced trainees by medical specialty and state/territory, 2015 114

Table 4.17: Advanced trainees undertaking part-time training by medical specialty and state/territory, 2015 116

Table 4.18: Advanced trainee discontinuations by state/territory, 2011-2015 117

Table 4.19: Obstetrics and gynaecology advanced trainees: Total, proportion of total and females by subspecialty, 2015 117

Table 4.20: Pathology advanced trainees: Total, proportion of total and females by subspecialty, 2015 118

Table 4.21: Pathology advanced trainees by subspecialty and state/territory, 2015 118

Table 4.22: Physician adult medicine advanced trainees: Total, proportion of total and females by subspecialty, 2015 119

Table 4.23: Physician adult medicine advanced trainees by subspecialty and state/territory, 2015 120

Table 4.24: Physician paediatric and child health advanced trainees: Total, proportion of total and females by subspecialty, 2015 121

Table 4.25: Physician paediatric and child health advanced trainees by subspecialty and state/territory, 2015 122

Table 4.26: Surgical advanced trainees: Total, proportion of total and females by subspecialty, 2015 123

Table 4.27: Surgical advanced trainees by subspecialty and state/territory, 2015 123

Table 4.28: Vocational training positions/trainees: Total, advanced, female advanced and part-time advanced trainees, 2011-2015 124

Table 4.29: Advanced training positions/trainees by medical specialty, 2011-2015 125

Table 4.30: Advanced training positions/trainees by state/territory, 2011-2015 126

Table 4.31: Proportion of female advanced trainees by medical specialty, 2011-2015 127

Table 4.32: Proportion of female advanced trainees by state/territory, 2011-2015 128

Table 4.33: Advanced trainees undertaking part-time training by medical specialty, 2011-2015 129

Table 4.34: General practice trainees: Registrars, first-year registrars and female registrars by state/territory and training consortium, 2015(a) 130

Table 4.35: General practice rural pathway trainees by state/territory, 2015 131

Table 4.36: Vocational trainees sitting a final or fellowship examination: Trainees sitting and proportion passing by medical specialty, 2014 132

Table 4.37: Vocational trainees undertaking additional examinations: Numbers and proportions passing by medical specialty, 2014 133

Table 4.38: Vocational trainees who passed final or fellowship examination by medical specialty, 2010-2014 135

Table 4.39: Proportion of vocational trainees sitting a final or fellowship examination who passed by medical specialty, 2010-2014 136

Table 4.40: New fellows: Total, females and overseas trained specialists by medical specialty, 2014 138

Table 4.41: New fellows by medical specialty and state/territory, 2014 139

Table 4.42: Female new fellows by medical specialty and state/territory, 2014 140

Table 4.43: New fellows by medical specialty, 2010-2014 141

Table 4.44: New fellows by state/territory, 2010-2014 142

Table 4.45: Proportion of female new fellows by medical specialty, 2010-2014 143

Table 4.46: Proportion of female new fellows by state/territory, 2010-2014 144

Table 4.47: Obstetrics and gynaecology subspecialties: New fellows, females and proportion of females by subspecialty, 2014 144

Table 4.48: Pathology subspecialties: New fellows, females and proportion of females by subspecialty, 2014 144

Table 4.49: Physician adult medicine subspecialties: New fellows, females and proportion of females by subspecialty, 2014 145

Table 4.50: Physician paediatric and child health subspecialties: New fellows, females and proportion of females by subspecialty, 2014 146

Table 4.51: Surgical subspecialties: New fellows, females and proportion of females by subspecialty, 2014 146

Table 4.52: Fellows: Total, number and proportion of females, and new fellows and proportion of all fellows by medical specialty, 2014 147

Table 4.53: Fellows by medical specialty and state/territory, 2014 148

Table 4.54: Female fellows by medical specialty and state/territory, 2014 149

Table 4.55: Pathology fellows: Total, females and proportion of females by subspecialty, 2014 150

Table 4.56: Physician adult medicine fellows: Total, females and proportion of females by subspecialty, 2014 151

Table 4.57: Physician paediatrics and child health fellows: Total, females and proportion of females by subspecialty, 2014 152

Table 4.58: Surgical fellows: Total, females and proportion of females by subspecialty, 2014 153

Table 5.1: Major classes of primary visa granted to medical practitioners(a),(b),

2010-11 to 2014-15 158

Table 5.2: Primary visas granted to medical practitioners by visa subclass: Top 10 citizenship countries(a),(b), 2014-15 160

Table 5.3: Primary visa holders where the occupation is medical practitioner by visa subclass(a), 2013-14 and 2014-15 160

Table 5.4a: International medical graduates: Applications assessment through Competent Authority Pathway by AMC, 1 January 2014 - 30 June 2014 163

Table 5.5: International medical graduates: Applications assessed through Standard Pathway AMC examination, 2014 167

Table 5.6: International medical graduates: Workplace-based assessment through Standard Pathway, 2014 168

Table 5.7a: Specialist assessment process by medical specialty, 1 January 2014 – 30 June 2014 232

Table 5.7b: Specialist assessment process by medical specialty, 1 July 2014 – 31 December 2014 258

Table 5.8: Substantially comparable specialist applications by country of training and medical speciality, 2014 259

Table 5.9: Overseas trained doctors with section 19AB exemptions, 2015 261

Table 5.10: Overseas trained doctors by state/territory, 2015 261

Table 6.1: Providers on approved 3GA programs placements, 2004-05 to 2014-15 266

Table B1: Summary of specialty training requirements and entry time, 2015 289

Table B2: Summary of specialty part-time training requirements, 2015 295

Table B3: Summary of specialty interrupted training requirements, 2015 298

Table D1: Commencing medical students: Domestic, international and proportion of females, 2000-2015 362

Table D2: Commencing medical students by university and state/territory, 2005-2015 373

Table D3: Commencing domestic medical students by university and state/territory, 2005-2015 416

Table D4: Commencing international medical students by university and state/territory, 2005-2015 457

Table D5: Medical students in Australian universities, 2000-2015 501

Table D6: Medical students: Domestic, international and total by state/territory, 2005-2015 514

Table D7: Domestic medical school graduates from Australian universities, 1997-2014 551

Table D8: Medical graduates: Domestic, international and proportion of domestic, international and females, 1999-2014 552

Table D9: Medical graduates: Domestic, international and total by state/territory, 2004-2014 553

Table D10: Postgraduate year 1: Commencing trainees or supervised training places by state/territory, 2004-2015 554

Table D11: Postgraduate year 2: Commencing doctors by state/territory, 2004-2015 555

Table D12: Basic training positions/trainees by medical speciality, 2000-2015 556

Table D13: Basic training positions/trainees by state/territory, 2000-2015 557

Table D14: Basic training first-year positions/trainees by medical speciality, 2000-2015 558

Table D15: Basic training first-year positions/trainees by state/territory, 2000-2015 559

Table D16: Basic trainees: Proportion of females by medical speciality, 2000-2015 560

Table D17: Basic trainees: Proportion of females by state/territory, 2000-2015 561

Table D18: Vocational training positions/trainees: Total, basic, female basic and first-year basic trainees, 2000-2015 562

Table D19: Advanced training positions/trainees by medical speciality, 1997-2015 563

Table D20: Advanced training positions/trainees by state/territory, 1997-2015 565

Table D21: Advanced training first-year positions/trainees by medical speciality, 1997-2015 566

Table D22: Advanced training first-year positions/trainees by state/territory, 1997-2015 568

Table D23: Advanced trainees: Proportion of females by medical speciality, 1997-2015 569

Table D24: Advanced trainees: Proportion of females by state/territory, 1997-2015 571

Table D25: Vocational training positions/trainees: Total, advanced, female advanced and part-time advanced trainees, 1997-2015 572

Table D26: New fellows by medical speciality, 2000-2014 573

Table D27: New fellows by state/territory, 2000-2014 575

Table D28: New female fellows by state/territory, 2000-2014 576

Table D29: New fellows: Proportion of females by medical speciality, 2000-2014 577

Table D30: New fellows: Proportion of females by state/territory, 2000-2014 578

Table D31: Fellows by medical speciality, 2008-2014 579

Table D32: Fellows by state/territory, 2008-2014 581

Table D33: Female fellows by state/territory, 2008-2014 581

Table D34: Fellows: Proportion of females by medical speciality, 2008-2014 582

Table D35: Fellows: Proportion of females by state/territory, 2008-2014 583

Table D36: Overseas trained doctors with section 19AB exemptions, 2002-2015 583

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