Minutes of Missouri state Panhellenic

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October 18, 2017

Minutes of Missouri state Panhellenic

The general council meeting was called to order by president Lanie Ellis at 4:07 pm in the Parliamentary room. the roll was called by vice president of administration kalysa santos.


1.Roll call: AXΩ (yes), AΔΠ (yes), AOii (yes), AΣA (yes), ΔZ (yes), ΓΦB (yes), ΣK (yes), ΣΣΣ (yes), ΞOI (yes)


A.Rho Lambda

3.Previous minutes

A.Lanie entertains a motion to approve the previous minutes. It is motioned by Alpha Omicron Pi and seconded by Gamma Phi Beta.

4.open forum

A.Logan Harrod-SOAR

B.Alex Johnson-Community Service

5.Officer Reports

A.President: Lanie Ellis (alana712@live.missouristate.edu)

i.Applications are out!!

ii.Today is the day PHA will be staying after to do a panel so people can ask us questions about our positions! If you have questions/are just curious please stay and hang out with us. It’ll be fun!

iii.Be safe this weekend, and have fun!

B.VP of Community Relations: Joy Sharp (joy1996@live.missouristate.edu)

i.We are officially one month away from FSL Day of Service (November 18th). We still have 30 open spots, so please remind your chapter to sign up on givepulse for this. We will share the link on FSL Social Media!

ii.There are 7 spots still open for PHA Day at the Dream Center on November 4th!

C.VP of Membership Development: Molly Kate Adelmann (adelmann95@live.missouristate.edu)

i.Sisterhood Week Layout/Pairings ��

1.Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Omicron Pi, Sigma Sigma Sigma

2.Alpha Delta Pi, Sigma Kappa, Alpha Sigma Alpha

3.Delta Zeta, Gamma Phi Beta, Xi Omicron Iota

ii.Please reach out if you want to know more about Liv & I's position after tonight's info session!

D.VP of Recruitment: Amy Brown (brown4750@live.missouristate.edu)

i.As always, please let me know if you are interested in running for my position!

E.VP of Academics: Taylor Christopher (taylore3543@live.missouristate.edu)

i.Midterm grades should be released tomorrow so make sure you check those and see how you're doing in your classes!

ii.Invitations for the 4.0 banquet were emailed out yesterday - delegates, if someone in your chapter believes they should have gotten an invitation but did not please email me their name and email address!

F.VP of Administration: Kalysa Santos (kalysa23@live.missouristate.edu)

i.If you want to know more about my position, message me and we can chat! Hang out after and ask us all questions! If you ever need anything from me, just ask! 

G.Director of New Member Education: Olivia Pahic (pahic18@live.missouristate.edu)

i.Thank you to those who came to New Member Day. Hope you had a great time! The winner of the Sock Drive is Sigma Sigma Sigma!!!! You will be receiving a $100 check to your philanthropy within the next couple weeks.

ii.New Member of the Week Spotlight

iii.Have a great rest of your week!

H.Director of Marketing and PR: Daphne Meine (dm14@live.missouristate.edu)

i.If you are interested in being Director of Marketing and PR please email me so we can schedule a time to chat.

I.Director of Panhellenic Counselors: Ashley Kasten (akk664@live.missouristate.edu)

i.I hope you are all having an incredible week. If you are interested in my position, text me! I would love to chat. 816-308-7726

J.Director of Social Awareness: Rachel Frisch (frisch297@live.missouristate.edu)

i.October is LGBTQ+ Pride Month. Tonight at 6PM in the PSU Theater is the keynote address for the month. Tiq Milan and Kim Katrin Milan are a married couple who will be speaking on the intersection of trans identity and racial identity and how personal identity is part of their marriage. I sent the calendar of the other events for LGBTQ+ Pride Month to the delegates.

ii.Last Wednesday was National Coming Out Day. October 11th and every day after that, we have an obligation to make our community a safe place and show our sisters that they are loved and supported and can feel safe sharing their sexual orientation and gender identity. To anyone who has come out in the past, know that you are loved and supported by so many people in this community.

iii.November 28th at 6:30PM in Library 101, FSLSA will be hosting a workshop on overcoming biases featuring a Ted Talk and facilitated discussion. Students at the workshop will also be taking the implicit bias test developed by Harvard University.

iv.Members of the FSLSA Executive Board have been coming around to chapters to talk about our upcoming Dodgeball Tournament. The tournament is on November 10th as part of Mental Health Awareness Week. It is $40 for a team of six and all proceeds go to the Betty and Bobby Allison Ozark Counseling Center. There will also be a penny wars going on outside of the PSU that whole week to promote the tournament.

K.Chief Justice: Carlye Genisio (genisio3204@live.missouristate.edu)

i.I hope y'all had a great break and took at least one day to relax. If you want need to get your application signed for my position let me know early so I can make sure to write you in my planner! Otherwise have a safe and fun time at the tailgate and Homecoming kickoff this weekend! Bear Up!

L.Associate Chief Justice: Tobi Ponnle (olayemi997@live.missouristate.edu)

i.Keep sending in Standard Stars!!


M.Graduate Assistant: Sam

N.Assistant Director for Fraternity and Sorority Life: Kate Roessler

i.No report

6.unfinished business

7.new business


A.Alpha Chi Omega

i.TODAY IS NACHO NIGHT!! Stop by the Alpha Chi house between 5-8pm tonight and get delicious nachos (lots of toppings) and a drink for $5! All proceeds go straight to Harmony House to help domestic violence victims in our community. We hope to see you all there!! Also, this weekend is our dad’s weekend so we’re excited to spend time tailgating and at the Wonders of Wildlife aquarium with them! Also, the link for the Panhellenic shirts comes down TONIGHT! So just remind your chapters they have until 11:00pm to order please :) the link is on the MSU University Tees insta!!

B.Alpha Delta Pi

i.Diamond Days starts tonight. We are so excited to walk our new members through a deeper part of our sisterhood. Our fall fest shirt link closed. When the shirts come in, I will bring them to you or your house to pass out. Fall fest is only 2 weeks away on November 1st from 6pm-9pm so we hope to see you there!

C.Alpha Omicron Pi

i.We hope everyone had a fun and safe fall break! This Saturday is our sisterhood retreat. We will be going to Campbell's Maze Daze and doing a bunch of fun activities with our sisters including pumpkin painting, a bonfire, and a haunted corn maze. Good luck to everyone during Homecoming next week!!

D.Alpha Sigma Alpha

i.We hope everyone had a rejuvenating fall break, and is ready to kick butt for the rest of the semester! Tonight is our ASA's Got Talent Sisterhood Retreat and we cannot wait to see all of our sisters hidden talents! We are in the midst of our D.O.T Days which stands for Donate Our Time. Alpha Sigma Alpha aims for every member to complete two hours of community service during this week! We're having so much fun giving back to the community with our sisters! Have a great rest of the week.

E.Delta Zeta

i.Hey everyone! We hope you all had a nice relaxing break! Last night we had our "You're Stuck with Me" Big/Little reveal. It was so much fun watching girls get Big/Littles.

ii.Another reminder about our ALL sorority Halloween party Sunday Oct 29th! I'm so excited to see everyone's costumes and to get to know more of our panhellenic sisters! So I hope you all can make it.

iii.Also we are selling popcorn until oct. 29th for the Communication Sciences and Disorders, its 5$ a bag (cash or check only). Three flavors available or you can buy them all in a variety pack! Just find a Delta Zeta member to fill out the order form!

F.Gamma Phi Beta

i.This week is our Initiation Week! We’ve been having a great time showering our new members in Gamma Phi love and we can’t wait to share what it means to be a Gamma Phi with them on Saturday! We hope everyone has a great week and good luck with Homecoming festivities coming up!

G.Sigma Kappa

i.We are so excited to bear up with our dad’s at the football game this weekend for dad’s day! Also good luck to everyone with homecoming coming up! Have a great rest of your week!

H.Sigma Sigma Sigma

i.We hope everyone had a fun and relaxing break! This week we have our Character Counts Week, which is where we have fun little activities planned each day to help remind us to be women of character and to think about who we would like to become as a person. Don't forget about our Kindergarten Dinner philanthropy event on November 1st at our house from 6pm-10pm. Lastly, we just want to wish everyone a good luck during Homecoming next week, we know y'all are gonna some kick-butt and do great things!!

I.Xi Omicron Iota

i.Thanks again to everyone who came out to Climb For A Cure! It was a successful event that we hope to continue in the future. We are also so excited for Homecoming next week! We can't wait to see everyone's themes, banners, floats, and more! Have a great rest of the week!

9.liason reports

A.IFC-Kathryn Verry: IFC Report for PHA:

i.TKE is having a BBQ and garage sale October 20th from 1-5 pm at their house.

ii.Delta Chi

1.They are tabling all week to raise money for the V Foundation to benefit cancer research

2.On October 18th they are having a 3 v. 3 basketball tournament from 6-10 pm in the rec. You can sign up at the door.

3.On October 19th they will have a food truck at their house from 5pm-2am.

B.NPHC-Jessica Armstrong: Next week on the 28th they are having their step show in Carrington. It is $10!

C.SAC-Catherine Mack:

D.SGA-Karlee Lewis:

E.TC-Amber Moore:


A.Lanie entertains a motion to adjourn meeting. It is motioned by Alpha Chi Omega and seconded by Alpha Sigma Alpha.

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